business video hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Wed, 13 Mar 2024 12:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business video hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 Video prospecting tools, examples and best practices to boost sales Fri, 08 Sep 2023 13:10:34 +0000 In today’s rapidly digitizing business landscape, the methodologies we employ for client engagement are undergoing significant transformations. One such paradigm shift is the emergence of video prospecting. This isn’t just another buzzword; it’s a strategic evolution in the realm of business communication. Recent analytical data underscores the efficacy of video in outreach campaigns. Video content, […]

The post Video prospecting tools, examples and best practices to boost sales appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

In today’s rapidly digitizing business landscape, the methodologies we employ for client engagement are undergoing significant transformations. One such paradigm shift is the emergence of video prospecting. This isn’t just another buzzword; it’s a strategic evolution in the realm of business communication. Recent analytical data underscores the efficacy of video in outreach campaigns. Video content, with its dynamic visual and auditory elements, garners higher engagement metrics compared to traditional text-based communication. This is further facilitated by the surge in sophisticated video prospecting tools that offer functionalities ranging from video analytics to integration capabilities.

In this blog, we’ll discuss video prospecting, showcasing some stellar video prospecting examples and highlighting the best tools to get you started. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting off with video prospecting, there’s something here for everyone.

What is Video Prospecting?

Video prospecting is the way of sending personalized video for sales messages instead of traditional cold emails or phone calls to prospective clients. In other words, you make a short video to introduce yourself, your product, or service and send it to your potential customer. Take an example of a B2B software sales scenario. A quick explainer video can demonstrate how the software solution solves a specific problem for a business, making it easier for prospects to visualize the benefits.

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics, and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.

Video prospecting is now a modern sales strategy where sales representatives create short, customized video clips to send to potential clients or customers. Unlike traditional cold emails or calls, this approach leverages the power of video to capture attention and convey messages more effectively. The videos can range from introductory messages and product demonstrations to follow-ups or even thank-you notes after a meeting.

The Components of Video Prospecting

Personalization – The video is often tailored to the specific prospect. Your goal is to talk to the person, not at them.

Concise – These videos are not long-winded lectures but short and engaging clips. They get straight to the point and are usually under 2 minutes.

CTA (Call to Action) – Each video should have a clear next step for the viewer, such as scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or visiting a webpage.

Relevance – The content of the video should solve a problem or answer a question that you know the prospect has.

Professionalism – While you can show personality, it’s important that the video is professionally made to maintain credibility.

Limitations of Traditional Prospecting Methods

Traditional prospecting methods and video prospecting each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Below, we have outlined some of the limitations of traditional prospecting methods compared to video prospecting.

Time-Consuming – Traditional prospecting often involves cold calling, sending emails, or even door-to-door visits, which can be time-consuming.

Low Engagement – Cold emails and calls often have low engagement rates as they can be easily ignored or forgotten.

Limited Personalization – It’s difficult to convey personality or build a relationship through text-based communication like emails.

Resource Intensive – Traditional methods may require more manpower for less return, especially for activities like cold calling.

Lack of Visual Elements – Traditional methods usually don’t incorporate visual elements, making it harder to capture attention or explain complex topics.

No Immediate Feedback – With methods like email, it’s hard to get immediate feedback or gauge the prospect’s reaction in real-time.

Geographical Limitations – Traditional prospecting methods like door-to-door visits are limited by geography.

Criteria Traditional Prospecting Video Prospecting
Time Required High Low
Engagement Level Low High
Personalization Limited High
Resource Intensity High Low
Visual Elements Limited Available
Immediate Feedback Rare Possible
Geographical Limitations Yes No
Versatility Limited (specific platforms) High (multiple platforms)

Why Video Prospecting is the Future of Sales

Higher Engagement Rates

Statistics show that emails with videos receive a 300% higher click-through rate compared to standard emails. People are more likely to engage with a video than read a lengthy email. Studies indicate that people retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. This higher retention rate can translate to better engagement and a more educated prospect.

Builds Trust Faster

A video lets you showcase your personality, making it easier for prospects to know, like, and trust you. Video allows for the nuances of voice tone, facial expression, and body language, making it a powerful medium for building rapport and trust instantly. Trust is essential in sales, and video speeds up this process.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Your competitors are probably still stuck on emails and cold calls. Sending a well-crafted video message will make you stand out, boosting the chance of getting a response. It shows you’re innovative and willing to go the extra mile.

Easy to Measure analytics

Modern video platforms offer analytics. Advanced video hosting platforms offer rich analytics like view duration, engagement rate, and even heatmap reports that show exactly which parts of the video were watched, skipped, or re-watched. You can see how long someone watched your video and whether they took action, making it easier to adapt and improve your strategy.


Video content is highly mobile-friendly, allowing your prospects to view your message anytime, anywhere. As of 2021, over 50% of video views come from mobile devices. Video prospecting fits right into the mobile-friendly culture, making it more accessible for people on-the-go.

Multipurpose Content

Your video can be repurposed. You can use snippets for social media, customer testimonials, or other sales activities, maximizing your effort.

