DRM Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png DRM Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/02/drm-content-protection/ Wed, 19 Jun 2024 06:16:03 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=9724 A Digital Rights Management System is a system to enforce the rights of owners of digital media, software, or devices. The system controls the use of protected material by limiting the number of times a song can be played or limiting the number of copies made. Digital Rights Management or DRM content protection identifies the […]

The post DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A Digital Rights Management System is a system to enforce the rights of owners of digital media, software, or devices. The system controls the use of protected material by limiting the number of times a song can be played or limiting the number of copies made. Digital Rights Management or DRM content protection identifies the source or owner of the material or prevents the material transfer from one device to another.

In other words, Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to the technological protection measures used to prevent unauthorized access, copying, use and distribution of copyrighted digital media and information. Various products and services employ DRM to protect copyright and related rights. It is in the video, audio, E-books, digital software, video games, and digital television applications.

VdoCipher empowers 3000+ course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with DRM protected video streaming, ensuring smooth playback in 120+ countries.

DRM Content Protection and DRM Encryption Meaning

The term DRM Content Protection refers to several different processes used to control the use of digital media, software, or devices designed to prevent unauthorized duplication or use of the protected material. Some of the included processes are:

Digital Rights Management (DRM): Refers to a range of technologies used to enforce the rights of digital media owners, particularly concerning the use of copyrighted material. For example, DRM content protection ensures that the protected material is only played on specific devices or controls the transfer of protected material from one device to another. The way DRM works usually depends on the content type and the distribution platform. Still, even when those things are the same, two content providers can use different methods based on the level of restrictions they want to apply.

DRM Encryption: Process of encoding the protected material in a way that makes it unreadable without the correct key. For example, material encrypted using the Digital Rights Management (DRM) process may require a computer or device to be registered to receive the decryption key. The main reason DRM creation was to protect the copyright holder’s interests.When you purchase a copy-protected file, you aren’t actually purchasing the file itself, you’re purchasing a license to use the file. This license is held in a database on a DRM server, and this database is what DRM Encryption protects.

DRM working in Browsers and Devices

DRM Protection works alongside encryption, the videos are first encrypted and the encryption key is hidden in the CDM(content decryption module) or hardware-backed protection.

Every time a user clicks on the play button, a license request is created and verified by the DRM server and sent back to the player, after the player sends the license key to the DRM module, the DRM content is decrypted and sent to the player in chunks.

In browsers like Chrome and Firefox, Google Widevine CDM is integrated by default, ensuring a seamless user experience on DRM-requiring sites. The Google Widevine CDM operates within a sandbox environment, enhancing security and user privacy. Users are notified of CDM usage and retain the option to disable the CDM, although this may impair functionality on certain websites.

In Android and iOS/Safari, DRM content playback is facilitated by DRM framework which uses hardware-backed protection to secure premium content and user credentials. These frameworks enable Android and Apple devices to support various DRM technologies, ensuring that protected content can be securely streamed and played. The content protection provided by the DRM framework depends on the security and content protection capabilities of the underlying hardware platform. For example, L1 security level provides maximum security in comparison to L3 compatible devices.

Major Providers of DRM Providers

A typical DRM Content Protection consists of multi DRM, these different DRMs caters to different devices and browsers. The major ones are:

  • Google Widevine DRM solution: It supports Desktop/Laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux) Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Android Chrome, Edge, Android TV, Android TV, Chromecast.
  • Apple Fairplay DRM Solution: It supports Mac Safari, IOS Safari, IOS App
  • Microsoft Playready DRM solution: It supports Edge in Windows. Windows Edge is also supported by Google Widevine, so Playready is not an absolute necessity.

What is DRM Protected Video Content and Streaming?

DRM Protected video content is only available to people who have the right to access it. A video file protected by DRM encryption will no longer be accessible by just anyone. DRM protects the video file by ensuring the content is stored and transmitted in an encrypted format so that only authorized users and devices can access it. Multi-DRM schemes encrypt and package the video content before streaming for improved and more excellent device compatibility. When a user attempts a video playback, the video player requests a key from the license server. Before issuing a license response with a decryption key, the server checks for the authorization of the user and device. Finally, the player decrypts and plays the content for the user.

Preventing unauthorized video downloads requires a multifaceted approach. While DRM is effective, it’s not sufficient on its own. Explore why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and what additional steps you can take.

How to DRM Protect a Video File?

When we upload video content on websites or release premium content on online platforms, a major concern is content security. There are chances that someone may download and misuse the video content if it is not protected or secured. Also, there are various methods available to protect digital content so that no one can copy or download the content unauthorizedly and misuse it. One such way is implementing DRM or Digital Rights Management to protect a video file. Below is a DRM Workflow mechanism.

Source: Input video files upload or transfer to cloud storage such as AWS S3.

Encoding: The input video file is packaged and encoded into Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) formats like HLS or MPEG-DASH.

Encryption: The video file encrypts with digital keys provided by the DRM License provider during the encryption process.

Storage: The video files transfer to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Amazon CloudFront.

Authentication: The video player makes an authentication request from the DRM server to ensure the license validity.

Playback: Once authenticated, the video player unlocks the video and allows for video playback.

Why need VdoCipher for DRM Content Protection?

Setting up the whole previously described workflow is a tedious task. That is why only a few technology-equipped media houses like VdoCipher provide the complete package to end-users. The package adheres to all your uploading requirements through FTP or even via direct links from Vimeo etc. Well, uploading is easy but what goes parallelly like Encoding, Encryption, Global Distribution and Storage, and Authenticating via License Provider are difficult to implement. For the same, VdoCipher has done all for you, even playback and integration with Google Widevine DRM & Apple FairPlay DRM for the widest support of devices and browsers.

So whether you are an eLearning solution provider or anyone whose videos are precious and piracy cannot be afforded, VdoCipher is the best choice for you. You can go through their pricing to find the affordable plan as per your need. As a rule of thumb, the more you go high in consumption, the lesser the will be per unit charges.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with expert multi DRM solutions, ensuring smooth playback globally.

DRM Protected Content Examples

Any online streaming is an excellent example of DRM protected content. Online platforms use DRM to protect their content before releasing it online.

Here are a few examples of DRM protected content

  • Online Video Streaming: Users stream content online through a browser or application. Here every view is validated via the license server. Any video streamed through DRM can’t be downloaded and screen recorded in most cases.
  • Video games: Whenever you buy a game from a store online, instead of buying that you are basically buying the license to play that game on your device. Whenever you buy a game on Steam, PSN, or Nintendo store, you get a license to download and play that game which is added to your account. This license allows you to download the game anytime you want.
  • Audio streaming: DRM in audio streaming’s case works very similar to the ones in video streaming. DRM ensures that any audio streamed through the respective music player can’t be downloaded.

What are the Benefits of DRM Protected Content?

DRM lets content creators decide what should be done with their content, and it offers many advantages, such as:

  • Protection from any revenue loss due to piracy
  • Restricts any unauthorized access to the content.
  • Prevents any piracy of the content
  • Provides an extra level of security to the content

There are several major devices and browsers that support DRM. One of the most widely used DRM is Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay.


What is a DRM Server?

A DRM server is a database that stores information on the files licensed to you. A DRM server hosts on a server on the Internet or a local database on your computer. The DRM server is encrypted by DRM Encryption.

What is the difference between DRM and copyright enforcement?

Copyright restricts who can distribute media, while DRM software restricts how users access protected media. Copyright provides leverage against illegal distribution. It means the largest distribution platforms must already adhere to the demands of large publishers, studios, and software companies.

How do web browsers support DRM-protected video streaming?

DRM-protected video streaming consumption is by using Smart HTML5 media player. The player uses the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API to enable the playback of the protected content.

The post DRM Content Protection meaning & How to DRM Protect a Video File appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/02/drm-vendors/ Thu, 23 May 2024 16:14:38 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=9715 It’s important to examine digital rights management before delving into how it’s provided to you as a customer. Digital Rights Management, or DRM, is a technology that restricts the usage of digital content, usually through encryption. DRM systems intend to protect content creators by ensuring that authorized users see their content or use it correctly. […]

The post DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

It’s important to examine digital rights management before delving into how it’s provided to you as a customer. Digital Rights Management, or DRM, is a technology that restricts the usage of digital content, usually through encryption. DRM systems intend to protect content creators by ensuring that authorized users see their content or use it correctly. Digital rights management (DRM) vendors sell software that allows you to restrict how your customers can use protected digital content. Without it, unauthorized users might steal your digital content, leaving you with no money earned and pirated content.

DRM vendors help prevent piracy by developing complex software that prevents people from copying content they haven’t paid for. The content is encrypted using a key only available to someone who has paid for the content. DRM vendors provide you with an encrypted version of the content you have purchased. The provider usually distributes the content with a license that determines how the content gets used.

What is DRM (Digital Rights Management)?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a critical tool for creators and publishers of digital media, aiming to safeguard their profits and intellectual property. With the rise of personal computers, it has become exceedingly simple to replicate digital files countless times without losing quality. DRM serves as a means to control and monitor the distribution and usage of digital media, thereby curbing the unauthorized sharing of copyrighted content.

At its core, DRM systems protect digital content by either encrypting it, allowing access only to those with proper authorization, or by embedding digital watermarks that deter unauthorized distribution. These measures ensure that only paying customers, who have legally acquired the rights, can access and use the content.

In many jurisdictions, such as the United States, circumventing DRM protections is illegal, highlighting the legal backing that supports the enforcement of these digital rights. DRM is therefore seen not only as a technical solution but also as a legal framework designed to control the use and dissemination of digital assets, exclusively applicable to digital or digitized media.

How does a DRM Vendor works?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) mechanisms function by securing content through encryption, ensuring that only authorized users who possess the decryption key can access it. The DRM process, particularly for video content, involves multiple parties including the content provider, packager, Content Delivery Network (CDN), DRM platform, and the player. Here’s an overview of how DRM works in four key steps:

Protect your videos with the same technology that powers Google devices and browsers. Learn more about VdoCipher’s Multi-DRM solution!

Step 1: Encrypt the Content
The initial and most fundamental step in DRM is encryption. This process converts plain data into ciphertext using a key, making the content unreadable to anyone without the corresponding decryption key. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is commonly used due to its efficiency and simplicity in key management, as it uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.

Step 2: Key and License Management
The encryption key is usually generated by the content provider and handed over to the packager or transcoder for encrypting the content. In DRM systems, this process is often enhanced with tools from DRM vendors to manage and generate keys securely.

Step 3: KeyID and ContentID
Once the content is encrypted with a key provided by a DRM vendor, identifying the correct key for decryption is crucial. This is managed through a KeyID, which acts as an identifier for the key, and a ContentID, which is a unique identifier for the content. Both identifiers are packaged within the license, stored securely on a License Server.

Step 4: Decryption and Playback
During playback, if a video is encrypted, this information is flagged in the manifest file. The player, upon attempting to play the video, requests the license from the DRM server using the license URL provided in the manifest. If the server validates the request, it issues a license containing the decryption key, which the DRM modules within the player use to decrypt and play the content.

This simplified overview covers the basics of DRM operations. However, the full implementation can be more complex, involving additional features such as key rotation, particularly for live streaming services.

Decade Milestone
Introduction of Software Service System (SSS) by Ryuichi Moriya, a pioneering DRM technology based on encryption with dedicated hardware for decryption.
Passage of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the US, criminalizing technologies that circumvent DRM.
Apple’s iTunes implements DRM, restricting songs to play on only three computers and limiting playlist copies, exclusive to Apple devices.
Emergence of FairPlay Streaming by Apple, and adoption of DRM by major streaming services like Spotify and Netflix, enabling secure browser and app access.
Expansion of streaming market with services like Amazon Prime, DisneyPlus, Hulu, HBO Max, etc., all utilizing DRM to protect digital video content.

Why need DRM Vendors and DRM Providers?

Flawed Implementation – The root cause of DRM malfunctions is the inconsistencies in implementing DRM. It can lead to a lousy user experience or security breach. From UX designing to software diversity, collaborative integration must occur between users and DRM vendors.

End-user adaptability – The other common issue in DRM implementation is End-user adaptability. With the growing number of new devices and on-demand content consumers, the delivery model, licensing, and content management needs implementation. Educating former and existing customers about the various new updates and changes is a task to handle with better customer support.

Lack of all-in-one DRM solutions – Instead of subscribing to multiple DRM vendors, most end-users look for an all-in-one DRM solution. Implementing a unified DRM solution for digital content requires workforce, investments, and levels of technical implementations.

Security and IP protection – DRM vendors can effectively manage access to digital assets by employing IP geolocation. IP geolocation data needs to be up-to-date and standardized. It simplified the licensing rights authentication across regions and authorized users’ access. DRM vendors need to securely store a vast amount of Intellectual Property data and create a workflow for users to manage and track their content. If there is a bug in the DRM software that allows people to copy content without paying for it, then it is easy for people to pirate content. DRM vendors have to address this issue by implementing multiple security layers, IP protection, watermarking, and of course, customer satisfaction.

What Steps are required to become a DRM Vendor

  • Acquiring DRM license permissions
  • Setting up storage infrastructure
  • Encoding
  • Transcoding
  • Using the license encryption keys to encrypt the digital content
  • Storing the encrypted file
  • CDN setup
  • Authorized access management
  • Request processing via license server
  • Decrypt the requested resources via the license server
  • Allow playback or opening of a file through a DRM player or viewer

drm mechanism

Benefits of using DRM Vendors and DRM Providers

The main benefit of using a DRM provider is the ease of implementation. A DRM provider is a company that provides technology and services to help content owners and distributors protect their intellectual property. DRM providers offer a variety of services, including digital rights management, content security, and anti-piracy measures. They work with content owners to help them protect their copyrighted material and ensure that it is not illegally copied or distributed.

Most DRM providers offer APIs that are easy to use and will take most of the implementation burden off your shoulders. Additionally, you get a lot of additional functionality out of the box, such as a wide array of supported devices, reporting, and even analytics.

The great thing about this is that you don’t have to build all of it yourself. It frees up your time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. You also get support and the latest updates from the provider. You’ll easily integrate any newly added features in the future.

You may also have the option of building your custom reporting based on the provider’s data. It will give you a lot of insight into the performance of your eBooks or video content and the customers who purchase them. In other words, when you register your work with a DRM provider, you can make your work securely available, in multiple formats and across multiple platforms, without having to know about all the logistical details of digital rights management. You can focus on your work, and the provider will worry about making your work available.

Experience the ultimate viewing with VdoCipher’s Widevine DRM. No plugins, just seamless, secure streaming. Stream your video content today!

Challenges in implementing DRM and need of DRM Vendors

DRM license providers usually don’t sell directly to customers. Instead, they sell to software and media companies, which then sell their products to end-users like eLearning companies.
When it comes to digital rights management implementation, there are three main challenges: security, compatibility, and interoperability.

  • The first challenge, security, is an important topic of concern. One of the most common threats to digital rights management is hacking. Hackers can bypass DRM systems and gain access to protected content. Content providers and publishers must ensure that the content they protect is secure against hackers.
  • The second challenge, compatibility, is also a major concern. DRM must be compatible with many different types of devices. If the DRM is not compatible, it can be highly limiting.
  • The final challenge, interoperability, is similar to the second challenge. DRM must be able to work with multiple technologies and platforms.

VdoCipher – Best DRM Vendor to protect your Video Content

Choosing among the best DRM Vendors for your business needs is a challenging task. It requires considerations on features, pricing, deployment model, customer support, and much more for your businesses. We have listed the best Digital Right Management Vendors for video security, eBooks, documents, and brand protection.

VdoCipher is a secure video hosting solutions provider to LMS platforms, media, e-learning platforms and individual videos creators and helps them in boosting revenue. Vdocipher offers Hollywood Grade DRM Protected Video Streaming to protect videos from piracy and unauthorized access or sharing.

Videos streamed through VdoCipher cannot be downloaded via any software or internet plugins. Using Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM, VdoCipher is serving video content security to over 2000 business customers in more than 40 countries.

  • Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay protected DRM encrypted streaming
  • Dynamic watermarking and screen capture block
  • Live streaming
  • API and Plugin Integration
  • Multi CDN Integration
  • Adaptive and Responsive HTML5 player
  • APIs and SDKs
  • Geo, IP and Time based restrictions
  • Backend Licensing and Authentication
  • Best DRM Vendors for eBooks and Brand Protection
  • User-based Video Analytics for Piracy Tracking and Hacker Identification

Best DRM Vendors for eBooks and Brand Protection

RedPoint for Brand Protection

Brand intelligence platform, Red Points delivers online brand protection, copyright enforcement, and distributor monitoring capabilities. Red Points gives you full visibility into brands’ presence online. Over 1000 brands and companies rely on Red Points to fight counterfeits, piracy, impersonation, and distribution abuse allowing them to maintain control, improve their brand value, and increase revenues.

  • Detect infringers reselling credentials
  • Bot-powered scan on marketplaces and social media 24×7
  • Photo-analysis
  • Self-improving detection
  • Potential infringement review in the DRM platform
  • Automatic enforcement

Memberspace for Brand Protection

Memberspace is a web application that helps organizations manage their memberships and communications. It allows members to access and update their information, makes it easy to send newsletters and other communications, and provides tools for managing events and activities. With their DRM software, you can protect the existing website and gain new members.

  • Access expiration management
  • PDF and image protection
  • Digital distribution management
  • Password management
  • Member-only access

Kitaboo for eBooks

Kitaboo DRM is a digital rights management system used to protect e-books from unauthorized sharing and copying. It employs a variety of measures to prevent users from copying, printing, or sharing e-books without permission. Kitaboo DRM is the software to protect the eBooks we publish.

