Watermark Archives - VdoCipher Blog https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/category/watermark/ Secure Video Streaming Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:04:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png Watermark Archives - VdoCipher Blog https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/category/watermark/ 32 32 Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/#comments Mon, 08 Jan 2024 01:00:29 +0000 http://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=205 Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For […]

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers, there does however remain the risk of piracy from screen capture. User-based information shown as moving dynamic watermark effectively discourages users from pirating video content using screen capture and goes a long way towards helping users protect their premium content.

The sample video below contains a dynamic watermark displaying the User name, User IP, and User email. The below video is displayed using our WordPress plugin and the same can be configured using APIs or Moodle plugin as well.

The dynamic watermark can be customized for movement, color, size, transparency and frequency. You can try the watermark feature on your website by signing up for a Free 30 Day Trial on our home page.

Dynamic Watermark Demo

Features of Dynamic Watermark by VdoCipher

  1. Add user details like user id, email id, phone number, ip address as an overlay over your videos
  2. Add time stamp, and fixed text (e.g company name)
  3. Customise size, color, transparency, and frequency of moving watermark. You can make it very light and also change frequency so that it is not always visible, to ensure optimum viewing experience. You can optimize frequency in such a manner, that it is difficult to remove the watermark maintaining user experience.  To show a watermark at a particular position for 5 seconds and then not show it for 20 seconds, you can use the parameters of ‘interval’:5000 and ‘skip ‘: 20000. (1 second = 1000 microsecond).  Other parameters are explained in below tutorial steps below.
  4. If you are using a static/fixed text watermark, then it has to be compulsorily set at the top left of the player, it can not reside on other parts.
  5. Image watermark is currently not possible with VdoCipher, but you can use your company/brand name as a watermark.
  6. Quick 5-minute integration using wordpress plugin or moodle plugin or API. Iframe integration can show ip address and fixed text as watermark but it can not show user id, email id etc. as watermark since it is not a backend integration.

How to Add Dynamic Watermark to your VdoCipher Videos

To generate a watermark or to add text to videos you essentially need a JSON string describing how and what you will overlay on your protected videos. In this blog, we will be detailing how to integrate dynamic or static watermarks to add text to videos.

Step 1 is to create the watermark code. Once you have created the watermark code,
Step 2 you add the watermark to the video. This is done by adding watermark code to the WordPress plugin settings (for WordPress users), or by adding it as part of OTP API call for VdoCipher API users or by adding it to Moodle plugin settings.

Step 1: Create a Watermark Code

We are assuming that you have uploaded your video to your VdoCipher account. You would need to pass a JSON string as annotation code. The JSON string would contain all the information about the watermark. A JSON string is a universal form of representing structured data in a way that machines can understand.

Here is a sample JSON string that adds a moving (dynamic) watermark and a static watermark.


{'type':'rtext', 'text':'moving text', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'15','interval':'5000','skip':20000},
{'type':'text', 'text':'static text', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'10', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15'}

Technically, this is an array of JSON objects, where each object describes a single annotation item.

Each of these items will be described by its parameters. Every item requires a type parameter that defines the type of watermark. The type of watermark can be either a moving text or a static text. The rest of the parameters depend on the type.

Following is a short description of how each parameter affects the display of text.

Moving text

The following code will display a dynamic watermark code, displaying name, IP and email address in a single line. The text color will be red (#ff0000), opacity is 0.8, and font size is 15. The watermark is configured to keep one position for 5 seconds (5000ms) and then hide watermark for 20 seconds (20000 ms) , and then show again at a new position for 5 seconds.

'text':'{name}, {ip}, {email}',
Type of text – Moving watermark

Set type parameter as rtext for Dynamic watermark

Set the text to be shown
'text" : 'Enter whatever text you like to be displayed',

You can add user identifiable information, such as user name, user email and user IP.

  • ‘text’: ‘{name}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{email}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{ip}’,
'text':'Name: {name}, email: {email}, IP: {ip}

To display the name, email and IP separately, and not in a single line, you can simply create 3 watermark objects, as follows:

[{'type':'rtext','text':'{name}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{ip}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{email}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'}
Specify text opacity

This is the opacity of the text. For full opacity keep alpha value 1.

Specify text color

This is the hex value of the watermark text color. You can pick your choice of color and its corresponding hex value from the following page on W3schools.