Increases Sales Conversions

Studies reveal that 74% of users who watched an explainer video about a product subsequently bought it. The medium is powerful in influencing purchase decisions.

Video prospective effectiveness infographic

Essential Video Prospecting Tools for Businesses

Video prospecting is an innovative and engaging approach to engage potential clients, and it’s a strategy that’s gaining momentum in many industries. By sending personalized video messages instead of traditional cold emails or calls, businesses can capture leads more effectively.

Below are some essential video prospecting tools that can help businesses improve their outreach:

Video Creation and Editing Tools

    • Camtasia – Great for creating more detailed videos with a need for editing, annotations, and other advanced features.
    • Loom – A quick and easy-to-use tool for recording both screen and camera footage.
    • Animoto – Useful for creating more polished videos, complete with music, transitions, and more.

Host your sales videos with VdoCipher and give your prospects a seamless viewing experience. A higher quality experience means higher engagement.

Video Hosting Platforms

  • YouTube – The most popular video hosting platform, although it can be challenging to stand out and it lacks some business-oriented features.
  • VdoCipherVdoCipher is a well-known video hosting platform that offers DRM video protection to secure your videos from piracy, unauthorized access, and illegal downloads or sharing. Using Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM, your videos are highly secured.

CRM Integration

  • HubSpot – Allows you to track how recipients engage with your video content, all within the CRM.
  • Salesforce – Offers video tracking and analytics when integrated with video tools.
  • Zoho CRM – Another CRM option that offers video email capabilities when integrated correctly.

Email Tracking Tools

  • Yesware – Allows you to track who opened your email and clicked on your video link.
  • Mailtrack – Simple tracking for Gmail that lets you know when your emails have been read.
  • Mixmax – Gmail extension that offers email tracking, scheduling, and more.

Scripting and Storyboarding

  • Celtx –  Online software for scriptwriting and storyboarding.
  • StudioBinder – Provides scriptwriting and a variety of pre-production tools.
  • Storyist – A tool that offers a robust set of features for scriptwriting and outlining.

Teleprompter Apps

  • PromptSmart Pro – A voice-activated teleprompter app.
  • Selvi – An Android app that acts as a teleprompter.
  • Teleprompter Lite – A simple, free teleprompter app for iOS.

By investing in a selection of these tools, businesses can create a comprehensive video prospecting strategy that is capable of reaching potential clients in a personal, engaging manner.

Quantitative & Qualitative Metrics to measure video prospecting performance

Measuring video prospecting success in your business involves a multi-faceted approach that accounts both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Here are some ways to evaluate the effectiveness of your video prospecting efforts:

Quantitative Metrics

Click-Through Rate (CTR) – Measure the percentage of people who clicked on the call-to-action (CTA) in your video. A higher CTR usually indicates that your video is compelling enough to encourage action.

Conversion Rate – This is the percentage of recipients who took the desired action after watching your video, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

Engagement Rate – Track how much of the video your prospects are actually watching. Monitor whether they drop off after a few seconds, or are they watching it all the way through?

Open Rate – When videos are sent via emails, the open rate can give you an idea of how compelling your subject line and email content are.

ROI (Return on Investment) – Calculate the revenue generated from the video prospecting campaign and compare it to the costs. A positive ROI indicates a successful campaign.

Lead Quality – Are the leads generated from the video prospecting campaign actually converting into customers? Measure the quality of these leads to ensure they are valuable to your business.

Traffic and Views – Monitor how many people are viewing your video and from what sources. This can help you understand which channels are most effective for your video content.

Qualitative Metrics

Customer Feedback – Direct feedback from customers provides insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

Sales Team Feedback – Your sales team can provide valuable insights into how the video is helping (or hindering) their sales process.

Content Relevance – Evaluate whether the content of the video is actually relevant to the prospects you are targeting.

Brand Consistency – Does the video align with your brand’s voice, tone, and messaging?

Ease of Understanding – Is the video easy to understand, or is it confusing for the viewer?

Common Mistakes to avoid in video prospecting content

Video prospecting is an effective way to engage potential clients and customers. On the other hand, it’s easy to make mistakes that can undermine your efforts. Here are some common mistakes and ways to avoid or correct them:

Poor Video Quality – Use a good camera and ensure proper lighting. Make sure the audio is clear. Test everything before recording.

Lack of Personalization – Customize the video for each prospect. Use their name and reference specific details about their business or needs.

Video being too Long – Keep it short and sweet. Aim for a video that’s 1-2 minutes long to ensure you keep the viewer’s attention.

No Clear Call to Action (CTA) – Always include a clear CTA. Whether it’s scheduling a call or visiting your website, make sure the viewer knows the next step.

Being Overly promotional – Focus on providing value and solving the prospect’s problem rather than just selling your product or service.

Ignoring Follow-Up – Always follow up after sending the video. Use analytics to see if the prospect has watched the video and use that information in your follow-up.

Poor Scripting or Rambling – Plan what you’re going to say beforehand. Stick to the script but also try to sound natural and not robotic.

