video drm Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 video drm Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File Wed, 19 Jun 2024 06:16:03 +0000 A Digital Rights Management System is a system to enforce the rights of owners of digital media, software, or devices. The system controls the use of protected material by limiting the number of times a song can be played or limiting the number of copies made. Digital Rights Management or DRM content protection identifies the […]

The post DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A Digital Rights Management System is a system to enforce the rights of owners of digital media, software, or devices. The system controls the use of protected material by limiting the number of times a song can be played or limiting the number of copies made. Digital Rights Management or DRM content protection identifies the source or owner of the material or prevents the material transfer from one device to another.

In other words, Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to the technological protection measures used to prevent unauthorized access, copying, use and distribution of copyrighted digital media and information. Various products and services employ DRM to protect copyright and related rights. It is in the video, audio, E-books, digital software, video games, and digital television applications.

VdoCipher empowers 3000+ course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with DRM protected video streaming, ensuring smooth playback in 120+ countries.

DRM Content Protection and DRM Encryption Meaning

The term DRM Content Protection refers to several different processes used to control the use of digital media, software, or devices designed to prevent unauthorized duplication or use of the protected material. Some of the included processes are:

Digital Rights Management (DRM): Refers to a range of technologies used to enforce the rights of digital media owners, particularly concerning the use of copyrighted material. For example, DRM content protection ensures that the protected material is only played on specific devices or controls the transfer of protected material from one device to another. The way DRM works usually depends on the content type and the distribution platform. Still, even when those things are the same, two content providers can use different methods based on the level of restrictions they want to apply.

DRM Encryption: Process of encoding the protected material in a way that makes it unreadable without the correct key. For example, material encrypted using the Digital Rights Management (DRM) process may require a computer or device to be registered to receive the decryption key. The main reason DRM creation was to protect the copyright holder’s interests.When you purchase a copy-protected file, you aren’t actually purchasing the file itself, you’re purchasing a license to use the file. This license is held in a database on a DRM server, and this database is what DRM Encryption protects.

DRM working in Browsers and Devices

DRM Protection works alongside encryption, the videos are first encrypted and the encryption key is hidden in the CDM(content decryption module) or hardware-backed protection.

Every time a user clicks on the play button, a license request is created and verified by the DRM server and sent back to the player, after the player sends the license key to the DRM module, the DRM content is decrypted and sent to the player in chunks.

In browsers like Chrome and Firefox, Google Widevine CDM is integrated by default, ensuring a seamless user experience on DRM-requiring sites. The Google Widevine CDM operates within a sandbox environment, enhancing security and user privacy. Users are notified of CDM usage and retain the option to disable the CDM, although this may impair functionality on certain websites.

In Android and iOS/Safari, DRM content playback is facilitated by DRM framework which uses hardware-backed protection to secure premium content and user credentials. These frameworks enable Android and Apple devices to support various DRM technologies, ensuring that protected content can be securely streamed and played. The content protection provided by the DRM framework depends on the security and content protection capabilities of the underlying hardware platform. For example, L1 security level provides maximum security in comparison to L3 compatible devices.

Major Providers of DRM Providers

A typical DRM Content Protection consists of multi DRM, these different DRMs caters to different devices and browsers. The major ones are:

  • Google Widevine DRM solution: It supports Desktop/Laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux) Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Android Chrome, Edge, Android TV, Android TV, Chromecast.
  • Apple Fairplay DRM Solution: It supports Mac Safari, IOS Safari, IOS App
  • Microsoft Playready DRM solution: It supports Edge in Windows. Windows Edge is also supported by Google Widevine, so Playready is not an absolute necessity.

What is DRM Protected Video Content and Streaming?

DRM Protected video content is only available to people who have the right to access it. A video file protected by DRM encryption will no longer be accessible by just anyone. DRM protects the video file by ensuring the content is stored and transmitted in an encrypted format so that only authorized users and devices can access it. Multi-DRM schemes encrypt and package the video content before streaming for improved and more excellent device compatibility. When a user attempts a video playback, the video player requests a key from the license server. Before issuing a license response with a decryption key, the server checks for the authorization of the user and device. Finally, the player decrypts and plays the content for the user.

Preventing unauthorized video downloads requires a multifaceted approach. While DRM is effective, it’s not sufficient on its own. Explore why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and what additional steps you can take.

How to DRM Protect a Video File?

When we upload video content on websites or release premium content on online platforms, a major concern is content security. There are chances that someone may download and misuse the video content if it is not protected or secured. Also, there are various methods available to protect digital content so that no one can copy or download the content unauthorizedly and misuse it. One such way is implementing DRM or Digital Rights Management to protect a video file. Below is a DRM Workflow mechanism.

Source: Input video files upload or transfer to cloud storage such as AWS S3.

Encoding: The input video file is packaged and encoded into Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) formats like HLS or MPEG-DASH.

Encryption: The video file encrypts with digital keys provided by the DRM License provider during the encryption process.

Storage: The video files transfer to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Amazon CloudFront.

Authentication: The video player makes an authentication request from the DRM server to ensure the license validity.

Playback: Once authenticated, the video player unlocks the video and allows for video playback.

Why need VdoCipher for DRM Content Protection?

Setting up the whole previously described workflow is a tedious task. That is why only a few technology-equipped media houses like VdoCipher provide the complete package to end-users. The package adheres to all your uploading requirements through FTP or even via direct links from Vimeo etc. Well, uploading is easy but what goes parallelly like Encoding, Encryption, Global Distribution and Storage, and Authenticating via License Provider are difficult to implement. For the same, VdoCipher has done all for you, even playback and integration with Google Widevine DRM & Apple FairPlay DRM for the widest support of devices and browsers.

So whether you are an eLearning solution provider or anyone whose videos are precious and piracy cannot be afforded, VdoCipher is the best choice for you. You can go through their pricing to find the affordable plan as per your need. As a rule of thumb, the more you go high in consumption, the lesser the will be per unit charges.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with expert multi DRM solutions, ensuring smooth playback globally.

DRM Protected Content Examples

Any online streaming is an excellent example of DRM protected content. Online platforms use DRM to protect their content before releasing it online.

Here are a few examples of DRM protected content

  • Online Video Streaming: Users stream content online through a browser or application. Here every view is validated via the license server. Any video streamed through DRM can’t be downloaded and screen recorded in most cases.
  • Video games: Whenever you buy a game from a store online, instead of buying that you are basically buying the license to play that game on your device. Whenever you buy a game on Steam, PSN, or Nintendo store, you get a license to download and play that game which is added to your account. This license allows you to download the game anytime you want.
  • Audio streaming: DRM in audio streaming’s case works very similar to the ones in video streaming. DRM ensures that any audio streamed through the respective music player can’t be downloaded.

What are the Benefits of DRM Protected Content?

DRM lets content creators decide what should be done with their content, and it offers many advantages, such as:

  • Protection from any revenue loss due to piracy
  • Restricts any unauthorized access to the content.
  • Prevents any piracy of the content
  • Provides an extra level of security to the content

There are several major devices and browsers that support DRM. One of the most widely used DRM is Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay.


What is a DRM Server?

A DRM server is a database that stores information on the files licensed to you. A DRM server hosts on a server on the Internet or a local database on your computer. The DRM server is encrypted by DRM Encryption.

What is the difference between DRM and copyright enforcement?

Copyright restricts who can distribute media, while DRM software restricts how users access protected media. Copyright provides leverage against illegal distribution. It means the largest distribution platforms must already adhere to the demands of large publishers, studios, and software companies.

How do web browsers support DRM-protected video streaming?

DRM-protected video streaming consumption is by using Smart HTML5 media player. The player uses the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API to enable the playback of the protected content.

The post DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) Thu, 23 May 2024 16:14:38 +0000 It’s important to examine digital rights management before delving into how it’s provided to you as a customer. Digital Rights Management, or DRM, is a technology that restricts the usage of digital content, usually through encryption. DRM systems intend to protect content creators by ensuring that authorized users see their content or use it correctly. […]

The post DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

It’s important to examine digital rights management before delving into how it’s provided to you as a customer. Digital Rights Management, or DRM, is a technology that restricts the usage of digital content, usually through encryption. DRM systems intend to protect content creators by ensuring that authorized users see their content or use it correctly. Digital rights management (DRM) vendors sell software that allows you to restrict how your customers can use protected digital content. Without it, unauthorized users might steal your digital content, leaving you with no money earned and pirated content.

DRM vendors help prevent piracy by developing complex software that prevents people from copying content they haven’t paid for. The content is encrypted using a key only available to someone who has paid for the content. DRM vendors provide you with an encrypted version of the content you have purchased. The provider usually distributes the content with a license that determines how the content gets used.

What is DRM (Digital Rights Management)?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a critical tool for creators and publishers of digital media, aiming to safeguard their profits and intellectual property. With the rise of personal computers, it has become exceedingly simple to replicate digital files countless times without losing quality. DRM serves as a means to control and monitor the distribution and usage of digital media, thereby curbing the unauthorized sharing of copyrighted content.

At its core, DRM systems protect digital content by either encrypting it, allowing access only to those with proper authorization, or by embedding digital watermarks that deter unauthorized distribution. These measures ensure that only paying customers, who have legally acquired the rights, can access and use the content.

In many jurisdictions, such as the United States, circumventing DRM protections is illegal, highlighting the legal backing that supports the enforcement of these digital rights. DRM is therefore seen not only as a technical solution but also as a legal framework designed to control the use and dissemination of digital assets, exclusively applicable to digital or digitized media.

How does a DRM Vendor works?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) mechanisms function by securing content through encryption, ensuring that only authorized users who possess the decryption key can access it. The DRM process, particularly for video content, involves multiple parties including the content provider, packager, Content Delivery Network (CDN), DRM platform, and the player. Here’s an overview of how DRM works in four key steps:

Protect your videos with the same technology that powers Google devices and browsers. Learn more about VdoCipher’s Multi-DRM solution!

Step 1: Encrypt the Content
The initial and most fundamental step in DRM is encryption. This process converts plain data into ciphertext using a key, making the content unreadable to anyone without the corresponding decryption key. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is commonly used due to its efficiency and simplicity in key management, as it uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.

Step 2: Key and License Management
The encryption key is usually generated by the content provider and handed over to the packager or transcoder for encrypting the content. In DRM systems, this process is often enhanced with tools from DRM vendors to manage and generate keys securely.

Step 3: KeyID and ContentID
Once the content is encrypted with a key provided by a DRM vendor, identifying the correct key for decryption is crucial. This is managed through a KeyID, which acts as an identifier for the key, and a ContentID, which is a unique identifier for the content. Both identifiers are packaged within the license, stored securely on a License Server.

Step 4: Decryption and Playback
During playback, if a video is encrypted, this information is flagged in the manifest file. The player, upon attempting to play the video, requests the license from the DRM server using the license URL provided in the manifest. If the server validates the request, it issues a license containing the decryption key, which the DRM modules within the player use to decrypt and play the content.

This simplified overview covers the basics of DRM operations. However, the full implementation can be more complex, involving additional features such as key rotation, particularly for live streaming services.

Decade Milestone
Introduction of Software Service System (SSS) by Ryuichi Moriya, a pioneering DRM technology based on encryption with dedicated hardware for decryption.
Passage of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the US, criminalizing technologies that circumvent DRM.
Apple’s iTunes implements DRM, restricting songs to play on only three computers and limiting playlist copies, exclusive to Apple devices.
Emergence of FairPlay Streaming by Apple, and adoption of DRM by major streaming services like Spotify and Netflix, enabling secure browser and app access.
Expansion of streaming market with services like Amazon Prime, DisneyPlus, Hulu, HBO Max, etc., all utilizing DRM to protect digital video content.

Why need DRM Vendors and DRM Providers?

Flawed Implementation – The root cause of DRM malfunctions is the inconsistencies in implementing DRM. It can lead to a lousy user experience or security breach. From UX designing to software diversity, collaborative integration must occur between users and DRM vendors.

End-user adaptability – The other common issue in DRM implementation is End-user adaptability. With the growing number of new devices and on-demand content consumers, the delivery model, licensing, and content management needs implementation. Educating former and existing customers about the various new updates and changes is a task to handle with better customer support.

Lack of all-in-one DRM solutions – Instead of subscribing to multiple DRM vendors, most end-users look for an all-in-one DRM solution. Implementing a unified DRM solution for digital content requires workforce, investments, and levels of technical implementations.

