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describeContents() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.media.Track
describeContents() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams
DownloadOptions - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline
Information regarding the media requested and track options available for download.
downloadOptionsWithOtp(String,String,String,OptionsDownloader.Callback) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.OptionsDownloader
downloadOptionsWithToken(String,String,String,OptionsDownloader.Callback) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.OptionsDownloader
Request download options with token and playbackInfo.
DownloadRequest - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline
Specifications for a media download.
DownloadRequest.Builder - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.DownloadRequest
DownloadSelections - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline
Object containing a DownloadOptions and corresponding selections of tracks to download.
DownloadStatus - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline
Download status information corresponding to a media download.
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