Ignoring Key Metrics – Use analytics to track how your videos are performing. This can help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Not Mobile-Friendly – Ensure your video can be easily viewed on mobile devices. Many people check emails and watch videos on their phones.

Ways to Correct Mistakes

Audit Your Videos – Regularly review your videos to identify areas for improvement.

Seek Feedback – Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from colleagues or even from a prospect who didn’t convert.

A/B Testing – Try different approaches to see what resonates most with your audience.

Training – Invest in training programs that can help you and your team avoid common mistakes.

Update Technology – If you find that technology is a limiting factor, consider upgrading your equipment or software.

By being aware of these common mistakes and actively taking steps to avoid or correct them, you can make your video prospecting efforts more effective.

Risks of insecure hosting on your video prospecting

  • Data loss – Hackers can steal your sensitive data. Insecure hosting and backups may lead to data loss.
  • Unauthorized access – Anyone can easily download, copy, manipulate, share or even delete your videos.
  • Malwares – Breached video files can be easily infected with malwares and viruses, thus causing potential risk to the users.
  • Revenue loss – Video piracy, downtimes and poor performance significantly impacts the revenue.
  • Reputational damage – Negative experience significantly impacts the reputation. Customers can lose faith in your service or business.
  • Compliance and legal risks – There are chances of video data protection violations and you may fail to meet legal compliance requirements.

VdoCipher DRM Secure Video Hosting solution for businesses

VdoCipher is a well-known name in the field of secure DRM video hosting and streaming, serving over 3000 customers in 120+ countries. With plenty of interesting features and functionalities like custom video player, Dynamic watermarking, secure offline downloads, VdoCipher offers robust security to your video content.

Videos hosted and streamed via VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded or shared using any internet plugin or software. You can check out VdoCipher’s video download security against popular downloaders.

Viewer-based analytics

Track user specific information such as password sharing based on access duration, attempted piracy source tracking, folder-wise video usage, and watch patterns to monitor video performance.

API based automatic uploads

The upload API enables dashboard where content providers can directly upload videos to VdoCipher account. It makes the workflow automated and saves human hours to handle video assets.

Folder structure to organize files and data

Folders help organize and stores files to save time and make files move quickly. You can create folders, list sub-folders, rename, and delete.

Per-video bandwidth consumption data

VdoCipher providers per-video bandwidth consumption data via API. The bandwidth calculation is done on a daily basis.

IP and Geo-Restrictions

You can anytime block a specific set of IPs, restrict or whitelist countries to restrict access or meet licensing requirements. All you have to do is add a single line of code.

DRM encryption

Videos are protected from illegal downloads and piracy by the highest level of video security i.e. DRM encryption. We offer Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption to securely host and stream DRM-protected video content.

Mobile SDKs

VdoCipher provides SDKs with full support for Android Native, iOS Native, React and Flutter SDK frameworks.


SafetyNet adds protection to your videos in apps. It blocks emulators and provides protection against most rooted devices. Also, SafetyNet restricts playback on modified APKs. VdoCipher Android SDK integrates Google’s SafetyNet protection on versions 1.6.0 and above.

Offline downloads

Our Android SDK allows offline playback capabilities to download videos to local storage. It includes APIs to fetch available download options, track and manage downloads.

Custom Video Player

Our custom video player comes with DRM protected video streaming, adaptive bitrate streaming and easy customizations without coding. The key features include chapters, video analytics, speed control, dynamic watermarking, Picture-in-Picture, gestures, offline downloads, and more.


Why should I use video prospecting?

Video prospecting can help you stand out in a crowded inbox, build a more personal connection, and convey complex information in an easily digestible format.

How long should my prospecting video be?

Keep the video short and sweet. Try aiming for 60-90 seconds to ensure you keep the viewer’s attention.

Should I script my videos?

While it’s good to have an outline or key points, try to keep the conversation natural rather than reading from a script.

What should I include in the video?

Start with a personalized greeting. Introduce yourself, explain why you’re reaching out, and end with a clear call-to-action (CTA).

How do I track the performance of my prospecting video?

Use analytics provided by your video prospecting software to track metrics like open rates, view rates, and engagement. This data can help you refine your approach.

Is A/B testing effective in video prospecting for businesses?

Yes, many video prospecting tools offer A/B testing features, allowing you to test different messages, lengths, and CTAs to see what resonates most with your audience.

The post Video prospecting tools, examples and best practices to boost sales appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API Mon, 13 Mar 2023 10:44:28 +0000 As a professional video producer, you know that your videos are valuable for your business. They are an important tool for marketing your brand and promoting your products or services. But what happens when you want to share your videos with the world? If you’re running a business, video hosting is essential. It would be […]

The post Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

As a professional video producer, you know that your videos are valuable for your business. They are an important tool for marketing your brand and promoting your products or services. But what happens when you want to share your videos with the world? If you’re running a business, video hosting is essential. It would be best if you had professional video hosting. Videos are a great way to connect with customers and promote your products or services. With video hosting, you can ensure that your videos are accessible to your audience and that they’re delivered in a high-quality format.

