vdocipher player Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Tue, 14 May 2024 19:07:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png vdocipher player Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 JavaScript Video Player for HTML5 Streaming – Create or Choose Best? https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/javascript-video-player/ Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:57:19 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=12470 Early video playback on the web mostly required the use of either installing third-party plugins like Flash or Silverlight. At that time, there was no single versatile solution to stream video on all browsers. Not having a plugin won’t let the users play video on the web as plugins are used to render the video […]

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Early video playback on the web mostly required the use of either installing third-party plugins like Flash or Silverlight. At that time, there was no single versatile solution to stream video on all browsers. Not having a plugin won’t let the users play video on the web as plugins are used to render the video file. At this point, much research was happening to provide a no-plugin-based HTML and javascript video player.

To bring versatility, WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), on 10 April 2007, joined hands with the Mozilla Foundation, Apple, and Opera Software to begin working on HTML5. This new version of the HTML standard included other web elements like video and audio playback natively. This standard is now commonly known as HTML5 and is the most versatile solution available for video playback. Adding javascript makes the player behavior ubiquitous across various browsers by replacing standard controls with complex and advanced ones. In many cases, it is also possible to add video piracy protection to your videos by using advanced and secure video players.

What is a JavaScript Video Player?

As we discussed the empowerment of < video > HTML tag with the use of javascript, the easiest and most versatile way to accomplish that is using Javascript API. This javascript API is available for < video > tag and gets support through the browsers. All the popular players use this Javascript API to add homogeneous customizations to the HTML5 player for different browsers. The javascript API can be used by placing javascript code in the HTML document or by loading the js file from some CDN or cloud access. This code uses the media elements and available methods, properties, and events to add alterations and additional functionality to the basic player.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The < video > tag, in combination with the use of javascript, becomes powerful enough to contain features such as seek, pause, play, captions, switching video quality, and many more. Players can also be coupled with in-HTML CSS or cloud-hosted stylesheets to change the player’s display presets. Moreover, javascript is self-sufficient to make most of the inclusions, and the combined is more often called a javascript video player. We will discuss some technicalities related to javascript API, like elements, methods, properties, etc, and then we will start with the implementation. We will be discussing the addition of basic features through the javascript API, but complex solutions can also be written by combining other available API features.

Why Do You Need A JavaScript Video Player?

The use of flash for web playback is now nearly replaced by video playback using < video > tag. It is supported by most browsers and can play multiple video formats. The main issue with the < video > tag playback is varied rendering. This happens due to the rendered video player’s dependence on the browser for the requested playback. On some browsers, the user will be able to access basic controls; on others, they might find some missing. This generates inconsistent user experience. To handle this issue, < video > element is empowered by using javascript to control the player’s interface by placing custom video controls in the javascript code instead of using the browser’s default. You can place this javascript code in the HTML document or even call it as a JS file from some CDN.

How To Secure Content with JavaScript Video Player?

Any video player requires security if the media content is suspected to be pirated. The hackers have gone so smart that they easily crack basic encryption by revealing the encryption key through easy to medium hacks. You should encrypt via the best algorithm available in your time and, with that, also use the best key exchange management system. These two requirements plug 99% of the piracy cases, leaving apart the screen recording, which requires additional watermarking features.

You can also find javascript codes like the one below to encrypt and decrypt your video files, but they all have to use a “key” parameter.

var encryptor = require('file-encryptor');
var key = 'SUPER-SECRET-KEY';
var options = { algorithm: 'aes256' };
encryptor.encryptFile('myVideoObject.mp4', 'encrypted.dat', key, options, function(err) {
encryptor.decryptFile('encrypted.dat', 'outputfile.mp4', key, options, function(err) {

This “key” parameter brings us to one more piece of information: “keys” can only be secured if you control the hardware or OS, and that is only possible if you are the hardware or OS provider. In today’s world, most media devices and browsers are controlled by Apple and Google. That is the reason if you are looking for video security, their help is required. The best way to achieve that will be to acquire Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay licenses and set up a DRM server. Also, DRM solution providers like Vdocipher provide multi-DRM services at the most affordable cost, saving you a lot of coding trouble and capital investment.

Multimedia Elements accessible via JavaScript

Before dealing with the use of HTML5 < video > tags and their customizations via javascript, let us know a bit more about multimedia elements. A video file is a container or a Multimedia container format containing different video data like audio, subtitles, metadata, etc. The multimedia container is then compressed with an algorithm or codec like mp4. In most cases, the recent versions of browsers are now compatible with video tags and provide format support to the following.

  • .webm extension
  • .mp4 extension
  • .ogg extension

The < video > tag acts like a < img > tag for displaying an image on the frontend. You can playback multiple supported formats and control the JS player via attributes and for homogeneity via javascript. This < video > tag also provides various APIs like play, pause, change the speed, or seek during video playback and these APIs are directly accessible via javascript. The JS players we usually see, like videojs and other open-source alternatives, have complex javascript to make the rendering common to all viewers. For example, features like switching between video quality and support for multi-language captions are the evolved and necessary demands of today’s world.

The Media Elements which API provides can be categorized as,

  • Methods like play() that reads the media
  • Properties like currentTime to obtain or modify some properties
  • Events like timeupdate to trigger specific behavior for specific media events

How to build a custom JavaScript video player for streaming?

Two categories of the workflow are required for creating a custom javascript video player. One controls the player, and another instantiates those controls with some added HTML elements. Let us discuss both with examples,

Control player’s video with JavaScript

There are 3 methods to control media elements via JavaScript API, they are:

  • play() to start or restart playing of media file
  • pause() to stop playback at the current location
  • load() allows substituting the active video in the player with another

As a method, like functions of an object, to execute them, you need to identify the video through the document.getElementById(id) and then instantiate the method with the dot notation.

For example:

var myVideoObject = document.getElementById ("myVideo");


In addition, as objects, video elements also have several properties, like,

  • currentTime : time at a given time in seconds
  • duration : duration of the video file in seconds
  • volume : volume level between 0.0 and 1.0

For example:

console.log (myVideoObject.currentTime);
console.log (myVideoObject.duration);
console.log (myVideoObject.volume);

Create controls in HTML5 javascript video player

Using the javascript API’s methods and properties associated with < video > tag, we can easily add custom html5 video controls in place of standard controls by the browser. In the previous section, we discussed using the play, pause, and load method directly with a video object. In that case, the code acts as instantiated, and repeating requires another instantiation. To make it user-friendly, we use HTML handles that can run that code for you. These handles can be buttons, clickable SVGs, or any other interactive HTML element. For example, we will create buttons to access play and pause methods through a button handler. These HTML buttons will access the API through javascript and will enable the required feature.