Security and IP protection – DRM vendors can effectively manage access to digital assets by employing IP geolocation. IP geolocation data needs to be up-to-date and standardized. It simplified the licensing rights authentication across regions and authorized users’ access. DRM vendors need to securely store a vast amount of Intellectual Property data and create a workflow for users to manage and track their content. If there is a bug in the DRM software that allows people to copy content without paying for it, then it is easy for people to pirate content. DRM vendors have to address this issue by implementing multiple security layers, IP protection, watermarking, and of course, customer satisfaction.

What Steps are required to become a DRM Vendor

  • Acquiring DRM license permissions
  • Setting up storage infrastructure
  • Encoding
  • Transcoding
  • Using the license encryption keys to encrypt the digital content
  • Storing the encrypted file
  • CDN setup
  • Authorized access management
  • Request processing via license server
  • Decrypt the requested resources via the license server
  • Allow playback or opening of a file through a DRM player or viewer

drm mechanism

Benefits of using DRM Vendors and DRM Providers

The main benefit of using a DRM provider is the ease of implementation. A DRM provider is a company that provides technology and services to help content owners and distributors protect their intellectual property. DRM providers offer a variety of services, including digital rights management, content security, and anti-piracy measures. They work with content owners to help them protect their copyrighted material and ensure that it is not illegally copied or distributed.

Most DRM providers offer APIs that are easy to use and will take most of the implementation burden off your shoulders. Additionally, you get a lot of additional functionality out of the box, such as a wide array of supported devices, reporting, and even analytics.

The great thing about this is that you don’t have to build all of it yourself. It frees up your time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. You also get support and the latest updates from the provider. You’ll easily integrate any newly added features in the future.

You may also have the option of building your custom reporting based on the provider’s data. It will give you a lot of insight into the performance of your eBooks or video content and the customers who purchase them. In other words, when you register your work with a DRM provider, you can make your work securely available, in multiple formats and across multiple platforms, without having to know about all the logistical details of digital rights management. You can focus on your work, and the provider will worry about making your work available.

Experience the ultimate viewing with VdoCipher’s Widevine DRM. No plugins, just seamless, secure streaming. Stream your video content today!

Challenges in implementing DRM and need of DRM Vendors

DRM license providers usually don’t sell directly to customers. Instead, they sell to software and media companies, which then sell their products to end-users like eLearning companies.
When it comes to digital rights management implementation, there are three main challenges: security, compatibility, and interoperability.

  • The first challenge, security, is an important topic of concern. One of the most common threats to digital rights management is hacking. Hackers can bypass DRM systems and gain access to protected content. Content providers and publishers must ensure that the content they protect is secure against hackers.
  • The second challenge, compatibility, is also a major concern. DRM must be compatible with many different types of devices. If the DRM is not compatible, it can be highly limiting.
  • The final challenge, interoperability, is similar to the second challenge. DRM must be able to work with multiple technologies and platforms.

VdoCipher – Best DRM Vendor to protect your Video Content

Choosing among the best DRM Vendors for your business needs is a challenging task. It requires considerations on features, pricing, deployment model, customer support, and much more for your businesses. We have listed the best Digital Right Management Vendors for video security, eBooks, documents, and brand protection.

VdoCipher is a secure video hosting solutions provider to LMS platforms, media, e-learning platforms and individual videos creators and helps them in boosting revenue. Vdocipher offers Hollywood Grade DRM Protected Video Streaming to protect videos from piracy and unauthorized access or sharing.

Videos streamed through VdoCipher cannot be downloaded via any software or internet plugins. Using Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM, VdoCipher is serving video content security to over 2000 business customers in more than 40 countries.

  • Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay protected DRM encrypted streaming
  • Dynamic watermarking and screen capture block
  • Live streaming
  • API and Plugin Integration
  • Multi CDN Integration
  • Adaptive and Responsive HTML5 player
  • APIs and SDKs
  • Geo, IP and Time based restrictions
  • Backend Licensing and Authentication
  • Best DRM Vendors for eBooks and Brand Protection
  • User-based Video Analytics for Piracy Tracking and Hacker Identification

Best DRM Vendors for eBooks and Brand Protection

RedPoint for Brand Protection

Brand intelligence platform, Red Points delivers online brand protection, copyright enforcement, and distributor monitoring capabilities. Red Points gives you full visibility into brands’ presence online. Over 1000 brands and companies rely on Red Points to fight counterfeits, piracy, impersonation, and distribution abuse allowing them to maintain control, improve their brand value, and increase revenues.

  • Detect infringers reselling credentials
  • Bot-powered scan on marketplaces and social media 24×7
  • Photo-analysis
  • Self-improving detection
  • Potential infringement review in the DRM platform
  • Automatic enforcement

Memberspace for Brand Protection

Memberspace is a web application that helps organizations manage their memberships and communications. It allows members to access and update their information, makes it easy to send newsletters and other communications, and provides tools for managing events and activities. With their DRM software, you can protect the existing website and gain new members.

  • Access expiration management
  • PDF and image protection
  • Digital distribution management
  • Password management
  • Member-only access

Kitaboo for eBooks

Kitaboo DRM is a digital rights management system used to protect e-books from unauthorized sharing and copying. It employs a variety of measures to prevent users from copying, printing, or sharing e-books without permission. Kitaboo DRM is the software to protect the eBooks we publish.

  • Publish and secure ebook distribution
  • DRM encryption
  • Social DRM
  • Digital watermarking
  • Role-based permissions
  • Create a webstore and license your eBooks
  • Distribute ebooks to your users from the cloud
  • Own branded apps to distribute your eBooks


What kinds of content does DRM protect?

Digital rights management is suitable for all kinds of digital content, including everything from novels to computer programs and music. A digital Rights Management system can protect the content which gets digitized.

How is DRM technology applied to digital content?

Digital rights management is often used with digital content delivered over the Internet. When you purchase this type of content, you usually download a copy to your computer. To use the content, you may be required to install a software application. This application will protect the content by preventing unauthorized copying or unauthorized sharing.

What are the points to consider while choosing DRM providers?

Some general considerations are pricing model, market reputation, customization, flexibility in implementation, customer support, the number of countries served, client portfolio.

The post DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay Sun, 05 May 2024 18:53:37 +0000 A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. […]

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. This model is also used to set up a DRM server to provide security solutions to clients like OTT and Online course platforms.

The use of DRM servers makes it very easy to protect video and other digital assets due to the dynamic nature of its mechanism. The setup requires you to have your licensed encoding, transcoding, storage, and distribution architecture for complete protection. Also, when setting up a DRM server, it is necessary to enhance the security through multi-DRM layers and other safetynet algorithms. For example, Google Widevine DRM will only protect you on Android, Chrome, other Google devices, and third-party browsers as Firefox DRM but not on Apple. Similarly, Apple Fairplay DRM protects your digital assets on Apple devices and Safari Browser.

DRM server meaning and Working

A DRM server also serves the same purpose as that of a server, but instead of being handled via one server, it is a combination of multiple servers. They work together to establish a secure delivery of videos, audio, and other files. Similar to a server, it consists of handling various requests and responses made simultaneously to capture all levels where a security breach can be made. We have discussed the major levels of security in the section below on the setup of the DRM server.

Protect your videos with the same technology that powers Google devices and browsers. Learn more about VdoCipher’s Multi-DRM solution!

Basically, all the coding modules for encryption and key exchange are loaded on different computational servers. They carry out the complete process of encrypting an upload stream, adaptive bitrates, storage, global distribution, and secured playback. To enhance the protection on all major devices and browsers it is further advised to have a multi-DRM setup. This means setting up more DRM servers with few alterations as per other license authorities like Apple Fairplay, which requires additional license form submission.

Who needs a DRM server solution?

Before understanding the need for a DRM server, let us understand two kinds of creator economies. One is public content that mainly earns via YT, like video monetization, and the other is premium content that monetizes via subscription, pay-per-view, etc. Now, the public content, which is mainly single user-generated content, requires too much audience and virality to earn. That is why video platforms like YouTube and ebooks platforms like Amazon Kindle are a great choices for them. But the ones having some premium content are in dire need of a DRM server.

For example, OTT providers like Netflix cannot risk direct downloads via browsers or App. EdTech platforms cannot risk their videos being illegally downloaded and distributed. This is a direct loss to their monetizable content, and that is why all the likes of Netflix use multi-DRM servers to protect their premium content. Since every video creator cannot set up their DRM servers, solutions like Vdocipher help them set up a full-fledged multi-DRM setup at very affordable prices.

When the content is unique, and premium, normal encryption like AES-128 fails through various loopholes during the delivery process. That is why it is made possible through the DRM server that no one can try to access your digital content.

How to setup a DRM server

Setting up a DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes to handle all levels for security breach possibility. These levels can be broadly divided into two majors as follows:

Content Encryption: First of all, a DRM server starts with an encoding process to encrypt the upload stream. The digital assets file gets encrypted using DRM OEM specifications. The content stream can be packed through a CLI packager. Next implementations require chunking and fragmentation to prepare packaging of formats like MP4 into different bitrate files. This is done to support adaptive bitrate streaming for different bandwidth users, ensuring a smooth experience. Server-side encryption offers greater scalability, security, advanced API calls, parallel packaging, and more.

The packager requests an encryption key from the DRM server to encrypt the content. The server provides an encryption key and links that key to the content ID. Using the encryption key, the packager encrypts and re-packages the content.

Playback via DRM server: During the playback or when the file is requested, the DRM key exchange mechanism will check for the authorized key. The applicable DRM license provider (Apple/Google) will match the authorized keys with the widevine DRM license server or fairplay DRM license server and will revert with denied access or encrypted chunks. These chunks will later get through the device or browser’s DRM module to finally get decrypted for playback.

All these requests and responses are handled via modules of codes in compatible language with the licensing authority. This network of requests and response usually requires handling major processing codes via different servers for scalability.

Challenges in setting up a DRM server

Apart from a License, setting up a DRM server requires a necessary 2-level security infrastructure. First is at the transcoding level, where content gets encrypted with all updated DRM parameters and gets stored. The storage also requires various encrypted bitrate files for adaptive bitrate streaming. The second level is at the playback level, where the encrypted content is decrypted using a dynamic key-exchange mechanism for final playback. These challenges can also be viewed through two perspectives of in-house DRM vs DRM Server Solutions.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

  • In-house DRM Setup – Coding and setting up all these request response modules in different servers with load balancers for scalability is an enterprise infrastructure. That is why very large enterprises like Netflix & Amazon Prime build in-house multi-DRM infrastructure.
  • DRM Server Solutions – Apart from the tech giants, many large to small video businesses rely on DRM server solutions like VdoCipher, which provide multi-DRM Encryption, AWS infra, customizable video player, and many other features.

Benefits of using DRM server solution for Video Protection

As we discussed the challenges of setting up a DRM server for your digital assets, a solution provider is necessary. Some things that must be considered while choosing a DRM solution provider are scalable infrastructure, multi-DRM, features, players, and integrations. This is because once you start growing, your needs will grow, and then you might require advanced features. A good DRM server solution needs to provide at least the following features for complete security.

  • Highest Grade Encryption – In today’s world, due to the efficiency of hackers, a single encryption system can protect a digital asset in some devices and browsers. This means better security is always a mix of multiple security systems as a single infrastructure. As per security reports, multi-DRM with updated devices and an extra private security net is a must for copyright protection.
  • Dynamic Watermarking – This is to deter screen capture via displaying dynamic information like the user’s IP on the video. Even if the video gets captured via camera, it will still be easy to prevent propagation.
  • API and Plugin Integration – For easy integrations, this must be a benefit you need to look forward to matching with your present and future goals. Otherwise, this benefit can also become a headache with no or non-working integration code and plugins.
  • CDN Integration – via scalable and best uptime global distribution infrastructure like that of AWS.
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming for various bandwidths and Responsive HTML5 player.
  • Geo, IP, and Time based restrictions for broad access management.

Setup Widevine License Server and Apple Fairplay for Multi-DRM

Setting up a Widevine DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes with Widevine-compatible parameters. Its implementation is necessary to handle all levels of security breach possibility on Google devices and browsers. These levels have been previously discussed as Content Encryption and Playback via DRM server in the previous sections. Similar to setting to a DRM server, these levels require setting up coding modules on various servers.

All these coded requests and responses with compatible language and parameters with the licensing authority need to work bug-free. Only then a Widevine DRM mechanism will fully work to block illegal downloads and screen captures on Google products.

You don’t need to set up Google Widevine DRM in case of using a DRM server solution like VdoCipher. Google Widevine DRM comes as default with DRM server providers like VdoCipher, but it is advisable to get Fairplay and safetynet. Apple has made it one step mandatorily extra to write a separate application for multi-DRM via client. Still, it is just an application and nothing to code and set up.