Professional video hosting also allows you to track views and engagement to gauge the success of your video content. The early 2000s saw the launch of several other video hosting sites, including Google Video and Yahoo! Video. In 2005, YouTube was launched and quickly became the most popular video hosting site on the web. YouTube allowed users to upload, view, and share videos and embed them on their websites. Today, there are a number of different video-hosting sites available, each with its own features and benefits.

Introduction to Video Hosting

Video hosting is a process where video files are stored on a server. Also, video hosting is a service that allows users to upload, view, and share videos. They store and distribute videos to users. Videos can be public or private and are often uploaded to sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo. A good video hosting provider manages video data, storage servers and processing servers. This helps ensure that the videos are played smoothly and without any buffering issues. Videos can be played from the server using various protocols such as HTTP and RTSP. Businesses and organizations often use video hosting to store and share videos with their employees or customers. Individuals can also use it to store and share personal videos.

Many video hosting platforms are available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Some video hosting platforms are free to use, while others require a subscription. Many business video hosting platforms offer both free and paid plans.

Each video hosting platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one for your needs is important. For example, YouTube is the largest video hosting platform globally and offers a wide variety of features, but it doesn’t provide the same level of privacy, branding and security as other platforms.

Vdocipher, a secure video hosting provider, is an excellent option for businesses and individuals that need to host and share premium video content. VdoCipher offers Hollywood-grade DRM encryption to secure your videos from piracy and illegal downloads. When choosing a simple video hosting platform, it’s important to consider your needs and budget. If you’re just starting out, you may want to choose a free platform like YouTube. If you’re looking for more features and secure hosting, you may want to consider a paid platform like VdoCipher.

Is Video Hosting Pro Service better than hosting on Website server?

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to host your videos or use a video hosting site. The most important factor is the amount of traffic your website receives. If you have a high-traffic website, it is essential to use a easy video hosting site to handle the traffic. Otherwise, your website may crash, or your videos may take a long to load.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Another factor to consider is the cost of hosting your videos. If you have a limited budget, using a video hosting site may be more cost-effective. However, if you have the budget to host your videos, it can be more convenient, quick, simple and offer more control over your videos via features and API support.

Finally, consider the level of customization and branding you want for your videos. If you want complete control over the look and feel of your videos, you may want to host them yourself. However, if you are more concerned with convenience and cost, a video hosting site may be better.

Why use Professional Video Hosting

Professional video hosting is a service that provides businesses and organizations with a secure and reliable platform for hosting and streaming their video content. Professional video hosting services offer a variety of features and tools to help businesses deliver their video content to their audience most efficiently and effectively as possible.

There are a number of reasons to host the video on a dedicated professional video hosting platform rather than uploading the video on a website or blog.

First and foremost, video hosting platforms are designed specifically for hosting and streaming video content. This means they can offer several features and options that are not available when hosting videos on a website or blog. For example, most video hosting platforms provide HD streaming, the ability to customize the player and tools for managing and promoting videos.

Another advantage of professional video hosting platforms is that they can take care of all the behind-the-scenes work involved in streaming video content. This includes encoding the video for different devices and browsers and delivering the video content to viewers. It frees up website and blog owners to focus on creating and promoting their content rather than worrying about the technical details of video streaming.

Finally, video hosting platforms often offer attractive pricing plans for businesses and individuals. This can be a great way to save money, especially if you plan to host a large number of videos.

Benefits of Professional Video Hosting

There are many benefits to professional video hosting, including the ability to stream videos at a higher quality, the ability to offer videos in multiple formats, and the ability to offer videos in multiple languages. Additionally, professional video hosting providers typically offer more storage space and bandwidth than a free video-hosting provider.

  • Improved search engine optimization – Videos hosted on professional platforms are more likely to be discovered by search engines, resulting in increased traffic to your website.
  • Increased engagement – Pro platforms offer features that encourage viewers to interact with your videos, such as comments, ratings, and social sharing.
  • Improved branding – A professional video hosting platform gives your videos a polished, professional look that helps build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • More control – With professional video hosting, you have more control over your videos, including privacy settings, player customization, and ad placements.
  • Increased ROI – Professional and simple hosting platforms offer easy analytics and other tools to help you track your video views and measure your return on investment.

Must-have features in Professional Video Hosting

There are a lot of video-hosting providers out there, so how do you choose the right one? Here are some must-have features to look for:

1. High-quality video streaming – your videos need to look great when they are streamed online. Look for a video hosting provider that offers high-quality video streaming.

2. Expandable storage space – as your video library grows, you will need more storage space.

3. Easy video sharing – you should be able to share your videos easily with others.

4. Affordable pricing – You don’t want to break the budget to host your videos. Look for a video hosting provider that offers affordable pricing.

5. Excellent customer support – If you have any questions or problems, you should be able to get help from a customer support team.