  • Publish and secure ebook distribution
  • DRM encryption
  • Social DRM
  • Digital watermarking
  • Role-based permissions
  • Create a webstore and license your eBooks
  • Distribute ebooks to your users from the cloud
  • Own branded apps to distribute your eBooks


What kinds of content does DRM protect?

Digital rights management is suitable for all kinds of digital content, including everything from novels to computer programs and music. A digital Rights Management system can protect the content which gets digitized.

How is DRM technology applied to digital content?

Digital rights management is often used with digital content delivered over the Internet. When you purchase this type of content, you usually download a copy to your computer. To use the content, you may be required to install a software application. This application will protect the content by preventing unauthorized copying or unauthorized sharing.

What are the points to consider while choosing DRM providers?

Some general considerations are pricing model, market reputation, customization, flexibility in implementation, customer support, the number of countries served, client portfolio.

The post DRM Vendors & Providers to evade Implementation Challenges (2024) appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Azure Media Services Alternatives | Top Picks before June 2024 Retirement https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/azure-media-services-alternatives/ Tue, 14 May 2024 18:25:21 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=14542 Microsoft will close Azure Media Services by June 30, 2024, stepping away from the video workflow sector. This move was anticipated, especially after Azure’s CTO, Hanno Based, left last year, and the company began internal changes. Many Azure Media Services web pages on Microsoft’s website have been broken and neglected since the previous year. Azure […]

The post Azure Media Services Alternatives | Top Picks before June 2024 Retirement appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Microsoft will close Azure Media Services by June 30, 2024, stepping away from the video workflow sector. This move was anticipated, especially after Azure’s CTO, Hanno Based, left last year, and the company began internal changes. Many Azure Media Services web pages on Microsoft’s website have been broken and neglected since the previous year. Azure Media Services wasn’t a major contender in the market, lagging behind competitors like Amazon’s Media Services. While Amazon acquired firms to strengthen their media services, Microsoft depended on third-party collaborations. A recent Microsoft LinkedIn post confirmed that Azure Media Services hasn’t been central to their media plans for a while. Now, businesses and enterprises are looking for Azure Media Services alternatives.

Microsoft didn’t earn much from Media Services and lacked a strong marketing strategy for it. The company will now concentrate on areas promising steady growth and a competitive edge, excluding streaming video. Azure video delivery clients shouldn’t worry about disruptions. Microsoft has been outsourcing this segment for around a decade, mainly to Verizon’s EdgeCast CDN (now named Edgio) and later included Akamai as another partner. Microsoft is discontinuing its Akamai collaboration but will focus more on their in-house CDN, Azure Front Door. An update on Microsoft’s CDN page to reflect current partnerships would be helpful. Moreover, Microsoft’s departure from this segment won’t heavily impact the streaming media industry.

What is Azure Media Services?

Azure Media Services (AMS) is a cloud-based media processing, storage, and streaming platform provided by Microsoft Azure. It enables users to securely upload, store, encode, and package video or audio content for both on-demand and live streaming to various devices.


Media Processing – Use Azure Media Indexer for audio and video content analysis and extract insights. Also, encode, protect, or process multimedia content using Azure Media Encoder.
Live Streaming – Supports live event broadcasting, with tools to manage and monitor the live event.
Dynamic Packaging – Transcode media files into multiple formats dynamically as per device and bandwidth conditions.
Content Protection – Offers a set of content protection features including DRM (Digital Rights Management).
Video on Demand – Stream previously recorded content to any device at any time.
Video AI – Enhanced video indexing capabilities, allowing features like facial recognition, voice transcription, and extracting metadata.

Need help getting your premium videos protected? VdoCipher offers Hollywood Grade DRM encryption and much more. Try out our secure video hosting platform now.

Azure Media Player and Azure Media Streaming

Azure Media Player (AMP) is a web player built to playback media content from Azure Media Services. It offers:

Adaptive Streaming – AMP supports formats like MPEG-DASH, Smooth Streaming, and HLS, allowing playback on various devices with different bandwidth conditions.

Azure Media Services provides adaptive bitrate streaming, ensuring viewers get the best possible quality based on their device capabilities and network conditions. Supported protocols include:

  • Microsoft Smooth Streaming
  • HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
  • RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)

It’s also worth noting that AMS provides a feature called “Azure Live and On-Demand Media Streaming,” which enables users to deliver content efficiently to a global audience.

  • Monetization – Integrated support for advertising standards like VAST, VPAID, and VMAP.
  • Accessibility – Support for multi-language audio tracks and closed captions.
  • Customizability – AMP can be styled and customized to fit any brand or design requirements.

In conclusion, Azure Media Services provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features to handle media processing and delivery tasks, catering to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re looking to stream live events, host on-demand videos, or even delve into video analytics, AMS is equipped to handle it all. However, just like any other cloud service, careful consideration regarding costs, scalability, and specific requirements is vital before diving in.


  • Scalability – AMS scales automatically to meet demand. This is especially useful for live events with unpredictable viewership.
  • Versatility – With the wide array of tools and services on offer, AMS can handle both VOD and live streaming seamlessly.
  • Global Reach – Azure’s CDN ensures content is delivered quickly to users worldwide.
  • Security – DRM and AES encryption keep content secure. Also, it integrates with Azure’s identity and access management tools.


  • Complexity – The breadth of features might be overwhelming for some users.
  • Cost – Depending on usage, AMS can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individual users.
  • Learning Curve – Requires some time to understand and optimize all its capabilities.

Azure Media Services Pricing

Azure Media Services provides on-demand and live streaming in multiple formats, scaling for various customer needs through standard and premium services. The standard streaming endpoint suits typical needs, automatically scaling bandwidth and including core features found in premium units, which are ideal for high-demand scenarios and offer scalable, dedicated bandwidth. Costs are calculated based on service type and data usage. If the Azure Content Delivery Network is active, its standard pricing applies; otherwise, data transfers are billed according to regular data transfer rates.

Media reserved units were previously used to manage encoding performance by controlling concurrency. However, as of April 17, 2021, the system for V2 and V3 accounts now automatically adjusts, scaling up or down based on the current load, eliminating the need for manually setting these units. Consequently, there are no longer any charges associated with media reserved units for accounts that are configured to use them.

Standard Streaming Endpoint Premium Streaming Units
Price (preview)2 $2.0807/day ($64.50/month1) N/A
Price (per unit) N/A $4.4839/day ($139/month1)
Bandwidth Up to 600 Mbps from streaming endpoint and scales with Content Delivery Network Up to 200

Azure Media Services Alternatives

Listed below are the best alternatives to Azure Media Services as per user reviews and feature capabilities.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elemental Media Services

AWS offers a suite of services designed for media processing and delivery. This suite includes MediaLive (for live video processing), MediaConvert (for on-demand video processing), and MediaPackage (for video packaging and origination).

AWS Elemental Media Services is a suite of services designed to make it easy to build reliable, broadcast-quality video workflows on the cloud. This set of services provides the tools needed to create, package, and deliver video content, all integrated with AWS’s vast cloud infrastructure.

MediaLive – Live video processing

Allows you to create high-quality live video streams for broadcast and streaming to multiple devices. Supports standard streaming protocols, rich encoding features, ad marker insertion, and more.

MediaConvert – File-based video processing for on-demand content

Transcodes content for broadcast and multi-platform delivery. It supports a wide range of codecs, DRMs, ad insertion, and other advanced features needed for on-demand content delivery.

MediaPackage – Video packaging and origination

Prepares and protects your video for delivery over the internet. It packages content on-the-fly to support just-in-time packaging, allowing for various streaming formats and DRMs. It also provides DVR-like features for live streams.

MediaStore – Media storage optimized for video

It provides an AWS service tailored for storing media, allowing for high performance and low-latency retrieval. This is crucial for live and on-demand media workflows.

MediaTailor – Video personalization and monetization

Lets broadcasters personalize and monetize content through server-side ad insertion. This ensures a seamless playback experience as ads are stitched into the content on the server-side, reducing the chances of viewers using ad-blockers.

Integration with AWS Ecosystem – The strength of AWS Elemental Media Services is its deep integration with the AWS ecosystem. For instance, you can use Amazon CloudFront for content delivery, AWS Lambda for serverless workflows, and Amazon S3 for storing raw content.

Use Cases

From live sports broadcasting to streaming a company’s internal meetings, AWS Elemental Media Services can be used for a wide range of applications. Its scalability ensures that it can serve both small businesses and major broadcasters.

Google Cloud Video Intelligence API

This is more for video analysis but can be combined with other Google Cloud services for a comprehensive media solution. The Google Cloud Video Intelligence API is a part of Google Cloud’s machine learning offerings, and it’s specifically designed to analyze video content. The API utilizes Google’s machine learning models to extract actionable insights from videos.


Label Detection – Recognizes over 20,000 objects and activities, assigning labels to sections of the video where these appear.

Shot Change Detection – Detects scene changes in a video. Useful for understanding the structure of a video and separating it into logical segments.

Face Detection – Identifies faces within videos, but not specific individuals (i.e., it doesn’t name the person, but it can detect if a face is present).

Object Tracking – Tracks objects as they move through frames in a video.

Explicit Content Detection – Recognizes inappropriate content within videos, which can help with content moderation.

Text Detection – Detects and extracts text from video frames, which can be useful for things like sign or license plate recognition.

Speech Transcription – This feature isn’t limited to just video but can convert spoken words into readable text.

Person Detection – Detects the presence of a person in video segments.

Integration – Being a part of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), the Video Intelligence API seamlessly integrates with other GCP services. For example, you could store your videos in Google Cloud Storage and then process them with the Video Intelligence API. After processing, you could use tools like BigQuery to analyze the output or Pub/Sub to notify users of certain detections.

Use Cases

  • Media Archives – For large media organizations with vast amounts of archived footage, the Video Intelligence API can help categorize, tag, and make this content searchable.
  • Content Moderation – For platforms where users upload videos, the API can help in identifying inappropriate content
  • Advertising – Ad agencies can use it to identify themes or objects in videos to place relevant ads.
  • Surveillance and Security – The API can help in detecting anomalies or specific activities in security footage.
  • Education – Teachers and institutions can auto-generate metadata for educational videos, making them easily searchable for students.


The importance of DRM, or Digital Rights Management, in video security cannot be overstated. Its primary function is to safeguard videos from unauthorized use and piracy, ensuring that creators receive their rightful revenue. Think about premium platforms, such as Netflix; they release movies and series that are protected by DRM to prevent subscribers from downloading and freely distributing them. This level of control is essential in a world where the film industry loses billions to piracy every year. Additionally, DRM upholds the integrity of content by ensuring it remains unaltered, preserving the creator’s original vision.

Furthermore, DRM facilitates various business models like rentals and subscriptions. On a consumer level, there’s added trust in knowing that the content they’re consuming is secure and unaltered. Sometimes, the use of DRM isn’t just a choice but a legal requirement, especially when licensors mandate its use for content distribution. DRM ensures the longevity and sustenance of content creation by protecting and securing the revenue streams of creators.

Serving over 3000 customers across 120+ countries, VdoCipher is a top-tier video hosting solution for elearning and media businesses.

The key features include Hollywood Grade Multi-DRM Video Encryption, Live streaming, AWS-powered servers, customizable HTML5 player, dynamic watermarking, a user-friendly dashboard, video analytics, adaptive streaming, and integration plugins.

vdocipher video hosting infographic

Custom Video Player

  • DRM Protected Video Streaming (Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM)
  • Make Your Smart Video Player with easy to use toggle buttons
  • Custom HTML5 Video Controls
  • SDKs available for various platforms like React Native, Android, iOS, Flutter, JS
  • Live streaming
  • Easy customization without coding.
  • Users can jump to video sections using chapters.
  • Supports multi-language captions and search function.

AWS Server Storage

  • Videos are stored on Amazon S3.
  • Data remains secure, even during network or hardware issues.

Dynamic Watermarking

  • The player displays dynamic watermarks to deter screen capture.
  • You can overlay user details, like email or user ID.


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Upload, import, or organize videos in folders.
  • Sections include accounts, payments, support, analytics, and player customization.
  • Tutorial videos are available for guidance.

Video Analytics

  • Bandwidth and video usage for each video as well as for all the videos.
  • Most of these analytics data can also be downloaded in CSV file.
  • Avg watch percent and finishes
  • Popular videos and cities
  • Total view count
  • Per video views & bandwidth data
  • Total storage and bandwidth usage


  • Supports major CMS like WordPress and Moodle.
  • Videos can be embedded effortlessly on your website.
  • Compatible with WP membership plugins and LMS platforms like LifterLMS and LearnDash.

Use cases

  • To secure videos from online piracy and unauthorized access
  • Protect your revenue stream by restricting access and applying geo/domain restrictions
  • To securely store and stream premium video content
  • To live stream online classes and sessions
  • Restrict screen capture on majority of browsers and devices
  • Make video content available to a large audience base even in tier 2 and tier 3 cities with Adaptive Bitrate Streaming. The video bitrates are automatically adjusted as per the network availability and device capabilities to deliver a buffer-free viewing experience.

IBM Video Streaming

Certainly! IBM Video Streaming, formerly known as Ustream, is a platform designed to provide both live and on-demand video streaming solutions. IBM acquired Ustream in 2016 and subsequently expanded and integrated it into its suite of enterprise offerings. It provides reliable, scalable, and professional live and on-demand video streaming services for businesses and enterprises.


Live Streaming – Allows broadcasters to stream live events, webinars, or any live content. This comes with real-time analytics, chat integration, and more.

Video On Demand (VOD) – Store and deliver pre-recorded content to viewers at their convenience.

Built-in Video Player – Embeddable, customizable, and supports adaptive bitrate streaming to provide an optimal viewing experience.

Multi-Device Streaming – Ensures content is accessible on desktops, mobile devices, and tablets.

Security – Offers password protection, encryption, restricted embeds, and access controls to ensure content remains secure.

AI-driven Insights – Uses IBM’s Watson to provide insights into video content, such as automated closed captioning.

Video Analytics – Understand audience engagement, track viewer metrics, and monitor performance.

Content Management – Organize and manage video assets, with features such as playlists, scheduling, and archiving.

Integration – Works with various enterprise solutions and has API support for custom integrations. Being a part of IBM’s broader cloud and enterprise services, IBM Video Streaming integrates well with other IBM offerings. This ensures businesses can weave it into their existing infrastructure and solutions seamlessly.

Use Cases

  • Corporate Communications: Use for town hall meetings, training sessions, and other internal communications.
  • Marketing and Sales: Product launches, webinars, and other customer-facing events.
  • Events and Conferences: Stream keynote addresses, panels, or entire events to a global audience.
  • Education: Lectures, seminars, and educational content delivery.
  • Entertainment: For artists, musicians, or other entertainers to broadcast their events.

Akamai Media Delivery Solutions

Akamai Technologies is one of the world’s largest distributed computing platforms, known primarily for its content delivery network (CDN) services. The company’s media delivery solutions are designed to optimize the delivery of video, music, and software content over the internet. Let’s delve into the details:


Content Delivery Network (CDN) – At the heart of Akamai’s media delivery is its global CDN, ensuring content is served from the optimal location to reduce latency and improve speed.

Adaptive Media Delivery – Dynamically adjusts video quality in real-time based on the viewer’s network conditions, ensuring a smooth playback experience.

Download Delivery – Optimized for large file downloads, ensuring users can download software, games, or other large files quickly.

Media Services Live – Offers solutions for live streaming events, ensuring scalability and reliability.

Media Services On Demand – Optimize and deliver on-demand content to any device, anywhere.

Cloud Wrapper – Integrates and caches content closer to users by wrapping around multi-cloud environments.

Media Acceleration – Enhances traditional content delivery methods by optimizing data delivery for video, gaming, and other dynamic applications.

Security – Offers a suite of security features including DDoS protection, secure socket layer (SSL) encryption, and content protection to prevent piracy.

Integration – Akamai’s solutions are designed to work seamlessly with major streaming platforms, content management systems, and cloud providers. This makes it easier for businesses to integrate Akamai into their existing infrastructure.

Use Cases

  • OTT (Over-the-Top) Platforms: Ensure smooth delivery of streaming video content to global audiences.
  • Gaming: Optimize the delivery of game downloads, updates, and in-game assets.
  • E-commerce: Enhance website performance, especially during traffic spikes, ensuring users have a seamless shopping experience.
  • Live Events: Stream high-profile live events, ensuring minimal buffering and high quality.


What are some popular alternatives to Azure Media Services?

Popular alternatives include AWS Elemental Media Services, Google Cloud Video Intelligence, and VdoCipher.

Which service provides the best video security?

VdoCipher is known for its advanced video security capabilities, including DRM encrypted video streaming, secure offline downloads, and dynamic watermarking. However, “best” can vary based on specific requirements.

Is there a significant price difference among these alternatives?

Pricing can vary considerably based on the specific services, usage volume, and additional features required. It’s essential to compare the cost structures of each provider based on individual needs.

Which platforms are best for mobile or low-bandwidth scenarios?

Most of these services offer adaptive bitrate streaming to adjust video quality in real-time based on the viewer’s connection. However, the effectiveness of these solutions can vary, so testing is advised. VdoCipher offers adaptive video streaming to match the bitrates with the user’s network capabilities and device type.

The post Azure Media Services Alternatives | Top Picks before June 2024 Retirement appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/drm-server/ Sun, 05 May 2024 18:53:37 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=12193 A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. […]

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. This model is also used to set up a DRM server to provide security solutions to clients like OTT and Online course platforms.