Role of DRM in evading Video Piracy

Video piracy is a major challenge faced by video creators and publishers. It refers to the unauthorized usage and distribution of video content that is copyright protected. This gives the video owner the right to perform certain actions on their content and limit or authorize access. The unauthorized sharing of content and assets has grown multifold due to access to the internet and smart devices. Video pirates now have a range of ways to retrieve and distribute video content. Common tactics include credential stuffing and bypassing encryption vulnerabilities. In 2019, on average 230k people in the United States lost their jobs due to digital piracy.

Organizations and individual creators are forced to adopt some or the other anti-piracy solution in place, the main being Digital Rights Management (DRM). Netflix, for example, has its internal team to address video piracy issues.

The term DRM is a set of technologies to enforce a license between the content provider and the consumer or viewer. DRM controls how the content is accessed and limits the use and transfer of content. Most streaming services now use DRM encryption technologies to prevent users from downloading and saving video content offline. Instead, they put restrictions on how long the downloaded video lasts or ensure only paid subscribers access the content. The key exchange between the license server and the player in DRM Encryption is private. Hackers and internet plugins cannot easily download video content.

Issues with DRM server security

Like every other technology, DRM is also a set of code, and some updates can make it buggy. Sometimes fixing up requires a different set of updated parameters and many times, the license authority handles updates on their end. Also, there is a small percentage of DRM-incompatible devices and devices that are too old and don’t get a DRM-friendly update. Such device % is estimated to be within the range of <0.3%, and such cases occur mostly in Android devices and not in Apple or Windows devices. Google majorly quotes custom Android OS implementations by some mobile manufacturers.

drm server system by vdocipher

How can a course platform or OTT implement Video DRM server with ease?

Until a few years back, integrating DRM was within reach of big companies and organizations like Netflix that had the technical team and time to handle the complexities of DRM implementation. Small, medium, and large EdTech and OTT platforms look for DRM server providers like VdoCipher. Effortless Multi DRM integration with many other loaded features can be integrated by a single person.

With VdoCipher, you will get Google and Apple Video DRM with advanced safety net protection. The unique proposition of VdoCipher is that the integration effort required by the customers is minimal for integrating DRM-based video playback. You also get the following other features apart from DRM.

  • Dynamic Watermarking to deter screen capture
  • Domain Restriction for access management
  • AWS-powered servers, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents.
  • Smart Video Player
  • Quick integration with popular CMS and LMS like WordPress and Moodle via plugin.
  • Dashboard to manage videos
  • Iframe, Plugin, API, SDK Integrations


Do DRM servers deter screen recording?

Yes, DRM comes with screen capture prevention support, but it is limited to the devices and browsers of the license provider.

In a simple explanation, how does a DRM server work?

When a viewer tries to access DRM-Protected digital content or video, the DRM license server checks the key authorization and returns the encrypted content. These encrypted chunks get finally decrypted using the final device DRM module.

What is the main purpose of DRM integration?

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is mainly used to protect the rights of copyright holders. This is done by protecting against unauthorized access and distribution of digital assets.

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:29:14 +0000 A fundamental concept of modern security, encryption, serves as the cornerstone to safeguard data storage, digital communications, streaming, online transactions and much more. Derived from the roots of cryptography, encryption transforms a plain, readable information into an unreadable or unintelligible form using mathematical algorithms and secret keys. The same data is decrypted using a decryption […]

The post CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A fundamental concept of modern security, encryption, serves as the cornerstone to safeguard data storage, digital communications, streaming, online transactions and much more. Derived from the roots of cryptography, encryption transforms a plain, readable information into an unreadable or unintelligible form using mathematical algorithms and secret keys. The same data is decrypted using a decryption key at the client/user’s end. The overall purpose of encryption is to make sensitive data confidential and secure, restricting unauthorized access, sharing or copying. To simplify the content protection process for video creators and distributors, CENC, or Common Encryption Scheme ensures interoperability between various DRM systems. CENC common encryption methods and algorithms also plays an important role in secure and seamless digital media delivery to a range of devices and systems.

Furthermore, encryption safeguards sensitive information stored on servers, smartphones, browsers, and personal computers from hacking and piracy. As the presence of the online world is rapidly progressing, the importance of encryption in our professional and personal lives has grown more critical, playing a key role in fighting piracy and securing our digital ecosystem.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting for OTT Platforms

VdoCipher helps over 3000+ customers from over 120+ countries to host their OTT videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

How Does Encryption Work?

Here’s the basic outline of the encryption technology in simple words:

Key Generation – Before encryption or decryption happens, a secret key is generated. The key can be single for symmetric encryption or a pair of two keys for asymmetric encryption. The encryption strength depends on the algorithm used and key size.

Encryption Algorithm – Using an encryption algorithm, the plaintext data is processed and converted into ciphertext. It applies a combination of mathematical operations and transformations. There are several encryption algorithms including DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

Data Encryption – The sender inputs the secret key and plaintext data into the encryption algorithm which further transforms the plaintext into ciphertext. It is then ready to be transmitted without any unauthorized user having access to it.

Data Transmission – Once the encrypted data is transmitted, it remains unreadable to anyone without the decryption key.

Decryption – Upon receiving, the authorized user uses a decryption key to decrypt the ciphertext into the plaintext using an encryption algorithm.

Data Integrity Verification – During storage or transmission, to ensure the data is not hampered, additional mechanisms are often employed. For example, message authentication codes, hashing, or digital signatures.

Types of Encryption

Symmetrical Encryption

In symmetrical encryption, a single shared key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the content files. Both the sender and receiver must have the same key to securely exchange the information. It is commonly used for bulk data encryption and secure communications in a closed ecosystem.

Asymmetrical Encryption

Asymmetrical encryption is also known as public key cryptography. It uses a pair of related keys, one for encryption (public key) and the other for decryption (private key). To encrypt data with that public key, the only way to decrypt is via the corresponding private key you have access to.

Furthermore, you can also reverse the key flow. One can encrypt the information through a private key, and only people with the public key can decrypt it. This is the mechanism that we use for doing a digital signature, for example.

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption | Tabular Comparison

Attribute Symmetric Encryption Asymmetric Encryption
Key type Single shared secret key Two related keys: public key and private key
Key usage Same key for encryption and decryption Public key for encryption, private key for decryption
Speed Faster, as it uses simpler operations Slower, due to more complex calculations
Key distribution More challenging, as the secret key must be shared securely Easier, as only the public key needs to be shared and can be done so freely
Use case Bulk data encryption, secure communication within closed systems Secure communication over open networks, digital signatures, key exchange
Examples of algorithms AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), Blowfish RSA, ElGamal, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
Key management complexity Higher, as the number of keys increases exponentially with the number of users Lower, as each user only needs one public-private key pair
Security Depends on the key size and the algorithm used Generally considered more secure due to separate keys for encryption and decryption

Importance of Encryption for the Video Industry

For the video industry, video encryption is very important. Here are some reasons why:

  • To protect Intellectual Property – video content such as movies, and shows take a lot of time and effort. Encryption provides means to protect their intellectual property from unauthorized access, copying, and sharing.
  • To secure content distribution – to enforce licensing agreements and restrict access to their premium content, content creators and distributors use encryption. Platforms like Netflix use DRM (Digital Rights Management) to encrypt their video content.
  • Maintain user privacy – Today video platforms store a lot of information and data such as preferences, payment options, and viewing habits. To maintain trust and user privacy, the data is secured via encryption.
  • To meet compliance requirements – Many regions and industries require the mandatory protection of sensitive data. In the field of videos, encryption technologies like video DRM help in complying with these regulations.

What is CENC Common Encryption Methods & Algorithms?

The most popular and used video streaming protocols are MPEG-DASH and HLS. On one side, HLS uses (ts) container format for its videos while MPEG-DASH uses mp5 format. The first problem is, if a content provider uses both these protocols, then they need to store video files in both formats. Secondly, it’s a total waste of storage space.

To address the first issue, CMAF (Common Media Application Format) specification was developed. Here, the videos are stored in fragmented mp4 container format (fmp4). Now, instead of two separate video formats, you have to store the video in fmp4 format, using common file sets for both protocols.

What if different DRM technologies use different encryption standards?

MPEG developed the Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) that standardized the method of media content specified by ISO/IEC 23001-7.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

Vdocipher helps several VOD Platform to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

CENC defines a common set of encryption and key mapping methods that are compatible with different DRM systems. CENC is based on the MPEG Common Encryption (MPEG-CENC) standard which is supported by various platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and smart TVs. Also, CENC is used in various multimedia content distribution platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and YouTube.

This allows content providers to encrypt their media once and use multiple DRM systems for content protection simultaneously. This is particularly useful for adaptive streaming formats like MPEG-DASH and HLS, where the media is delivered in smaller segments to ensure smooth playback across various devices and network conditions.

Streaming Format Container Format Compatibility with CENC
HLS fMP4 Yes

CENC Encryption Algorithms

CENC common encryption methods and algorithms does not have a specific encryption algorithm, instead supports multiple encryption algorithms. Some of the common encryption algorithms CENC supports are:

AES-CTR (Advanced Encryption Standard – Counter Mode)
AES-CBC (Advanced Encryption Standard – Cipher Block Chaining)

These two modes do the encryption handling differently and are not compatible with one another.
Primarily, there are two DRM technologies, Google Widevine, and Apple FairPlay. Different technologies have varying levels of support for each encryption standard. The points of difference between the two are how they handle the plaintext blocks and initialization vector, IV (first ciphertext block)

CENC streaming format compatibility table

CTR (Counter Mode)

CTR encryption mode

source: wikipedia

  • CTR converts a block cipher into a stream cipher using encrypting successive values of a counter.
  • It generates a unique input which is a combination of a nonce and a counter for each data block.
  • The counter is incremented for each subsequent data block to ensure uniqueness.
  • For each subsequent data block, the counter increments.
  • The block cipher then encrypts the counter value via the secret key to produce a keystream block.
  • The keystream block is XORed with the plaintext block to generate the ciphertext block.
  • CTR enables parallel encryption and decryption so that each block can be processed independently of others.
  • It doesn’t require padding for the plaintext data, making it more efficient for media content.
  • For random IV/nonce – combining with a counter through any invertible operation like XOR, concatenation to produce a unique encryption counter block.
  • For non-random nonce (example packet counter) – nonce and counter are concatenated.
  • Just adding or XORing the nonce and counter into a single value may break the security under plaintext attacks. The attacker may be capable of altering the entire IV-counter pair.
  • Once accessed, the XOR of the plaintext with the ciphertext will have a value that when XORed with the ciphertext of another block having the same IV-counter pair, would decrypt the block.
                                    CTR (Counter)
Encryption parallelizable Yes
Decryption parallelizable Yes
Random read access Yes

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)

CNC encryption mode

source: wikipedia

  • CBC encrypts plaintext in fixed-size blocks (e.g., 128 bits for AES).
  • An initialization vector (IV) ensures an unique ciphertext for the same plaintext with the same key.
  • Before encryption, the IV is XORed with the first plaintext block with the block cipher and the secret key, producing the first ciphertext block.
  • The previous ciphertext block is XORed with the current plaintext block before encryption for each subsequent block, creating a dependencies chain.
  • Decryption requires processing the ciphertext blocks in reverse order due to the chaining mechanism.
  • CBC lacks parallelism, as each block’s encryption or decryption depends on the previous block’s ciphertext.
    It requires padding for the plaintext data, which can lead to inefficiencies.
                         CBC (Cipher block Chaining)
Encryption parallelizable No
Decryption parallelizable Yes
Random read access Yes
  • One major disadvantage of CBC is that it requires sequential encryption, meaning you cannot encrypt multiple blocks simultaneously (no parallelization). This can make the process slower compared to other encryption modes.
  • Another drawback is that the message must have a length that is a multiple of the block cipher’s size. This often requires adding padding (extra bits) to the message to meet the required size.
  • “Ciphertext stealing” is a technique used to address the padding issue mentioned above, allowing encryption without padding. In CBC, if there is a one-bit change in the plaintext or the initialization vector (IV), all the following ciphertext blocks are affected. This property can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, as it increases security but also makes error propagation more likely.

CENC Common Encryption Methods & Algorithms Support

Some major browsers, devices, and platforms supporting CENC are:

Streaming Protocols:
MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)
HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)

DRM Systems:
Google Widevine
Apple FairPlay Streaming
Microsoft PlayReady

Devices and Platforms:
Many smart TVs
iOS and Android devices
Web browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari

CENC Implementation

Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) is pretty straightforward for developers having knowledge of media streaming, encryption process, and most importantly DRM systems. Based on the project’s complexity and the developer’s expertise, the CENC implementation varies.