// Adding Video Tag with multiple source
<video id = "myVideoObject">
<source src = "1920x1080.mp4">

// Adding the HTML buttons with ID
<button id = "playButton"> Play </button>
<button id = "pauseButton"> Pause </button>

// Adding the JavaScript to identify HTML elements
var myVideoObject = document.getElementById ("myVideoObject");
var playBtn = document.getElementById ("playButton");
var pauseBtn = document.getElementById ("pauseButton");

playButton.onclick = function () {
myVideoObject.play ();

pauseButton.onclick = function () {
myVideoObject.pause ();

Note: For complex operations, you will have to combine functions of various methods and arrange them in logic to form a complex function.

Adding a Video in JavaScript with multiple sources and subtitles

We have now understood the controls and handler, but adding dynamic information through an API can also be fulfilled through javascript. Media Source Extensions and Source Buffers are used for advanced features to recalibrate the audio and video files separately, etc.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The < video > tag can also be created using a document.createElement(“video”), and then its attributes like source, controls, etc., can be modified. We will discuss an example of creating a video element and modifying it to add multiple sources and subtitles.

// HTML code

<div id="myVideoObject"></div>

// JavaScript code:
var video = document.createElement ("video");
vc.controls = true;
var source1 = document.createElement("source");
source1.src = "video.mp4";
var source2 = document.createElement("source");
source2.src = "video.ogg";
var track1 = document.createElement("track");
track1.kind = "subtitles";
track1.src = "subtitles_en.srt";
track1.label = "English";
track1.srclang = "en";
track1.type = "text/srt";
var track2 = document.createElement("track");
track2.kind = "subtitles";
track2.src = "subtitles_es.srt";
track2.label = "Spanish";
track2.srclang = "br";
track2.type = "text/srt";

// Output HTML
<video controls = "">
<source src = "video.mp4">
<source src = "video.ogg">
<track kind = "subtitles" src = "subtitles_en.srt" label = "English" srclang = "en">
<track kind = "subtitles" src = "subtitles_es.srt" label = "English" srclang = "es">

Note: For complex operations, you will have to use multiple handles, combine functions of various methods, and arrange them in logic to form a complex function.

Best JavaScript or JS video player

There are many javascript players in the market, and many are even open source. Thus, the important decision here of choosing the best one is dependent upon the features it provides. It also depends on your use case; for example, if security is your concern, a secure video player will be the only choice.

VdoCipher – Secure Video Player

VdoCipher provides a JavaScript video player for HTML5 playback with the added advantage of DRM encryption to secure videos from being illegally downloaded. As discussed in the need of security section, the “key” parameter can only be secured if you are in control of the hardware or OS, and that is only possible if you are the hardware or OS provider. In today’s world, most media devices and browsers are controlled by Apple and Google. That is the reason if you are looking for video security, their help is required. VdoCipher is already a partner with Google Widevine and helps you set up a multi-DRM setup for secure video playback. In addition to DRM, VdoCipher also adds a layer of dynamic watermarking and a safety net to deter rooted devices and compromised apps from hacking and screen capture. We’ve also written a blog on how to stream videos on iOS using AVPlayer, do check it out to know more about video streaming in iOS.

Apart from security, VdoCipher smart player has all many more customization features, like,

  • Enable Caption Search
  • Multi-Language Subtitles
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Show Progress Bar
  • Show Scrubbing Preview
  • Auto Resume
  • Enable Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Primary Color change via Hex color code
  • Show Time Text
  • Show Quality Control
  • Hide Controls on Pause
  • Lock Controls
  • Enable Save Offline


Video.js is an HTML5 web video player which supports modern streaming file formats such as MP4 and WebM, as well as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. It also supports adaptive bitrate streaming formats like HLS and DASH. It is designed to keep the styling customizations open, thus having a consistent base to build on top of, and can be easily modified with a little bit of extra CSS. This open-source project which was started in mid-2010, supports not only desktop devices but also mobile devices. Users can also use plugin architecture with documentation support to add additional functionalities to the player. The VideoJS community also has hundreds of skins and plugins built-in to be installed for Chromecast, IMA, VR, etc.


Plyr is a simple, lightweight, and customizable HTML5 Video player with YouTube and Vimeo media playback support. It is supported on all modern browsers with full VTT captions, responsiveness, monetization options, HLS streaming and playback, API support, keyboard shortcuts, Picture-in-Picture, speed controls, and much more. YouTube and Vimeo playback is supported and functions much like an HTML5 video.


Projekktor is a free and open-source (GPL) HTML5 web video player written in Javascript. It acts similarly for cross-browser player compatibility issues and provides ubiquitous behavior across devices. This HTML5 video player automatically detects the best way to play your favorite video with its impressive and attractive styling elements. You can use the player for your live streaming platform and integrate Pre- & Postroll Ads, build playlists of your videos, stream multiple channels, Youtube HTML5 support, easy to integrate, theme customization, and also comes with Unified Javascript API.


Xgplayer is an HTML5 video and audio player library designed with separate and detachable UI components. The UI layer is very flexible and has multiple good functionalities for improving video loading, buffering, and multiple file format support for video dependence. It provides features to load control, seamless switching without artifacts, and Adaptive bandwidth for video bandwidth savings. Xgplayer also provides support for plugins which can be divided into two categories: one is self-starting, and another inherits the player’s core class named xgplayer. The official plugins are self-starting, and the packaged third-party libraries get inherited.


Can you play mp4 using a JavaScript player?

MP4 file format or MPEG-4 playback is supported by all browsers and is also gets used in video cameras and other video media Hardware. This format was developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group. This is also the most recommended format by YouTube.

Is it possible to stream audio via a JavaScript player?

Yes, audio can be streamed on a javascript player and can also be separated from the video for handling buffers or adding additional capabilities via javascript.

Can JavaScript handle video piracy through encryption?

JavaScript allows you to use various libraries to encrypt files through aes256 and other algorithms, but this is only partially secure. You need a dynamic key exchange mechanism and encryption like DRM for the best video protection.