The use of DRM servers makes it very easy to protect video and other digital assets due to the dynamic nature of its mechanism. The setup requires you to have your licensed encoding, transcoding, storage, and distribution architecture for complete protection. Also, when setting up a DRM server, it is necessary to enhance the security through multi-DRM layers and other safetynet algorithms. For example, Google Widevine DRM will only protect you on Android, Chrome, other Google devices, and third-party browsers as Firefox DRM but not on Apple. Similarly, Apple Fairplay DRM protects your digital assets on Apple devices and Safari Browser.

DRM server meaning and Working

A DRM server also serves the same purpose as that of a server, but instead of being handled via one server, it is a combination of multiple servers. They work together to establish a secure delivery of videos, audio, and other files. Similar to a server, it consists of handling various requests and responses made simultaneously to capture all levels where a security breach can be made. We have discussed the major levels of security in the section below on the setup of the DRM server.

Protect your videos with the same technology that powers Google devices and browsers. Learn more about VdoCipher’s Multi-DRM solution!

Basically, all the coding modules for encryption and key exchange are loaded on different computational servers. They carry out the complete process of encrypting an upload stream, adaptive bitrates, storage, global distribution, and secured playback. To enhance the protection on all major devices and browsers it is further advised to have a multi-DRM setup. This means setting up more DRM servers with few alterations as per other license authorities like Apple Fairplay, which requires additional license form submission.

Who needs a DRM server solution?

Before understanding the need for a DRM server, let us understand two kinds of creator economies. One is public content that mainly earns via YT, like video monetization, and the other is premium content that monetizes via subscription, pay-per-view, etc. Now, the public content, which is mainly single user-generated content, requires too much audience and virality to earn. That is why video platforms like YouTube and ebooks platforms like Amazon Kindle are a great choices for them. But the ones having some premium content are in dire need of a DRM server.

For example, OTT providers like Netflix cannot risk direct downloads via browsers or App. EdTech platforms cannot risk their videos being illegally downloaded and distributed. This is a direct loss to their monetizable content, and that is why all the likes of Netflix use multi-DRM servers to protect their premium content. Since every video creator cannot set up their DRM servers, solutions like Vdocipher help them set up a full-fledged multi-DRM setup at very affordable prices.

When the content is unique, and premium, normal encryption like AES-128 fails through various loopholes during the delivery process. That is why it is made possible through the DRM server that no one can try to access your digital content.

How to setup a DRM server

Setting up a DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes to handle all levels for security breach possibility. These levels can be broadly divided into two majors as follows:

Content Encryption: First of all, a DRM server starts with an encoding process to encrypt the upload stream. The digital assets file gets encrypted using DRM OEM specifications. The content stream can be packed through a CLI packager. Next implementations require chunking and fragmentation to prepare packaging of formats like MP4 into different bitrate files. This is done to support adaptive bitrate streaming for different bandwidth users, ensuring a smooth experience. Server-side encryption offers greater scalability, security, advanced API calls, parallel packaging, and more.

The packager requests an encryption key from the DRM server to encrypt the content. The server provides an encryption key and links that key to the content ID. Using the encryption key, the packager encrypts and re-packages the content.

Playback via DRM server: During the playback or when the file is requested, the DRM key exchange mechanism will check for the authorized key. The applicable DRM license provider (Apple/Google) will match the authorized keys with the widevine DRM license server or fairplay DRM license server and will revert with denied access or encrypted chunks. These chunks will later get through the device or browser’s DRM module to finally get decrypted for playback.

All these requests and responses are handled via modules of codes in compatible language with the licensing authority. This network of requests and response usually requires handling major processing codes via different servers for scalability.

Challenges in setting up a DRM server

Apart from a License, setting up a DRM server requires a necessary 2-level security infrastructure. First is at the transcoding level, where content gets encrypted with all updated DRM parameters and gets stored. The storage also requires various encrypted bitrate files for adaptive bitrate streaming. The second level is at the playback level, where the encrypted content is decrypted using a dynamic key-exchange mechanism for final playback. These challenges can also be viewed through two perspectives of in-house DRM vs DRM Server Solutions.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

  • In-house DRM Setup – Coding and setting up all these request response modules in different servers with load balancers for scalability is an enterprise infrastructure. That is why very large enterprises like Netflix & Amazon Prime build in-house multi-DRM infrastructure.
  • DRM Server Solutions – Apart from the tech giants, many large to small video businesses rely on DRM server solutions like VdoCipher, which provide multi-DRM Encryption, AWS infra, customizable video player, and many other features.

Benefits of using DRM server solution for Video Protection

As we discussed the challenges of setting up a DRM server for your digital assets, a solution provider is necessary. Some things that must be considered while choosing a DRM solution provider are scalable infrastructure, multi-DRM, features, players, and integrations. This is because once you start growing, your needs will grow, and then you might require advanced features. A good DRM server solution needs to provide at least the following features for complete security.

  • Highest Grade Encryption – In today’s world, due to the efficiency of hackers, a single encryption system can protect a digital asset in some devices and browsers. This means better security is always a mix of multiple security systems as a single infrastructure. As per security reports, multi-DRM with updated devices and an extra private security net is a must for copyright protection.
  • Dynamic Watermarking – This is to deter screen capture via displaying dynamic information like the user’s IP on the video. Even if the video gets captured via camera, it will still be easy to prevent propagation.
  • API and Plugin Integration – For easy integrations, this must be a benefit you need to look forward to matching with your present and future goals. Otherwise, this benefit can also become a headache with no or non-working integration code and plugins.
  • CDN Integration – via scalable and best uptime global distribution infrastructure like that of AWS.
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming for various bandwidths and Responsive HTML5 player.
  • Geo, IP, and Time based restrictions for broad access management.

Setup Widevine License Server and Apple Fairplay for Multi-DRM

Setting up a Widevine DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes with Widevine-compatible parameters. Its implementation is necessary to handle all levels of security breach possibility on Google devices and browsers. These levels have been previously discussed as Content Encryption and Playback via DRM server in the previous sections. Similar to setting to a DRM server, these levels require setting up coding modules on various servers.

All these coded requests and responses with compatible language and parameters with the licensing authority need to work bug-free. Only then a Widevine DRM mechanism will fully work to block illegal downloads and screen captures on Google products.

You don’t need to set up Google Widevine DRM in case of using a DRM server solution like VdoCipher. Google Widevine DRM comes as default with DRM server providers like VdoCipher, but it is advisable to get Fairplay and safetynet. Apple has made it one step mandatorily extra to write a separate application for multi-DRM via client. Still, it is just an application and nothing to code and set up.

Role of DRM in evading Video Piracy

Video piracy is a major challenge faced by video creators and publishers. It refers to the unauthorized usage and distribution of video content that is copyright protected. This gives the video owner the right to perform certain actions on their content and limit or authorize access. The unauthorized sharing of content and assets has grown multifold due to access to the internet and smart devices. Video pirates now have a range of ways to retrieve and distribute video content. Common tactics include credential stuffing and bypassing encryption vulnerabilities. In 2019, on average 230k people in the United States lost their jobs due to digital piracy.

Organizations and individual creators are forced to adopt some or the other anti-piracy solution in place, the main being Digital Rights Management (DRM). Netflix, for example, has its internal team to address video piracy issues.

The term DRM is a set of technologies to enforce a license between the content provider and the consumer or viewer. DRM controls how the content is accessed and limits the use and transfer of content. Most streaming services now use DRM encryption technologies to prevent users from downloading and saving video content offline. Instead, they put restrictions on how long the downloaded video lasts or ensure only paid subscribers access the content. The key exchange between the license server and the player in DRM Encryption is private. Hackers and internet plugins cannot easily download video content.

Issues with DRM server security

Like every other technology, DRM is also a set of code, and some updates can make it buggy. Sometimes fixing up requires a different set of updated parameters and many times, the license authority handles updates on their end. Also, there is a small percentage of DRM-incompatible devices and devices that are too old and don’t get a DRM-friendly update. Such device % is estimated to be within the range of <0.3%, and such cases occur mostly in Android devices and not in Apple or Windows devices. Google majorly quotes custom Android OS implementations by some mobile manufacturers.

drm server system by vdocipher

How can a course platform or OTT implement Video DRM server with ease?

Until a few years back, integrating DRM was within reach of big companies and organizations like Netflix that had the technical team and time to handle the complexities of DRM implementation. Small, medium, and large EdTech and OTT platforms look for DRM server providers like VdoCipher. Effortless Multi DRM integration with many other loaded features can be integrated by a single person.

With VdoCipher, you will get Google and Apple Video DRM with advanced safety net protection. The unique proposition of VdoCipher is that the integration effort required by the customers is minimal for integrating DRM-based video playback. You also get the following other features apart from DRM.

  • Dynamic Watermarking to deter screen capture
  • Domain Restriction for access management
  • AWS-powered servers, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents.
  • Smart Video Player
  • Quick integration with popular CMS and LMS like WordPress and Moodle via plugin.
  • Dashboard to manage videos
  • Iframe, Plugin, API, SDK Integrations


Do DRM servers deter screen recording?

Yes, DRM comes with screen capture prevention support, but it is limited to the devices and browsers of the license provider.

In a simple explanation, how does a DRM server work?

When a viewer tries to access DRM-Protected digital content or video, the DRM license server checks the key authorization and returns the encrypted content. These encrypted chunks get finally decrypted using the final device DRM module.

What is the main purpose of DRM integration?

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is mainly used to protect the rights of copyright holders. This is done by protecting against unauthorized access and distribution of digital assets.

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/drm-technology/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:14:11 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=9327 The rise of digital media and modern technologies has vastly raised the copyright-owning concerns of organizations and individuals. In just a few clicks of a mouse, many copyrighted images, videos and audio files get downloaded or shared without prior permission. In addition, modern techniques and tools have made it easy to convert media (mostly copyrighted) […]

The post What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

The rise of digital media and modern technologies has vastly raised the copyright-owning concerns of organizations and individuals. In just a few clicks of a mouse, many copyrighted images, videos and audio files get downloaded or shared without prior permission. In addition, modern techniques and tools have made it easy to convert media (mostly copyrighted) into various digital forms for easy portability and sharing. This is known as ripping, and the best possible solution to it is using DRM technology. This combines with the internet and hundreds of file-sharing tools (like Torrents) to make unauthorized large-scale distribution of copyright media copies (digital piracy) much easier.

As per a US Chamber of Commerce report, online piracy costs the US economy nearly $30 billion per year. This is where DRM technology comes into play to control and manage access to copyright materials. DRM technology combines a set of applications and technologies to protect digital media against copyright infringements. DRM aims to protect the original copyright holder rights and restrict the unauthorized copying, editing, or redistribution of digital files and proprietary software. Today DRM is playing a leading role in data security.

Importance of DRM Technology?

Stealing and copying someone else’s work and ideas has been long here. However, with technological advancements, digital piracy is sharply rising. Sensitive company documents, video footage, and multimedia content is every second getting remixed, reused, and republished. Anyone having an internet connection can access these files. Consequently, these digital assets need proper protection. With DRM, access to these resources gets restricted, and no one can do whatever they want to the intellectual properties and media files.

In our rapidly evolving digital world, DRM technology’s relevance is ever-growing. Picture this: you’ve borrowed a hardcover book from the library, and you yearn for your own copy. While copyright law may frown upon replicating it, no tangible barrier stops you. However, you’re deterred by the labor, expense, and subpar outcome of duplicating a physical book.

Now, envision possessing that same book, but digitally. Copying is a breeze—practically instantaneous, free of charge, and yielding an impeccable replica. Moreover, digital files make generating several copies and disseminating them a cinch. Although copyright laws shield both physical and digital books, the simplicity of duplicating digital content demands sturdier protection.

Enter DRM technology. Since copyright laws can’t fully thwart unauthorized copying and distribution, a tech-based approach, like DRM, becomes indispensable in safeguarding digital assets. This potent protective measure empowers creators and copyright owners to retain control over their digital creations amidst an evermore interconnected world.

VdoCipher helps ver 3000+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

What is DRM Technology & what does Digital Rights Management protected Video mean?

DRM Protected refers to a file that has applied DRM controls to restrict copying, editing or unauthorized content distribution. This includes encryption to prevent unauthorized access and license control for authorizing permissions and access. Here is an example for better understanding. The Apple iTunes Music Store uses DRM solution to restrict the number of devices on which songs are played. The downloaded music files contain the data about purchase and usage activity. Unauthorized devices cannot play the songs. Before installing Microsoft Windows or office software, users must agree to the user license and input the key. A wide range of businesses and professionals are using DRM technology to protect their documents, files, contracts to even employee data.

What DRM does?

DRM enables content owners and publishers to have control over not only who receives the content but also what they can do with it. Such controls include:

  • Only authorized users can access your content.
  • Authorized users get access to the content without any 3rd party apps or plug-ins.
  • Prevents editing, printing, saving, forwarding, sharing, screen grabbing and more.
  • Secure storage and distribution of content between collaborators during production.
  • Content limited to devices, IP addresses and country locations.
  • Watermarking to establish identity.
  • Access gets activated or revoked anytime

DRM Control Infographic

Meaning of DRM protected Video?

When you upload a video on a website for users, the main concern is whether the content is safe or not. There are probable chances of someone downloading or misusing the content if not secured. DRM technology in respect of video ensures encrypted transmission so that only authorized devices and users can watch it. For better device compatibility Multi DRM is used to encrypt and package the video content. When a user attempts to play a video, the online video player requests a key from the licensed server. Before issuing a decryption key, the DRM license server authorizes the user and the device. The player decrypts and the content is played back for the user after receiving the decryption key.

DRM Software

DRM Systems can get implemented as a hardware solution (hardware DRM) or software. Hardware DRM appliances include video game consoles, tablets, personal computers implementing secure boot. Digital Rights Management (DRM) software is an application tool combined with a set of policies and procedures for copyright protection and unauthorized content access. DRM software encodes the file with access control settings defined by the owner or copyright holder.

Encryption vs DRM Technology

Though encryption is key in shielding digital files, it’s not foolproof. It doesn’t block file copying but rather restricts content access. DRM technology, however, shares encryption’s focus on controlling access and use, not copy prevention. Grasping these nuances helps reveal how encryption fits within DRM systems to protect digital content.

Picture this: selling an encrypted ebook to Jane. If the seller gives Jane the ebook and decryption key, the cat’s out of the bag. Jane can share both with anyone. In this scenario, encryption flops, as the key holder has no incentive to protect the file.

A safer approach: give Jane’s computer the key, not Jane. She downloads the encrypted ebook and a separate, encrypted key file (a “voucher”). Jane’s ebook software decrypts the voucher, and presto, ebook access—Jane never lays eyes on the key. Yet, even this method isn’t foolproof, as Jane could send both files to a friend, who could then access the content.

To amp up security, DRM can tether the key to Jane’s hardware. When Jane buys the ebook, her computer’s unique hardware ID goes to the seller. The voucher has this ID, and the software checks for a match before opening the file. No match, and no access to different machines.

Linking digital files to specific hardware is common in DRM, but it’s not without issues, given the hardware’s brief average lifespan. A cutting-edge solution would connect files to people, not devices, allowing smooth file transfers between machines. Enter “trusted systems,” potentially DRM’s next evolutionary step.

While encryption is a powerful tool for protecting your video content. However, DRM has its limitations. Learn more about why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and what you can do to secure your content effectively.

Key Players in Digital Distribution via DRM

In the realm of Digital Rights Management (DRM), we’re primarily concerned with two essential content aspects. To illustrate:

  • Rights Management: Legal rights holders must identify, gather metadata, assert rights, and develop business models for their content distribution. They should also provide client access via surveys.
  • Rights Enforcement: Enforcing usage rules and rights for content is critical, posing a significant challenge in DRM solutions.

DRM technology systems involve four key players in digital media distribution (multimedia, documents, music, etc.):

  1. Creators: Those who create and legally own the content (documents, videos, music, etc.).
  2. Producers: They transform the content into a digital product, wrap and safeguard it.
  3. Distributors: They promote and sell digital products to consumers.
  4. Consumers: The paying clientele who enjoy digital content.

In certain scenarios, these roles may merge, such as the first two entities often referred to as the content provider. Introducing these entities necessitates a new subsystem in digital content delivery: the licensing subsystem. This subsystem comprises a licensing service (LS), responsible for issuing consumer rights, and client components that enforce those rights.

DRM Licence: The Root, Leaves, and Chains

A license, a crucial data file, holds an asset’s decryption key (either another license or content). Coupled with DRM rights and restrictions, it defines content usage parameters. Licenses come in three distinct flavors:

  • Simple License: A DRM License, sourced from a DRM Server-built application, containing rights, restrictions, and a key for the corresponding content.
  • Root License: Governing one or multiple leaf licenses, it controls playback for various content pieces. For instance, in a subscription model, the root license may expire, while the leaf licenses don’t. When the root license expires, the leaf licenses become unusable until a new root license is obtained.
  • Leaf License: A simple, root license-dependent license.

Imagine a user with a subscription who has downloaded several videos for offline viewing. Each video possesses a leaf license, outlining its permissible usage. Let’s assume the leaf license permits video playback anytime. However, DRM technology mandates a valid root license for playback. If the root license expires (possibly due to an expired subscription), the leaf license disallows playback. In this manner, the root license governs the entire subscription (including all leaf licenses on the user’s device).

DRM Scheme and Transactions Basics

In the DRM scheme, various entities like content providers (CP), distribution services (DS), license servers (LS), certification authorities (CA), and clients (C) work in tandem, adhering to DRM protocols and design patterns detailed earlier. The CP generates content, which is then securely transmitted to DS. This occurs in a protected environment employing SSL, HTTPS, SRTP, FTPS, and the like, so security concerns between CP-to-LS or CP-to-DS are negligible.

