
open class VdoPlayerView : AutoSizeFrameLayout, PlayerHost


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open fun VdoPlayerView(context: Context)
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open fun VdoPlayerView(context: Context, attributeSet: AttributeSet)
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open fun VdoPlayerView(context: Context, attributeSet: AttributeSet, defStyleAttr: Int)


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Register a listener for initialization callbacks from this PlayerHost
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open fun getNewCSHandler(): SessionHandler
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open fun getPlayer(): VdoPlayer
Get the VdoPlayer hosted by this PlayerHost.
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Initializes the PlayerHost with an InitializationListener to listen for initialization callbacks.
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open fun packUp()
Internally releases the player without using the public release api, so it can be restored.
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open fun pausePlayer()
pause video
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Remove a registered InitializationListener
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open fun restore(lastPlaybackState: PlaybackState)
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open fun setAspectRatio(widthToHeightRatio: Float)
Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.


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open var resizeMode: Int
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