The post JavaScript Video Player for HTML5 Streaming – Create or Choose Best? appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Custom Video Player – Comprehensive Guide To Pick The Right Player https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-video-player/ Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:23:32 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?page_id=14192 Custom Video Player Comprehensive Guide To Pick The Right Player With VdoCipher player you can make your own custom video controls and also enjoy protected streaming. You also get support for video playback on iOS, Android, HTML5, react native, and flutter. Try Custom Player Show more Table of Contents: What is a Custom Video Player? […]

The post Custom Video Player – Comprehensive Guide To Pick The Right Player appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.


Custom Video Player
Comprehensive Guide To Pick The Right Player

With VdoCipher player you can make your own custom video controls and also enjoy protected streaming. You also get support for video playback on iOS, Android, HTML5, react native, and flutter.

 Smart Video Player banner image

Every story has its own hero, and when it comes to a user’s video streaming experience, the video player stands in the center of that narrative. A good video player can make or break a user’s experience while they consume content. How your user interacts with the player based on the content can make or break their experience. Certain controls like speed change and chapters work great when it comes to consuming eLearning content. While at the same time multiple subtitles, auto-resume works the best with OTT content.

A standard online player rarely comes with an option to customize the player to such an extent that it is tailored to your audience. Unless you make a few tweaks(at times a lot more), it won’t work out the best for you. In times like these, the best option is to go for a custom video player. It allows you to change the player to be more suitable for your brand.  Also, you can add or remove controls in the player suitable for your audience.

What is a Custom Video Player?

A custom video player is an online video player that you can personalize according to your own brand.  You can even change the color, design, and player controls according to your requirements. Usually, you’d need to customize your player to ensure that it goes along with your branding also in order to show the controls according to your user requirements.

Why Go For a Custom Video Player?

Going for a custom video player would certainly give a lot of benefits to your website. One of the major benefits would be branding, as you can modify the look of your player to suit your brand. Also with a custom video player, you get more control over the viewing experience of your users. By using custom video controls you can change how your users interact with your videos thus maximizing the impact of your videos.

With a custom video player, you can showcase your video in your own unique way. So let’s say you have eLearning content, you can include chapters in your videos in order to navigate different parts of the video. Also, in case you want to allow your users to search for particular content in the video, you can do so with the help of a caption search, where a user can look for a particular keyword in the caption to get to the relevant part of the video.

Challenges with Building Your Video Player Completely From Scratch?

Building your own player can give you absolute control over its user interface as well as the user experience. It can help you better align the look of your player with your branding. Although building your own custom video player in-house might seem like a great option in the beginning it comes with its own challenges

Here are some challenges you might face while building your own player:

  • Time – Building a custom video player from scratch will likely take a lot of work and time. Plus, you’ll need to adjust your expectations for how long it will take to meet your needs. If you want the outcome to be seamless, this could take even more time and energy.
  • Performance – Players built from scratch will often be bulky, have a higher likelihood of containing bugs that affect UX, and have slower load times.
  • Multiple Device Support – Since your users would be accessing your videos from several devices and browsers, you need to make sure that your player supports all such devices and browsers.
  • Updates – New browser updates can wreak havoc on your video player. Without constant monitoring, it’s virtually guaranteed that at some point in time, your video player will be down for something as little as updating just one small part of your player code.

With Vdocipher’s custom video player, you can easily modify your video player according to your needs. In over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

What Features Matter the most in a Custom Video Player?

When you select a custom video player, you need to look for a few features that can be quintessential for your business. Let’s find out what these features are.

Player Performance 

When it comes to your video playback, you want to make sure that the playback performance is good and consistent without any buffering issues or any other errors as such. While choosing a video solution, you need to consider the performance and speed of the custom video player involved, making sure that it has a fast loading time and a good user experience.

Customization of Video Player Controls

With a custom video player, you can optimize the viewing experience of your users and personalize the player UI and controls according to your own branding. This can further enhance the impact of your video and improve the user experience.

You can ensure that the colors of the player are according to your brand, giving you much more flexibility to showcase your videos along with the style of your brand. You can even customize what controls you want to show to your users, including chapters for navigation, search through the transcription, and much more.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

The network speed of your users might vary a lot, which in turn might impact their viewing experience. As if the video quality is high on a low network, the video might buffer a lot. With Adaptive streaming, the video quality also changes with network speed. With a good network speed, better video quality would be served to the user and vice versa.

Streaming DRM Content

Nowadays any video platform that sells its video online goes for a DRM solution, you need to make sure that any player that you chose, is compatible with DRM and can stream DRM-protected content.

Crossbrowser Compatibility

Every browser and device you want to stream might have a different player associated with it. So building a player is not just about a single player but a different player for each of these situations, and making sure that users get the same experience in all of them. Whether the user is streaming on the web, iOS, android, react native, or flutter, your user’s experience shouldn’t be compromised.

Open-Source Video Player vs Propriety Media player

When it comes to choosing a video player, the dilemma one often faces is whether one should go for an open source player or to go for a propriety media player. While an open source player obviously comes free of cost a proprietary player comes with a lot of premium features. Here are some of the major differences between the two.


Open source players are obviously free to users and you can review and evaluate the source code of the player.

Propriety player costs much more, but you get access to several features and integration which would have otherwise taken a lot of time and development on your end.

Bugs & Support

With popular open-source players, you get fewer bugs and the fixes are even fast. As there is always huge community support and documentation associated with it.

With a propriety custom video player, you would get instant support from the team who’d fix the issues for you. In this case, you’ll have a hassle-free resolution without you requiring to go through tons of documentation and videos to find your own solution. It is always in your best interest to go for a solution that provides good support.


With open-source players, there is a huge scope for customization, as it’s totally up to you how you want your player to be. But in such cases, you’ll have to spend much time and energy on your development team.

For propriety players, you might not get much control, but these tools often come with easy-to-use customization, wherein you can choose which controls you want to use and what the theme of the player should be. All this with just a toggle button, which makes it easy for anyone to customize the player without any prior knowledge.

Vdocipher helps Video Platforms in over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Leveraging a Video Platform Provider to Build your Player

Video players like Vdocipher’s custom video player are made to be customized without all the hassle of developing a solution from scratch.

You can choose from a variety of function and style presets to fit your site’s branding and UX. Better yet, you can make custom changes to the functionality or presentation with light coding from developers. In short, it offers an approach that is much less resource intensive than building a tool from the ground up.

Custom video platforms also allow you to do considerably less work in the long run, because maintenance is built in. When a new browser update comes out, you won’t have to worry about whether your player will still work correctly

You also get support for video playback on iOS, Android, HTML5, react native, and flutter video player.