Other features include:

  • ability to customize and brand the player
  • Availability of the video content in multiple formats.
  • robust security features
  • analytics tools to track viewer engagement
  • support for live streaming

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


Free Hosting vs Professional Video Hosting

There are a few popular video hosting websites that will allow you to host your videos for free. The most popular ones are YouTube and Vimeo. There are a few different types of free video hosting.

One type is where the video hosting company provides the user with a certain amount of storage space for their videos. The user can then access their videos from any computer with an internet connection.

Another type of free video hosting is where the user is allowed to host their videos on the video hosting company’s servers, but they are not given any storage space. The user must then provide a link to their video or embed it on their own website or blog in order to allow others to view it.

There are a few key differences between free and professional video hosting services. The most important difference is the quality of service you can expect to receive. With a free video hosting service, you are generally limited in terms of customer support and service reliability. Paid video hosting services, on the other hand, offer a higher level of customer support and reliable servers.

Another key difference is the amount of storage space and bandwidth you can expect to receive. Free video hosting services often have very limited storage space and bandwidth, which can be a problem if you want to host high-quality video files. Paid video hosting services usually offer much more generous storage quotas and bandwidth allowances.

Finally, free video hosting services typically have very limited features compared to paid services. For example, you might not be able to customize the player or use certain advanced features. Paid video hosting services usually offer a much more comprehensive set of features, making them a better choice for serious video bloggers.

Best Quick and Professional Video Hosting Providers

VdoCipher – Secure, Easy Embed with API

Each professional video hosting platform has its own set of features and options. They provide a quick video hosting solution with integrated CDN for faster delivery and all embed/API options for you. If you are hosting premium or confidential video content, make sure the platform you choose offers the level of security you need.

DRM, or digital rights management, is a secure system that controls access to digital content. Content providers often use it, such as video streaming website, to control how users can access and use their content. DRM can help content providers protect their content from unauthorized copying and distribution. It can also help content providers control how their content is used, such as preventing users from viewing content on unauthorized devices or making unauthorized copies of the content.

VdoCipher, a secure video streaming platform, offers Hollywood Grade DRM protection to secure videos with Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption. Videos streamed via VdoCipher cannot be downloaded by any internet plugin or software. VdoCipher APIs and WordPress video hosting plugin are easy to integrate and use. To play videos, VdoCipher uses a unique embed code per session. The embed code uses a short-lived access token, OTP. The OTP-based Playback in every session ensures that only logged-in paying users get to watch your premium video content.

Other Features:

  • DRM Based Video Encryption
  • Ready-to-Use Plugins for popular Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • AWS CDN infrastructure for quick global delivery
  • VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin
  • Customizable smart HTML5 video player
  • Dynamic watermarking
  • Domain Whitelisting
  • IP and Geo Restriction
  • Secure Offline Downloads on Android
  • Secure decryption process in addition to AES-128 encryption
  • Free 30-day trial

Amazon Web Services – S3

There are many benefits to hosting videos on Amazon Web Services (AWS). First, AWS provides a highly scalable and reliable platform for video hosting. Second, AWS offers a wide variety of storage and streaming options for videos, making it easy to find the right solution for your needs. And third, AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing model means you only pay for the resources you use, making it cost-effective for video hosting. There are a number of ways to host a video on AWS, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and workloads.

The AWS Elemental Media Services suite provides a number of services for processing, storing, and delivering video content. AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video transcoding service that can be used to convert video files into various formats for delivery to different devices. Finally, AWS Elemental MediaStore is a storage service optimized for video content that can be used to store and serve video files.

Other Features:

  • Comprehensive video standards support
  • Broadcast capabilities for live video streams
  • Automated resource provisioning
  • Flexible video content protection

Google Cloud Platform – Storage

Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of video-hosting options to its users. Whether you’re looking to host a small, personal video or a large, commercial production, Google Cloud Platform has a solution to fit your needs. For small videos, Google Cloud Platform offers a simple, easy-to-use video hosting solution that is perfect for sharing with family and friends. For larger videos, Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of options for hosting, including a managed streaming service and a self-service option.

The platform provides a number of features and tools to help users manage their video content, including the ability to create and manage playlists, share videos with others, and embed videos on websites and blogs. Google Cloud Platform also offers a number of security and privacy features, such as the ability to password-protect videos and set expiration dates. No matter what your video hosting needs are, Google Cloud Platform has a solution to fit your needs.

Other Features:

  • Highly scalable
  • Variety of video codecs and formats to optimize your video content for different devices and networks
  • Cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service from Microsoft, and it offers a number of features that make it ideal for video hosting. First, OneDrive supports video streaming, so your viewers can watch your videos without downloading them first. And Second, OneDrive is integrated with Microsoft’s other services, so you can easily share your videos with your friends and colleagues. The service is accessible via the web, mobile apps, and desktop apps. OneDrive offers 5 GB of storage for free. Paid plans start at $1.99/month for 100 GB of storage. OneDrive videos can be shared with others via email, social media, or embedding. The service also offers video playback and editing capabilities.