Specify the font size

This is the font size

Specify the interval over which watermark changes position

The value is the interval in milliseconds when the text changes position

Skip feature for watermark

It is possible to have watermark skip for some time between two overlays. Here is a sample code for it –

Time stamp for watermark. (Only for WordPress)
[[{'type':'text', 'text':'Time: {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.30' , 'x':'12', 'y':'130', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'13'}]]
Add Custom Variables as Watermark

The following blog details how you can add text to videos or custom variables as watermark to your videos: Custom Variables as Watermark

Some important things to keep in mind about Watermark
  • Note that both the name and the value of these parameters should be in quotes. This rule applies to both text as well as numbers.
  • Each parameter is to be separated by a comma. There should not be a comma after the last parameter for the dynamic watermark video settings.

Static text

'type' : 'text',   //This defines the type of annotation item to static watermark
'text' : 'the text you like to be displayed',
'x' : '10',  //the distance from the left border of video.
'y': '50',  //the distance from the top border of video.
'alpha': '0.8', //the opacity of the rendered text, 0 is invisible, 1 is full opaque
'color':'0xFF0000',    //the color of the text specified as hexadecimal or uint
'size':'15' //Height of the text, in pixels.

Step 2: Add Watermark Code to Video Request using API or plugin

If you are using our WordPress or Moodle plugin you can simply add the watermark JSON in the plugin settings page. If you are integrating VdoCipher to your custom-built site, you would need to pass the JSON object as part of the OTP request.

The HTTP POST data containing watermark JSON object has to be sent as Content-Type: application/json. The JSON Object is to be sent as value to the key annotate. The header for the OTP request should include the Authorization using API Secret Key. A sample OTP request including watermark information is as follows.

curl -X POST \
 https://dev.vdocipher.com/api/videos/1234567890/otp \
 -H 'Accept: application/json' \
 -H 'Authorization: Apisecret a1b2c3d4e5' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{
 "annotate":"[{'\''type'\'':'\''rtext'\'', '\''text'\'':'\'' {name}'\'', '\''alpha'\'':'\''0.60'\'', '\''color'\'':'\''0xFF0000'\'','\''size'\'':'\''15'\'','\''interval'\'':'\''5000'\''}]"

The sample videoID is 1234567890 and the API Secret Key is a1b2c3d4e5. This sample code only passes the annotation code as parameter.

This blog: Protect Videos on WordPress provides more details on securing videos using WordPress.

Still having problems to add text to videos or with the dynamic watermark on video code? Send us the code you are using and the output you wish to be shown to support@vdocipher.com

add text to videos

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-variables-watermark-on-wordpress-videos/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-variables-watermark-on-wordpress-videos/#respond Fri, 06 Jan 2023 01:48:27 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=361 Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding a watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of the watermark. Currently, name, IP, and […]

The post Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding a watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of the watermark. Currently, name, IP, and email can be shown as part of the watermark.

Watermark on videos adds extra security for the video from screen capture by adding variables such as email, IP or date information to the videos. Custom variables are now supported in plugin 1.6

Default WordPress fields that can be added

Our plugin has been configured to replace the following strings in the annotation code by default:

  • {name} – Current User display name
  • {email} – Current User email
  • {username} – Current User Login
  • {id} – Current User ID

Till version 1.5 of our WordPress video hosting plugin, watermark on videos could only have a limited number of dynamic variables. With version 1.6, we have now added filter hooks on the annotation code to enable other plugins or themes to change the annotation code.

Custom filter addition to the WordPress hook

You can now add a custom filter to the hook `vdocipher_annotate_preprocess` . Example code for adding custom filter is:

function customfunc($vdo_annotate_code){
 $customVariable = "Hello world";
 $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{var1}', $customVariable, $vdo_annotate_code);
 return $vdo_annotate_code;

add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customfunc');

Display WordPress Default field like User Fullname

An example code to display the full name is as follows:

function customvdofunc($vdo_annotate_code){
    $fullname = "";
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $firstname = $current_user->user_firstname;
        $lastname = $current_user->user_lastname;
        $fullname = $firstname . " " . $lastname;
     $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{fullname}', $fullname, $vdo_annotate_code);
     return $vdo_annotate_code;
add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customvdofunc');

This would replace the string ‘{fullname}’ in the watermark code to the fullname of the logged in user.

JSON Code addition to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin

The above code enables you to replace the token {var1} with the value of $customVariable. You can then use an annotation code like:

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'{var1}', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

This code on going through the above filter will become

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'Hello world', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

This function can be placed in the functions.php file in your theme. It is recommended to create a child theme before making such edits.