DRM transactions can be broken down into distinct phases:

  • Crafting content, rights, metadata, and containers
  • Key generation
  • Content requests
  • Client authorization
  • Distribution of licensing info and rights-objects
  • License acquisition, interpretation, and utilization
  • Content consumption

During the final stage, content consumption, crucial security measures must be in place within the client subsystem as content is decrypted and rendered. In this ecosystem, any security breaches in the client component jeopardize the entire content protection strategy. Bearing these risks in mind, DRM-enabled content delivery systems should incorporate mechanisms to address potential client component corruption.

A PKI-based framework where the public key is shared and used to validate the identity of the person transmitting the data and to decrypt the data itself is suggested. This is for DRM architecture tailored to business-specific environments, offering cryptographic support for entity authentication and usage rights protection via asymmetric encryption of license objects. Shielding these objects, uniquely issued for each user request with a license issuer’s private key, also ensures service non-repudiation.

Users should avoid sharing their private keys and certificates, as unauthorized parties could exploit them to purchase content at the original user’s expense. The DRM component interactions contribute significantly to the overall DRM system, with the “middleware” playing a vital role in guiding interaction policies. This middleware entity is responsible for signaling delivery and licensing services to confirm that only legitimate users access the system.

Positioning the middleware component as a cloud-based service makes it accessible to users across various devices. Additionally, a user’s personal computer can serve as a distribution service provider for their domain of devices, reducing internet connectivity reliance. The protocol outlined earlier in this section ensures heightened security for users and content management by handling each user and content request autonomously.

DRM Technology vs Copyright Laws

A common question arises: “Do I retain fair use rights?” Absolutely, copyright law still upholds your fair use rights. However, DRM may hinder the exercising of those rights. It’s not a copyright law implementation but a digital work protection system. As the fair use and first sale rights debate for digital materials continue, most DRM system creators steer clear of copyright law references in their products. Instead, DRM enforces licenses via software controls, reflecting grants expressible in a computer environment rather than traditional copyright law rights.

Imagine a license allowing up to five book pages to be copied. If you need six pages and believe fair use permits it, the software still restricts you to five. Unlike copyright law’s flexible nature, DRM systems are quantitative.

A notable contrast between DRM and copyright law, causing concern, is that copyright law outlines a few copying and performance rules, granting exclusive copyrights to rights holders and listing some exceptions. It doesn’t attempt to foresee every copyrighted work usage. DRM, on the other hand, operates oppositely. While copyright law implies “everything not forbidden is permitted,” DRM adopts the “everything not permitted is forbidden” stance. With DRM, actions like printing must be explicitly granted; otherwise, the system disallows it. DRM developers see this as a necessary security measure, but it carries significant implications for future protected work usage.

Picture a decade from now, when computers project displays onto any surface instead of using screens. If the DRM technology system doesn’t recognize this as an allowed action for a specific digital resource, it won’t permit viewing on future computers. Consequently, it might become impossible to view the resource at all, as the DRM controls won’t acknowledge the technological shift. This potential DRM and innovation interaction could suppress both innovation and access to intellectual resources.

DRM Architecture and How Does it Work?

DRM architecture lacks a standard, with multiple frameworks provided by various vendors. However, the DRM framework can be divided into three areas:

  1. IP Asset Creation and Capture: This pertains to content management and creation for streamlined trading. It encompasses asserting rights when content is initially created or reused by content creators/providers. This module offers:
    • Rights Validation: Ensures existing content rights when creating new content.
    • Rights Creation: Assigns rights to new content, including identifying rights owners and usage permissions.
    • Rights Workflow: Processes content through workflow steps for rights and content review or approval.
  2. IP Asset Management: Involves managing and enabling content trade. This includes receiving content from creators and incorporating it into an asset management system, which manages descriptive metadata and rights metadata (parties, usages, payments, etc.). This module includes:
    • Repository Functions: Accesses and retrieves content and metadata from possibly distributed databases.
    • Trading Functions: Issues licenses to parties after rights agreement for content.
  3. IP Asset Usage: Refers to content usage after trading. This encompasses supporting traded content constraints within specific desktop systems or software. The IP Asset Usage module features:
    • Permissions Management: Enforces rights associated with content in the usage environment (e.g., disabling printing if the user can only view the document).
    • Tracking Management: Monitors content usage when tracking is part of the agreed-upon license conditions (e.g., limiting video plays to ten times).

DRM technology functional Architecture

Types of DRM, its free & open-source providers

There are many DRM solutions to protect video content. The most popular DRM solutions/services supporting common web browsers, devices, and set-top boxes are:

Widevine DRM: Google’s Widevine DRM is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, Android, and Chromecast devices. Widevine DRM supports HLS, MPEG-DASH, and MSS streaming with CENC and CMAF. There are two versions of Widevine, Classic, and Modular.

FairPlay DRM: DRM solution from Apple, FairPlay DRM securely delivers streaming media using HLS (HTTP live streaming) protocol. It has native support on iOS, tvOS, iPadOS, watchOS 7, macOS AND Safari browsers.

Open Source: There are GitHub repositories on open-source DRM solution, but most of them don’t get updated frequently. Also, there is a fundamental problem with open-source DRM solutions. Even though all of the algorithms & source code can be publicly available without harming the core security principles, client devices need to be trusted & verified by the rights issuer to do anything forbidden or restricted. This is incompatible with FOSS licensing guidelines, which elaborates that the user of a device should always have complete control over what the device does.

OMA DRM: OMA DRM, a digital rights management (DRM) system, was developed by the Open Mobile Alliance. Its members include mobile phone manufacturers (such as Nokia, LG, and Samsung), system manufacturers (like Ericsson and Siemens), network operators (Vodafone, O2, and Orange), and IT companies (Microsoft, IBM, and Sun). This DRM system allows content creators to enforce limits on usage and duplication by customers. Many modern phones feature OMA DRM, which has two versions: 1.0 and 2.0. To guarantee compatibility among all OMA DRM implementations, the Open Mobile Alliance supplies specifications and testing tools.

How does DRM encryption work?

DRM Content Encryption

In an IP-based DRM system, the content is encrypted using DRM OEM specifications. The license key contains the licensee or owner’s digital rights as rights objects. Most solutions are using technologies designed around 128-bit AES encryption using CTR or CBC modes. Both of these modes are part of Common Encryption (CENC) and encrypt streams to deliver securely. The video player decrypts the encrypted streams using DRM licensing.

The simplest method of packaging content is through the command line interface packager. CLI tools lack complexity, support hooks, error messaging, and more. Next are the server-side tools to provide content encryption. These tools will provide the necessary chinking, and fragmentation to prepare packaging of formats like MP4 into adaptive bitrate streaming files. Server-side encryption offers greater scalability, security, advanced API calls, parallel packaging, and more.

To encrypt content, the packager requests an encryption key from the DRM server. The DRM server provides an encryption key and links that key to the content ID. Using the encryption key, the packager encrypts and re-packages the content.

DRM Playback & two ways of DRM Encryption

There are two ways to encrypt the content using streaming servers. One is Pre-Encryption and the other is Just-in-Time.

Pre-Encryption: In this model, the server encrypts the content at the time when it is ingested or uploaded. The content gets stored and streamed when requested. The server cues and encrypts the content when the server’s systems are optimized i.e; during low-demand periods. Servers implementing pre-encryption can handle more streaming connections and are more secure.

Just-in-time: In this model, the server stores the content raw. When a user makes a request, the server instantly starts to encrypt it and feed out the streaming interface to the CDN and user. Such servers are susceptible to performance issues under significant load. In addition, the server storage is full of encrypted master files and requires a robust security system in place.

Playback: To enable DRM playback on the player side without plugins, decrypted playback uses HTML5 encrypted media extensions (EME). For MPEG-CENC Multi-DRM encrypted content, the player can auto-choose the natively supported DRM.

The need for Multi DRM encryption?

Not all viewers watch content on the same platform and browser. Each platform and browser support a single DRM encryption. To ensure complete coverage across all screens, multiple DRM encryptions are required. MPEG Common Encryption (MPEG-CENC) standard makes DRM implementation effective. MPEG-CENC allows multiple DRM encryptions on a single video. It’s up to the video player to decide which encryption must be activated based on the platform/browser. In fact, Apple browsers and devices are exceptions to the MPEG-CENC standard, which instead require HLS packaging.

How Industries are benefiting from DRM Software?

eLearning Organizations: They have a great need to apply Video DRM solutions as they are the most vulnerable. Making an educational video is itself a tedious task and protecting it from piracy is again a technical mechanism. This technical mechanism is hard to implement and most of the eLearning platforms use services from DRM enabled secure video hosting providers like VdoCipher.

Standard Organizations: National standard organizations or industry associations have the most pertinent information that professionals need. Companies and professionals pay subscriptions or membership fees to access these documents. Such organizations need to have their documents, audio, video files encrypted so that only authorized members access them. A DRM solution can be useful to secure these contents down for a certain audience.

Media & Publishing: For media and publishing houses, content is everything. Protecting the content is their bottom line. Unfortunately, the content gets shared with subscribers, and there arises leaks, piracy, unauthorized access and more. This holds the same for self-book publishers.

Vdocipher helps several VOD Platform to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Financial Services: Financial institutions like insurance companies, equity firms, asset management companies need to protect the data of their clients and shareholders. Solutions like ‘Dropbox’ secure the portals where clients access the files but don’t protect individual files once downloaded. A DRM solution protects the downloaded files, irrespective of where they get saved or stored.

Signs of DRM issues while using Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Mac, etc

  • No sound, but the title plays
  • Background sound but no dialogue
  • Disc stucks on the title page or loading screen
  • The movie stops in the middle of playback, or scenes play out of order
  • The video freezes or skips
  • Pixelated or distorted picture
  • Troubleshooting DRM issues on Hotstar, DR-1100 Playback Error
  • This error generally occurs due to a downgraded Hotstar app or an unsupported device. To watch DRM protected videos, one needs to have a DRM supported device and a valid Disney+ Hotstar subscription.

Fix DR-1100 error on Android Phone & TV

  • Update or download the latest Disney+ Hotstar app
  • Install the DRM Info app from the Google play store and check the security level. DRM content will only play if the security level is L1, not L2 OR L3.
  • Try to replay the video title again in the Hotstar app and if it shows an error, then try using a different browser. Also, verify that the device isn’t rooted.
  • On clearing Data/Cache followed by TV OS update and restart, the error is fixed on Android TV.

Netflix Error N8156 6013

Sometimes while playing videos on Netflix via a web browser, an error is thrown. “Whoops, something went wrong… Digital Rights Management (DRM) Error. We’re sorry, but there is a problem playing protected (DRM) content. The date on your computer is 12/17/2012, which may be incorrect. Please correct the date on your computer and try again.”

This error is related to the Silverlight plugin used by the browser to play Netflix. It requires using a browser supporting HTML5. (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

Fix error on Mac computers

  • Quit all browser instances
  • Go to Library/Application Support/Microsoft/ folder
  • Under it, delete the PlayReady folder
  • Verify that you have the administrative rights on your OSX profile
  • Try to replay the video title again and if it shows an error then try using a different browser.

Fix error on Windows computer

  • Quit all browser instances
  • Search C drive for mspr.hds
  • Under search results, delete all the mspr.hds files
  • Verify that you have the administrative rights on your Windows user account
  • Try to replay the video title again and if it shows an error then try using a different browser.
    Amazon Prime Video Error 7235 on Chrome
  • Make sure the Chrome web browser is up to date. Navigate to Settings > About Chrome for the available browser updates.
  • Type chrome://components in the chrome web browser and hit enter. Under Widevine Content Decryption Module, click ‘Check for Update’. Install any available update.


What is TPM DRM?

Trusted Platform Module TPM (ISO/IEC 11889) is a dedicated microcontroller to provide security capabilities at the hardware level using integrated cryptographic keys. Generally speaking, the term refers to a chip conforming to the standard.DRM tools use TPM functionalities like device authentication. Windows Defender, software license enforcement, Windows Domain Logon and many more use TPM chips.

How to check if a video is DRM Protected in Windows 10?

  • Select the desired multi-media file
  • Right-click on the file and select ‘Properties’
  • Select the ‘Details’ tab and scroll down to the ‘Protected’ selection.
  • The ‘Protected’ field will show ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. ‘Yes’ indicates DRM protected file.

Why CENC standard allows two encryption modes, AES-CTR and AES-CBC?

We use both the standards for encrypting video content and are not compatible with one another. It is due to the encryption cipher supported by each DRM system. However, Apple FPS supports only AES-CBC, while Google Widevine supports both modes. Service providers deliver content to various devices using HLS or MPEG DASH streaming format, which vary in support of DRM systems. To cater to this fragmentation, CENC allows both modes.

DRM Vendors

Basically, DRM vendors are media tech companies like VdoCipher. They offer complete integrations including your video hosting and distribution over CDN with all advanced video security features. The complete package lets you safeguard your video on all devices supported by inbuilt Google Widevine or Apple Fairplay. These packages also include Adaptive bitrate streaming for various bandwidths and multi-device support.

The post What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/#comments Mon, 08 Jan 2024 01:00:29 +0000 http://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=205 Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For […]

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers, there does however remain the risk of piracy from screen capture. User-based information shown as moving dynamic watermark effectively discourages users from pirating video content using screen capture and goes a long way towards helping users protect their premium content.

The sample video below contains a dynamic watermark displaying the User name, User IP, and User email. The below video is displayed using our WordPress plugin and the same can be configured using APIs or Moodle plugin as well.

The dynamic watermark can be customized for movement, color, size, transparency and frequency. You can try the watermark feature on your website by signing up for a Free 30 Day Trial on our home page.

Dynamic Watermark Demo

Features of Dynamic Watermark by VdoCipher

  1. Add user details like user id, email id, phone number, ip address as an overlay over your videos
  2. Add time stamp, and fixed text (e.g company name)
  3. Customise size, color, transparency, and frequency of moving watermark. You can make it very light and also change frequency so that it is not always visible, to ensure optimum viewing experience. You can optimize frequency in such a manner, that it is difficult to remove the watermark maintaining user experience.  To show a watermark at a particular position for 5 seconds and then not show it for 20 seconds, you can use the parameters of ‘interval’:5000 and ‘skip ‘: 20000. (1 second = 1000 microsecond).  Other parameters are explained in below tutorial steps below.
  4. If you are using a static/fixed text watermark, then it has to be compulsorily set at the top left of the player, it can not reside on other parts.
  5. Image watermark is currently not possible with VdoCipher, but you can use your company/brand name as a watermark.
  6. Quick 5-minute integration using wordpress plugin or moodle plugin or API. Iframe integration can show ip address and fixed text as watermark but it can not show user id, email id etc. as watermark since it is not a backend integration.

How to Add Dynamic Watermark to your VdoCipher Videos

To generate a watermark or to add text to videos you essentially need a JSON string describing how and what you will overlay on your protected videos. In this blog, we will be detailing how to integrate dynamic or static watermarks to add text to videos.

Step 1 is to create the watermark code. Once you have created the watermark code,
Step 2 you add the watermark to the video. This is done by adding watermark code to the WordPress plugin settings (for WordPress users), or by adding it as part of OTP API call for VdoCipher API users or by adding it to Moodle plugin settings.

Step 1: Create a Watermark Code

We are assuming that you have uploaded your video to your VdoCipher account. You would need to pass a JSON string as annotation code. The JSON string would contain all the information about the watermark. A JSON string is a universal form of representing structured data in a way that machines can understand.

Here is a sample JSON string that adds a moving (dynamic) watermark and a static watermark.


{'type':'rtext', 'text':'moving text', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'15','interval':'5000','skip':20000},
{'type':'text', 'text':'static text', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'10', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15'}

Technically, this is an array of JSON objects, where each object describes a single annotation item.

Each of these items will be described by its parameters. Every item requires a type parameter that defines the type of watermark. The type of watermark can be either a moving text or a static text. The rest of the parameters depend on the type.

Following is a short description of how each parameter affects the display of text.

Moving text

The following code will display a dynamic watermark code, displaying name, IP and email address in a single line. The text color will be red (#ff0000), opacity is 0.8, and font size is 15. The watermark is configured to keep one position for 5 seconds (5000ms) and then hide watermark for 20 seconds (20000 ms) , and then show again at a new position for 5 seconds.

'text':'{name}, {ip}, {email}',
Type of text – Moving watermark

Set type parameter as rtext for Dynamic watermark

Set the text to be shown
'text" : 'Enter whatever text you like to be displayed',

You can add user identifiable information, such as user name, user email and user IP.

  • ‘text’: ‘{name}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{email}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{ip}’,
'text':'Name: {name}, email: {email}, IP: {ip}

To display the name, email and IP separately, and not in a single line, you can simply create 3 watermark objects, as follows:

[{'type':'rtext','text':'{name}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{ip}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{email}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'}
Specify text opacity

This is the opacity of the text. For full opacity keep alpha value 1.

Specify text color

This is the hex value of the watermark text color. You can pick your choice of color and its corresponding hex value from the following page on W3schools.

Specify the font size

This is the font size

Specify the interval over which watermark changes position

The value is the interval in milliseconds when the text changes position

Skip feature for watermark

It is possible to have watermark skip for some time between two overlays. Here is a sample code for it –

Time stamp for watermark. (Only for WordPress)
[[{'type':'text', 'text':'Time: {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.30' , 'x':'12', 'y':'130', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'13'}]]
Add Custom Variables as Watermark

The following blog details how you can add text to videos or custom variables as watermark to your videos: Custom Variables as Watermark

Some important things to keep in mind about Watermark
  • Note that both the name and the value of these parameters should be in quotes. This rule applies to both text as well as numbers.
  • Each parameter is to be separated by a comma. There should not be a comma after the last parameter for the dynamic watermark video settings.