Some factors to consider while implementing CENC include

DRM Systems – CENC works with multiple DRM systems, such as Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay Streaming. The developer must understand the intricacies of each DRM system being used and ensure proper integration with CENC.

Streaming Protocols – Implementing CENC requires knowledge of the streaming protocols being used, such as MPEG-DASH or HLS streaming. The developer must understand how CENC is integrated with these protocols to provide secure content delivery.

Encryption Algorithms – CENC supports multiple encryption algorithms, like AES-CTR and AES-CBC. The developer needs to be familiar with these encryption algorithms and their proper implementation within the CENC framework.

Key Management – Proper key management is essential for secure content protection. The developer must ensure that encryption keys are securely generated, stored, and distributed and that the right keys are used for the appropriate DRM systems.

Compatibility – Ensuring compatibility across various devices and platforms can be a challenge, as each may have unique requirements and limitations. Developers must thoroughly test their CENC implementation to ensure seamless content delivery and playback.

VdoCipher Secure Multi-DRM Solution

VdoCipher, a secure video hosting platform offers the highest available video security to protect your premium content from piracy and unauthorized access or sharing. Being a direct partner with Google for Widevine DRM, VdoCipher offers Multi-DRM solutions with Apple FairPlay and Google Widevine DRM support. Videos streamed via VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded or hacked using any internet plugin or software.

VdoCipher secure custom video player features

More than 3000 customers across 120+ countries rely on VdoCipher to securely host and stream their premium content. The various features offered by VdoCipher are:

  • Multi-DRM Encryption
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Custom Video Player for Android, Desktop, and iOS
  • Secure offline downloads in Android
  • Screen Capture Prevention
  • Ready to use Plugins for WordPress & Moodle
  • Easy Embed Options
  • Domain/IP Restrictions
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Video Analytics


What are the advantages of CENC?

Interoperability between DRM systems, easier content distribution, reduced costs in managing multiple DRMs, and simplified workflow.

Is CENC common encryption methods and algorithms secure for my videos?

CENC security depends on the DRM systems it supports and the underlying encryption algorithms. When implemented properly, CENC can highly secure digital content.

Name some most common encryption methods

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), RC4, Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), and RSA.

The post CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:21:37 +0000 Video content consumption is at an all-time high and is the main medium to convey information. With the widespread access to the internet, there have been too many cases of hacked videos making their way to the internet illegally. Video creators and businesses not only need to protect their videos in production but also while […]

The post DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video content consumption is at an all-time high and is the main medium to convey information. With the widespread access to the internet, there have been too many cases of hacked videos making their way to the internet illegally. Video creators and businesses not only need to protect their videos in production but also while distributing them online. There needs to be a secure technology to protect and manage your premium content during consumption. Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology is used to protect digital content. DRM technology helps control how users can access and use digital content. For example, DRM can restrict how much of a digital document can be printed or prevent users from copying or sharing digital content. As more and more devices enter the market, content owners, distributors, and consumers are looking for a level of control, security, and interoperability. This has prompted the development of DRM Platforms.

In the past, when piracy was rampant, businesses had to think of ways to counter the damage as much as possible. The need for a standardized DRM Platform is growing as digital entertainment expands. Consumers are looking for a consistent experience across devices, and the content industry is looking for a unified platform that enhances interoperability and provides a secure environment.


Importance of DRM

The importance of DRM lies in its ability to help content creators and distributors control how their digital content is used. DRM can help content creators and distributors protect their intellectual property and help them prevent unauthorized use of their content. In addition, DRM can help content creators and distributors to generate revenue from their digital content.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

For example, in the case of a downloaded digital song or movie, you are often limited in what you can do with your purchase. Digital Rights Management ensures that you are prevented from doing things like copying the music, sharing it with others, or even playing it on all your devices. DRM is present in many other products as well. For example, if you buy a DRM hardware printer, the printer cannot be used with other computers and with other printers. The companies that develop DRM technology are constantly working on new ways to protect the content.

What is a DRM Platform

DRM platforms are important because they allow companies to protect their digital content from unauthorized access and use. DRM platforms provide a way for companies to control how their digital content is used and accessed and ensure that only authorized users can access and use it. They can also help companies track and manage their digital content and ensure that it is used according to their policies and procedures.

DRM platforms are an important enabler of digital entertainment. Platforms enable content owners to protect their valuable assets by applying DRM. The platforms also allow content owners to sell their assets in a controlled environment using a specific business model. In turn, consumers can be sure that the assets they buy will work on their devices without worrying about piracy.

Features of good DRM Platforms

There are many reasons why companies need DRM platforms. One reason is to protect their digital content from piracy. Another reason is to control how their digital content is used and distributed. DRM platforms allow companies to set rules and restrictions on how their digital content can be used. This will enable companies to control how their content is used and distributed and ensure that only authorized users can access and use their content.

  • Secure key storage and distribution model
  • Easy integration with your applications and websites
  • Support for multiple platforms
  • Multi-DRM
  • Secure Content Transmission
  • Flexible licensing model
  • Online updates
  • Scalable
  • Customizable and intuitive user interface
  • Customer support

How does a DRM Platform generally work?

There are basically three DRM components, encryption, license management, and a DRM-capable player.

Encryption – DRM technologies use encryption to protect the content before or during streaming, downloading, or other transfers. The encoder encrypts the files with media keys from one or more DRM providers.

License management – DRM platforms must manage the request and issuance of licenses. Some also incorporate domain controllers, managing multiple user devices that can play content under a single license, and metering servers that track usage data and total plays for royalty purposes.

DRM-capable player – DRM-compatible player communicates with the DRM platform and enforces all software or hardware-related playback restrictions. There is a quick shift from plugin-based DRM to browser-based DRM, where DRM must be integrated into the browser via Media Source Extensions (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME).

A DRM workflow includes encoding, packaging, license server, and playback. Before a video stream starts, the video content is encrypted and packaged, often using multiple DRM schemes for multi-device compatibility. On the other hand, when a viewer attempts to playback that video stream, the player requests a license key from a license server. Now, the server determines whether the viewer and the playback device are authorized, which issues a license response with a decryption key. The video player plays the video stream for the viewer using the decryption key.

Importance of DRM platforms for OTT & E-Learning producers

DRM platforms are important for OTT & E-Learning content providers because they help to protect the content that is being streamed. By using a DRM solution, OTT & E-Learning content providers can ensure that only authorized users are able to access the content and that the content is not copied or redistributed without permission. This helps to prevent piracy and helps to ensure that video providers can continue to offer high-quality content to their subscribers.

Different content is distributed over the OTT platforms, such as movies, TV series, anime, original content, etc. The distribution of these audiovisual contents is subject to different copyright and related rights. The majority of OTT content is not encrypted.

Similarly, e-learning platforms require their content to be strictly distributed among only the authorized consumer. This can be easily handled with a DRM encryption layer provided by DRM platforms.

advantage of video drm infographic

For audiovisual content, the big platforms that distribute and monetize this content are Netflix, Amazon, Apple, and Google. These platforms use or have developed their own DRM platforms and encryption systems to control and manage their content.

DRM Technologies

Widevine DRM

Google Widevine offers Hollywood-grade DRM technology with native support on a range of devices and browsers like Google Chrome Browser, Android, Chromecast, and more. Widevine delivers protected premium content at the highest possible quality to the most significant number of devices. It supports various encryption schemes and hardware security to restrict consumer access to distributed video content according to defined content owner’s rules.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The Widevine DRM platform uses standards-based royalty-free solutions for encryption, adaptive streaming, transport, and player software. It also includes free, open-source content preparation tools and media playback, enabling openness and innovation at every level.

When a viewer sends a video stream request, the Widevine CDM receives the header request from the respective content provider. Next, the CDM utilizes the encryption method information to generate a license request to the Widevine DRM license server. The license server sends back the license containing the content keys. The CDM then uses these content keys for content decryption, following which the user watches the content.

Google Widevine Supported Encryption Schemes
Platform cenc cens cbc1 cbcs
Android 4.4 – 6.x (including Android TV) Y
Android 7.x and later (including Android TV) Y Y
Chromecast (Cast) Y Y Y
Google Home Y
Smart TV and Blu-ray players Y Y
Widevine iOS Y Y
Chrome browser (desktop) and ChromeOS Y Y
Chrome browser (mobile) Y Y
Mozilla Firefox Y Y
Opera Y Y
NexPlayer SDK Y Y

Apple FairPlay

Apple FairPlay is a digital rights management (DRM) technology developed by Apple Inc. It is built into the QuickTime multimedia software and used by the iPhone, iPod, iTunes, and Apple TV devices and applications. FairPlay allows iTunes and QuickTime to play protected AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) and MPEG-4 files downloaded from the iTunes Store and other sources.

Under FairPlay, AAC and MPEG-4 files are encrypted with a FairPlay-specific key. The key decrypts the file when these files play on an authorized device. It allows Apple to control how these files are used and prevent unauthorized copying. Fairplay involves setting up a Key Security Module (KSM) inside an existing key server infrastructure. Every time a content file is encrypted, a key is created and stored in a key database. FairPlay-protected content supports Safari on OS X, iPhones, iPads, and AppleTVs.

Online Learning Platform DRM

In the last two years, we have seen a huge shift toward online learning, whether courses, music, training, or sessions; everything is making a digital presence. Nearly 43% of the global Fortune 500 companies are already using online learning to train their employees. According to Harvard Business Review, higher education institutes will start implementing VR and AR learning tools in the future. With such a boom in online learning, high-definition video content has become the first component to deliver the best learning experience.

We have seen a rapid influx of course creators during the pandemic. Thinkific, for example, has reported an increase of 200% in the number of course creators on its platform. Creators are even building their own e-learning platforms or websites. It’s true that creating an educational and informative video is a task, but often videos that are not free or have copyright attached to them are leaked and made available to the public for free. We all are pretty aware of video piracy. The video is illegally downloaded or shared on the web within seconds of video upload. It results in revenue loss for the creator or platform. The need to protect the videos and host them on a secure video hosting platform like VdoCipher is the foremost need.

DRM encumbered platform for Games and Movies

Similar to Online learning and social media platforms, the platforms serving playthrough videos and premium movie content are at high risk. Their content is unique and, if leaked, results in direct revenue loss. The licensed game plays, and big-budget movies thus need protection against illegal downloads and screen capture tactics. The only available solution for them is multi-DRM protection for their videos. Although DRM implementation is technically cumbersome, the presence of multi-DRM license partners of Google and Apple, like VdoCipher, makes it pretty easy. It makes the process of video delivery more smooth through CDN and advanced encoding. Also, managing the videos and player becomes as easy as clicking on uploading, player customization, and playback.

For Game Streaming platforms wanting to integrate the upload directly through the user, APIs and SDK support work like a charm. The user will have to take no extra steps for all the DRM encoding, multi-location storage, and delivery. Thus a DRM-encumbered solution like VdoCipher is necessary to deal with the cumbersome implementation of all these protection features.

Social Media DRM Platform Solution

When creating a social media platform, you would have already analyzed that videos are the greatest tools to gain reach. This is because of their engagement data compared to other digital assets like images and plain text. Among the videos, user-generated content performs the best. Although user-generated content comes under basic privacy policies of sharing with credit, it is not the case. If a user’s content is covered under strict privacy policies of the platform it was submitted, then it is the platform’s responsibility not to let it leak. This means that you need to prevent the video from illegal downloads and other screen capture mechanisms.

The best solution for tackling this problem is integrating Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM encoding for your videos. Since DRM requires private licensing and technical integration, a DRM platform like VdoCipher comes as the most advanced and affordable choice. This mechanism will eventually create a fully protected social DRM platform as per your customized needs.

VdoCipher DRM Platform

VdoCipher offers secure video streaming solutions for media & education businesses to help serve premium content on their site and mobile app with Hollywood-grade security and functionalities. We are a first-party Widevine DRM License Partner with Google. Below are the major security features provided by VdoCipher to their customers.

Illegal Download Prevention and Screen Capture Blocking – This happens with the help of multi-DRM support. Being the License partner of Google and Apple, VdoCipher is capable of offering protection across all Android, Windows and Apple Devices and Browsers.

IP and Geo-based whitelisting and blacklisting with Widevine DRM – infinite customizability using JSON-based configuration. The CIDR configuration allows constraining specific ISP networks. The best part is nearly infinite nesting.

Quality constraints based on Device security Level – Our multi-platform DRM uses the maximum security features available on a device. For instance, Widevine DRM offers three security levels – L1, L2, and L3, with L1 devices having the highest security. You can specify device requirements as part of the DRM licensing.