How does VdoCipher come into all this?

With VdoCipher you get a ready-to-use video player with various custom controls. You can change the theme of your player according to your brand. Change all the controls to provide the best viewing experience for your audience.

VdoCipher ensures that your users get a great viewing experience, this can be how fast the player loads, how easy it is to navigate in the video,  multilingual captions, and more. Right here are some custom video controls which VdoCipher offers:


With chapters, you can break the video down into different sections, and name all these individual sections. This way a user can easily navigate or jump to the relevant sections. It makes it easier for a user when he is interested in only one part of the video. This way a user doesn’t have to scan through the entire video to get to the part he is interested in.

Player Branding & Theme

With Vdocipher you can change the color or theme of the player according to your preferences. You can pick any color you want based on your branding, subtle player features like the play button, progress bar would change depending on the color you chose.

Custom Controls

You can choose which player controls you want to showcase to your users. Depending on your content and user’s requirements, you can opt to show or remove controls such as speed control, skip button and its duration, progress bar, caption, caption search, and a lot more.

Auto Resume

With the auto resume feature, a user can start watching the content right from the point he left the last time. This way it becomes much easier to watch long videos, as they don’t have to scan the entire video to reach the relevant point of the video. With this feature, you always have the option to either automatically resume or even start over the entire video.

Video Analytics

With Vdocipher you get detailed analytics on how your users are interacting with your videos. You can have a look at the total number of views, average watch percentage of videos. You can also see the view of your video on the basis of browsers, country, and platform.

Picture in Picture

You can continue to watch your videos in a floating window while you acess other applications.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts to interact with the player to pause, play and fast forward video. For example, you can have the player pause and play when the spacebar is pressed. Also, left and right keys can be used to go forward and back in time.


You can use gestures like tap, double tap, and swipe on mobile devices to pause, play and fast-forward the video.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

With Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, the video quality of the content automatically adjusts to the relevant quality based on the network speed of the user. With a lower network bandwidth, the video quality automatically changes to a lower resolution and vice versa.

DRM Protection

With VdoCipher, your videos are protected with DRM technology and Dynamic Watermarking. DRM technology ensures that only authorized users are allowed to access your videos, and any sort of illegal video download is completely stopped. Even screen recording is stopped on Android and iOS devices. On top of that, you also get dynamic watermarking, so that in case anyone somehow grabs the video, you’ll have a source of the video leak.

Great Customer Support

VdoCipher boasts great customer support to our customers.we provide fast resolution of any of our customer queries ensuring that any playback or other issues are resolved within 1-2 days.

All in All

A custom video player is a must for anyone who wants to give an optimized viewing experience for their customers. It not only allows you to change branding and theme colors but also the controls you want to show your audience.

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Talk to Video Hosting Experts!

If you have business inquiries or other related questions, our sales experts are available on email, call, whatsapp or demo call. If you have any specific questions, you can also send them in advance to support@vdocipher.com so that our team can be prepared.

The post Custom Video Player – Comprehensive Guide To Pick The Right Player appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video Customer Support to Improve Customer Service and Reduce Costs https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/video-customer-support/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:42:42 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=14090 Videos have become a popular and effective tool in the realm of customer support, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. These engaging and visually appealing assets have significantly enhanced the customer experience and streamlined problem-solving processes. According to recent statistics, incorporating videos in customer support has yielded remarkable results. Research shows that 80% […]

The post Video Customer Support to Improve Customer Service and Reduce Costs appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Videos have become a popular and effective tool in the realm of customer support, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. These engaging and visually appealing assets have significantly enhanced the customer experience and streamlined problem-solving processes. According to recent statistics, incorporating videos in customer support has yielded remarkable results. Research shows that 80% of customers prefer watching a video over reading a traditional text-based solution. This preference is driven by the fact that videos offer a more immersive and comprehensive way of understanding complex topics or troubleshooting steps in video support.

The customer satisfaction rates have soared as a result of integrating video customer support. A whopping 68% of consumers have expressed their preference for video assistance when dealing with support-related issues. It’s not surprising, considering how videos enable businesses to visually demonstrate solutions, making it easier for customers to follow along and resolve their problems effectively.

The positive impact of videos extends beyond support interactions alone. Brands that incorporate videos into their customer support strategy also experience higher engagement rates across various platforms.

Websites featuring videos tend to enjoy a 41% higher click-through rate compared to those without videos, making them more effective in capturing the attention and interest of customers.

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics, and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.

These statistics underline the tremendous potential of videos in customer support. They offer an immersive and visually appealing means of enhancing the customer experience, streamlining support processes, and ultimately driving positive business outcomes. By leveraging the power of videos, businesses can create more satisfied customers while simultaneously reducing costs and increasing engagement.

Emergence of videos in customer support

In the rapidly evolving digital age, as businesses strive to meet their customers’ ever-growing expectations, the adoption of innovative strategies has become a necessity. A major development in this realm has been the rise of videos in customer support. Referred to as “video customer support”, this approach revolutionizes the way businesses address and resolve customer queries and issues.Customers today want instant, efficient, and effective solutions to their problems.

Traditional means of customer support like text-based instructions, email exchanges, or voice calls often fall short of meeting these expectations. They might prove insufficient in explaining complex technical details or could lack the personal touch that customers appreciate. This is where video support bridges the gap, offering visually rich, interactive, and engaging content that not only solves issues but also enhances the overall customer experience.

“In 2022, the most popular video content for businesses to create was product videos.”

As digital connectivity flourishes, an increasing number of businesses are exploring video support. It’s not limited to tech-savvy industries but spans across sectors, including retail, hospitality, healthcare, and more. This trend is a response to changing consumer behaviors, where the inclination towards video content is palpable.

“According to a report by Wyzowl, 86% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s explainer video. This clearly emphasizes the significant role video content plays in influencing consumers.”

The shift towards video customer support marks an exciting chapter in the customer service landscape. It makes it a much more personalized, accessible, and efficient mode of customer engagement, where the video customer support is not just about solving issues, but also about delivering a memorable customer journey. In further sections of the blog, we will uncover why video customer support are game-changer and how businesses can leverage it for superior customer satisfaction.

“54% marketers believe that video marketing has helped reduce support queries” -wyzowl

Types of video support in customer service

Product demos – Product demo videos demonstrate how a product works in a real-world context. These videos highlight the key features and their benefits for the customers. For example, a smartphone tech company may use a video to showcase the features of the newly launched smartphone. Videos have a higher retention rate and people understand the product in a much better way compared to text. This significantly increases the product sale if the video is highly appealing.