Other Features:

  • Upload videos of any file type and size
  • Embed videos directly into your website or blog
  • Stream videos in HD quality
  • Share videos with anyone, even if they don’t have a OneDrive account
  • Protect videos with privacy settings
  • View videos on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and computers


Dropbox is a great option for hosting videos because it is so easy to use. It offers a free video hosting service that allows you to upload and share your videos with others. You can simply upload your video file to your Dropbox account and share the link with others. You can also embed your videos on your website or blog, making it easy for others to view and share your content. There are no complicated settings to worry about and no need to install any special software. Plus, Dropbox is a very reliable service with a good reputation for uptime.

Other Features:

  • Embed videos on your website or blog
  • Access videos from anywhere
  • Share videos with people who don’t have a Dropbox account
  • Send Long Videos Without a Video Compressor
  • Watch videos instantly without downloading them


What are the benefits of video hosting?

Video hosting can be used to share videos with a wide audience or to provide video content for educational or business purposes. Hosted videos are typically available in high-quality formats and can be played on a variety of devices.

Can I host Videos on Google Drive for my Website?

You will not be able to embed the video for quick playback on your website. However, you can publicly share the link of the Video on Google Drive for further download or stream.

How does video hosting work?

Video hosting services store videos on their servers and provide users with access to the videos through a web-based interface. Users can upload videos to the hosting service, or embed videos from the service onto their own website or blog.

Why would I need professional video hosting?

If you run a business that relies heavily on online video hosting, then you’ll need a hosting service that can handle a large amount of traffic and offer reliable uptime. You’ll also need a service that can provide you with features like DRM encryption, video analytics and password protection.

The post Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video Hosting for Business: Player, Analytics, Security Sun, 12 Mar 2023 14:44:32 +0000 Videos are now a key part of business websites. Whether you are looking to: Monetize your original content like a course Distribute your movie or television serial Or looking to explain your product to customers Or trying to promote and market your business, Videos are an essential part of businesses. Online video hosting for businesses […]

The post Video Hosting for Business: Player, Analytics, Security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Videos are now a key part of business websites. Whether you are looking to:

  • Monetize your original content like a course
  • Distribute your movie or television serial
  • Or looking to explain your product to customers
  • Or trying to promote and market your business,

Videos are an essential part of businesses. Online video hosting for businesses thus requires a variety of feature sets customized to particular business needs.

VdoCipher’s business video hosting has a full package offering for all types of businesses. The following post mentions the solutions for each of the industries and relevant features in detail

The first part of the blog has explanations on basis of features while in the second part we discuss our video solutions for businesses in Corporate Training, E-Learning, Publishers, Marketing, and Movies & Online Television.

Business Video Hosting Features

At VdoCipher we have optimized every stage of our video hosting for business , and here I go through the feature set that makes VdoCipher the ideal secure video streaming package for your business requirements. 

1. Video Upload and Transcoding

Upload using IBM’s Aspera and Amazon’s S3 Acceleration

Video is uploaded from the device using IBM’s Aspera high-speed transfer and stored privately on Amazon S3 Bucket. Minimizing the time of video upload is an absolute priority for us, and for this, we use services from IBM and Amazon to ensure that your video upload takes minimal time. We have fast-tracked the process so that you can start your video customization right away, and get back at your business.

You can also use Dropbox for transferring your business videos directly to our servers. We also enable video transfer from Public URL, and also from user accounts on Vimeo Pro and Wistia.


We have set up our custom encoding protocol as an Amazon EC2 instance, to speed up video encoding.

As encoding takes considerably more time in the process of video upload, we recommend that for videos of size greater than 1GB you use offline encoders or any of the free online options available. You can then choose to cancel the video encoding option at the time of upload.

2. Video Management for Business Video Hosting


Your Video Dashboard serves as the one-stop destination for you to manage your videos effectively. We have enabled a grid view for the dashboard for the ease-of-use. Video upload and video settings can be directly changed at the Dashboard – for each video you may change the thumbnail, bitrate, and online video player size directly from the dashboard. Encoding can occur in different bitrates for desktop and for mobile.

The easy-to-use GUI means that once you start using VdoCipher you can directly start using secure video hosting for business without further customization.

VdoCipher helps over 3000+ customers from over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Video Search Using Video ID and name

Every video uploaded is assigned a video ID, and is identified by its name. You may search for your videos using your video ID and name.

Video Search Using Tagging

You can directly tag your videos for easy categorizing and searching for videos within the dashboard.

Video hosting for business: Management

 3. Secure Video Streaming

Security of video content from piracy is a key concern associated with video hosting for business. VdoCipher ensures that the content streamed through us is protected from any downloader, plugin, software, or hack. To cater to secure business video hosting requirements and ensure video protection, VdoCipher uses a set of proprietary encryption and watermarking technologies. Features of the online DRM that the video player uses are described below.

Akamai and Amazon CloudFront CDN network

We employ CDNs provided by Amazon CloudFront and Akamai to ensure that your videos reach your viewers quickly and with minimal latency. CDNs work on the principle of caching of videos on local servers so that when viewed in the vicinity of the Point of Presence the video can be smoothly seen.