Static text

'type' : 'text',   //This defines the type of annotation item to static watermark
'text' : 'the text you like to be displayed',
'x' : '10',  //the distance from the left border of video.
'y': '50',  //the distance from the top border of video.
'alpha': '0.8', //the opacity of the rendered text, 0 is invisible, 1 is full opaque
'color':'0xFF0000',    //the color of the text specified as hexadecimal or uint
'size':'15' //Height of the text, in pixels.

Step 2: Add Watermark Code to Video Request using API or plugin

If you are using our WordPress or Moodle plugin you can simply add the watermark JSON in the plugin settings page. If you are integrating VdoCipher to your custom-built site, you would need to pass the JSON object as part of the OTP request.

The HTTP POST data containing watermark JSON object has to be sent as Content-Type: application/json. The JSON Object is to be sent as value to the key annotate. The header for the OTP request should include the Authorization using API Secret Key. A sample OTP request including watermark information is as follows.

curl -X POST \
 https://dev.vdocipher.com/api/videos/1234567890/otp \
 -H 'Accept: application/json' \
 -H 'Authorization: Apisecret a1b2c3d4e5' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{
 "annotate":"[{'\''type'\'':'\''rtext'\'', '\''text'\'':'\'' {name}'\'', '\''alpha'\'':'\''0.60'\'', '\''color'\'':'\''0xFF0000'\'','\''size'\'':'\''15'\'','\''interval'\'':'\''5000'\''}]"

The sample videoID is 1234567890 and the API Secret Key is a1b2c3d4e5. This sample code only passes the annotation code as parameter.

This blog: Protect Videos on WordPress provides more details on securing videos using WordPress.

Still having problems to add text to videos or with the dynamic watermark on video code? Send us the code you are using and the output you wish to be shown to support@vdocipher.com

add text to videos

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/feed/ 23
Google Widevine DRM https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/ru/widevine-drm-hollywood-video/ Mon, 20 Nov 2023 08:46:43 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=15451 Одна из основных причин, по которой некоторые OTT и платформы электронного обучения внедряют и используют Google Widevine DRM, заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить максимальный доход от своего контента, ограничивая незаконное бесплатное распространение контента из-за видеопиратства. Вы наверняка замечали, что часто видео на Netflix, Prime Video или Disney plus не воспроизводится в полном разрешении (1080p или […]

The post Google Widevine DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Одна из основных причин, по которой некоторые OTT и платформы электронного обучения внедряют и используют Google Widevine DRM, заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить максимальный доход от своего контента, ограничивая незаконное бесплатное распространение контента из-за видеопиратства.

Вы наверняка замечали, что часто видео на Netflix, Prime Video или Disney plus не воспроизводится в полном разрешении (1080p или 4K) на некоторых устройствах Android или в браузерах Chrome. Одна из причин этого заключается в том, что их контент защищен от пиратства технологией Widevine DRM, и только устройствам с более высокой совместимостью безопасности разрешено транслировать контент наилучшего качества.

Возможно, вам интересно, что такое Widevine? Узнайте все о Widevine DRM, ее уровнях безопасности, совместимости, принципах работы и многом другом в этой статье.

Узнайте больше ✅

Создайте свою собственную видеоплатформу с видеохостингом VdoCipher

VdoCipher помогает более чем 3000 видеоплатформам в более чем 120 странах безопасно размещать свои видео, помогая им увеличить свои доходы от видео.

Что такое Widevine DRM?

Widevine DRM – это широко используемая технология лицензирования и шифрования DRM, принадлежащая и поддерживаемая Google. Она защищает видео от нелегального скачивания в таких браузерах, как Chrome, Firefox и Edge. Она также защищает контент на таких устройствах, как Android-устройства, Android TV и Chromecast. Widevine DRM совместим с потоковой передачей MPEG Dash и HLS.

Одна из основных причин, по которой некоторые OTT и платформы электронного обучения используют Widevine DRM, заключается в том, что они получают максимальный доход от своего контента, ограничивая незаконное бесплатное распространение своего контента из-за видеопиратства.

История Widevine DRM

Изначально Widevine была отдельной компанией от Google, которая самостоятельно занималась защитой онлайн-видео, пока не была приобретена Google.

Изначально технологии Widevine работали над программным обеспечением для управления цифровыми правами, которое заменило защиту контента на основе смарт-карт. Это многое изменило, поскольку исчезла стоимость карты, а также общая логистика, связанная с ее распространением.

В 2010 году Widevine была куплена компанией Google, чтобы улучшить поддержку медиа- и развлекательных видеоплатформ. Это позволило ускорить потоковое видео, зашифрованное DRM, на андроид с помощью адаптивной потоковой передачи.

Widevine имеет две различные версии – классическую и модульную.

Widevine Classic:

Widevine Classic – это более старая версия, которая в настоящее время доступна только для устаревших устройств, таких как старые Android-устройства и смарт-телевизоры. Она требует, чтобы контент был в их собственном формате .wvm. Сейчас поддержка классической версии прекращена, поскольку новейшие устройства используют только модульную версию Widevine.

Widevine Modular:

Widevine Modular – это текущая версия Widevine, которая широко используется всеми браузерами на базе Chromium (но не Chromium) и устройствами на базе Android. Она поддерживает протоколы потокового видео, такие как MPEG-DASH, HLS, а также CMAF, CENC, и стандарты HTML5, такие как EME (Encrypted Media Extensions) и MSE.

Узнайте больше ✅

Создайте свою собственную видеоплатформу с видеохостингом VdoCipher

VdoCipher помогает более чем 3000 видеоплатформам в более чем 120 странах безопасно размещать свои видео, помогая им увеличить свои доходы от видео.

Обновление по Widevine DRM

Если вы не совсем понимаете, что такое DRM, я вкратце объясню вам, что такое DRM и как оно работает. В противном случае вы можете просто перейти к следующему разделу по этой ссылке.

DRM или Digital Rights Management – это способ защиты вашего контента от несанкционированного использования. Вы можете установить ограничения на использование вашего видео, чтобы иметь полный контроль над тем, кто получает к нему доступ.

Решения DRM для видео защищают ваш контент, сохраняя ключ шифрования для него. Обычно даже при сильном шифровании видео легко скачивалось различными инструментами, так как они могли определить ключ и использовать его для загрузки видео. С DRM вы не можете получить доступ к ключу, поскольку он скрыт в системе BlackBox, называемой CDM.

Другим ключевым DRM является Fairplay DRM от Apple, который используется вместе с Widevine DRM. Узнайте больше о видео DRM и мульти DRM стратегии в статье по ссылке.

Уровни безопасности Widevine DRM: L1, L2, L3

Widevine DRM security levels

Google Widevine DRM предоставляет три уровня безопасности, основанные на аппаратном или программном уровне. Эти три уровня – Widevine L1, L2 и L3.

Прежде чем перейти к рассмотрению уровней безопасности, важно знать о TEE или Trusted Execution Environment, и как она связана с уровнями безопасности. Суть работы TEE заключается в том, что она обеспечивает защиту ключей расшифровки и видеозаписей расшифровки и исключает возможность их кражи.

Widevine L1

Widevine L1 – это самый высокий уровень безопасности в Widevine. Здесь безопасность обеспечивается на аппаратном уровне. Большинство современных Android-устройств поддерживают Widevine L1, но все же существует значительное количество устройств с уровнем безопасности L3.

Многие киноплатформы, например Netflix, намеренно ограничивают воспроизведение Full HD только устройствами с L1. Это связано с тем, что устройства L1 могут блокировать захват экрана в мобильных приложениях со 100-процентной безопасностью.

Хотя это решение о том, чтобы основывать качество видео на уровне безопасности Widevine, является исключительным выбором платформы/провайдера контента, и вокруг него нет обязательных правил. Многие другие киноплатформы и сайты/приложения для просмотра видео с курсов обеспечивают воспроизведение HD на всех уровнях безопасности.

В Widevine L1 все операции по расшифровке, декодированию и обработке видео выполняет TEE.

Widevine L1 использует аппаратные средства защиты и доверенные среды исполнения (TEE) для обеспечения высочайшего уровня безопасности от несанкционированного доступа и пиратства контента.

Устройства, поддерживающие Widevine L1, оснащены специализированным аппаратным обеспечением безопасности, которое позволяет расшифровывать и воспроизводить зашифрованный контент в безопасной среде.

Таким образом, хакерам и неавторизованным лицам крайне сложно перехватить или подделать защищенный контент.

Именно поэтому Widevine L1 широко используется для потоковой передачи премиум-контента.

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Создайте свою собственную видеоплатформу с видеохостингом VdoCipher

VdoCipher помогает более чем 3000 видеоплатформам в более чем 120 странах безопасно размещать свои видео, помогая им увеличить свои доходы от видео.

Widevine L2

В Widevine L2 только расшифровка видео происходит в TEE, а обработка видео – за пределами TEE.

Widevine L2 не используется для мобильных устройств.

Widevine L3

Widevine L3 – это первый уровень безопасности Widevine. Устройства L3 не имеют TEE, и защита здесь только программная. Многие старые телефоны, особенно бюджетные, оснащены L3.

Он обеспечивает умеренный уровень защиты и обычно присутствует на устройствах нижнего ценового диапазона. На устройствах с Widevine L3 обычно транслируется контент стандартной четкости. Хотя это наименее защищенная версия Widevine, она обеспечивает некоторое шифрование и защиту контента.

Widevine L3 обычно устанавливается на смартфоны среднего и низкого ценового диапазона, старые смарт-телевизоры и другие бюджетные устройства и доступна для более широкой аудитории. Но благодаря более низкому уровню безопасности он может быть подвержен различным уязвимостям и атакам, поскольку в нем отсутствуют аппаратные функции безопасности Widevine L1.

Поэтому, чтобы устранить эту уязвимость, контент-платформы обычно транслируют свой контент более высокого качества на устройства Widevine L2 или Widevine L1.

Совместимость с Google Widevine DRM

Теперь, когда мы разобрались с уровнями безопасности и знаем, какие устройства поддерживают тот или иной уровень безопасности. Давайте посмотрим на общую совместимость Widevine DRM с другими устройствами. Вот устройства, которые поддерживают воспроизведение Widevine DRM.
Браузеры Chrome, Firefox, Edge для настольных компьютеров/ноутбуков (Windows версии 7 и выше)

  • Браузеры Chrome, Edge, Firefox для Android. (Android версии 5 и выше)
  • Приложение для Android (версия Android>5). Поддерживаются нативные приложения, приложения для просмотра веб-страниц не очень хорошо поддерживаются.
  • Android TV
  • Chromecast

Widevine CDM поддерживает 2 миллиарда глобальных устройств

В настоящее время насчитывается 2 миллиарда ежемесячных активных установок на устройствах Android и еще 2 миллиарда активных установок приложения Chrome Desktop. Эти данные свидетельствуют о том, что Widevine является самой актуальной DRM-системой на сегодняшний день. Widevine DRM является важным компонентом любой мульти-DRM стратегии для премиум контента.

Как работает Google Widevine DRM?

Многое происходит за кулисами, когда вы нажимаете “play” на видео и когда вы наконец-то можете его посмотреть.

В Widevine DRM безопасная дешифровка осуществляется посредством серии обменов между модулем дешифровки контента и сервером лицензий Widevine DRMВидеоплеер HTML5 выступает в роли посредника при этих обменах. Хотя сам по себе плеер не может прочитать зашифрованную лицензию или видео.

Widevine DRM playback security model

Чтобы расшифровать видео для воспроизведения, необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

1. Видео поступает из CDN или сети доставки контента.

Когда вы нажимаете кнопку “воспроизвести”, сначала медиадвижок вашего браузера определяет, зашифровано видео или нет. После определения браузер принимает ‘initData’ или данные инициализации и отправляет их в плеер.

2. Данные передаются в CDM или модуль расшифровки содержимого.

После этого ваш видеоплеер отправляет данные в CDM.

3. Плеер получает запрос лицензии от CDM

После получения данных от плеера CDM создает запрос лицензии и передает его обратно плееру.

4. Лицензионный сервер Widevine получает запрос от игрока

На следующем этапе сервер лицензий Widevine получает запрос лицензии от вашего видеоплеера.

5. Плеер получает лицензию от сервера

Получив запрос, сервер лицензий отправляет лицензию Widevine видеоплееру с помощью зашифрованного сообщения.

6. CDM получает лицензию от плеера

Затем плеер отправляет лицензию в CDM.

7. Модуль OEMCrypto получает данные от CDM

Модуль OEMCrypto получает данные от CDM, после чего происходит расшифровка.

8. Видеоплеер получает видеофрагменты от модуля OEMCrypto

После того как видео расшифровано и декодировано, оно небольшими фрагментами отправляется в ваш видеоплеер. Зритель получает возможность воспроизвести видео, при этом безопасность также обеспечивается. И вуаля, вы получаете воспроизведение видео на своем устройстве.

Теперь, когда вы знаете, как работает Widevine DRM, давайте посмотрим на его реализацию. Реализовав Widevine DRM для более чем 2000 клиентов, мы можем утверждать, что

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Создайте свою собственную видеоплатформу с видеохостингом VdoCipher

VdoCipher помогает более чем 3000 видеоплатформам в более чем 120 странах безопасно размещать свои видео, помогая им увеличить свои доходы от видео.

Как компоненты Widevine DRM сочетаются друг с другом в качестве платформы?

DRM-компоненты Widevine работают вместе друг с другом, чтобы предоставить вам комплексное решение для защиты вашего видеоконтента. Оно включает в себя все инструменты, начиная с этапа подготовки контента и заканчивая его потоковой трансляцией на любом устройстве.

Поток компонентов Widevine DRM начинается с подготовки видео с помощью упаковщика Shaka для потоковой передачи с адаптивным битрейтом. После подготовки видео в различном качестве они шифруются с помощью лицензии и хранятся на сервере лицензий widevine.

На последующем этапе сервер лицензий widevine drm передает информацию о лицензии видеоплееру, когда зашифрованное видео транслируется на плеер через CDN.

Затем зашифрованное видео отправляется в CDM (модуль расшифровки содержимого) устройства, который обеспечивает безопасное воспроизведение видео с помощью модуля OEMCrypto.

 Как работает динамический адаптивный стриминг в Widevine DRM?

На изображении ниже вы видите, как различные сегменты видео воспроизводятся в разное время в зависимости от текущей полосы пропускания пользователей. Если текущая пропускная способность пользователя низкая, будет воспроизводиться фрагмент с более низким качеством, а по мере улучшения пропускной способности будет воспроизводиться фрагмент с более высоким качеством. Желтые фрагменты – это видеофрагменты, которые воспроизводятся в зависимости от обнаруженной пропускной способности.

Компоненты для Android в Widevine DRM

Поток в Android похож на обычный поток Widevine DRM. Основное отличие заключается в том, что здесь используются низкоуровневые методы Andoid APi. У вас также есть возможность использовать Exoplayer в качестве образца приложения, библиотеки или эталонного плеера для A/B тестирования.

Архитектура DRM Widevine от VdoCipher + настройка стриминга

Widevine – это DRM-архитектура Google для видео, которая позволяет создателям контента транслировать защищенный контент. Widevine поддерживается в основном устройствами и программным обеспечением, работающим в экосистеме Google. На настольных устройствах Widevine DRM поддерживается браузерами Chrome, Firefox и Opera через Widevine CDM, а также устройствами Android. Widevine также позволяет транслировать защищенный контент через Google Chromecast и Android TV. Это гарантирует пользователям наилучшие возможности потокового HD-вещания, при этом интересы контент-провайдера остаются на первом месте.

В компании VdoCipher мы внедрили архитектуру Widevine в нашу инфраструктуру потокового вещания. Она включает в себя транскодирование и шифрование, адаптивную потоковую передачу и связь с сервером DRM для безопасной дешифровки.

Наивысшим одобрением для любой системы управления цифровыми правами является наличие сертификатов от голливудских студий. Они ставят на кон миллионы долларов, когда делают свой контент доступным через потоковое вещание. Голливудская экосистема цифрового развлекательного контента (DECE) одобряет DRM Widevine для потокового видео. Netflix и Amazon Instant Video используют DRM Widevine для потокового вещания на устройствах Chrome и Android. Наша цель в VdoCipher – предоставить комплексное решение для потокового видео, которое обеспечивает пользователям все – от удобства использования до защиты контента. В этом блоге я подробно рассказываю о том, как VdoCipher делает Widevine доступным для всех пользователей.

  • Загрузка видео – Вы можете загружать видео через приборную панель или с помощью наших API
  • Обработка видео
    • Кодирование – Видео кодируется с различными битрейтами
    • Шифрование файлов (с использованием CENC).
    • Упаковка видеофайлов и генерация ключей с сервера лицензий DRM
  • Управление видео с помощью API
  • Зашифрованные видеофайлы хранятся на Amazon Cloudfront и Google Cloud Platform CDN Edge для обеспечения быстрой передачи видеопотока
  • Кастомизация видеоплеера
    • Изменение темы плеера
    • Наложения/кнопки поверх видео
  • Безопасное воспроизведение видео
    • Код для встраивания для генерации динамических URL (HTTP Post запрос, включающий секретный ключ клиента для получения уникального OTP)
    • Уникальный OTP затем отправляется сервером лицензий DRM
    • Зашифрованный видеофайл расшифровывается в доверенной среде браузера/устройства. Видео отображается через видеоплеер, который может переключаться между различными потоками с разным битрейтом.
  • Динамический водяной знак для предотвращения захвата экрана

Widevine все еще является развивающейся технологией. Как я уже говорил, несмотря на то, что она повсеместно поддерживается экосистемой Google (и Firefox), Widevine не поддерживается Internet Explorer от Microsoft или Apple. Создателям контента, желающим транслировать его на всех устройствах и в любом программном обеспечении, необходима стратегия мульти-DRM. В VdoCipher мы предоставляем Widevine для Chrome и Fairplay для устройств Apple. Эта стратегия мульти-DRM гарантирует, что контент-провайдеры могут полностью положиться на VdoCipher при распространении контента на всех устройствах.