Example Steps to configure custom field “Phone number” as a watermark

You can configure user-specific details like “phone numbers” as a watermark using the VdoCipher WordPress video plugin annotation field and add_filter function in the functions file. shortcode embedded in WordPress.

Note: This phone number is a Custom Field created for illustration using a  plugin named “Advanced Custom Fields” and the name for this custom field is phone_number. You might not need to configure such custom fields, your membership plugin that you might be using would already have such custom field addition functionality. The phone number addition of a user on their profile needs to be managed and taken care of from your WordPress setup side. Your WordPress developers can check and implement it. For this example, the sample WordPress viewer playing the video has the phone number  887788778877 on his profile.

custom variables like phone number addition in wordpress user profile

custom field phone number addition via plugin

Below is a code demonstrating the usage of a sample function for displaying the saved phone number as a watermark and plugin setup.

Additions in functions.php WordPress file

  1. Login to your WordPress account having theme editor access.
  2. Open functions.php through Appearance>Theme File Editor or Tools>Theme File Editor
  3. Add given below custom PHP function in the functions.php file and save the file.
function customvdofunc($vdo_annotate_code){
   $Phonenumber = "";
   if (is_user_logged_in()) {
       $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
       $PNO = $current_user->phone_number;
    $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{Phonenumber}', $PNO, $vdo_annotate_code);
    return $vdo_annotate_code;
add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customvdofunc');

Additions in functions php WordPress file

Adding JSON to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin field

You need to add the following JSON code in the plugin settings to call the custom function and display the viewer’s phone number as a watermark.

[{"type":"rtext", "text":"{Phonenumber}", "alpha":"0.90","color":"#FFFF00","size":"12","interval":"5000","skip":5000}]

Adding JSON to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin field

On playback of the videos, the watermark will show the phone number of the viewer playing the video. Similarly, you can call other custom or WordPress data fields via functions.php and display the same by adding more lines of JSON code in the VdoCipher plugin field.

watermark showing the phone number of the viewer playing the video

The post Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2020/09/encrypted-video-streaming-vdocipher-technology-details/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2020/09/encrypted-video-streaming-vdocipher-technology-details/#comments Thu, 12 May 2022 18:38:52 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=637 This blog explains VdoCipher security technology using video encryption in detail and compares it with most other providers. Below is a video with all security features explained and compared. After the video is text explanation – The main encrypted video streaming protocols in use by most other streaming providers are: HTTP Live Streaming – HLS […]

The post Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

This blog explains VdoCipher security technology using video encryption in detail and compares it with most other providers. Below is a video with all security features explained and compared. After the video is text explanation –

The main encrypted video streaming protocols in use by most other streaming providers are:

  1. HTTP Live Streaming – HLS Encryption with AES-128
  2. AES 128 Encryption & Sample AES 128 Encryption.
  3. Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and RTMP Encrypted (RTMPE)

HLS encryption, with AES-128 bit encrypted streaming, is widely marketed as a secure video encryption streaming protocol used for video protection. Indeed, certain security features have been built into these streaming protocols. However, by themselves, HLS Encrypted, DASH, and RTMPE are not sufficient to protect your content. Their security flaws lie in:

  • Partial video encryption of streaming content
  • Open key exchange mechanism for decryption

Explore More ✅

Secure Your Videos with Vdocipher Video Streaming Solution

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.

Why Only Video Encryption is not good enough?

The video encryption that these protocols offer is not foolproof.

Suppose, you have bought a state-of-the-art lock for your home. One that even the most masterful locksmiths cannot breakthrough. But then, well, you leave your key under the door-mat. Does your state-of-the-art lock still ensure state-of-the-art security for your home?

Why Video Encryption is not good enough: HLS Encryption and RTMPE are not effective encryption technologies by themselves
Many tools are widely available that exploit security vulnerabilities in encrypted streaming protocols. Tools such as IDM, Video Download Helper, and RTPMDump can even download content that has been encrypted, opening the gates for pirates to download and share your content. These tools bypass the video encryption by finding out the key to access the video, without bothering about the video encryption itself.

Although widely used, these streaming protocols are not the only streaming protocols that can be used. VdoCipher uses a modified version of the existing streaming protocols to increase video security, and minimize bandwidth usage.

How VdoCipher’s DRM Based Video Encryption Protects Your Content?

Here we explain how VdoCipher’s Encrypted Video Streaming works, and how our DRM encrypted video streaming technology is hackproof. We explain the complete workflow that our video DRM uses. Steps 5 and 6 of the video streaming workflow are the key differentiators that set us apart from the competition.