Rental constraint for offline files – viewers are allowed to download an encrypted version of the video to their Android, iOS, or Chrome devices. By specifying a rental duration, it is possible to make the video expire at a certain time. Our Android SDK also allows managing downloads and playback of offline videos. Our Android SDK also allows managing downloads and playback of offline videos.

Session time restrictions – For sensitive content, our multi-DRM APIs allow configuring playback session duration during license generation.

Backend Licensing & Authentication – OTP-based backend authentication to secure videos from download plugins

DRM Encrypted Video Transfer – The entire video stream is encrypted using a non-public key with a hidden exchange mechanism via Google Widevine DRM & Apple Fairplay DRM for all platforms. For complete security, the content transfer is through one time URL instead of direct access to the video file. The video content is transferred in chunks for optimized streaming.


How does DRM work?

DRM uses a variety of technologies to protect digital content, including watermarking, encryption, and authentication. When a user attempts to access protected content, the DRM system verifies the user’s rights to access the content and then decrypts it.

What is OTP-based backend authentication?

OTP-based backend authentication is a system where users are authenticated using a one-time password (OTP) that is generated by an authentication server. This type of authentication is often used in conjunction with other forms of authentication, such as username and password or biometric authentication.

What is a Licensing Server?

The licensing server is the backend of the DRM setup. It creates, modifies, and revokes licenses of the content and users. License servers can be built in-house or be integrated with third parties.

What is a DRM License?

A DRM license is a set of encryption and usage rules created by content creators to prevent the unauthorized and illegal distribution of their digital work.

The post DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Best Video Streaming Hosting Service Providers in 2023 Thu, 29 Dec 2022 09:23:15 +0000 From communication to marketing, videos have become a fundamental part of business strategies. Post-pandemic, Google searches for online courses nearly grew 70 percent globally, covering students, corporate sectors to elderly. Everyone is learning something new each minute from videos. The increase in video popularity is attributed to the widespread availability of the internet and the […]

The post Best Video Streaming Hosting Service Providers in 2023 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

From communication to marketing, videos have become a fundamental part of business strategies. Post-pandemic, Google searches for online courses nearly grew 70 percent globally, covering students, corporate sectors to elderly. Everyone is learning something new each minute from videos. The increase in video popularity is attributed to the widespread availability of the internet and the number of mobile devices. Being the most engaging and versatile medium to share and consume information, the demand for video hosting and streaming platforms is booming.

Video content is consumed in various mediums like recreational videos, educational videos, training courses, social media, and more. This leads to the need for a place where these videos are uploaded and shared online. It is fulfilled by video hosting streaming platforms like YouTube. The platform offers a range of features, such as the ability to upload large amounts of video data, customize the video settings, add a layer of security to the videos, monetize the content, and much more. Some of the video hosting streaming services, like YouTube, are free and have limited features. On the other hand, paid platforms come with a range of features, more bandwidth and storage space, security features, and much more.

What is a video streaming hosting service?

According to Statista, in 2022, more than three billion internet users streamed or downloaded videos at least once per month. This figure is expected to keep increasing every year. With videos being the most popular and consumed content type, uploading them directly to your website takes a lot of hosting web resources. The problem with video content is their large file size as compared to text or image content which puts a heavy load on your website’s server. It not only impacts the site’s performance but is also not a cost-efficient way to manage video content.

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VdoCipher – Secure Video Hosting for Premium Content Creators

VdoCipher helps content creators and business from more than 120 countries in securing their videos from piracy.

Be it a small business using videos for marketing, individual creators, media, and eLearning platforms; you need a video platform that stores your videos on separate servers. You can upload videos on their platforms, share and easily add them to your website using an embed code. The services offered by such platforms is known as video streaming hosting service. Your uploaded content can be watched on the platform’s site or within an app or embedded on your external webpage within a video player provided by the platform.

How is Video Streaming different from Video Hosting?

Video hosting refers to the service of storing and hosting video content on a server. In contrast, video streaming refers to the delivery of that video content to a viewer over the internet in real time.

Video hosting involves uploading a video file to a server, which is then made available for viewing online. The viewer can watch the video by visiting a webpage where the video is embedded (using an iframe or video tag), or by downloading the video file directly from the server. Video hosting services typically allow users to upload and share their own videos and view and share videos from other users.

On the other hand, video streaming involves delivering the video content to the viewer in real time as it is being played. This is done by encoding the video into a stream of data that can be transmitted over the internet and using a smart HTML5 player that is able to decode and play the stream. Video streaming allows the viewer to watch the video as it is being transmitted rather than having to download the entire file before viewing it.

Overall, the main difference between video hosting and video streaming is the way in which the video content is delivered to the viewer. Video hosting involves storing the video on a server and delivering it to the viewer in a pre-recorded format. In contrast, video streaming involves delivering the video to the viewer in real-time as it is being played.

For security reasons, encryption over the video’s storage and playback is always advised. The video file is likely to be leaked during the upload or storage process and during the playback. To solve this issue, multi-DRM technology is used to encrypt the video before hosting. When the final playback request is placed, the decryption works through a dynamic key exchange mechanism with the key stored in hardware-level security black box called CDM.

Benefits of using video streaming hosting services

Actionable analytics

Video analytics is not just the number of views and traffic sources. A good video streaming hosting provider offers a detailed breakup of videos, such as which parts the viewer skipped or watched repeatedly. Some even offer heatmaps to optimize and make videos more engaging.

Piracy protection

Making the content downloadable makes way for video piracy. When choosing a secure hosting streaming provider, the security of your videos is a major concern. The content should not be available for illegal downloads or unauthorized access. Hosting and secure video streaming platforms like VdoCipher, being direct partners with Google, use the highest level of security known as Digital Rights Management (DRM) to secure video content.

Instant playback

Video content is served in such a way that you can almost play immediately as the page where the video is embedded loads. Without having to download the entire video, the video plays with minimized buffering and delays.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

In times of streaming videos at poor internet connectivity, there are playback issues that ultimately affect the viewing experience. Most video streaming hosting services offer multiple video quality options so that the device automatically selects the best streaming bitrate as per available bandwidth.

Improved viewer experience

Video streaming hosting services make the video quality crisper, and videos are optimized for a top-notch viewing experience. The video player gives viewers more controls to play around with the video, like pause, rewind, and much more, which contributes to a positive viewing experience.

Control over your content

A free video streaming hosting service limits the control and right over the videos you upload. You rarely have control over how the content is distributed. A dedicated video streaming service gives control over your content, ad placements, monetization options, and more.

Customization options

Professional video hosting streaming platforms give you plenty of options to customize your videos for optimized performance. The various customization options are inserting CTAs, adding links in the video, editing color, transparency, and theme of the player.

Key factors to consider in a video streaming hosting platform

  1. Storage and bandwidth – You should be aware of the number of videos you can upload and the storage space and bandwidth allotted to you.
  2. APIs – to help integrate and access third-party services and tools. APIs ease video management, enable auto video upload, add interactive features to the player, customize design, and more.
  3. Video security – includes secure video streaming and hosting. Security measures include DRM encryption, domain restrictions, password protection and geo-restrictions.
  4. Adaptive Video quality – video player must be able to provide multiple video quality options on the player so as to switch the video quality as per internet connectivity automatically.
  5. Multiple file format support – capabilities to convert a video file into the best resolution formats as per playback device type.
  6. Video upload specifications – video file size, min and max dimensions, video duration, file formats, and total file storage.
  7. Monetization options – availability to monetize your videos. If so, then what are the criteria or minimum requirements to monetize?
  8. Video analytics – video parameters such as the number of real-time visitors, traffic source, conversion rate, view time, and other engagement metrics in a proper dashboard.
  9. CDN-based content delivery – video served via CDN have minimum buffering and latency. The content is available uninterruptedly, even during peak traffic surges.

Types of hosting for video streaming

Free Video hosting – Free video hosting typically offers basic features, limitations on the number of video uploads, and may even include advertisements. It is a good option for those who are just starting and have limited resources. These free hosting platforms have limited security measures in place to protect your videos from piracy. YouTube is one such example.

Paid Video hosting – Paid hosting services, on the other hand, offer a wider range of features and often do not have video upload limitations or included advertisements. You get advanced hosting and streaming features such as video analytics, player customization, support for higher video resolution, and much more. Platforms like VdoCipher offer secure Hollywood Grade DRM Encrypted video hosting to protect your videos from illegal downloads and piracy.

Self-hosted videos – In self-hosting, videos are uploaded and hosted to your website or some rented webspace. Self-hosting requires more work on your part and involves technical implementations. Apart from this, it can be more costly, not scalable, prone to security risks, and impacts the website’s load time.

Best Web Hosting for Video Streaming


Using Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM, VdoCipher offers secure video hosting and streaming with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption. Trusted by over 2500 customers across 120 countries, videos streamed via Vdocipher cannot be downloaded using any internet plugin or software.

VdoCipher provides multiple ways to embed videos (API, iFrame, and Script) on a website where you can monetize your video content. VdoCipher WordPress Plugin makes the complete video embedding process easy and fast and supports the most popular WordPress LMS. We use Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure which are compatible with all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Users get AWS-powered server, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback experience.

VdoCipher Key Features Infographic

Apart from the highest level of DRM video security, other key features include dynamic Watermarking, secure offline downloads in Android, geo-restrictions, CDN-based delivery, smart HTML5 video player, video APIs, plugins for WordPress and Moodle, and much more.


  • Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM Encryption
  • Secure Offline Downloads in Apps
  • Dynamic watermarking
  • Screen Capture block in Android and iOS Native app
  • Smart HTML5 Video Player
  • Amazon AWS Server + CDN
  • Google SafetyNet for App-Based Security
  • Affordable pricing. No hidden costs
  • Ready to use VdoCipher plugin
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming to minimize bandwidth usage
  • IP-based Geo-Restrictions
  • Easy to use Dashboard to upload and edit videos


YouTube is by far the most popular streaming platform in the world with over 2.6 billion users worldwide as of 2022. With more than 500 hours of video content uploaded every minute, YouTube continues to grow as a video streaming and hosting platform. Everyone knows YouTube is free and actually used as a search engine by millions of people across the globe.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

With increased chances of going viral to increasing brand awareness and monetization options, YouTube has a cluster of features. But for businesses, there are some challenges. Once the content is uploaded on YouTube, it somewhat does not belong to you. If you embed the video from YouTube onto your site, you’re losing some of the SEO value of your video and video security is a big concern.

  • By default, you can upload videos that are up to 15 minutes long. Verified accounts can upload videos longer than 15 minutes.
  • The maximum file size you can upload is 256 GB or 12 hours, whichever is less. Videos can be compressed using H.264 Codec encoding.


  • It’s free
  • Multiple monetization options
  • Private and unlisted video options
  • Easy video embed
  • Large audience base


  • YouTube’s free version contains ads that disturb the viewing experience
  • Potential copyright issues
  • Fewer customization options
  • Suggested videos


Wistia is a video streaming and hosting service to host and analyze your videos in one place. Trusted by brands for video marketing, wistia comes with all the necessary marketing tools to promote and manage your videos.

It includes a variety of features like engagement graphs, video heatmaps, lead generation tools, and viewer-based tracking. Another feature of wistia worth noting is the A/B testing to simultaneously compare two videos. Other notable features of wistia include a custom video player, built-in social sharing, video SEO, and native Facebook/Google Integration.

  • Max file size – 8GB
  • Bitrate – 5000 – 10000 kbps
  • Max video length – 2 hours
  • Max length of a live event hosted with Wistia live – 4 hours


  • Customizable video player
  • CRM integrations
  • Marketing automation integrations
  • Advanced analytics
  • Soapbox chrome extension to record and edit videos directly from the browser. Sold separately.


  • More expensive than direct competitors
  • Limited third-party integrations
  • Pricing based on the number of videos included


SproutVideo offers video hosting service to businesses with features like video marketing, player, video seo, analytic tools, video website templates with built-in SEO, and engagement tracking. Additionally, SproutVideo offers collaboration and sharing tools along with audience building, lead capture forms, and advanced video analytics.

Max file size – 100GB. If uploading via API, the max video size is 5GB.


  • Custom playlists
  • Advanced video analytics
  • Lead capture


  • Playback caching is slow, causing the player to pause during playback.
  • Plugin Support is not too Extensive
  • Complexity
  • Not enough personalization


Spotlightr is a video hosting solution with a suite of marketing tools to help businesses grow their videos. The videos seamlessly stream across multiple social media channels like Facebook, YouTube, and more. Including basic HLS encryption, Spotlightr offers features like domain restrictions, in-app recording, analytics, and customizable branding.