Widevine CDM для обеспечения наилучшего пользовательского опыта

Благодаря нативной системе Widevine CDM не требуется установка плагинов

Реализация Widevine DRM в VdoCipher гарантирует, что видео будет воспроизводиться на устройствах Desktop с помощью встроенного видеоплеера HTML5. Устройства и браузеры Google изначально оснащены модулем Widevine CDM (Content Decryption Module), который обеспечивает аппаратную защиту воспроизведения HTML5.

Адаптивная потоковая передача высочайшего качества с DASH

  • Реализация Widevine в VdoCipher также использует протокол потоковой передачи DASH. Это широко распространенный стандарт потокового видео с открытым исходным кодом. DASH гарантирует, что один и тот же видеофайл может использоваться на всех устройствах (за исключением iPhone). Это значительно снижает требования к хранению данных на сервере/в сети доставки контента, поскольку им нужно хранить только один файл-контейнер, который будет транслироваться на большинстве устройств.
  • Наиболее ценным аспектом протокола DASH является адаптивное воспроизведение, позволяющее передавать наилучшее качество при заданной пропускной способности сети. В городских районах, где пользователи смотрят видео, скорость подключения к сети может сильно колебаться. Это может быть связано с тем, что зритель смотрит видео во время поездки, или с тем, что в общую сеть одновременно входит несколько человек. Видеоплеер VdoCipher отслеживает качество сети пользователя. Затем он передает потоковое видео с наилучшим возможным разрешением для данного качества сети.
  • DASH также используется для потоковой передачи через HTTP, которая не блокируется брандмауэрами, что характерно для таких форматов потоковой передачи, как RTMP.

Зашифрованная потоковая передача + лицензия DRM

Кодирование видео на разных битрейтах

Как уже упоминалось в предыдущем разделе, для потокового видео в городских сетях требуется адаптивный битрейт. Процесс кодирования видео оптимизирует его размер, чтобы обеспечить наивысшее качество при минимальном битрейте. Наиболее популярные видеокодеки, используемые сегодня, – H.264 и VP9. Потоки с разрешением SD кодируются с помощью кодека H.264, который имеет самую широкую поддержку декодеров. С другой стороны, потоки с разрешением HD кодируются с помощью VP9. Это сделано для передачи потоков 1080p на такие устройства, как Android TV. По состоянию на февраль 2018 года расшифровка на аппаратном уровне для потоков, зашифрованных с помощью Widevine, доступна для телевизоров Smart TV следующих производителей устройств: LG (WebOS), Panasonic (FirefoxOS), Philips (AndroidTV), Samsung (Tizen), Sharp Aquos (AndroidTV), Sony Bravia (AndroidTV). Различные файлы с разным битрейтом и разрешением разбиваются на фрагменты MP4 одинаковой длины.

Видеофайлы с разным битрейтом шифруются с помощью CENC.

В Widevine DRM каждая отдельная видеодорожка отдельно зашифрована с помощью CENC (Common encryption Scheme). CENC гарантирует, что каждый видеофрагмент будет зашифрован только один раз. Ключи могут быть повторно использованы различными поддерживающими DRM (например, Playready). Fairplay еще не сделал этот API доступным, поэтому потоки Fairplay в настоящее время должны кодироваться отдельно.

VdoCipher взаимодействует с лицензионным сервером Widevine для отправки ключей расшифровки контента

После упаковки и шифрования видео VdoCipher запрашивает ключи дешифрования контента у сервера лицензий Widevine DRM. Сервер лицензий Widevine DRM впоследствии возвращает эти данные VdoCipher.

Информация о ключе шифрования/дешифрования вставляется в описание медиапрезентации (MPD). Эту информацию может понять только модуль расшифровки контента, находящийся в черном ящике браузера/устройства.  Он использует эту информацию для подготовки запроса DRM-лицензии от сервера лицензий Widevine.

Создание высокоспецифичных DRM-лицензий с помощью VdoCipher

Используя архитектуру Widevine DRM от VdoCipher, вы можете создавать высокоспецифичные DRM-лицензии во время загрузки видео. Например, вы можете ограничить потоковую передачу HD только устройствами, поддерживающими расшифровку видео L1 (при этом расшифровка и декодирование осуществляются аппаратно). Вы можете ограничить устройства с защитой L3 (Widevine CDM ограничивается браузером) только воспроизведением SD. Голливудские студии и DECE часто требуют от потоковых сервисов следовать этой политике, предоставляя более высокий приоритет безопасности для HD-видеоконтента.

Лицензии также позволяют вам иметь модель проката в дополнение к модели транзакционного видео по запросу. Большинство платформ электронной продажи, таких как iTunes и Google Play Movies, позволяют пользователям либо арендовать фильмы на определенный срок, либо приобрести лицензию на неограниченное количество просмотров. Варианты аренды фильмов, как правило, ограничивают пользователей в просмотре фильма в течение 48 часов с момента начала воспроизведения. Реализация DRM-лицензии в VdoCipher позволяет настраивать срок действия лицензии после того, как она была предоставлена впервые.

Воспроизведение зашифрованного видео с лицензией DRM

Видео безопасно расшифровывается на устройстве с помощью Widevine CDM с зашифрованной лицензией от сервера лицензий DRM.

Плеер VdoCipher выступает в роли “слепого” посредника между сервером DRM-лицензий Widevine и модулем дешифрования контента (CDM) (который может быть как аппаратным, так и программным). Сам плеер VdoCipher не работает с лицензионными ключами напрямую.  Он получает доступ к конечному видеопотоку, когда CDM расшифровывает его для воспроизведения. В настольных компьютерах CDM поставляется вместе с браузерами.  В телефонах Android CDM является частью аппаратного обеспечения, создавая доверенную среду исполнения. Обратите внимание, что независимо от того, программный или аппаратный модуль дешифрования контента, он имеет закрытый исходный код.  Видеоплеер не знает, как CDM расшифровывает ключ. Он использует только API, которые Widevine CDM делает доступными для запроса и получения лицензионных ключей DRM.

Устройства Android имеют самый высокий уровень безопасности с шифрованием, захват экрана отключен

Используя среду Trusted Execution Environment в устройствах Android, видео расшифровывается и декодируется в доверенной зоне оборудования.  Только после этого оно воспроизводится на экране. В результате этого устройства Android с помощью клиентских приложений и веб-сайтов защищены от захвата экрана. Захват экрана не работает, пока видео воспроизводится в Android Chrome или приложении для Android.

Функция водяного знака, специфичная для просмотра, для предотвращения захвата экрана на рабочем столе

Программы для записи экрана иногда используются для пиратского захвата видеопотока с настольного компьютера в хроме. Мы разработали собственную функцию водяных знаков, которая предотвращает пиратское копирование видео. Это удерживает пользователей от записи онлайн-видео и незаконного обмена им со своими друзьями. 

Обеспечиваем безопасность ваших видеоматериалов на голливудском уровне

Вы можете быть уверены, что если голливудские студии, заключающие многомиллионные сделки на фильмы с потоковыми онлайн-сервисами, доверяют DRM-решению, то они должны были провести тщательную проверку безопасности DRM. Widevine – это сервис, который Netflix использует для своего зашифрованного контента.

По большому счету, голливудские студии ограничивают воспроизведение видео разрешением 720p для профиля L3 сервиса Widevine. В профиле L3 расшифровка осуществляется программно, а конечное видео выводится самим видеоплеером. Студии ограничивают разрешения HD и Ultra-HD для устройств, поддерживающих профиль L1, который обеспечивает аппаратное дешифрование, декодирование и рендеринг. Профиль L1 Widevine DRM поддерживается большинством Android-смартфонов и AndroidTV. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, если у вас есть подобные запросы.

Чтобы получить бесплатную пробную версию Widevine DRM на 5 Гб, нажмите здесь.

Глоссарий Widevine DRM

Вот глоссарий терминов, связанных с Widevine DRM

Видеоплеер Shaka HTML5

С Widevine DRM вы получаете видеоплеер Shaka для любой платформы, поддерживающей htm5. Shaka player обеспечивает безопасное воспроизведение видео в интернете. Shaka player – это js-видеоплеер с открытым исходным кодом. Он связывает видеоэлемент и Widevine CDM, используя EME API. VdoCipher уже содержит преинтегрированный плеер Shaka в своем продукте.

Android-плеер для Widevine DRM

Вы можете разработать свой собственный плеер для Android, используя API Java Platform, или веб-приложение, используя API HTML5 и JavaScript. MPEG DASH и CENC – открытые стандарты, которые поддерживает плеер Android. API-интерфейсы VdoCipher и SDK уже включают DRM-решение + видеоплеер для интеграции в приложения для Android.

Расширения мультимедийных источников (MSE)

Они используются для разбора входящих медиапотоков на основе DASH и передачи их на оборудование для воспроизведения. Расширение Media Source для спецификации медиаэлемента HTML5 можно найти на сайте http://www.w3.org/TR/media-source/.

Модуль OEMCrypto

Модуль OEMCrypto расшифровывает содержимое, используя информацию, переданную ему от проигрывателя (и сервера лицензий). Модуль OEMCrypto находится на доверенном уровне устройства и связан с аппаратным обеспечением устройства. Он использует зашифрованную лицензионную информацию для расшифровки медиафайлов, и медиафайлы отправляются в стек видео.

 Расширение зашифрованных носителей (EME)

Расширение Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) использует формат Common Encryption как часть сквозного протокола безопасности Widevine DRM, гарантируя, что ваше видео не может быть загружено. Будучи стандартом, рекомендованным W3C, потоковое приложение может использоваться в различных браузерных движках независимо от используемой системы DRM.

Совместимость с Widevine DRM

Widevine DRM совместим не со всеми устройствами и браузерами. Фактически, каждый DRM-сервис имеет некоторые ограничения на совместимость. Google Widevine DRM совместим с браузерами Chrome, Firefox, Edge на настольных компьютерах и Android, Chromecast, Android TV. Телефонные устройства Android поставляются с двумя уровнями безопасности Google Widevine DRM – уровень L1 и уровень L3. Устройства L1 совместимы с более высокими функциями безопасности, чем L3.

Сервер лицензий Widevine DRM

Сервер лицензий Widevine DRM – это серверная установка, которая является центральным элементом системы кодирования, шифрования и воспроизведения видео. Он проверяет подлинность каждого воспроизводимого видео и следит за тем, чтобы необработанное видео не могло быть загружено.

Лицензия Widevine DRM

Лицензия Widevine DRM – это механизм аутентификации, который гарантирует, что доступ к вашему контенту может быть получен только в соответствии с требуемыми протоколами безопасности. Проще говоря, лицензия Widevine DRM – это система аутентификации, используемая для воспроизведения зашифрованного видео на устройстве.

CDM (модуль расшифровки контента)

Widevine CDM можно рассматривать как “черный ящик”, который предустанавливается в поддерживаемые браузеры и устройства, обеспечивая воспроизведение DRM-видео. Widevine CDM обеспечивает безопасность механизма обмена ключами. В браузерах Google Chrome и Mozilla Firefox уже предустановлен Widevine CDM.

Android DRM

Google Widevine DRM можно рассматривать как Android DRM. Android поддерживает защиту видео в онлайн и оффлайн видео с помощью Google Widevine DRM. Widevine DRM обеспечивает безопасную лицензионную расшифровку видео в браузере Chrome, Firefox, Edge на Android, нативном приложении Android и предотвращает попытки загрузки видео с помощью любых хаков, расширений, плагинов и т. д

Chrome DRM

Браузер Google Chrome поддерживает защиту онлайн-видео с помощью Google Widevine DRM. Этот DRM обеспечивает безопасную лицензионную расшифровку видео в браузере Chrome и предотвращает попытки загрузки видео от любых хаков, расширений, плагинов и т. д Chrome поддерживает Widevine с помощью CDM (Content Decryption Module). Chrome для настольных компьютеров (Windows, Mac, Linux) и Android поддерживает Widevine DRM.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как внедрить Widevine DRM?

Для внедрения Widevine DRM вам потребуется сервер лицензий, а также специальные средства кодирования, воспроизведения видео и упаковки. Вы можете создать свой собственный сервер лицензий или попытаться получить лицензию Google самостоятельно, если у вас большая команда разработчиков и много времени, или воспользоваться услугами поставщика продуктов, например VdoCipher, предлагающего сервер лицензий Widevine DRM.

Для чего используется Widevine?

Widevine DRM широко используется для защиты видео от нелегального скачивания в таких браузерах, как Chrome, Firefox и Edge Она также защищает контент на таких устройствах, как Android-устройства, Android TV и Chromecast.

Что такое Android Widevine?

Android Widevine и Widevine DRM можно считать одним и тем же. Widevine DRM защищает контент в Android как для оффлайн, так и для онлайн-режимов. Также, в зависимости от уровня безопасности устройств, запись экрана может быть заблокирована.

Какой DRM использует Netflix?

Netflix использует стратегию мульти-DRM, которая включает в себя использование нескольких DRM, таких как Widevine, Fairplay и Playready DRM, чтобы защитить видео от пиратства в Android, IOS, Desktop и Smart TV. Мы также написали отдельный блог, посвященный DRM Netflix.

Как проверить уровень Widevine на устройстве Android?

Вы можете загрузить и установить приложение DRM Info из Play Store. Откройте приложение и прокрутите вниз до раздела Widevine CDM. Здесь проверьте уровень безопасности. Вы увидите либо L1, либо L3.

Как включить DRM в браузере?

Чтобы включить DRM в Chrome, перейдите в chrome://settings/content и включите “защищенный контент”. В Firefox перейдите в about:preferences и убедитесь, что включен пункт “Воспроизводить контент с DRM-контролем”, а в about: addons (на вкладке plugins) включена функция Widevine.

Что такое DRM-решение?

DRM Software или DRM System – это, по сути, программное обеспечение для управления цифровыми правами, которое гарантирует, что ваш контент будет доступен только тем, кому вы разрешите. Вы можете использовать программное обеспечение Video DRM, чтобы убедиться, что ваш контент доступен только авторизованному вами пользователю, и вы даже можете управлять браузером или устройствами, на которых они используют ваш контент.

The post Google Widevine DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Understanding OTT DRM for hassle free Implementations https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/ott-drm/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:45:19 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=15001 Over-the-top (OTT) streaming is partly a subset of VOD streaming and has revolutionized the way audiences consume video content. OTT streaming is limited to internet-based streaming including live stream. From Netflix to Amazon Prime, OTT platforms deliver content directly to users via the internet, bypassing traditional cable or satellite TV. With ease of delivering video […]

The post Understanding OTT DRM for hassle free Implementations appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Over-the-top (OTT) streaming is partly a subset of VOD streaming and has revolutionized the way audiences consume video content. OTT streaming is limited to internet-based streaming including live stream. From Netflix to Amazon Prime, OTT platforms deliver content directly to users via the internet, bypassing traditional cable or satellite TV. With ease of delivering video content across the globe through the internet there comes the threat of piracy. Even basic encryption does not work as the key to decrypt the content is also accessible within the network. This has motivated the tech giants like Google and Apple to provide a secure mechanism for transmitting media files securely. What they came up with was a native hardware and software-protected black box mechanism to protect the decryption key. This whole system of communicating with the license server, encryption, and key exchange mechanism is often called DRM and for over-the-internet video providers, it becomes OTT DRM.

Brief History of Digital Piracy

  • Digital piracy began with Peer-to-Peer (P2P) music sharing, evolving with the internet from the outset. Early forms of online piracy were primarily conducted through P2P networks where individuals could share music files​.
  • The principle of piracy predates the internet, but digital piracy specifically refers to unauthorized downloading and distribution of copyrighted digital works like music, movies, or software​.
  • Piracy’s digital form threatens economies much like Atlantic pirates threatened early 18th-century economies, underscoring piracy’s enduring nature despite evolving mediums​.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to stop losing their video revenues.

Financial Implications of Unsecured Content

  • Digital piracy significantly impacts the U.S economy with annual losses nearing $30 billion due to pirated videos alone. The movie and television sector, despite generating around $230 billion in revenue in 2017, is hit hard by piracy.
  • On a global scale, the movie industry faces annual revenue losses between $40 and $97.1 billion due to digital piracy. Illegal downloading of copyrighted materials consumes about 24% of global bandwidth.
  • The financial losses extend to other content niches like ebooks, with American ebook publishers incurring over $300 million in losses due to digital piracy, a menace that also affects the films, music, and TV industries significantly.

This makes OTT content protection by employing Multi-DRM and dynamic watermarking among other methods crucial for content creators aiming to secure their content against piracy and unauthorized distribution. These protective measures include encryption, watermarking, and access control, with DRM solutions restricting how the content can be used, accessed, and distributed, thereby maintaining the integrity and value of the content.