Explainers – Explainer videos are usually short and explain a business idea or product in a simple, precise and easy to understand language tone. These videos break down complex workflows and make them easily understandable by the audience. Recently, Dropbox used an explainer video to explain the concept of cloud storage to potential users.

How-To’s – These videos are very helpful for customers as they show how to use a product or perform tasks in step-by-step instructions. For example, you purchased a product online which requires simple assembling. The seller gives a how-to video explaining the assembling steps. The video delivers an actionable assembling process in easy to follow steps, which reduces support calls or queries.

Screen recordings – These videos capture actions happening on a computer screen. Commonly used for software tutorials, the videos provide clear, visual, and step wise explanations. This replaces the need for text-based documentations and customers can easily take specific actions the way they proceed in the screen recording.

On-boarding videos – These videos help new customers understand how to get started with a product or service. For example, a fitness app may use an onboarding video to give a walkthrough of the profile setup and starting of the first exercise. On-boarding videos set the tone of the customer journey, and ensure customers understand and get the product/service knowledge as quickly as possible.

Live video support – In this support process, the customer success representative guides the customers through solutions in real-time. Live video support gives a personal touch and solves the problem quickly. For example, a representative can help customers to assemble their new purchases quickly via live video support.

FAQs videos – Videos around Frequently asked questions guide customers about product or service. An ecommerce website may have FAQ videos addressing questions around shipping and cancellation. FAQ videos are more engaging over text-based FAQs and reduce burden on the customer service team.

Troubleshooting guides – To diagnose and resolve common problems faced by customers, troubleshooting videos provide immediate assistance. For instance, a tech company may use troubleshooting videos to help reset a device to factory settings.

All these video types have different levels of engagement to support customers, yet serve the same purpose of making the user experience better. By delivering information in the format of visual and often interactive, videos improve understanding, problem solving and fast customer support.

Video Customer Support Infographic

Benefits of customer service videos for customers and companies

Videos lead to a faster response time

Delays and waiting time is a common part of most product/service experiences.While facing complex issues, customers as well as support struggles to correctly convey the message in textual form. If the customer shares their screen recording, service agents can efficiently grasp the problem. Similarly, the customer support team can send a video to eliminate multiple rounds of clarifications, thus reducing the resolution time.

Engaging and easy-to-understand

There are specific details which may be challenging for customers to understand through text or just images. Videos in such cases give a visual description of the issue or solution, which is easily comprehensible by customers. Videos help customers in understanding complex processes easily and eliminates any confusion or misunderstanding.

Adds human touch or personalized support

Videos give much more personal feeling than a phone or text call. One-to-one video communication lets customers who are on the other side experience the same satisfaction they receive in a brick-and-mortar environment. A personalized thank-you or a personalized video from a service agent catches the customers attention and goodwill.

Reduces workload and customer service cost

When customer support uses videos for various purposes especially repetitive issues, the support has to deal with less phone calls and support tickets. This significantly reduces the workload and the team can focus on more important things. Getting time to handle new tasks improves the working experience of the customer support.

Multimodal communication

Videos have both visual and auditory elements, thus enhancing the communication. This multimodal approach improves information comprehension and retention. It also minimizes the chances of miscommunication which may arise when solely relying on one form of communication.

Reduces miscommunication and increases conversion rates

Reduced miscommunication in customer support ultimately leads to increased conversion rates as the overall customer experience is improved. Though empathic messaging and visual storytelling, videos establish rapport, build trust, and address concerns of customers more effectively. When customers are clear and have good support, customers are more likely to actively engage with the product/service.

Multilingual subtitle support

Videos are a mode to overcome language barriers by relying on visual demonstration rather on verbal or written communication. People from other countries and cultures can easily comprehend the content with multilingual subtitles.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Video Customer Support

Understanding your audience – Before creating any content, it is important to know who you’re creating it for. Understanding your audience’s needs, pain points, and their technical abilities will help you tailor your videos to be as useful as possible to them. For instance, a highly technical product may require in-depth explainer videos, while a simpler one might just need quick how-to guides.

Simple and clear – Your videos should be easy to understand. Avoid jargon, keep the language simple, and explain processes in a step-by-step manner. Consider using visuals and annotations to further clarify your points.

Professional quality – Quality doesn’t only refer to the video’s resolution or production quality but also to its content. The video must address issues effectively and provide accurate, useful information. High-quality audio, clear visuals, and good pacing are also important factors in making the video easy to follow and professional.

Using subtitles and transcripts – Making your videos accessible to everyone is key. Subtitles help those with hearing impairments or those watching without sound to follow along, and transcripts can improve accessibility and SEO.

Need for video hosting services to host customer support videos

“A 2023 Zendesk report reveals that customer satisfaction rates rose by an impressive 30% when video assistance was utilized, underscoring the effectiveness of this approach.”

Moreover, the Social Science Research Network found that viewers retain 65% of information three days after a visual presentation, compared to only 10% when reading. This highlights the efficiency of video hosting services in improving knowledge retention, resulting in fewer repeated queries and lower support ticket volumes.

Yet, adopting a video hosting service isn’t merely about uploading videos. It’s about finding a reliable and scalable platform that ensures high-quality video production, easy content management, and 24×7 uninterrupted service. Importantly, video hosting services provide tools for analytics and insights, enabling businesses to monitor user engagement, identify areas of improvement, and continually optimize their support efforts.

In essence, the adoption of video hosting services for customer support is a necessity in today’s digital age, ensuring enhanced customer experience, efficient knowledge transfer, and proactive support management. As we navigate an increasingly video-centric world, this service promises to be a cornerstone of effective, modern customer support.

How VdoCipher Stands Out in the Realm of Video Hosting

Serving over 3000 customers in more than 120 countries, VdoCipher offers the best-in class video hosting and streaming solution for business and enterprise customers. Apart from AWS powered servers, VdoCipher offers customizable HTML5 video player, dynamic watermarking, easy to use dashboard, video analytics, plugins for easy integrations, and much more.

The various key features VdoCipher delivers:

Custom Video Player

Player SDKs for all platforms – React Native, iOS, Android, Flutter, JS. Supports Chromecast and Airplay
Fully customizable with ease of buttons. No code required
Chapters within player to jump to a specific video section
Multi lingual closed captions with search function
Easy toggles
Adaptive streaming to adjust the video quality as per the network speed

User based Watermarking

VdoCipher app video player comes with dynamic watermarking to discourage screen capture. You can display user information such as email address, user id as text overlay on the app video player.