B2C or B2B marketplaces also often require features over and beyond video security. VdoCipher fulfills all major requirements for secure video hosting. The complete set of features that VdoCipher offers for enterprise video hosting may be found here.

Video Encryption Streaming With VdoCipher

  1. Upload – The video content is uploaded by the registered customer through Desktop, FTP, DropBox, directly from the server, and direct from URL. VdoCipher supports all typical video formats.
  2. Transcoding for Protected Streaming – At VdoCipher, we encrypt videos with DRM encryption protocol & multiple bitrates.  Each device (Android, IOS, Desktop) has its own encrypted version of the file. It is in this format that the encrypted streaming takes place in. After the user uploads the video, VdoCipher converts content into an encrypted format. The video is transcoded for optimization at multiple bitrates so that viewers on networks of any quality can conveniently view videos.
  3. Storage of Encrypted Content – The videos are stored securely on Amazon’s AWS S3 servers using our own server-side video encryption technology, creating a double layer of protection.
  4. DRM Encrypted Video Transfer – Differentiator – Now the encrypted content has to be streamed to the final viewer interface, be it app or browser. Unlike many other media streaming service protocols, there are two key differences: Firstly, the entire stream (not partial) is encrypted using a non-public key whose exchange mechanism is hidden (Via Google Widevine DRM & Apple Fairplay DRM for all platforms). Others like RTMP does it partially and not fully secure. Secondly, the transfer of this encrypted content is not through direct access to the video file. There is a one time URL that is generated and the content is transferred in different chunks to optimize streaming.
  5. Licensing & Authentication – Differentiator – If the video has a direct video URL that can be shared, then the encrypted video streaming has completely ineffective security. This is because there can be multiple browser playback of the same video, and therefore the video can be easily downloaded. Our key service differentiator is that we have One Time generated dynamic video URLs. These URLs are accessed only through custom video embed codes, allowing licensing duration for each single video stream. This prevents any URL based sharing.
  6. Decryption & Playback – Differentiator – Finally, the encrypted stream content is decrypted inside the player with a dynamic key. Our DRM based key transfer protocol is fundamentally different from the public key transfer protocol in cases of HLS, HTTPS, and RTMPE Encrypted Streaming Protocols. A private key transfer between the website and our API signifies that it is not possible for hackers to decrypt our streams. The One Time video encryption that we use is theoretically and practically hack-proof. We regularly update our authentication mechanism to keep the security features up to date. Video licensing and playback are combined to generate customizable viewer specific watermarks. Within the watermark offering, IP address, Email ID  and User ID can be shown as a light transparent watermark, to identify a playback session by the viewer.
  7. Result Progressive High Secure Adaptive Video Streaming – Through this 6-step Video Hosting, DRM based Video Encryption, and Streaming process, VdoCipher is able to provide a progressive high-security video streaming with future buffer possible. This is also different from RTMP which does not maintain any buffer and can be quite erratic as a result.  Also, once a part of a video is buffered it remains conserved, even when the viewer seeks back or forth. This ensures the fastest loading times and minimal bandwidth usage for secure video streaming.

What Is Video Encryption?

Video encryption is the process of encoding your video so that it can not be accessed by anyone without the encryption key. This stops any unwanted view or even download of the video. This puts a stop to any unwanted view or even download of your videos. 

The videos are encrypted with the help of encoding software and hardware to protect the video content. When a user tries to access the encrypted video. Pirates will get an encrypted file playing via an online video player on their website or app. 

What Is DRM Video Encryption?

Video encryption does a pretty good job to secure videos. Breaking encryption just by brute force might take ages to get access to the video. But there’s a catch even to it, as I mentioned in the beginning, all this encryption would mean nothing if a pirate can easily get access to the encryption key.

This is where DRM comes in, DRM protects the encryption key so that it can not be easily accessed by a malicious user. So, DRM video encryption not only helps in encrypting the video but also protects the encryption key so that a pirate can not access the video via any hack.

Detailed explanation on all VdoCipher security features (DRM encryption, url authentication, dynamic watermarking, screen capture prevention for certain device/browsers, Geo restriction). It is a lengthy video (28 min), but we bet that you won’t have any questions unanswered on video protection after watching this.

Also, feel free to check out our video encryption software, all you need to do is signup and upload your video. We take care of the encryption part, all you need to do is just embed your video on the page and voila, it’s done.