Recommendations for video upload to Spotlightr for web

  • MP4 format codec: H.264
  • Frame Rate: 24, 25, or 30
  • Frame Size / Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (1080p)
  • Bitrate: 5,000 kbit/s (5 Mbps) for 720p | 8000 kbit/s (8 Mbps) for 1080p


  • Social sharing
  • Player customization
  • Marketing automation
  • Range of integrations


  • Buffering of some embedded videos
  • Storage limits are a bit restricting
  • Some quirks to the UI such as folder organization

IBM Video Streaming

IBM offers end-to-end, scalable cloud-based video service for live and on-demand video content. The platform is majorly used for public service virtual conferencing, recreational activities, employee training, and commercial and government proceedings.

The key features include HD Live broadcasting, integrated QoS features, mobile compatible player, Multi-CDNs, broadcast recordings, a customizable channel page, and more.


  • Integration with the live platform such as Zoom
  • video management system back-end is good
  • Multiple channels for streaming
  • Great interface for viewers
  • Built-in user management


  • Renewal process is not that easy
  • The download speed can be faster
  • Limited video statistics


Launched in 2005, Dailymotion is a video sharing platform where users can browser, upload, and share videos. With localization in 20 languages across 35 countries, Dailymotion is a trusted name to host premium video content.

The several benefits offered by Dailymotion include global audience reach, a revenue share monetization program, a fully accessible video player, live streaming, advanced video analytics, content management, and much more.

User & Starters Advanced
Video size 4 Go per file maximum 64 Go
Content duration 2 hours per file maximum Unlimited
Upload Volume 15 videos uploaded per day 96 videos uploaded per day
Total Duration 10 hours of content uploaded per day Unlimited


  • Ad monetization with a lot of flexibility
  • Ease of video upload and management
  • Multi-device compatibility
  • Social sharing


  • Ads auto plate before, after and during video playback
  • Performance can be improved
  • High load time compared to other platforms
  • Basic HLS encryption for video delivery


How to choose a video hosting platform for my needs?

The various factors to consider include the type of content you wish to share, whether the videos are monetizable or not, the features you need, the number of videos you wish to upload, video security, pricing, and more.

How do video hosting and streaming services work?

When a video is uploaded to a hosting platform, it is stored on the server, and data is served via the internet. When a viewer makes a playback request, the video is accessed via the browser or dedicated app and streamed as soon as the request is made in real time.

Can videos on a video hosting platform be monetizable?

Platforms like YouTube offer monetization options through advertising. Different platforms have various criteria to meet the monetization requirements. YouTube for instance requires 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months to meet the Partner Program requirements.

How to protect videos from illegal downloads or unauthorized sharing?

  • Use a hosting platform offering robust security features
  • Platforms like VdoCipher offer Digital Right Management (DRM) to secure your videos with Hollywood Grade encryption technology
  • Add dynamic watermarking to establish brand identity and discourage video sharing
  • If possible, make your videos limited to certain users or groups using the privacy settings.

What are some of the popular video hosting platforms?

YouTube, VdoCipher, and Dailymotion are some of the most reliable video hosting services.

The post Best Video Streaming Hosting Service Providers in 2023 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:54:20 +0000 Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a concept initially developed in the 1980s. The goal of DRM is to protect the rights of copyright holders and ensure that they get paid for their work. In 1984, the first DRM product as a system was developed, and the first commercial DRM system in 1995. The first DRM […]

The post Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a concept initially developed in the 1980s. The goal of DRM is to protect the rights of copyright holders and ensure that they get paid for their work. In 1984, the first DRM product as a system was developed, and the first commercial DRM system in 1995. The first DRM system used in a commercially distributed media product was Sega’s Dreamcast, released in 1998.

DRM restricts unauthorized access, copying, or use of proprietary or copyrighted information. For years, DRM has protected content in various industries, including the music and film industries. Some DRM systems are used within computer networks to prevent unauthorized access or copying of proprietary or copyrighted information. The simplest way to describe the DRM technology is to control how users can access and use the content.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Just like a product solving a purpose or need, DRM products fulfill the need of video producers to securely distribute their content to authorized audiences. DRM products are basically those that prevent unauthorized access to media files that are not under the user’s control. DRM systems usually serve the following needs:

  • prevent copying
  • control use (time, place, number of copies made, and so on)
  • prevent unauthorized distribution and content usage
  • prevent unauthorized access

What are DRM products?

A product gets defined differently from different perspectives. From the perspective of marketing, it is an object, service, or system that is made available to the end-user on the basis of demand generated for it. From the perspective of retail, a product is just merchandise with value. For manufacturing, products are just raw materials and finished ones. Overall, a product is anything, even an object or service, that can be offered to the market to satisfy the needs and wants of customers.

Similarly, when security is a need, products like DRM are there to safeguard the purpose. As to explain the term DRM; it is a type of technology that controls the use, modification, and distribution of digital content. It uses encryption and other security mechanisms to prevent the illegal use of digital content and devices. A DRM product is designed to protect the copyright of digital content. DRM products work by encrypting the content and then controlling its use. This can include features such as preventing it from being copied or shared or limiting how many times it gets played or downloaded.

DRM products can also be classified just like products as per their use and association. For example, DRM can be used to protect illegal downloads while streaming and also while storing encrypted files. These products can be associated as software services and can also be directly associated with hardware integrations. Again, the purpose of a product needs to be fulfilled, and here it is protection.

Overview of a DRM Product as a System

Generally, a DRM system involves two parts:

  • a method of preventing the copying of a file
  • a way to prevent the use of an unauthorized file

This file-based protection implementation involves using a proprietary method to transform the file into a format that is not directly usable by a computer but only restored by the same program that created the file or a program with the same license/key.

This is done by encrypting the file so that it is not possible to restore the original information using a copy of the original file. To reverse the transformation, one needs the decryption key, which is the license you must buy to play the file.

What are the different types of DRM products?

There are many other ways to classify DRM products, including the type of content they can protect, the type of hardware they get installed on, the kind of protection they can use, and many other ways.

A DRM product includes several features. This is why there are various types of DRM products available in the market. Following are the different types of DRM products available in the market.

Video Only DRM: Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology to protect copyrighted video content. Video-Only DRM restricts how video can be accessed and used, making it difficult to copy or share the video without permission. Video streaming services use DRM to protect their content from online piracy.

Software Only: This is the simplest and most versatile DRM product available in the market. This product protects your documents without the help of any hardware device. The data stored in the documents are encrypted using public and private keys. The public keys protect the data from unauthorized access. This type of product is inexpensive and protects documents from copying, printing, editing, and distributing.

Web-Based: This is one of the latest technology available in the market. This technology uses a web service to protect documents. Web-based DRM gets implemented through a web browser. It allows protected content to be securely streamed or downloaded to a user’s computer. It usually requires the user to log in to a subscription service.

Hardware Only: This is another type of DRM product. Hardware DRM product uses a hardware device to protect digital content from printing, editing, unauthorized access, or sharing.

On a broad classification, DRM products include digital rights management software/digital rights management services and digital rights management hardware.

Major DRM products available in the market

Video DRM Product Overview by VdoCipher

VdoCipher, a secure video-hosting service provider, protects premium video content from unauthorized access, sharing, or downloads using Hollywood Grade DRM-Protected Video Streaming. VdoCipher uses Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption to secure the videos. Any internet plugin or software cannot bypass the security layer to download the videos streamed through VdoCipher. They help in serving video content security to over 2000 business customers in more than 40 countries. Their main features include:

  • Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay protected DRM encrypted streaming
  • Dynamic watermarking and screen capture block
  • Adaptive and Responsive HTML5 player
  • API and Plugin Integration
  • Multi CDN Integration
  • APIs and SDKs
  • Geo, IP and Time based restrictions


Digify is a cloud-based data room software and document security solution. It offers an all-in-one integrated solution to secure confidential documents, combining access control, advanced encryption, file tracking, print and download permissions and customizable watermarks.

  • Access control
  • Recipient identity verification
  • Easy cloud import
  • Copy protection, print & download permissions
  • Dynamic watermarking
  • Screen shield
  • Document expiry & Self-destruct


EditionGuard is a secure ebook DRM service that helps publishers and content creators protect their digital content from unauthorized copying, printing, and distribution. EditionGuard offers a variety of features to help publishers control how their content is used. EditionGuard automates the eBook fulfillment after an online purchase is made and controls how the ebook is distributed and accessed.

  • Adobe DRM, Readium LCP and a number of social DRM solutions
  • Storefront with secure payments and eBook delivery
  • Dashboard to monitor daily downloads
  • EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files support
  • IP address restrictions
  • API access


Bynder offers a centralized solution to manage and distribute digital assets. It helps businesses manage their brand assets, such as images, videos, logos, and documents. With Bynder, businesses can streamline their brand assets in one place, making it easy for employees to find and use the files they need.

  • Control access and usage rights
  • Set file expiration date
  • Track file sharing history
  • Automatic asset resizing using Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT)


RedPoint DRM software automatically detects and removes entertainment logins or software that are resold online. Marketplaces and other online platforms are scanned using bot-powered search to find online infringements. Alleged infringements are validated through a validation process to prove infringement. Finally, the system removes and blocks the activation keys that are infringing your digital rights.

  • Bot-powered search
  • Self-improving detection
  • Visual cards to review potential infringements
  • Automatic takedown trigger
  • Dashboard to track important data and metrics

DRM Product as Software and Services

Digital rights management (DRM) is a technology used to control access to digital content and devices. DRM software protects digital files from being copied or shared without permission. DRM software is programs or applications to protect the copyrights of digital content and controls how users can access and use digital content.

A DRM software secures digital content such as music, movies, audio and video files, eBooks, and software. It can also restrict access to devices, such as smartphones or tablets to view or listen to digital content.

In other words, Digital rights management (DRM) services are software applications used by copyright holders to protect their intellectual property from unauthorized use. DRM services restrict access to digital content, track and monitor how that content is used, or both.

Features of DRM Software

The most common DRM Software features include content protection, copy protection, and access control.

Content Protection

DRM Content Protection protects digital content from being copied and distributed illegally. It controls how users can access and use digital content and prevent unauthorized copying and sharing.

Content Protection is an umbrella term for several Digital Rights Management technologies that restrict access to certain kinds of content. It is generally used to limit access to media files but can be used for other types of content.

Copy Protection

Copy protection is a mechanism used in DRM to prevent unauthorized copying of digital media. It’s implemented in digital rights management software, restricting how users can copy or share digital files.

The primary mechanism of copy protection in DRM is to encrypt the digital content only to access and use by authorized users.

Access Control

Access control in DRM is the combination of security and access control mechanisms that determine who has access to digital content and grant or prevent access to this content. It is a DRM feature that allows you to control who can access your content. You can specify a list of authorized users who can view or listen to your content.

Access control in DRM is a mechanism to grant or deny access to digital content and the security mechanisms and identity management components.

Digital Rights Management product as Hardware

Digital rights management hardware is used to protect digital content and used for various purposes. For example, the manufacturers of television sets are using the hardware to prevent users from accessing other channels’ content.

Digital rights management hardware is a physical device used to manage digital rights. This can include USB tokens, smart cards, or dongles. The hardware protects and controls access to digital content such as music, movies, and software. Typically, the hardware will contain a cryptographic key to unlock the content.

Web-Based DRM Product

Web-based DRM is a technology that allows digital content security from unauthorized access and use. The content is stored on a remote server and accessed by authorized users through a web browser. Web-based DRM technology uses various methods to protect the content, including password protection, user authentication, and encryption.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


Benefits of using DRM products to protect video content?

Following are the benefits of using a DRM product to protect your digital content.

Protection of Intellectual Property: The most important benefit of using DRM products is that it helps you protect your intellectual property. For example, you can use DRM technology to protect your content from being available for free download.

Control over the content: Using the DRM technology, you can control how the users can access the videos. For example, you can manage the number of times and devices a video is accessed.

Sharing: When you use the DRM products, you can share the content with the DRM technology people. For example, you can share videos with the people who have view rights for your media file.

Security: This technology helps you secure your digital content like music files, videos, ebooks from unauthorized access and use. For example, you can secure your videos from unauthorized manipulation, copying, and distribution.

You can use the DRM technology only if you have the right software and integration. DRM covers audio and video, software, ebooks, computer games, etc. In the case of videos, content providers want to ensure that their videos are not copied and shared without permission and can monetize their videos. Service providers want to protect their networks from the high bandwidth demands of video traffic. Device manufacturers want to ensure that their devices can playback authorized videos and not be used to distribute unauthorized videos.


What is Identity Management in DRM?

Identity management in DRM is the management of identity attributes to enable access to digital content.

What are the most common types of DRM?

The most common type of DRM is the software-based DRM which is used to protect the digital content.

What is the main advantage of using DRM?