Dashboard is simple to use and navigate. In ease, upload videos, import or create folders. You can easily browse various sections on the dashboard like Accounts & payment, analytics, support, and custom player. Also, within the dashboard, you can find important tutorial videos to give a walkthrough of important workflows.

Video Analytics

In the analytics section within the dashboard, you can analyze your bandwidth and video usage. You can generate multiple CSV and download with fields as video ID, Date, Name, and bandwidth used. Analyze your per video views and average watchpercent.


VdoCipher supports most popular Content Management Systems and has plugins for WordPress and Moodle. The plugin handles the OTP and PlaybackInfo generation by itself, so embedding videos to your website is simple and straightforward. Our WordPress video plugin supports all popular WP membership plugins, including Members, Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, and WP eMember. The video plugin also supports LMS such as WP CourseWare, LifterLMS, Sensei, and LearnDash.

Amazon AWS Server

The videos are stored in the Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service. Huge data files are securely stored on Amazon S3 with data security, management efficiency, and storage optimization. Even in cases of network problems or hardware failures, your data always stays protected.


How can videos be made accessible for all customers?

Videos can be made accessible by including options like subtitles or closed captions, providing transcripts, and ensuring the content is clear even without audio for those who are hearing-impaired.

How can the effectiveness of customer support videos be measured?

Key performance indicators could include the number of views, viewer engagement levels (likes, shares, comments), reduction in support tickets about the covered topic, customer satisfaction scores, and feedback from customers.

Should customer support videos be produced professionally?

While high production quality can enhance credibility and brand image, the most important aspect is clear and helpful content. Even videos produced with simple tools can be effective if they deliver the right message and truly help the customer.

Can videos replace other forms of customer support?

Videos are an excellent addition to a support strategy, but they don’t usually replace other forms such as live chat, email, phone, or text-based FAQs.

The post Video Customer Support to Improve Customer Service and Reduce Costs appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

HTML5 Media & Open Source Video Players for Windows Linux Android iOS https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/06/open-source-video-players/ Wed, 01 Jun 2022 09:07:45 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=11417 There is no doubt that open source video players are in need nowadays. The market for video players is multiplying, and the users are looking for better options with more features. Most commercial video players are not open source, which is why users are looking for open-source video player alternatives. Open-source video players are software […]

The post HTML5 Media & Open Source Video Players for Windows Linux Android iOS appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

There is no doubt that open source video players are in need nowadays. The market for video players is multiplying, and the users are looking for better options with more features. Most commercial video players are not open source, which is why users are looking for open-source video player alternatives.

Open-source video players are software programs that allow users to playback video content on their devices. Many of these players are available for free download or use, and they often include features such as support for a variety of file formats, subtitles, and playback speed control.

There is a need for open-source video players because they are free and customizable. Open source video players can be modified to suit the needs of each user, which is not possible with commercial video players. Additionally, open-source video players often have more features than commercial players. These programs are open source, meaning that their source code is available for anyone to view and modify. This allows users to customize the players to their own needs and fix any bugs they may encounter.

Benefits of Open Source Video Players

There are many open-source video player benefits. Some of the most notable benefits include:

Increased flexibility – Open source video players are often more flexible than proprietary players. They are customizable to fit the specific needs of a given user or organization.

Greater control – Open source video players give users and organizations greater control over their media, as they can be modified and adapted to suit individual needs.

Increased security – Open source video players are often more secure than proprietary players, as they are typically more transparent and have fewer hidden code vulnerabilities.

Learning from the Best – Open source video players are an excellent way to learn from the best. For example, if you want to help your business grow, you can learn from the best business in that niche. You can apply what you have learned from the best business to your own business and grow.

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VdoCipher Smart Player ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Reduced costs – Open source video players are often more affordable than proprietary players, as they are often available at no cost or for a lower price.

Features of Open Source Video Players

Open-source video players have a lot of features that are not available in other video players. These features include:

  • Ability to play a wide range of video formats
  • Ability to play videos from online sources
  • Availability of a large number of plugins that add additional functionality
  • Ability to customize the player’s appearance and functionality
  • Support for subtitle files
  • Free and open-source software
  • Online open-source video players can be easily enhanced and made interactive via javascript

Things To Consider When Selecting Open Source Video Players

When it comes to choosing a custom video player for your website, you have to consider some things. We have mentioned some things that you should consider before selecting an open-source video player for your website.

Mobile-Friendly – You should ensure that the player you select is mobile-friendly. This is important because people are watching videos from their mobile phones. So it would be best if you made sure that the player you select is mobile-friendly. This will ensure that your viewers can watch videos from their mobile phones.

Fast Loading – The next thing you should consider is that the video player you select should be fast loading. Most people will abandon a video if they have to wait too long. Most viewers will only wait a few seconds before they get bored and move on to the next video.

Accessible to Use – You should also ensure that the video player you select is easy to use. If you make it difficult for your viewers to use your video player, you will lose them.

Upgrades – The open-source video player software that you use can be updated regularly. The software developers will constantly fix bugs and update their software with new features. This ensures that you get the latest and greatest in the software.

Features – The last thing that you should consider is the video player’s features. The more features that the video player has, the better. You should pick a video player that has the features that you need.

Best HTML5 & Web Open Source Video Players

HTML5 video player is an HTML5-based video player that enables websites to embed video content using the < video > element. An HTML5 video player is a web video player that uses HTML5 video playback capabilities to play videos. HTML5 video playback capabilities include playing videos without needing a plugin such as Flash.

The HTML5 video player is the future of video on the web. These videos play in the browser without plugins such as Flash or Java. The HTML5 video player is native to the web and gives you full control over the video player.

Anyone who wants to use an HTML5 player should know that it is a simple video player developed using the latest technologies. The videos which are played on this video player are viewed in a web browser. The HTML5 video player is integrated into the page and allows the video content to be played directly from the web page without needing a flash player.

If you want to know how an HTML5 video player works, you must be aware that it is actually simple and relatively easy to maintain. You can easily embed the video player into your web page. This video player can also play videos directly from a website or a video directly from a storage device.