The post Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Secure Video Streaming API: VdoCipher for Developers https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2016/09/secure-video-streaming-api-vdocipher-for-developers/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2016/09/secure-video-streaming-api-vdocipher-for-developers/#respond Wed, 07 Sep 2016 10:24:37 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=695 This blog has been updated for API version v3. You may use VdoCipher API v3 to build a workflow around your video website as suggested in this blog. Complete details and Sample Codes for the API can be found in the Server API Docs. In this blog article, I’ll mention the common business use cases […]

The post Secure Video Streaming API: VdoCipher for Developers appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

This blog has been updated for API version v3. You may use VdoCipher API v3 to build a workflow around your video website as suggested in this blog. Complete details and Sample Codes for the API can be found in the Server API Docs.

In this blog article, I’ll mention the common business use cases that generally developers use with our video streaming API. Our video APIs have been built with the express mission to automate the entire video streaming pipeline for our users, from video upload right upto video playback. The links to the new set of APIs and sample codes are also given. The complete API v3 reference, with sample codes for different backend languages, can be accessed from the API Sample Docs.

  1. Secure Video Embed

We generate dynamic URLs for video streaming. This ensures that video is played only when the API server authenticates it as being a valid session. Our API server issues unique OTPs to decrypt encrypted content. These OTPs are authenticated by the license server.

This combination of Encrypted Streaming and Backend authentication with OTP ensures that videos cannot be downloaded, and is the key feature we provide as part of our secure video streaming service.

Please visit our API page for details on embedding videos to your website. Sample codes for OTP generation can be found in the API Docs reference.

  1. Dynamic Watermark configuration

Dynamic watermarking protects your premium video content from screen capture technologies. Dynamic Watermarking enables you to display user information over the video, effectively deterring video piracy from screen capture.

You can customize user details and how the text moves across the video screen by using the Watermark API. This API always delights our users, who find that watermarking obliterates any threat from piracy.

  1. Upload from various sources

To help you manage your video content we offer various options for optimal video upload. You can upload your video files directly using the Dashboard, or by using the API. The Upload API enables you to authorize your content providers to directly upload videos to your account.

Videos can be uploaded from the desktop and from the server. The import API enables you to import videos to your VdoCipher account from any HTTP or FTP link. The Upload and Import APIs can be found at the API Docs Reference.

  1. Tagging Videos

Video tags are one of the key elements used for categorising videos. Managing a large library of videos requires that you efficiently use a tag-based video management system. The tag API enables users to effortlessly add, delete and replace tags, and to enable tag-based video search. The tagging API can be found in the API Docs.

  1. Searching Videos

The Video Search API returns a list of videos that match your query. Supported HTTP queries include title, video ID, and tags. The API returns detailed list of videos, which you can return to your website for users.

We have set soft rate limits for the search API. We recommend using a caching layer for your website’s general users, so as to limit the number of API calls.

APIs to enable video search from names and tags can be found in the API Docs.

  1. Whitelabel your Video Platform for Content Providers

Our APIs enable our users to create their own white-labelled front-end. Content providers can add videos to our client’s platform, which make upload and tagging API calls in the backend. Users can use VdoCipher’s video streaming infrastructure with their own user interface to retain complete control over user experience while delivering the best video experience for premium content.

Enterprise customers can have their own customers upload videos directly on our site. This can be implemented with APIs using these links.

This blog explains the two-step video upload process using which you can enable video uploads for content providers.

  1. Check video status

After initiating video upload you can check the status through the video status API. Apart from video status, the video contains all details of the video. These include title, description, video upload time, video length, poster image URLs and associated tags.

The following are the status values that may be returned:

  • Pre-Upload – Upload policy has been returned (Step 1 is successful), but file is not yet uploaded (Step 2 not yet complete)
  • Queued – Video has been uploaded and is being encoded and encrypted (Step 1 and Step 2 complete)
  • ready – Video is ready for playback

API reference for the video status API is available  here.

  1. Obtain and Upload Poster Image

Poster image is the image that is shown to the viewer before a video is loaded. By default, a shot from the video at a random time is taken and converted into posters of different sizes. You can customize the poster image to increase click through rates for your video. You can use the API to auto upload new poster images.

The complete API v3 reference, with sample codes for different backend languages, can be accessed from the API Sample Docs.

Video Streaming Hosting VdoCipher
All these things, VdoCipher handles for you. Launch Today.

Start a free full version 5 GB trial today at VdoCipher

Have a glimpse of the number of your viewers using video download tools for easy piracy. 