The advantages of using DRM are that it helps in protecting the digital content from being copied, edited or distributed freely.

The post Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Netflix DRM: How & Why of Encrypted Video Security? 2023 Fri, 03 Jun 2022 11:33:23 +0000 With Netflix’s popularity booming around the world, video piracy seems to be a major issue to combat. In 2020, Netflix spent nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars on its original content creation. Any illegal content distribution may lead to a decrease in paid subscribers and revenue loss. When people pirate movies and TV shows, they are […]

The post Netflix DRM: How & Why of Encrypted Video Security? 2023 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

With Netflix’s popularity booming around the world, video piracy seems to be a major issue to combat. In 2020, Netflix spent nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars on its original content creation. Any illegal content distribution may lead to a decrease in paid subscribers and revenue loss. When people pirate movies and TV shows, they are less likely to subscribe to legal streaming services like Netflix. To fight video piracy, Netflix uses Digital Right Management (DRM) to protect the copyrights of its premium content. Netflix DRM is one of the most secured anti-piracy solutions for premium videos.


The need of Video Security for Netflix

Netflix is one of the most popular OTT/Video on Demand platforms. It serves thousands of premium movies and web series across the world. There is a lot at stake when topmost Hollywood and other global movie production houses are streaming and relying on the Netflix DRM Encryption. Its mechanism needs to provide highly secure streaming which should also provide a good viewer experience.

So primarily these are three reasons Netflix needs Video DRM for-

  1. Secure their video revenues by preventing/restricting online video piracy. Illegal downloads & Screen capture are the most common methods of piracy.
  2. Protect the Copyright of movie producers on the content. Any form of video piracy also violates copyright acts and is a brand loss for the content producer.
  3. Increase the number of subscribers by restricting piracy. Suppose a viewer was intending to buy a Netflix subscription to watch his favourite upcoming movies. But then viewer searches on Google and finds copies of the premium content on the internet, this may prevent them from buying a subscription. Thus, security from video piracy is also needed for any OTT platform like Netflix to continuously increase revenues.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

How Netflix fight video piracy using DRM protected streaming

What is Video DRM?

The word DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. As the full form suggests, it is about managing and securing the rights of the content. Coming to the video, Video DRM generally means certain key video streaming security protocols maintained by likes of Google and Apple to prevent illegal video downloads in browsers and mobile apps. Two widely adopted DRMs are Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM. We will explore more about DRM and how it helps Netflix in the below sections.

What happens when content is non-encrypted?

As in the case of youtube free videos, where the content is not at all encrypted; this allows browser plugins/extensions/hacks to easily grab youtube content and illegally download the raw file. There are many other platforms that similarly do not encrypt the content and there are hundreds of free plugins, extensions or websites to download such videos.

It is to be noted that same is not the case with the youtube pay per view movie platform. It does use video DRM encryption.

That is why the need for Video DRM came.

Happenings when content is encrypted?

The most common form of open-source encryption technologies are HLS encryption, AES encryption and RTMP encryption. While these technologies are one level more secure than Youtube, but the key exchange mechanism in these streaming technologies is not 100% hidden/blackboxed and thus ultimately hackers or software are able to grab the encryption key. Once a hacking tool gets the encryption key, it can combine the revealed key with the encrypted content to get the raw file back. Thus, these technologies are not totally secure.

What happens when content is DRM encrypted?

Adding DRM encryption to videos means, adding an encryption layer based on protocols of Google Widevine DRM and Apple Fairplay DRM. These DRM protocols are not open source. Since Google and Apple have browser/OS/hardware level control over the video playback in most devices, they are able to provide a blackboxed mechanism to secure the key exchange. In technical terms, this blackboxed mechanism is called a Content Decryption Module or CDM.

Examples –

  • In Google Chrome and the Android app, Google Widevine DRM can secure the encryption keys.
  • In Mac/IOS Safari and iOs app, Apple Fairplay DRM can secure the encryption key.
  • Firefox and Edge on Desktop and Android, Google has partnered with the browser owners to implement Google Widevine DRM.

A detailed compatibility chart of these DRMs is included here.

Note – Implementing Google Widevine DRM and Apple Fairplay DRM requires licensing partnership with Google and Apple and maintaining a secure playback infrastructure in compliance with these DRMs.

Other Security Features of Video DRM

  1. Prevention of illegal downloads and option for offline secure download in apps – In all the cases where video DRM based playback is happening, illegal video download is prevented. In the case of mobile apps, secure download and offline playback restricted inside the app is possible. DRM also allows giving a single time validity to these offline playbacks, setting them to expire after a certain period of time. (e.g 1 day/1 month/1 year)
  2. Screen capture block in mobile apps and certain browsers – In certain cases like iOS apps, ios/mac Safari, and Android apps in many devices (Widevine L1 devices, not all devices), DRM can also totally block screen capture. In the case of android apps, in devices where DRM is not able to block screen capture (L3 devices), there are other methods to block screen capture. Those other methods are already implemented by Netflix DRM encryption mechanism and also by VdoCipher.
  3. Serving different video quality based on HDMI security levels – While most video platforms across the world like to serve the highest quality (whether it is 1080p or 4k) to all devices and browsers. But for certain premium movies, mostly coming from Hollywood, there are restrictions on where all full HD can play or not based on the HDMI security level in that device/browser. E.g I know for a fact that most famous Indian movie platforms do not implement these quality-based restrictions.

Other Security features apart from DRM used by Netflix

  1. Viewer based(dynamic) watermarking – Netflix DRM encryption mechanism and many other premium video platforms use viewer based watermarking. There are 2 kinds of viewer based watermark – visible or invisible. Many viewers might have seen the example of dynamic watermarking while watching some popular series/movie or especially live sports channel. There is a string with text and numbers that keeps floating over the screen. That watermark is a unique identifier to your device. Some platforms tend to keep this dynamic watermark visible so that it also discourages viewers from screen capturing and sharing their content. But some other platforms use invisible watermarks to not alter the viewer experience but detect the pirate user in case they come across any distributed pirated content. VdoCipher provides a visible form of dynamic watermarking.
  2. Preventing rooted devices from playback – While rooting and trying to decipher Apple Fairplay DRM is very very difficult, some hackers attempt to break Widevine DRM in Android apps by rooting devices. Implementation of Safetynet, which is a Google app protection mechanism disables playback in rooted devices.
  3. Restricting playback in multiple devices based on plan – If you look at Netflix plans in the below screenshot, you will see that the number of devices which can play videos from the same account is limited.
    Netflix subscription plans usa
  4. Geo Restriction – Geo restriction is more of a form of restriction rather than security from piracy. Movie content comes with a set of distribution rights. For a certain movie, Netflix can have rights to stream only in the USA, while for other movies Netflix may have rights to stream it anywhere outside the USA. These rights depend on agreements with content producers. Geo restriction ensures that these agreements are adhered to.

How does Netflix DRM prevent Screen Recording?

This is done with the help of EME or Encrypted Media Extensions which is a W3C specification for establishing a communication channel. This channel help web browsers communicate with DRM’s black boxed mechanism via Content Decryption Module (CDM) software.

This happens in Safari browser , android app and ios app.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Basically, for screen capture, a web browser communicates with the Video Player having EME which invokes DRM. Whenever a screenshot command is passed, it gets overridden via DRM secure playback and hence you get black screenshots or recordings. This mechanism combines the power of EME using HTML5 players to invoke the underlying DRM encryption.

Netflix and VdoCipher both use the same implementation for Screen Recording and Screenshots protection.

Netflix’s role in improving the DRM ecosystem across the internet

Since most of the population viewing online entertainment or course content are not themselves the platform owner, most of them are not in support of video DRM. While students feel that they are left out of free unlimited access to premium movies due to DRM, while on other hand some engineers are of the view that it is not right to have a blackbox (Content decryption module/CDM) in open web standard.

Browsers like Firefox who did not by default have DRM a few years back also had to implement it, else it would have led to a considerable loss of viewership to them.

Potential issues with video DRM

There is a very small % of devices which have compatibility issues with Widevine DRM in android and are unable to play DRM secured videos. Such device % is estimated to be in the range of 0.1 to 0.3% based on our experience at VdoCipher. Such cases occur mostly in Android and not in Apple/Windows devices. Some of these issues are owing to the fact that sometimes manufacturers like Realme, Huawei, and Xiaomi try to implement their own OS along with Android and make changes in the OS system which causes such issues. Some of such issues are resolved in device updates. E.g. This support article/tutorial of Netflix on handling one such DRM issue.

How can I as a movie/course platform implement Video DRM with ease?

Earlier, DRM was mostly within the reach of large enterprises like Netflix, and Amazon because of the complexity of integration and the time it took for integration. This problem is addressed by VdoCipher – a video DRM + video hosting solutions provider which combines multi-device video playback & player with a robust Google and Apple Video DRM. The unique proposition of VdoCipher is that the integration effort required by the customer is minimal and even a single person owned website can integrate DRM based video playback with ease using VdoCipher. From a single person owned website to popular media/e-learning platforms with millions of users; VdoCipher is built to serve everybody who is in dire need of video security.

What all do you get?

  • Packaged cloud video hosting solution with Video DRM encryption
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Domain Restriction
  • Smart Video Player
  • Dashboard to manage videos
  • Iframe, Plugin, API, SDK Integrations

If you want to read more on the  History of Netflix, do read the blog linked.

Here are some other interesting blog related to Netflix:


How does Netflix Encryption block screenshots?

Netflix uses a technology called digital rights management (DRM) to encrypt its content and prevent unauthorized users from accessing it. When you take a screenshot of Netflix content, the DRM software prevents the screenshot from being saved or shared.

How does Netflix DRM work to protect its content piracy?

Netflix DRM uses a combination of encryption, licensing, dynamic key exchange mechanism, and access control to protect its content.

Is there a visible Netflix watermark?

No, there is no visible watermark in any content on Netflix but it is possible to have dynamic invisible watermarking with user info.

The post Netflix DRM: How & Why of Encrypted Video Security? 2023 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared Thu, 12 May 2022 18:38:52 +0000 This blog explains VdoCipher security technology using video encryption in detail and compares it with most other providers. Below is a video with all security features explained and compared. After the video is text explanation – The main encrypted video streaming protocols in use by most other streaming providers are: HTTP Live Streaming – HLS […]

The post Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

This blog explains VdoCipher security technology using video encryption in detail and compares it with most other providers. Below is a video with all security features explained and compared. After the video is text explanation –

The main encrypted video streaming protocols in use by most other streaming providers are:

  1. HTTP Live Streaming – HLS Encryption with AES-128
  2. AES 128 Encryption & Sample AES 128 Encryption.
  3. Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and RTMP Encrypted (RTMPE)

HLS encryption, with AES-128 bit encrypted streaming, is widely marketed as a secure video encryption streaming protocol used for video protection. Indeed, certain security features have been built into these streaming protocols. However, by themselves, HLS Encrypted, DASH, and RTMPE are not sufficient to protect your content. Their security flaws lie in:

  • Partial video encryption of streaming content
  • Open key exchange mechanism for decryption

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Secure Your Videos with Vdocipher Video Streaming Solution

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.

Why Only Video Encryption is not good enough?

The video encryption that these protocols offer is not foolproof.

Suppose, you have bought a state-of-the-art lock for your home. One that even the most masterful locksmiths cannot breakthrough. But then, well, you leave your key under the door-mat. Does your state-of-the-art lock still ensure state-of-the-art security for your home?

Why Video Encryption is not good enough: HLS Encryption and RTMPE are not effective encryption technologies by themselves
Many tools are widely available that exploit security vulnerabilities in encrypted streaming protocols. Tools such as IDM, Video Download Helper, and RTPMDump can even download content that has been encrypted, opening the gates for pirates to download and share your content. These tools bypass the video encryption by finding out the key to access the video, without bothering about the video encryption itself.

Although widely used, these streaming protocols are not the only streaming protocols that can be used. VdoCipher uses a modified version of the existing streaming protocols to increase video security, and minimize bandwidth usage.

How VdoCipher’s DRM Based Video Encryption Protects Your Content?

Here we explain how VdoCipher’s Encrypted Video Streaming works, and how our DRM encrypted video streaming technology is hackproof. We explain the complete workflow that our video DRM uses. Steps 5 and 6 of the video streaming workflow are the key differentiators that set us apart from the competition.

B2C or B2B marketplaces also often require features over and beyond video security. VdoCipher fulfills all major requirements for secure video hosting. The complete set of features that VdoCipher offers for enterprise video hosting may be found here.