OTT DRM Basic Concepts and Terminologies

ott drm mechanism


Encryption is a process that transforms readable data into an unreadable format to prevent unauthorized access. In the OTT DRM context, the digital content is encoded and encrypted using a cryptographic key immediately after uploading. The encryption helps to protect the content in transit between the platform server and the client side. Depending on the platform, encryption can be done before or after streaming. Two primary modes of AES used for video content encryption are CTR and CBC, differing in the encryption process and how the keys are used. The complexity of AES encryption necessitates a balance between encryption time/effort and security, especially for live video, which is a real-time application with increasing data quantities as we move towards HD, 4K, and HDR content qualities​.


In DRM, the encryption key is a “private key” that needs to be securely stored in a database accessible to a license server. The KeyID is a “public key” that can be given to anyone. When someone with the public key requests the license server for the private key (decryption key), it’s the DRM provider’s responsibility to authenticate the person before supplying or denying the decryption key​​.

The DRM workflow can be viewed in two parts: encryption of content in the packager and decryption of content in the client. The packager requests an encryption key from the DRM system, encrypts the content using the encryption key, and re-packages it. The client, upon receiving the content, requests the decryption key from the DRM system to decrypt and play the content​.


A License Server in DRM holds the information required to securely encrypt and decrypt media. It has two primary roles: associating a license key with the media after packaging and encrypting it, and authenticating the request from the player for license and encryption keys during playback. The License Server fetches the decryption key from the key store (database) and responds to the player with the license and decryption keys​​.

Licensing servers implement fine-granular policies and rules to control how content is consumed. They can support various DRM policies and, in most DRM systems, licensing servers can be integrated with commercial DRM systems and their APIs​.


Packaging refers to chunking or breaking up a movie into small pieces and describing the location and playback order of these chunks in a text file called a manifest or playlist. This playlist is essential for the video player to download the correct segments at the correct time, making packaging vital for Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) video streaming.

Popular OTT DRM Systems and their Features

OTT platforms typically rely on established DRM systems. Here’s a look at some major players:

DRM System Supported Platforms Key Features
Widevine (Google) Android, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Roku, Smart TVs, etc.​ Modular and adaptive; Google’s solution
Apple FairPlay iOS, macOS, Safari Browser, AppleTV Apple’s DRM system; integrates with HLS
VdoCipher (Apple+Google) Android, Chrome, Edge, Roku, Smart TVs, iOS, macOS, Safari Browser, AppleTV Direct Google Partner with dynamic watermark & user-based security analytics
PlayReady (Microsoft) Edge, Xbox Microsoft’s offering; versatile with many formats
Marlin Some Smart TVs Open standard; suitable for IPTV solutions
WisePlay (Huawei) EMUI & Harmony OS For Huawei device standard

Vdocipher helps over 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

OTT DRM Implementation Challenges

Implementing DRM is not without its hurdles:

  • Encryption and Packaging:
    • Encrypting content in multiple formats upon ingestion.
    • Utilizing different encryption methods and packaging for various devices to ensure compatibility.
    • Adaptive bitrate (ABR) leads to multiple file segments, increasing complexity and storage costs.
  • Scaling Challenges:
    • Encoding multiple file sets at scale, leveraging cloud scalability to manage encoding operations in parallel.
    • Overcoming storage and processing requirements associated with encryption, encoding, and packaging.
  • User Experience:
    • Ensuring consistent user experiences across devices with delay-free acquisition of keys from DRM servers.
    • Addressing challenges with ever-changing client devices, operating system variations, and associated SDKs such as React Native SDK, Android SDK, Flutter SDKs and more.
  • Key Management:
    • Developing a key management solution to ensure content protection throughout the workflow.
    • Setting up license servers and managing security policies for playback conditions.
    • Handling all aspects of key management and licensing to safeguard keys across the workflow, including implementing standards like Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) for secure key transmission.
  • Advancement and Integration:
    • Transition towards Common Media Application Format (CMAF) to facilitate a single DRM-enabled file set for broad device compatibility.
    • Challenges with player integration, especially around server-side ad insertion (SSAI) due to varying encryption keys.
  • License URL Simplification:
    • Simplifying license URLs for specific players by embedding license server URLs in the manifest and encoding session-specific data into the Protection Scheme Specific Header (PSSH).

Illustration of a detailed workflow of Digital Rights Management (DRM) for content distribution.

OTT DRM working key points

  1. Content Encryption: Initially, the digital content needs to be encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access. Encryption can occur either during the encoding and packaging process or dynamically, just-in-time (JIT), the latter offering benefits like added security with key rotation and bandwidth savings​.
  2. Rights Packaging: This step involves defining the rights or permissions associated with the content, which may include access controls, expiration terms, and other usage restrictions.
  3. License Server Interaction: The DRM system interacts with a license server to manage digital rights and licenses, ensuring only authorized users can access the content.
  4. Client-side License Acquisition: On the client-side, a license request is made to access the content. This request is sent to the license server, which then validates the request and issues a license if the request is valid.
  5. Content Decryption: Once the license is acquired, the client-side DRM system decrypts the content for playback, ensuring it remains protected from unauthorized use.
  6. Playback: The decrypted content is then played back on the user’s device through the requesting player.

VdoCipher – Hassle free DRM integration with your OTT Platform

To implement DRM solutions like VdoCipher on an OTT platform, various components and features need to be integrated for a seamless and secure video streaming experience. Here are some of the OTT components and the corresponding features provided by VdoCipher:

  1. Multi-device Player: VdoCipher provides a multi-device HTML5 player for desktops and SDKs for iOS and Android, facilitating a seamless user experience across various devices​1​.
  2. Analytics: Detailed analytics are offered to provide insights into user engagement and video performance, which can help in improving user experience and optimizing content delivery​1​.
  3. Custom Video Player & Cloud Hosting: VdoCipher provides custom video player solutions, packaged cloud hosting, and a video dashboard for easy video management, ensuring security with ease of integration for businesses​2​.
  4. Backend Integration: The backend system is responsible for making API calls, with the app SDK requiring an OTP (One-Time Password) for playback. An API endpoint should be created as part of the app backend to manage authenticated HTTP requests for playing a video and responding with an OTP, facilitating the interaction between the VdoCipher API and the OTT platform​3​.
  5. Content Management System (CMS): Whether you are working with CMS like WordPress or any LMS of your choice, VdoCipher’s suite of plugins and features are designed to integrate with existing OTT platform components.


Does Netflix use encryption?

Netflix uses a Multi-DRM sysytem capable of protecting its premium videos on range of devices and browsers like Apple, Chrome, Android & iOS. A multi-DRM system combines DRM systems from devices and broswer ecosystem giants like Apple and Google.

Which DRM is better for OTT platforms, Apple or Google?

A combination of both Apple FairPlay and Google Widevine DRM is leveraged by major OTT platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, Paramount+, Hulu, and more.

Difference between Standard encryption Vs. DRM encryption for OTT?

A standard video encryption like HLS E, RTMP E, and AES 128, carry key exchange mechanisms that are very prone to hacking and downloading. On the other side, DRM encryption hides the encryption key by hardware and black box based control, preventing easy access to a hacking software.


  • [DRM support: Platform comparison – link]
  • [History of the Internet – Wikipedia – link]
  • [Online piracy – Wikipedia – link]
  • [Piracy Is Back: Piracy Statistics for 2023 – link]
  • [Protect OTT Content with DRM – link]

The post Understanding OTT DRM for hassle free Implementations appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/06/drm-platforms/ Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:21:37 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=11433 Video content consumption is at an all-time high and is the main medium to convey information. With the widespread access to the internet, there have been too many cases of hacked videos making their way to the internet illegally. Video creators and businesses not only need to protect their videos in production but also while […]

The post DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video content consumption is at an all-time high and is the main medium to convey information. With the widespread access to the internet, there have been too many cases of hacked videos making their way to the internet illegally. Video creators and businesses not only need to protect their videos in production but also while distributing them online. There needs to be a secure technology to protect and manage your premium content during consumption. Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology is used to protect digital content. DRM technology helps control how users can access and use digital content. For example, DRM can restrict how much of a digital document can be printed or prevent users from copying or sharing digital content. As more and more devices enter the market, content owners, distributors, and consumers are looking for a level of control, security, and interoperability. This has prompted the development of DRM Platforms.

In the past, when piracy was rampant, businesses had to think of ways to counter the damage as much as possible. The need for a standardized DRM Platform is growing as digital entertainment expands. Consumers are looking for a consistent experience across devices, and the content industry is looking for a unified platform that enhances interoperability and provides a secure environment.


Importance of DRM

The importance of DRM lies in its ability to help content creators and distributors control how their digital content is used. DRM can help content creators and distributors protect their intellectual property and help them prevent unauthorized use of their content. In addition, DRM can help content creators and distributors to generate revenue from their digital content.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

For example, in the case of a downloaded digital song or movie, you are often limited in what you can do with your purchase. Digital Rights Management ensures that you are prevented from doing things like copying the music, sharing it with others, or even playing it on all your devices. DRM is present in many other products as well. For example, if you buy a DRM hardware printer, the printer cannot be used with other computers and with other printers. The companies that develop DRM technology are constantly working on new ways to protect the content.

What is a DRM Platform

DRM platforms are important because they allow companies to protect their digital content from unauthorized access and use. DRM platforms provide a way for companies to control how their digital content is used and accessed and ensure that only authorized users can access and use it. They can also help companies track and manage their digital content and ensure that it is used according to their policies and procedures.

DRM platforms are an important enabler of digital entertainment. Platforms enable content owners to protect their valuable assets by applying DRM. The platforms also allow content owners to sell their assets in a controlled environment using a specific business model. In turn, consumers can be sure that the assets they buy will work on their devices without worrying about piracy.

Features of good DRM Platforms

There are many reasons why companies need DRM platforms. One reason is to protect their digital content from piracy. Another reason is to control how their digital content is used and distributed. DRM platforms allow companies to set rules and restrictions on how their digital content can be used. This will enable companies to control how their content is used and distributed and ensure that only authorized users can access and use their content.

  • Secure key storage and distribution model
  • Easy integration with your applications and websites
  • Support for multiple platforms
  • Multi-DRM
  • Secure Content Transmission
  • Flexible licensing model
  • Online updates
  • Scalable
  • Customizable and intuitive user interface
  • Customer support

How does a DRM Platform generally work?

There are basically three DRM components, encryption, license management, and a DRM-capable player.

Encryption – DRM technologies use encryption to protect the content before or during streaming, downloading, or other transfers. The encoder encrypts the files with media keys from one or more DRM providers.

License management – DRM platforms must manage the request and issuance of licenses. Some also incorporate domain controllers, managing multiple user devices that can play content under a single license, and metering servers that track usage data and total plays for royalty purposes.

DRM-capable player – DRM-compatible player communicates with the DRM platform and enforces all software or hardware-related playback restrictions. There is a quick shift from plugin-based DRM to browser-based DRM, where DRM must be integrated into the browser via Media Source Extensions (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME).

A DRM workflow includes encoding, packaging, license server, and playback. Before a video stream starts, the video content is encrypted and packaged, often using multiple DRM schemes for multi-device compatibility. On the other hand, when a viewer attempts to playback that video stream, the player requests a license key from a license server. Now, the server determines whether the viewer and the playback device are authorized, which issues a license response with a decryption key. The video player plays the video stream for the viewer using the decryption key.

Importance of DRM platforms for OTT & E-Learning producers

DRM platforms are important for OTT & E-Learning content providers because they help to protect the content that is being streamed. By using a DRM solution, OTT & E-Learning content providers can ensure that only authorized users are able to access the content and that the content is not copied or redistributed without permission. This helps to prevent piracy and helps to ensure that video providers can continue to offer high-quality content to their subscribers.

Different content is distributed over the OTT platforms, such as movies, TV series, anime, original content, etc. The distribution of these audiovisual contents is subject to different copyright and related rights. The majority of OTT content is not encrypted.

Similarly, e-learning platforms require their content to be strictly distributed among only the authorized consumer. This can be easily handled with a DRM encryption layer provided by DRM platforms.

advantage of video drm infographic

For audiovisual content, the big platforms that distribute and monetize this content are Netflix, Amazon, Apple, and Google. These platforms use or have developed their own DRM platforms and encryption systems to control and manage their content.

DRM Technologies

Widevine DRM

Google Widevine offers Hollywood-grade DRM technology with native support on a range of devices and browsers like Google Chrome Browser, Android, Chromecast, and more. Widevine delivers protected premium content at the highest possible quality to the most significant number of devices. It supports various encryption schemes and hardware security to restrict consumer access to distributed video content according to defined content owner’s rules.

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The Widevine DRM platform uses standards-based royalty-free solutions for encryption, adaptive streaming, transport, and player software. It also includes free, open-source content preparation tools and media playback, enabling openness and innovation at every level.

When a viewer sends a video stream request, the Widevine CDM receives the header request from the respective content provider. Next, the CDM utilizes the encryption method information to generate a license request to the Widevine DRM license server. The license server sends back the license containing the content keys. The CDM then uses these content keys for content decryption, following which the user watches the content.

Google Widevine Supported Encryption Schemes
Platform cenc cens cbc1 cbcs
Android 4.4 – 6.x (including Android TV) Y
Android 7.x and later (including Android TV) Y Y
Chromecast (Cast) Y Y Y
Google Home Y
Smart TV and Blu-ray players Y Y
Widevine iOS Y Y
Chrome browser (desktop) and ChromeOS Y Y
Chrome browser (mobile) Y Y
Mozilla Firefox Y Y
Opera Y Y
NexPlayer SDK Y Y

Apple FairPlay

Apple FairPlay is a digital rights management (DRM) technology developed by Apple Inc. It is built into the QuickTime multimedia software and used by the iPhone, iPod, iTunes, and Apple TV devices and applications. FairPlay allows iTunes and QuickTime to play protected AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) and MPEG-4 files downloaded from the iTunes Store and other sources.

Under FairPlay, AAC and MPEG-4 files are encrypted with a FairPlay-specific key. The key decrypts the file when these files play on an authorized device. It allows Apple to control how these files are used and prevent unauthorized copying. Fairplay involves setting up a Key Security Module (KSM) inside an existing key server infrastructure. Every time a content file is encrypted, a key is created and stored in a key database. FairPlay-protected content supports Safari on OS X, iPhones, iPads, and AppleTVs.

Online Learning Platform DRM

In the last two years, we have seen a huge shift toward online learning, whether courses, music, training, or sessions; everything is making a digital presence. Nearly 43% of the global Fortune 500 companies are already using online learning to train their employees. According to Harvard Business Review, higher education institutes will start implementing VR and AR learning tools in the future. With such a boom in online learning, high-definition video content has become the first component to deliver the best learning experience.

We have seen a rapid influx of course creators during the pandemic. Thinkific, for example, has reported an increase of 200% in the number of course creators on its platform. Creators are even building their own e-learning platforms or websites. It’s true that creating an educational and informative video is a task, but often videos that are not free or have copyright attached to them are leaked and made available to the public for free. We all are pretty aware of video piracy. The video is illegally downloaded or shared on the web within seconds of video upload. It results in revenue loss for the creator or platform. The need to protect the videos and host them on a secure video hosting platform like VdoCipher is the foremost need.

DRM encumbered platform for Games and Movies

Similar to Online learning and social media platforms, the platforms serving playthrough videos and premium movie content are at high risk. Their content is unique and, if leaked, results in direct revenue loss. The licensed game plays, and big-budget movies thus need protection against illegal downloads and screen capture tactics. The only available solution for them is multi-DRM protection for their videos. Although DRM implementation is technically cumbersome, the presence of multi-DRM license partners of Google and Apple, like VdoCipher, makes it pretty easy. It makes the process of video delivery more smooth through CDN and advanced encoding. Also, managing the videos and player becomes as easy as clicking on uploading, player customization, and playback.

For Game Streaming platforms wanting to integrate the upload directly through the user, APIs and SDK support work like a charm. The user will have to take no extra steps for all the DRM encoding, multi-location storage, and delivery. Thus a DRM-encumbered solution like VdoCipher is necessary to deal with the cumbersome implementation of all these protection features.

Social Media DRM Platform Solution

When creating a social media platform, you would have already analyzed that videos are the greatest tools to gain reach. This is because of their engagement data compared to other digital assets like images and plain text. Among the videos, user-generated content performs the best. Although user-generated content comes under basic privacy policies of sharing with credit, it is not the case. If a user’s content is covered under strict privacy policies of the platform it was submitted, then it is the platform’s responsibility not to let it leak. This means that you need to prevent the video from illegal downloads and other screen capture mechanisms.

The best solution for tackling this problem is integrating Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM encoding for your videos. Since DRM requires private licensing and technical integration, a DRM platform like VdoCipher comes as the most advanced and affordable choice. This mechanism will eventually create a fully protected social DRM platform as per your customized needs.

VdoCipher DRM Platform

VdoCipher offers secure video streaming solutions for media & education businesses to help serve premium content on their site and mobile app with Hollywood-grade security and functionalities. We are a first-party Widevine DRM License Partner with Google. Below are the major security features provided by VdoCipher to their customers.

Illegal Download Prevention and Screen Capture Blocking – This happens with the help of multi-DRM support. Being the License partner of Google and Apple, VdoCipher is capable of offering protection across all Android, Windows and Apple Devices and Browsers.

IP and Geo-based whitelisting and blacklisting with Widevine DRM – infinite customizability using JSON-based configuration. The CIDR configuration allows constraining specific ISP networks. The best part is nearly infinite nesting.

Quality constraints based on Device security Level – Our multi-platform DRM uses the maximum security features available on a device. For instance, Widevine DRM offers three security levels – L1, L2, and L3, with L1 devices having the highest security. You can specify device requirements as part of the DRM licensing.