VdoCipher Smart HTML5 Video Player

VdoCipher offers a powerful, smart HTML5 video DRM video player to deliver the best viewing experience. Along with the customizable HTML5 video player, VdoCipher provides Hollywood-grade DRM encryption to secure videos and restrict video piracy. VdoCipher offers secure video hosting to stream videos safely and smoothly.

  • Illegal Download Prevention
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Adaptive Multi-bitrate Playback
  • Playback Speed Change (Dynamic controls to change playback speed and skip/rewind)
  • Multi-Language Subtitles
  • Multi-device HTML5 Player (for Desktops, and SDKs for iOS and Android)
  • HD Streaming at low bitrates
  • Secure Android App downloads to watch videos even when offline
  • Pre-available 9 player themes
  • Easy embed options using iFrame, plugins, and API
  • Add CTAs with simple Script code
  • Custom overlay and tracking
  • Video analytics
  • A free 30-day trial


The Projeckktor video player is an open-source media player for the web. Projeckktor is an easy-to-use video player to embed into any website. It can play videos of any format, even videos that other media players do not usually support. This can be extremely useful for websites that run on flash or do not have their own media player. Projeckktor is a powerful, easy-to-use web video player that delivers video content to your website or blog.

  • control all aspects of your video playback
  • fully responsive and Automatic video playback
  • built-in social media sharing tools
  • Fullscreen video player
  • Video quality selection
  • Video playlist
  • Subtitles support
  • Loop videos


The jPlayer Plugin is a media player that allows you to play audio and video files on your website. It is a free and open-source plugin that is available for download on the jPlayer website. jPlayer is a media library for jQuery which takes advantage of HTML5 audio/video and Adobe® Flash® media capabilities. It can be easily customized via CSS and HTML and provides an extensive standard API for implementing web-based media regardless of platform.

  • Customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS
  • Lightweight – only 14KB minified and Gzipped
  • No licensing restrictions
  • Free plugins available for popular platforms
  • Extensive platform support – multi-codec, cross-browser and cross-platform
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Consistent API and interface in all browsers, HTML5 or Adobe Flash


FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio and video codec library. FFmpeg provides both a command-line interface and an API to manipulate multimedia files. It supports many common audio and video formats. Its main uses are transcoding, basic editing (trimming and concatenation), video scaling, video post-production effects, and standards compliance. FFmpeg is also a video player. FFmpeg also includes other tools: “ffplay,” a simple media player, and “ffprobe,” a command-line tool to display media information. There are two ways to play a video with FFmpeg. One through the command-line or via a GUI app that can run commands through it.

  • Broadcast live stream a video feed
  • Crop, scale or rotate a video file
  • Adjust volume, remove audio and merge an audio file with a video file
  • Adjust video bitrate
  • Convert between different file formats and codecs

Best Open Source Javascript and Web Media Players


Video.js is a free and open-source project which allows you to create HTML5 video players. This video player is written in JavaScript and built on the HTML5 video tag. It supports playback on various devices, including desktop computers, mobile devices, and televisions. When available, it uses native HTML5 elements and falls back to Flash or Silverlight as needed.

  • Allows you to create a responsive video player.
  • Compatible with all browsers and platforms.
  • Lightweight plugin
  • Multiple video formats supported, including MP4, WebM, and Ogg
  • Automatic video playback when the page loads
  • Customizable controls and interface
  • A large community of developers. If you have any questions, you can find the answers quickly.
  • It has YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion support.
  • Various themes and skin


OpenPlayerJS is an open-source HTML5 video player library that provides a consistent interface for all HTML5 video players. It is designed to be easy to use, lightweight, and flexible. It is open-source and available under the MIT license.

  • Easy configuration via video/audio tags or Javascript
  • Smart algorithm to detect autoplay capabilities
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Support
  • Supports IE11+ (Win8) and all modern browsers
  • Media Advertising support with integrated Google IMA SDK
  • Local and remote captions for both video and audio
  • Play ads in an infinite loop


Plyr is a free, open-source HTML5 media player that supports video and audio playback in all major browsers. It is built on top of the HTML5 Media Element API. It has a comprehensive set of features, including support for playback of multiple video and audio formats, captions, subtitles, chapter navigation, etc.

  • Written in “vanilla” ES6 JavaScript, no jQuery required
  • Support for hls.js, Shaka, and dash.js streaming playback
  • Picture-in-picture mode
  • Native fullscreen with fallback to “full window” modes support
  • Monetization option
  • Multiple caption tracks and previous thumbnails display support
  • Standardized API for volume, toggle playback, and more
  • Easy customization and responsive for any screen size


ArtPlayer.js is a library for creating custom audio players with minimal code. It is a feature-rich HTML5 video player with customizable functional controls. ArtPlayer.js provides a simple API for controlling playback, volume, and seeking and a range of features for customizing the player’s appearance and behavior.

  • Supports vtt and srt subtitles
  • Video quality switching
  • Rich custom event monitoring support
  • Native picture-in-picture mode
  • Playback rate, aspect ratio, flip, window fullscreen, or web fullscreen adjustment
  • Support for custom plugins
  • Subtitle time offset
  • Screenshot support

Top Open Source Video Players for Windows Linux Ubuntu Android iOS

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is an open-source, cross-platform multimedia player. It is a framework that plays most multimedia files and DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It is available for desktop operating systems and mobile platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows Phone. VLC supports a wide range of audio and video formats and streaming protocols. We’ve also written a blog on how to stream videos on iOS using AVPlayer, do check it out to know more about video streaming in iOS.


  • Supports a wide range of audio and video file formats.
  • The VLC media player is available in over 50 languages.
  • Play Internet Radio and Podcasts and Stream Media over Network or Internet
  • Play and safely Download YouTube Videos
  • Convert videos to any other format
  • Loop a Section of a Video or media file
  • Add a logo or watermark while playing videos in VLC Media Player
  • The VLC media player supports various streaming protocols like HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, UDP, RTP, TCP, etc.


SMPlayer is a free media player for Windows and Linux with built-in codecs to virtually play all video and audio formats. It doesn’t need any external codecs. SMPlayer is based on MPlayer, a powerful media player with built-in codecs. But SMPlayer is better than MPlayer because it has many features like playing YouTube videos, streaming music from Grooveshark, and Subtitles support.