Server-side Encryption

We have developed our own custom server-side encryption for storing and streaming videos on Amazon servers.

Multi-Bitrate Streaming

VdoCipher encodes video files as multiple copies, of different resolutions and bitrates. This gives your users choose to watch low bitrate videos when they would like to optimize their data usage.

One-time URL accessed through embed code

We create our own one-time user playback URL, at the time of video player initialization. This URL is only accessed through the custom embed code in the player and is therefore not public.

Backend Authentication Using OTP

The encrypted stream content is encrypted inside the player with a dynamic key. Our proprietary key transfer protocol is entirely private, unlike the public or semi-public key transfer involved in HLS, HTTPS, and RTMPE.

Dynamic Watermarking

Using dynamic watermarking you can deter piracy through stream recording software. A watermark is laid on the video player, which identifies the user session like IP address, user id, email id, timestamp, etc. Read on to learn more about our dynamic watermarking technology.

URL Whitelisting for Video Embed codes

Along with video encryption and a watermark to prevent the download of content, VdoCipher provides an added layer of security from link-based sharing. This is done through URL whitelisting. While other providers allow you to only restrict the main domain site, allowing loopholes in security; VdoCipher allows you to whitelist exact page URL e,g whitelist can be set on and as well. Restriction on the first URL will ensure that your videos don’t play outside the login access of users.

Secure Video Streaming , IP & Geo Restriction
VdoCipher DRM- Encrypted Video Streaming + Watermark

4. Custom Video Player

Buffer Retention

VdoCipher custom video player is a progressive media player – the stream is buffered from the start of playback. The player buffer is conserved throughout the period of playback so that your viewers can move ahead and back within the video playback without the need for additional buffering. This means that your viewers will need less bandwidth for your videos.

Customizable Player: Color, Controls, Call to Actions, Mail Capture

We provide customization so that the smart video player embedded is in sync with your website design. Our custom features include additional controls such as player seek, changing sound, toggle fullscreen, and adding custom skin. Additional custom offerings include adding buttons over players to capture email ids or to take the viewer to your website pages. All of these customizations are possible with the VdoCipher custom player.

Thumbnail Customization

You can set the image for your video thumbnail to make your video more appealing. This would be the image shown on your video player before playback starts. Designing a good thumbnail image makes it much more likely that the viewer will watch your video.

business video hosting: Player
Custom Player, Thumbnails, Tagging

5. Usability through APIs

Developer-friendly API

We have a well-documented set of APIs for your developers to integrate the VdoCipher media player on your website.

WordPress Plugin

You can use our WordPress plugin to embed your videos on your WP site. This feature is very easy-to-use – it can be done through WordPress shortcodes.

6. Device Compatibility

IOS Android desktop video hosting for business


Videos can directly work in all browsers (chrome, firefox, IE, Opera) on all desktop(Windows, Linux, Mac) devices.

Android – SDK integration to App

Our streaming + custom player can be integrated with Android SDK for your mobile app for secure playback on Android Devices. We have developed ZenPlayer – our mobile app video player for customers who wish to provide their course on browsers. We also support mobile browser playback through HTML5

iOS – SDK integration to App

Browser HTML5 playback is available. We also provide iOS SDK, for seamless video playback on your iOS app.

7. Analytics

Using VdoCipher you can access detailed video analytics per video for viewer data, using our APIs and dashboard features.

8. Pricing

Pay-per-use model

Our Pay-per-use model ensures that you are charged proportionately to the bandwidth and storage usage you require. Please visit the pricing page or send us a mail for additional info.

Business Video Hosting Sectors

1. Corporate Training

For businesses, training of existing and new workforce is key to their constant evolution. Adapting to the changes in the market environment swiftly is key to the well-being of any business. For this reason, increasingly a performance-based paradigm is being adopted to enhance learning at the speed of work. VdoCipher appreciates this need of modern-day business video hosting need, and we have designed our online video hosting solution to enable you to impart time-efficient and targeted training through videos.

The performance paradigm of 70-20-10 corporate training signifies that an employee’s learning comprises of:

  • 70% of Experiential training
  • 20% of Social Learning (Learning from peers)
  • 10% of Formal Training

This paradigm signifies learning at the rate of performance, and here the 10% time devoted to formal training is designed to provide an impetus for the 70% experiential learning and the 20% Social Learning.

With VdoCipher you can build a video CMS in combination with popular CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, and Moodle.

Using VdoCipher you can securely host your corporate training videos. For this, you can directly upload videos from your device, or from other Cloud Storage (Dropbox) or Video Hosting platform (Vimeo Pro) that you use. Our double layer of security ensures secure storage, encrypted stream delivery, and OTP authentication, thereby making sure that your business videos are not made available outside your organization. Send a mail to for consultation on your custom business requirements.