Rental constraint for offline files – viewers are allowed to download an encrypted version of the video to their Android, iOS, or Chrome devices. By specifying a rental duration, it is possible to make the video expire at a certain time. Our Android SDK also allows managing downloads and playback of offline videos. Our Android SDK also allows managing downloads and playback of offline videos.

Session time restrictions – For sensitive content, our multi-DRM APIs allow configuring playback session duration during license generation.

Backend Licensing & Authentication – OTP-based backend authentication to secure videos from download plugins

DRM Encrypted Video Transfer – The entire video stream is encrypted using a non-public key with a hidden exchange mechanism via Google Widevine DRM & Apple Fairplay DRM for all platforms. For complete security, the content transfer is through one time URL instead of direct access to the video file. The video content is transferred in chunks for optimized streaming.


How does DRM work?

DRM uses a variety of technologies to protect digital content, including watermarking, encryption, and authentication. When a user attempts to access protected content, the DRM system verifies the user’s rights to access the content and then decrypts it.

What is OTP-based backend authentication?

OTP-based backend authentication is a system where users are authenticated using a one-time password (OTP) that is generated by an authentication server. This type of authentication is often used in conjunction with other forms of authentication, such as username and password or biometric authentication.

What is a Licensing Server?

The licensing server is the backend of the DRM setup. It creates, modifies, and revokes licenses of the content and users. License servers can be built in-house or be integrated with third parties.

What is a DRM License?

A DRM license is a set of encryption and usage rules created by content creators to prevent the unauthorized and illegal distribution of their digital work.

The post DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Terminologies Defined https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/video-drm/ Tue, 01 Aug 2023 06:23:50 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?page_id=14504 Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Encryption Terminologies DRM protected streaming via secure player ensures maximum video security even for users who do not want to install extension/software (e.g flash earlier) to play DRM protected content. Try Video DRM Show more Table of Contents: What does DRM mean? What does DRM mean […]

The post Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Terminologies Defined appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.


Video DRM
Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Encryption Terminologies

DRM protected streaming via secure player ensures maximum video security even for users who do not want to install extension/software (e.g flash earlier) to play DRM protected content.

Video DRM

Video DRM (Digital Rights Management) is crafted to safeguard video media files from unauthorised access, replication, and distribution. The core of DRM lies in encryption, making DRM-protected video content availability to authorized users and devices. DRM typically works by encrypting the video file and using authorization from a trusted license server before content playback. It can be implemented through various ways, including the use of softwares, hardwares or secure online video services like VdoCipher.This is a detailed blog where we explain everything about DRM (Digital Rights Management) in layman’s terms. If you instead want to understand in a summary video, then there is a 2-minute summary video and detailed glossary at end of this explanation. Sections are categorized below –

1. DRM (Digital Rights Management) Meaning

As the word ‘Digital Rights Management’ suggests, DRM is essentially a technical system to ensure that rights of the content are appropriately managed. If you have to make revenues from your content, say videos, it is critical that the content is only accessible to your actual subscribers or paid users. If there is a method by which non subscribed/non-paid users get access to your content, then you are losing out on your revenue. In certain cases, your content might be of private nature and thus it is also a privacy/copyright loss for individuals or businesses.

Thus, DRM is a technical setup to ensure that your content is only used by those users whom you desire, and in the manner in which you desire. The fact that there are technical hackers or piracy software/plugins available in market, which can break the basic access control you made. Thus, DRM also needs to be technically strong to prevent piracy by tech hacks.

DRM can apply to any form of content – audio, video, ebook, games etc. but we will only cover video/audio DRM in this blog.

2. What does DRM mean in the video playback context?

An analogy which is my favorite when explaining what exactly does DRM mean for videos – When somebody today talks about ‘tech startup’, they are usually meaning software-based startups. In actuality, the word ‘tech’ could also mean chemical technology or manufacturing technologies or other things; but the current convention for calling ‘tech startups’ is usually around software tech.

Similarly, though DRM can mean many things; when talking about DRM – it essentially means certain encryption & device protocols maintained by likes of Google & Apple which ensure the highest security from video piracy. There are 3 common video DRMs – Google Widevine, Apple Fairplay & Microsoft Playready. Google Widevine DRM & Apple Fairplay DRMs are the necessary ones to cover all key devices and browsers (laptop/desktop, android, IOS).

3. Multi-DRM: What are all DRMs available?

Since there are a multitude of devices, OS & browsers, it requires different DRM solutions to secure content. Below is a short summary of it –

  • Google Widevine DRM supports- Desktop/Laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux) Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Android Chrome, Edge, Android TV, Android TV, Chromecast.
  • Apple Fairplay DRM supports – Mac Safari, IOS Safari, IOS App
  • Microsoft Playready DRM supports – Edge in Windows. Windows Edge is also supported by Google Widevine, so Playready is not an absolute necessity.

4. How does DRM secure the videos? Why DRM is better than standard encryption?

Before understanding the technology behind DRM, it is necessary to understand what is “video encryption” and how does DRM adds on to it.

Video encryption is the process of converting video into a non-video secure format so that viewers can not directly access the raw file. This prevents the online viewer from getting raw video. But standard video encryption technologies like HLS E, RTMP E, AES 128 have weak key exchange mechanisms and are prone to hacking and downloading. This defeats the main purpose of encryption. This is where the DRM system comes in, DRM tools protect the encryption key preventing easy access by any hacker/plugin/software. Thus, DRM video encryption does the dual job of encrypting the video and second protecting/black-boxing the video encryption key.

Why DRMs can BlackBox the encryption key to enhance security but other standard technologies can not do so?
– The reason is that Google, and Apple have some control over either your browser, OS, hardware, or all of these.
E.g Apple has control over iPhone and Mac in terms of hardware, OS, and specifically the Safari browser. Google has control over Chrome, Android & has partnered with Firefox, Edge to have basic control over them as well.
This control/access is authorized through Encrypted Media Extensions (EMEs) which are present on all device browsers.
Thus, Google and Apple Fairplay DRM can exercise more control and security for encrypted content.

Note that building a secure video streaming website involves implementing robust video security features. While DRM plays a critical role, it’s not foolproof. Find out why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and how to enhance your content security.

Vdocipher helps several video Platforms with DRM Protection and to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

5. What does Google, Apple do to maintain DRMs & security?

Google & Apple ensure the below things with DRMs. These technologies need to be updated over time else security becomes prone to vulnerabilities.

  • Ensure that videos can not be downloaded via hack/plugin on any browser/app platform they play. This is applicable for all browsers and apps.
  • Prevent screen capture in cases where it is possible. Since in certain cases, Google & Apple have OS-level control, they can prevent screen capture in Safari browser, Mobile Apps. But screen capture can not be prevented in most Chrome, firefox browser playbacks.
  • Update technologies related to DRM, Encrypted Media Extension, streaming protocols to ensure that compatibility is maintained & security always stays maximum.
    E.g 1. While most chrome browsers can not prevent screen capture with Widevine DRM, but now there are certain Windows laptops that can prevent screen capture. Thus, it is an effort from Google and Apple to always update what best they can do in terms of security.
    E.g 2. Today Widevine DRM is supported well with Dash protocol. Tomorrow there might be future popular streaming protocols & those protocols & DRM need to ensure compatibility with each other.
  • Providing training and certification to its partners (like Google Widevine DRM partner) who ensure that customers across worldwide can avail and implement DRM easily. VdoCipher.com is one of Google Widevine DRM partner.

DRM Benefits Infographic

6. How can I integrate video DRM for my website/app?

Implementing DRMs requires a change at 2 key places in video infrastructure. First is at the transcoding level, where content is encrypted with DRM parameters after transcoding. The second is in the video player level, where the encrypted content is decrypted to play the final video in a viewable format.

  • Very large enterprises like Netflix & Amazon Prime build in-house systems.
  • Many Large, medium & small businesses rely on VdoCipher who provide DRM software, video hosting, and video player as a combined offering in an easy to use offering to customers.

A summary of above explanation is summarised in the 2-minute video below


DRM Glossary: Know All About DRM Keywords & Technologies

1. DRM

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. It involves technologies and protocols meant to prevent content piracy and ensure that only the authorized user has access to the content. DRM usually is implemented for video, audio, games and e-book content.

2. Video DRM

Video DRM stands for the encryption and licensing protocols maintained by likes of Google and Apple to ensure piracy protection for videos playing on web browsers, mobile apps and Smart TVs. The two most popular DRM are Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM.

With VdoCipher’s DRM security you can stream your videos securely. We ensure that your videos cannot be downloaded and you don’t lose your revenue to piracy.

3. DRM License

DRM license usually refers to an authentication mechanism to ensure restricted access of the content as per the required security protocols. For secure video playback, DRM license refers to the authentication system for playing an encrypted video in a device. In a typical DRM setup for online video streaming, 1 license is usually equal to 1 view.

4. DRM License Server

For DRM enabled Video playback, DRM license server means a server setup that sits in the center of the encoding + encryption system and the video playback system. This DRM license server authenticates each playback and ensures that the video plays as per the restriction rules imposed on it by the video platform.

5. DRM Compatibility

DRM compatibility is used to explain which browsers and devices support which DRM protocol and with what level of security. Few Examples –

  • Google Widevine DRM is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Edge browsers on Desktop and Android, Chromecast, Android TV. Android phone devices come with 2 levels of Google Widevine DRM security- Level L1 & Level L3. L1 devices are compatible for higher security features than L1.
  • Apple Fairplay DRM is compatible with Mac Safari, IOS Safari & Apple TV.

6. Google Widevine DRM

Google Widevine DRM is the video security protocol build and maintained by Google for preventing video piracy in major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) , Android ,Android TV & Chromecast. It defines a method to encrypt, license, and decrypt videos in a secure mechanism to ensure videos can not be downloaded. It also ensures screen capture protection in Widevine L1 security level devices. VdoCipher is direct partner with Google for Widevine security implementation.

7. Apple Fairplay DRM

Apple Fairplay DRM is the video security protocol developed and maintained by Apple to prevent digital piracy, primarily for its own software and devices like Safari, iTunes, macOS, iOS, and Apple TV. It provides a method for the encryption, licensing, and decryption of video files in a secure manner to ensure they cannot be easily downloaded or copied without authorization. However, it doesn’t apply to major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), Android, Android TV, and Chromecast as it’s specific to Apple’s ecosystem. Similarly, it does not ensure screen capture protection on Widevine L1 security-level devices, which is a separate DRM system called Google Widevine for Android and Chrome.

8. DRM encryption

DRM playback involve encrypting videos with DRM protocols in addition to standard encryption. This encryption basically ensures high secure key exchange mechanism so that the key is never exposed and the content can not be decrypted by a hack. DRM provider like VdoCipher provides APIs for DRM encryption.

9. DRM decryption

DRM playback involve encrypting and decrypting videos with DRM protocols. After the encrypted stream transfer , the video player decrypts the DRM encrypted content back to a visual format allowing the viewer to watch the video. Most open source players like Exoplayer, Shaka Player have parameters for allowing DRM video decryption. DRM provider like VdoCipher provides APIs for DRM encryption and decryption.

10. DRM in Mobile Phones

All Android and IOS phones have an inbuilt mechanism to support DRM secure playback. Android devices support Google Widevine DRM while IOS devices support Apple Fairplay DRM security. Android devices are further categorized for Widevine security level L1 & L3 (L3 is lower secure of these 2). DRM presence in your phone devices allow you to play DRM supported content from popular media apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar & Hulu.

11. Offline DRM for videos

Offline DRM means when the secure content is viewed in an offline environment but it is still not prone to video piracy owing to implementation of offline DRM technology. A good example of offline DRM is offline secure download video playback in various movie apps; where a viewer can download video offline and watch it multiple times but can not extract the video out of app. VdoCipher provides offline DRM for App.

12. Chrome DRM

Google Chrome browser supports the security of online videos through Google Widevine DRM. This DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Chrome browser and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc. Chrome enables Widevine through CDM (Content Decryption Module). Chrome in Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux), and Android both support Widevine DRM.

13. Firefox DRM

Mozilla Firefox browser supports the security of online videos through Google Widevine DRM. This DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Firefox browser and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc. Firefox enables Widevine through CDM (Content Decryption Module) which was integrated in partnership with Google. Firefox in Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux), and Android both support Widevine DRM.

14. Edge DRM

Windows Edge browser supports the security of online videos through either Google Widevine DRM or Microsoft Playread DRM. DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Edge browser and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc. Edge in Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux), and Android both support Widevine DRM.
Playready DRM is only supported in Windows Edge.

15. Safari DRM

Apple Safari browser supports the security of online videos through Apple Fairplay DRM. This DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Safari browser and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc. It also blocks screen capture in Safari browser.

16. & 17. IOS DRM or Apple DRM

IOS browser Safari and IOS Native App support secure video streaming through Apple Fairplay DRM. This DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Safari browser , IOS App and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc. It also blocks screen capture attempts.

18. Windows DRM

Windows device supports two DRMs – Google Widevine DRM for Chrome, Firefox, Edge browsers and Microsoft Playready for Edge browser. These DRMs provide security from video piracy and enables premium video websites like Netflix to play and protect premium movies.

19. Android DRM

Google Widevine DRM can be considered as Android DRM. Android supports video security in online and offline videos through Google Widevine DRM. This DRM ensures secure licensed decryption of videos in the Chrome, Firefox, Edge browser on Android , Android Native App and prevents video download attempted from any hacks, extensions or plugins etc.

19. Multi DRM

Multi DRM means when different DRM technologies like Widevine DRM and Fairplay DRM are used to secure content across different devices and browsers. A DRM provider company like VdoCipher ensures that all compatible DRM are present and provide a secure smooth experience in all major browsers and devices.

20. DRM Authentication

DRM authentication for video streaming means authenticating a video playback based on the limitations imposed by the platform to ensure the video stays inside the website/app and can not be taken outside of it. A DRM encrypted video needs to be authenticated for final playback in player, and DRM authentication allow for it. DRM company VdoCipher provides DRM authentication APIs.

21. DRM Playback

Encrypted video transfer while following DRM protocols to ensure highest video protection from video download is called DRM playback. Course providers and Movie Platforms generally look for Video DRM company to provide them revenue protection through piracy protection.


Apple Fairplay DRM can integrate with HLS Streaming to provide security in IOS and Mac devices. HLS encryption by default is not high secure due to week key exchange mechanism and adding a DRM player to top of it ensures maximum video security.

23. Dash DRM

Google Widevine DRM can integrate with Dash Streaming to provide security in Desktop and Android devices. AES 128 encryption by default is not enough secure due to a leaky key exchange mechanism and adding a DRM player to top of it ensures maximum video security. An example of Dash enabled DRM protected playback is VdoCipher homepage video.

24. Exoplayer DRM

Widevine DRM can integrate with playback in Exoplayer DRM to provide security in Android App. Widevine DRM enables both online and offline secure playback in Exoplayer. VdoCipher has an Android Video SDK which includes a DRM supported playback in Android player which is based on Exoplayer.


Users do not want to install extension/software (e.g flash earlier) to play DRM protected content. Thus, html5 DRM allows the viewers to watch video content in normal html5 player in browsers while at same time ensuring that the content provider is able to provide a DRM encrypted video streaming to prevent video piracy.

26. DRM Video Player

An online video player that has integrated DRM APIs to ensure playback of DRM-protected content inside the player is called a DRM video player. DRM video player key function is to decrypt the encrypted stream using secure DRM keys and present the video content to viewer, ensuring highest security of videos from download.

27. CDM (Content Decryption Module)

A DRM secure playback is higher secure than the standard encrypted streaming technologies because of higher secure blackboxed key exchange mechanism. This would not have been possible without a CDM that comes preinstalled in browsers, thus CDM can be considered as a black-box in browsers/devices which ensures high secure DRM playback. E.g Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have Widevine CDM pre-installed in them.

28. Encrypted Media Extension (EME)

Encrypted Media Extensions is a JavaScript API that enables secure video streaming for premium videos in the browser. EME is important in how a DRM system works. EME API is a W3C-recommended standard, meaning that the streaming applications are interoperable across different browsers irrespective of the underlying DRM system.

29. & 30. Encoding & Transcoding

In common terminologies, encoding is the process of converting uncompressed data to the desired format. It is a lossy process. While, transcoding is the process of decoding a video file from one format to an uncompressed format and then encoding the uncompressed data to the desired format. Video transcoding is commonly used when the video file is being moved from a source to a different destination, and when the two support different file formats.
E.g A raw flv file of 1 GB 1 hour can be transcoded into 3 mp4 files of size 1 GB, 700 MB and 400 MB.

31. Netflix DRM

Netflix uses a combination of Widevine, Fairplay and Playready DRM to secure videos from piracy in Android, IOS , Desktop and Smart TVs. If a device has some issue with DRM settings/compatibility, then it may not be able to play the premium DRM protected videos in the device. Such compatibility issues are sometimes solvable with browser/OS updates and restarting the system.

32. DRM APIs

Premium Movie and Course Video Platforms look to integrate DRM APIs for a secure encryption of videos on DRM server and a smooth decrypted playback inside the player. Thus, 2 DRM APIs are essential Or a company like VdoCipher can package the DRMs together in a hosting & player offering to provide an easy integration through a single API or iframe or WordPress plugin.


Video Explaining VdoCipher DRM for your videos. VdoCipher provides Google Widevine & Apple Fairplay DRM to secure videos from piracy.

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If you have business inquiries or other related questions, our sales experts are available on email, call, whatsapp or demo call. If you have any specific questions, you can also send them in advance to support@vdocipher.com so that our team can be prepared.

The post Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Terminologies Defined appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