  • Supports multiple media formats and codecs: avi, mp4, Mkv, Mpeg, MOV, DivX, h.264, etc
  • Can play YouTube videos
  • can search and download subtitles
  • video and audio filters
  • change of the playback speed
  • adjustment of audio and subtitles delay
  • video equalizer
  • Available in over 30 languages

GOM Player

GOM Player is a free desktop media player from South Korea, which offers more than just the usual playback function. It was the first free software of its kind to support a usable number of subtitle formats and codecs, making it a favorite among users of the South Korean Internet. GOM Player can play a variety of audio and video formats, AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, WMV, MOV, etc. It also supports streaming content and can play some incomplete or damaged media files. It has support for many platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Ubuntu.


  • VR and 360-degree playback environment of multiple file format
  • Play incomplete, damaged, or not completely downloaded video files
  • The GOM Player Subtitle Library auto searches and syncs subtitles
  • GOM Remote to link your smartphone to GOM Player
  • GOM Player Plus plays high resolution, 4K UHD movies without buffering.
  • Custom configuration

Kodi Media Player

Kodi is a media player that lets you stream content from the internet or your local network. You can use Kodi to watch movies, TV shows, live sports, and more. Kodi is free and open-source software available on a wide range of devices. It plays local media files and streams content from a variety of sources. Kodi has a user-friendly interface that enables users to search for content by title, actor, or genre. Kodi also can integrate with a variety of add-ons that allows users to access content from all over the internet.

  • Plays media files online or locally
  • high customizability
  • Supports almost all the latest video codecs
  • Scalability with a mega list of add-on browsers
  • Configurable plugin during playback
  • Subtitle add-ons and program add-ons
  • AirPlay feature to access iOS devices and stream media directly
  • UPnP and Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) support
  • Live TV and personal video recorder

MPV Player

MPV is a free, open-source, and cross-platform media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports most video formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. It also supports video playback while downloading.

  • Support for a wide variety of media formats, file-formats, and codecs
  • Support for the most popular audio, video, and subtitle formats
  • High quality, OpenGL-accelerated video output
  • Support for a wide variety of input devices
  • On-Screen Controller
  • GPU video decoding
  • Support for a wide variety of display sizes, from small mobile devices to huge TV-screens
  • Fully usable on the remote control (using LIRC)
  • Highly customizable via config files
  • Fully serviceable with libmpv’s API

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

GNOME for Linux and Ubuntu

GNOME Media Player is an open-source media player for the GNOME desktop environment. It can play video and audio files and supports subtitles. It supports a wide variety of audio and video formats and allows for easy playback and management of media files. GNOME Videos is the official movie player of the GNOME desktop environment.

  • Play any xine or GStreamer supported file.
  • 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, stereo, and AC3 Passthrough audio output.
  • Full-screen mode with Xinerama, dual-head, and Viewport support.
  • Remote operation mode
  • Playlist with Repeat and Shuffle modes
  • Visualisation plugin when playing audio-only files.
  • Automatic external subtitle load


PotPlayer is a multimedia player developed by a Korean company, Kakao (formerly Daum Communications). It is available for Microsoft Windows and macOS. PotPlayer is a free multi-format media player and a universal media engine that plays almost all video, audio, and picture formats. PotPlayer supports a wide range of audio and video formats, and it offers extensive features such as streaming, skins, subtitles, and chapter management.

  • Based on the latest media engine under the xy-VS Filter
  • Supports all popular media formats, such as MKV, MP4, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, DAT,
  • Multi-audio output and advanced subtitles support
  • Supports multiple language packs
  • Skins, logos, colour themes.
  • Digital TV devices support. Live broadcasting
  • Hi-Quality playback and low resources usage


How can I view HTML5 videos on my device?

To view HTML5 videos on your device, you need a browser that supports HTML5 video playback. Most modern browsers support HTML5 video, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 10.

How do I implement HTML5 videos on my website?

To implement HTML5 video on your website, you need an HTML5 video player. There are several video players available on the market today. Some players are free, and some paid. The best HTML5 video player plays the video you need with the features you want.

What are the benefits of using HTML5 video?

One of the benefits of using HTML5 video is that all major browsers support it without plugins. This means that you can reach a larger audience with your videos. Additionally, HTML5 video is a more efficient way of delivering video content than using plugins.

What is the difference between HTML5 and Flash?

HTML5 is a new web standard that provides a more powerful and versatile way to create and view multimedia content on the web. Unlike Flash, HTML5 doesn’t require a plugin, so it works on more devices and browsers.

The post HTML5 Media & Open Source Video Players for Windows Linux Android iOS appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Redirected: Setting desired bitrate for video playback for multiple devices https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2016/07/setting-the-desired-bitrate-for-video-playback/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2016/07/setting-the-desired-bitrate-for-video-playback/#respond Wed, 20 Jul 2016 12:27:40 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=592 This method is applicable for videos playing on Flash player. Our HTML5 video player by default selects the best video stream based on user’s network conditions (adaptive streaming). This blog references our API version v2. For details on using this feature with our API v3 please visit the Server API Docs Different devices and internet […]

The post Redirected: Setting desired bitrate for video playback for multiple devices appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

This method is applicable for videos playing on Flash player. Our HTML5 video player by default selects the best video stream based on user’s network conditions (adaptive streaming). This blog references our API version v2. For details on using this feature with our API v3 please visit the Server API Docs

Different devices and internet speeds require different video bitrate to be served. Based on device type and your viewer connection, some of you may opt to initiate video streaming at a particular bitrate. You may want to provide playback at a certain quality or constrain network data for users. Video Bitrate, video resolution and video quality can therefore be configured. Below are the steps.

First, Send in an extra parameter while setting up the otp. Append a post parameter called “forcedBitrate”. This need to be an integer. During load time, the player obtains the list of available resolutions from the server. If the forcedBitrate is set, it starts playing the bitrate which is closest to that one.


If you have a video with bitrates created at [300, 900, 1500, 2100].  By default, the player will try to guess the correct bitrate based on a number of factors. If you believe that the default rate should be 900, set the value of forcedBitrate to 900. If the forcedBitrate is set to 1100, then player will calculate the bitrate closest to it and play it. This will ensure that the player will continue playing inspire of any error.

Here is a sample curl command for the otp call with forcedBitrate included:

curl 'http://api.vdocipher.com/v2/otp?video=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data 'clientSecretKey=CLIENT_SECRET_KEY&forcedBitrate=1100'

Check the Api Page for more info about VdoCipher APIs.

The post Redirected: Setting desired bitrate for video playback for multiple devices appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2016/07/setting-the-desired-bitrate-for-video-playback/feed/ 0