Video Encryption Streaming With VdoCipher

  1. Upload – The video content is uploaded by the registered customer through Desktop, FTP, DropBox, directly from the server, and direct from URL. VdoCipher supports all typical video formats.
  2. Transcoding for Protected Streaming – At VdoCipher, we encrypt videos with DRM encryption protocol & multiple bitrates.  Each device (Android, IOS, Desktop) has its own encrypted version of the file. It is in this format that the encrypted streaming takes place in. After the user uploads the video, VdoCipher converts content into an encrypted format. The video is transcoded for optimization at multiple bitrates so that viewers on networks of any quality can conveniently view videos.
  3. Storage of Encrypted Content – The videos are stored securely on Amazon’s AWS S3 servers using our own server-side video encryption technology, creating a double layer of protection.
  4. DRM Encrypted Video Transfer – Differentiator – Now the encrypted content has to be streamed to the final viewer interface, be it app or browser. Unlike many other media streaming service protocols, there are two key differences: Firstly, the entire stream (not partial) is encrypted using a non-public key whose exchange mechanism is hidden (Via Google Widevine DRM & Apple Fairplay DRM for all platforms). Others like RTMP does it partially and not fully secure. Secondly, the transfer of this encrypted content is not through direct access to the video file. There is a one time URL that is generated and the content is transferred in different chunks to optimize streaming.
  5. Licensing & Authentication – Differentiator – If the video has a direct video URL that can be shared, then the encrypted video streaming has completely ineffective security. This is because there can be multiple browser playback of the same video, and therefore the video can be easily downloaded. Our key service differentiator is that we have One Time generated dynamic video URLs. These URLs are accessed only through custom video embed codes, allowing licensing duration for each single video stream. This prevents any URL based sharing.
  6. Decryption & Playback – Differentiator – Finally, the encrypted stream content is decrypted inside the player with a dynamic key. Our DRM based key transfer protocol is fundamentally different from the public key transfer protocol in cases of HLS, HTTPS, and RTMPE Encrypted Streaming Protocols. A private key transfer between the website and our API signifies that it is not possible for hackers to decrypt our streams. The One Time video encryption that we use is theoretically and practically hack-proof. We regularly update our authentication mechanism to keep the security features up to date. Video licensing and playback are combined to generate customizable viewer specific watermarks. Within the watermark offering, IP address, Email ID  and User ID can be shown as a light transparent watermark, to identify a playback session by the viewer.
  7. Result Progressive High Secure Adaptive Video Streaming – Through this 6-step Video Hosting, DRM based Video Encryption, and Streaming process, VdoCipher is able to provide a progressive high-security video streaming with future buffer possible. This is also different from RTMP which does not maintain any buffer and can be quite erratic as a result.  Also, once a part of a video is buffered it remains conserved, even when the viewer seeks back or forth. This ensures the fastest loading times and minimal bandwidth usage for secure video streaming.

What Is Video Encryption?

Video encryption is the process of encoding your video so that it can not be accessed by anyone without the encryption key. This stops any unwanted view or even download of the video. This puts a stop to any unwanted view or even download of your videos. 

The videos are encrypted with the help of encoding software and hardware to protect the video content. When a user tries to access the encrypted video. Pirates will get an encrypted file playing via an online video player on their website or app. 

What Is DRM Video Encryption?

Video encryption does a pretty good job to secure videos. Breaking encryption just by brute force might take ages to get access to the video. But there’s a catch even to it, as I mentioned in the beginning, all this encryption would mean nothing if a pirate can easily get access to the encryption key.

This is where DRM comes in, DRM protects the encryption key so that it can not be easily accessed by a malicious user. So, DRM video encryption not only helps in encrypting the video but also protects the encryption key so that a pirate can not access the video via any hack.

Detailed explanation on all VdoCipher security features (DRM encryption, url authentication, dynamic watermarking, screen capture prevention for certain device/browsers, Geo restriction). It is a lengthy video (28 min), but we bet that you won’t have any questions unanswered on video protection after watching this.

Also, feel free to check out our video encryption software, all you need to do is signup and upload your video. We take care of the encryption part, all you need to do is just embed your video on the page and voila, it’s done.


The post Encrypted Video Streaming: Standard Technologies & VdoCipher Compared appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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DRM Restrictions Explained for Videos & Digital Assets with Examples (2023) Tue, 22 Feb 2022 16:22:43 +0000 Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology employed by content providers to protect their intellectual property, digital files, and digital content. DRM restrictions are used to control access to digital files and restrict specific actions taken with those files, such as printing, copying, or sharing. DRM is also used to track the use of digital […]

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Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology employed by content providers to protect their intellectual property, digital files, and digital content. DRM restrictions are used to control access to digital files and restrict specific actions taken with those files, such as printing, copying, or sharing. DRM is also used to track the use of digital files so that the provider can understand how the file is used and measure the impact of its distribution. You can also keep all these files in some kind ofdigital asset management system. The benefit of DRM restrictions is that it allows the creator of a digital work to protect their copyright and have control over their work.

DRM Restrictions allow online video and other digital services to impose that the content they provide is used in accordance with their requirements. The primary purpose of DRM is to ensure that the content is only available to the paying customers.

DRM uses a combination of different technologies to ensure the content will only be readable on a particular computer or device. The main objective of DRM restriction is to prevent the content from being distributed on peer-to-peer and social networks such as BitTorrent and Telegram. DRM may restrict some of the things you can do in your web browser. Several services are approaching HTML5 video, requiring a different DRM mechanism known as Content Decryption Module (CDM).

Common ways to protect your Digital Content

There are several different ways that video security restrictions can be applied to a digital video. The two most common ways are to use digital watermarking and DRM Technology.

  • Digital watermarking is the process of adding small amounts of information to the digital video. This information can be used to identify the content and to track how it is used. Keep in mind that there are some illicit ways to bypass watermarking.
  • DRM Encryption is the process of protecting the digital video from being copied, transferred or distributed. If a digital video has been DRM Encrypted, it can only be used in a way that the content provider wants. It is the most secure way to protect your digital content as through this way it gets protected via Google and Applen drm license servers.

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Protect Your Videos With Widevine DRM

Vdocipher helps several Video Platform to protect their video content with Widevine DRM


Most Common implementations of DRM Restrictions

There are a number of common DRM restrictions varying on the type of Video DRM used. The restrictions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The file or content may be played only on a limited number of devices or for a limited number of times.
  • Only authorised users can access your content.
  • Prevents editing, printing, saving, forwarding, sharing, screen grabbing and more
  • Content limited to devices, IP addresses and country locations.
  • Access Management

Types of DRM Restrictions

There are three types of DRM restrictions: technological, contractual, and legal.

  • Technological DRM restrictions are imposed by technology and can include measures such as encryption, password protection, and digital rights management software.
  • License agreements impose contractual DRM restrictions. They can include measures such as restrictions on the number of devices that can be used to access the content, the number of times the content can be accessed, and the length of time the content can be accessed.
  • Legal DRM restrictions are imposed by copyright law and can include measures such as the requirement to purchase a license in order to access the content or the requirement to obtain permission from the copyright holder in order to use the content.

Benefits of DRM Restrictions

There are benefits to DRM restrictions. First, they can help to protect copyrighted material from being copied and distributed illegally. They can also help to ensure that customers who purchase digital content can access it only on authorized devices. DRM restrictions can also help to prevent piracy and protect against copyright infringement. They can help protect copyrighted material, discourage piracy, and keep users from sharing unauthorized copies of the content. Additionally, DRM restrictions can help increase revenues for content providers, as users are more likely to purchase legitimate copies of content when they know that they are unable to share or distribute it illegally.

Once you have a DRM protected file, then no one else can use it. In some cases, you can control who can access your digital product when you decide to close down your website. Digital Rights Management is the most effective way to protect your content from illegal distribution and use. Digital Rights Management is an effective way to protect your content from illegal distribution and use.

Examples of DRM Restrictions for Digital Assets

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

Vdocipher helps several VOD Platform to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


Video DRM Protection

Video DRM restrictions protect and control the use of digital video. When a piece of digital video is protected by DRM, the owner of the video is given the ability to manage how the content is used. The owner can decide who is allowed to view the piece of content, how many times it can be viewed, what devices it can be viewed on and how long the content is available.

When video DRM restrictions are used, it is possible to ensure that the digital video is used only in the way that the content provider wants it to. It is also possible to ensure that the digital video is used by the right people, at the right time and on the right devices.

Video DRM restrictions can be used to protect many different types of digital video. It can be used to protect digital videos that are downloaded from the internet or copied from a DVD. It can also be used to protect digital video that is sent to a mobile phone or streamed to a television. By embedding DRM into videos, copyright holders can control how and where their videos are shared online. DRM software can also be used to restrict access to videos, for example, by only allowing them to be viewed a certain number of times or by requiring a password to access them.

VdoCipher DRM Solution for Video Protection

Vdocipher offers Hollywood Grade DRM Protected Video Streaming to protect video piracy and unauthorized access or sharing. It provides secure video hosting solutions to LMS platforms, media, e-learning platforms and individual videos creators. Videos streamed through VdoCipher cannot be downloaded via any software or internet plugins. Some of their key features include:

  • DRM encrypted streaming protected via Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay
  • API and Plugin Integration
  • Multi CDN Integration
  • Adaptive Smart HTML5 video player
  • AWS powered server
  • Customizable video watermarking
  • Geo, IP and Time based restrictions

eBooks Protection

DRM restrictions on ebooks vary depending on the ebook platform or service. However, many ebook platforms place restrictions on how many devices an ebook can be read on and how many times it can be read. Additionally, DRM may also restrict the ability to print, copy, or share ebooks. DRM restrictions on ebooks include preventing piracy, ensuring that the ebook is used only by the person who purchased it and preventing the ebook from being shared or copied. DRM also allows ebook publishers to track how often an ebook is read and what parts are most popular.

Publishing platforms like Google Play Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo use Adobe Digital Editions DRM support. DRM-protected ebooks can only be accessed on authorized apps and devices like Amazon Kindle ebooks can only be viewed on Kindle app and Kindle devices.

Benefits of DRM restrictions on eBooks

  • DRM restrictions can help to prevent the piracy of ebooks.
  • It can help to ensure that the ebook is used only by the person who purchased it.
  • It helps to protect the copyright of the ebook. Only those with authorized credentials can view DRM-protected ebooks.
  • These restrictions lock their customers to the stores by creating a DRM scheme that allows authorised readers to read their books
  • DRM books such as Amazon restrict its user by location, if you moved to another country, you lose all the E-Books you paid for if the title is restricted in that country

Depending on the DRM configuration, DRM restricted ebooks may have restrictions on functions such as transferring to other devices, copying text to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere, printing, and text-to-speech synthesis. While some DRM schemes make it possible for publishers to enable these features, others do not support them at all.

Protection on Apple Store

Apple FairPlay is a DRM technology used by Apple Inc. to protect digital audio and video content from unauthorized reproduction or distribution. It is used on iTunes Store and other Apple-owned digital content distribution services. The company used it to protect copyrighted works sold through iTunes Store, allowing only authorized devices to play the content.

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Protect Your Videos With FairPlay DRM

The complete integration setup is handled directly by VdoCipher, you only need to apply for a license and get the keys.

Apple’s FairPlay DRM can securely deliver streaming media to client devices through the HTTP live streaming protocol. FairPlay DRM provides the highest security from piracy through encryption, licensing & disabling screen capture. The restrictions imposed by FairPlay, mainly limited device compatibility, have sparked criticism

Few usage restrictions of Apple Music:

  • Only authorized devices using the iTunes account are granted permission for using the service.
  • Restriction to use the service on up to six devices or not more than five computers associated with your Apple ID.
  • Music streaming is restricted to only one device at a time.
  • Songs are saved as Apple Music AAC audio files with DRM. DRM restricts converting files to other formats.
  • You cannot edit or remix the tracks.
  • Restricts burning songs to CDs.
  • DRM restriction on keeping the purchased content. Your entire song library will be gone forever if you cancel the paid subscription


What is the difference between Hardware-based and Software-based DRM?

Hardware-based DRM: The content is encrypted using a hardware key and can only be read on a specific computer. The main disadvantage of hardware-based DRM is that it is not compatible with all devices. For example, iTunes can only read the iTunes protected content on Apple computers.

Software-based DRM: The content is encrypted using a software key and can only be read on devices with specific software compatibilities. The advantage of software-based DRM is that it is compatible with all the devices supported via software.

Can I transfer my DRM-protected content to another device?

This will depend on the type of DRM protection. Generally, you will be able to transfer your content to another device that is registered to your account. However, there may be some restrictions on how many devices you can use the content on.

The post DRM Restrictions Explained for Videos & Digital Assets with Examples (2023) appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