An Open Source Contribution by VdoCipher

The post Secure Video Streaming API: VdoCipher for Developers appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Secure video streaming and hosting: Advances in technology https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/secure-video-streaming-vdocipher-technology/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/secure-video-streaming-vdocipher-technology/#respond Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:09:12 +0000 http://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=191 VdoCipher provides highest secure video streaming in the world market. It is a full packaged video streaming, hosting, Encoding+DRM service offered in easy to use manner. This post presents an overview on various practices adopted by VdoCipher to deliver secure video streaming for its clients. For e-learning and media companies hosting streaming videos on their […]

The post Secure video streaming and hosting: Advances in technology appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

VdoCipher provides highest secure video streaming in the world market.

It is a full packaged video streaming, hosting, Encoding+DRM service offered in easy to use manner.

This post presents an overview on various practices adopted by VdoCipher to deliver secure video streaming for its clients. For e-learning and media companies hosting streaming videos on their sites, having a secure video player on the site is the primary requirement. For better user experience, forcing the viewer to install some plugin is also not preferable.  VdoCipher ensures that its customers can use secure video streaming without deteriorating the viewer experience.

The encryption and authentication technology is built in with the VdoCipher player.

Secure video streaming technology

Dynamic watermarking the videos with viewer detail further enhances security from screen capture. It discourages distribution of content captured using external cameras.

Encryption, authentication and  dynamic water marking are thus the tools by VdoCipher for secure video hosting.

You can also limit access to certain IP addresses and Geographical locations using the whitelisting features.

A light weight video player which allows buffer retention ensures a smooth streaming experience for the viewer. Buffer retention here means , that as the viewer seeks back and forth on the video player, the buffer remains conserved. This ensures minimal bandwidth usage and a smooth streaming experience for  viewers with slow internet speeds.

A note on secure video hosting – As already mentioned, encryption, watermarking & licensing are the key features that prevent illegal access of streaming videos. Coming to the hosting part of videos in secure fashion, VdoCipher stores videos in a proprietaryy format on its owned AWS(Amazon) + Akamai servers. These are internationally the largest server + CDN companies catering about almost all the media content in the world. The direct access to the servers for any piracy or hack attempt is impossible owing to strict hosting security standards maintained by these server companies. The fact that the one time url for the secure hosted video is a link to the raw encrypted file with no access to its decryption key, it makes even the rare access of the encrypted video useless.

Integration with secure video player

Integration of VdoCipher with any website is quick with embed codes provided through easy to use APIs. For websites built with services like wordpress and joomla , VdoCipher has ready to use plugins. Features which are supported along with secure video streaming are- video analytics, bulk upload through computer, dropbox or shared url, custom video player design, pay per use pricing and live customer support.

So, how to start using this secure video streaming with VdoCipher ?

To start with a free full version 5 GB trial of VdoCipher – you just need to signup with a mail id. No credit card , no details , no time limit, just signup and you are ready to sell videos online.

  Signup for free trial

If you have any queries, team VdoCipher is here to help you. Please send your queries and specific requirements to the contact link located here.



The post Secure video streaming and hosting: Advances in technology appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/08/variables-on-wordpress-videos/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/08/variables-on-wordpress-videos/#respond Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:09:33 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=269 Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of watermark. Currently name, IP and email can […]

The post Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of watermark. Currently name, IP and email can be shown as part of watermark.

You can download the WordPress plugin from the WP Plugin Directory

While adding videos watermark or annotation code on vdocipher videos using the WordPress plugin, you can configure the text to fetch dynamic user variables. These variables can be user name, email or date in custom format. Here is the complete list of variables which can be used in the annotation code.

{name} : This shows the display name of the user who is viewing the video. This calls the function: wp_get_current_user()->display_name

{email} : wp_get_current_user()->user_email

{username} : wp_get_current_user()->user_login

{id} : wp_get_current_user()->ID


{date} : This function allows you to configure the video to show date in custom format. You can use the predefined PHP date constants to display date. The format is {date.pattern}, where pattern will be the input of PHP’s date function.

preg_replace_callback('/\{date\.([^\}]+)\}/', function($matches)
   return date($matches[1]);
} , $vdo_annotate_code);


An example code using the above variable tokens:

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'Time: {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

Check example video for the above code here: https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/

Currently, the WordPress plugin supports a single annotation parameter across the website. If you must have a video without the annotation, you need to add a no_annotate parameter [vdo id='12345678' no_annotate=true]

The post Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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