2. E-Learning

Video in E-Learning is increasingly being used in the space of K-12 education, as well as in preparation for university and professional exams. Video design is a very crucial element engaging learner attention. Schools and colleges may use flipped E-learning methods – using videos to engage students in a topic before class, for more meaningful classroom interaction. Videos, therefore, have a strong ability to augment classroom teaching. VdoCipher appreciates the enormous growth potential in this space, and we work to ensure complete video security for e-Learning businesses. Check out our feature set to learn more about how we provide video hosting for business.

With the increasing emergence of mobile phone devices, we also have support for your Android SDK player. And also we have our own app that your subscribers may use to view our videos. We have also optimized the transcoding process, offering 1080p resolution at bitrates of 300kbps, and 720p resolution at bitrates of 200kbps. This comes from our learnings with working closely with many E-Learning customers, assisting them in providing high-quality videos for all kinds of users at different user bandwidths.

Feel free to send us a mail at for a consultation on adapting a business video hosting solution for your E-Learning business.

With VdoCipher, integrating top-tier DRM protection into your website/app is straightforward. Click to explore the easy integration and keep your videos safe from piracy.

3. Publishers

Online video publishers are increasingly adopting a two-pronged multimedia strategy. YouTube offers publishers the opportunity to leverage a broader audience, a potential for a vast number of pageviews, and an opportunity for viral marketing. Using YouTube publishers can build an online audience. A custom video hosting solution is recommended for a more specific target audience – for example, users who have already expressed interest, or paying subscribers, or both. VdoCipher offers publishers a secure video hosting platform for the requirements of your targetted audience.

You can also integrate call-to-action at the end of the video player, for reaching out to your audience in a more targeted manner. Strategically locating the call-to-action at the end of the video ensures that the viewer sees the option to become a paying customer at the most appropriate time. Call-to-action can be incorporated at any time while playing the video.

Our video platform enables you to optimize the user experience for your audience. Custom player skins. We have optimized transcoding, offering 1080p videos at a minimal bitrate for delivery at 300kbps, for low-motion videos, such as talking head videos, ensuring the best viewer. We also deliver video encoding at 512 kbps for audio solutions, a 16 time better quality than the max 128 kbps video that YouTube and Vimeo offer.

Besides we offer Server-side ad stitching, ensuring that ads are integrated into the video at the server level rather than the browser level, preventing blocking from ad blockers.

We also have support for your Android SDK, and also provide for multi-bitrate streaming using HLS protocol for iOS SDK. With the increasing popularity of mobile, our innovations in the mobile space enable you to reach the maximum audience.

We have leveraged Amazon’s CDN network to ensure localized caching, ensuring that your multimedia stream reaches your audience at the earliest, wherever they are on the globe. Feel free to send us a mail at for a consultation on adapting our video hosting for business solution for your publishing requirements.

4. Marketing

Videos are of increasing relevance to the design of a targeted marketing strategy. An Aberdeen research report found that average website conversion rates for sites that use videos are 4.8%, whereas conversion rates for websites that do not use video stand at 2.9%. Video ensures both information retention, and enhances the quality of the message. In charting out a marketing strategy, the following questions are of relevance:

  • What is your target audience?
  • What are your priorities when you design your videos?
  • Which are the critical stages in your sales cycle when a video will help?

B2B brands require a different marketing strategy than B2C brands. Identifying your niche is critical, and designing videos specifically for that niche is most important. This is because the quality of your audience is the most important factor – you need your ads to appeal to your defined narrow audience, rather than to a general audience. For this, you need to identify what appeals most to your target audience.

For this reason, we strongly suggest that you develop a video marketing funnel – a video marketing strategy from brand awareness to post-sale. This sales funnel approach should be centered on guiding your users throughout the purchase process. At VdoCipher, we offer a secure video hosting for business, for you to design your videos for your marketing strategy. Feel free to send us a mail at for a consultation on adapting our video hosting solution for your marketing requirements.

5. Movies and Online Television

Entertainment videos, including mainstream movies, serials, or independent video content are responsible for most of the internet bandwidth consumption on the internet. Streaming movies online involves a large workflow process, starting from upload, transcoding, streaming, ad-insertion, and subscription management, besides securing content from piracy. VdoCipher video hosting solution provides the complete solution for the requirements for entertainment content hosting, helping you monetize your content most effectively, without fear of losses due to illegal sharing.

Vdocipher DRM structure

For a full free version business video hosting trial, Register now at VdoCipher.

Important FAQs

What are the main features of VdoCipher’s video hosting for business?

VdoCipher offers comprehensive features like video upload and transcoding, secure streaming, custom video player, device compatibility, and analytics.

How does VdoCipher ensure the security of hosted videos?

VdoCipher uses proprietary encryption, watermarking technologies, and secure CDN networks to protect videos from piracy and unauthorized access.

Can VdoCipher’s video hosting be integrated into my existing website or app?

Yes, VdoCipher provides APIs and plugins for easy integration into websites and apps, including a WordPress plugin for embedding videos.

What kind of businesses can benefit from VdoCipher’s video hosting solutions?

VdoCipher caters to various sectors including e-learning, corporate training, online publishing, marketing, and entertainment, offering tailored solutions for each.

The post Video Hosting for Business: Player, Analytics, Security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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