secure video hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:52:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 secure video hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:22:38 +0000 Videos significantly increase user engagement, with users spending more time on websites with videos and video content receiving substantially more shares compared to images or text. AWS offers a suite of tools for video hosting, chief among them being Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. Amazon S3 is known for its durability, boasting a 99.999999999% durability […]

The post AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Videos significantly increase user engagement, with users spending more time on websites with videos and video content receiving substantially more shares compared to images or text. AWS offers a suite of tools for video hosting, chief among them being Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. Amazon S3 is known for its durability, boasting a 99.999999999% durability rate and 99.99% availability, ensuring that videos stored are not only safe but virtually imperishable. Amazon S3 has been providing cloud services since 2006 and reports storing more than 100 trillion objects in S3 servers as of March 2021. It became popular as an easy and affordable mode to avail of cloud storage services. But, the ease of integration and scalability keeps the users attached. Even large-scale solution providers like VdoCipher use AWS infrastructure to provide a complete AWS S3 Video Streaming package with integrated security and other features.

As AWS S3 uses object storage instead of block storage, it can transfer bundled data with unique identifiers and customizable metadata tags to form complete objects. Object storage infrastructure also has reduced latency when storage is remote. This leads to faster delivery or performance of the overall application, dependent on storage.

What is Amazon S3 Video Hosting?

Amazon S3 or AWS S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by AWS or Amazon Web Services. It provides object storage through Amazon S3 REST API and web service interface. AWS S3 uses the scalable storage infrastructure used by large networks like Netflix and eCommerce giants like Amazon.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with expert live video streaming, ensuring smooth playback globally.

AWS S3 object storage can store any object like file storage for Internet applications, Videos, data backups, recovery, archives, data analytics, and even hybrid cloud storage. However, there are some limits to the uploaded object file size. An AWS S3 object can have a file size between 1 byte and 5TB. If an object exceeds 5TB, it must be divided into maximum chunks of 5TB before uploading. Also, during the upload, a maximum stream of 5GB can be uploaded in a single upload operation. For uploading objects larger than 5GB, a user must use the S3 multipart upload API.

AWS S3 History and Infrastructure Design

Amazon Web Services started offering S3 services to businesses as web services in the United States on March 14, 2006. It further spread to Europe in November 2007 and is now present in 190 countries worldwide. AWS started with 10 billion objects in October 2007 and grew by 10 times to 102 billion objects in March 2010. Amazon reported that it stores more than 100 trillion objects in S3 servers as of March 2021.

It proved to be a success as it provided small, medium, and large-scale businesses an opportunity to replace the upfront capital investment. Earlier, with limited options, they had to bear the large capital cost of setting up servers, and it was still cumbersome to maintain them in multiple locations. Now, users can create hundreds or thousands of S3 servers in minutes and deliver globally via Video CDN distribution.

Infrastructure Design

Objects are the basic storage units of AWS S3, and they are organized into containers called buckets. Each object is identified by a unique user-assigned key in relation to the bucket. Buckets and objects within them can be managed manually using the web interface through the console and programmatically with the Amazon S3 REST API, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDK.

Every request for an object gets authorized using an access control list (ACL) associated with each object or bucket. Object and Bucket ACLs are independent, meaning that an object does not necessarily inherit the permissions from its bucket. Permission to other AWS account users can also be granted for object access. A bucket can also be configured to log HTTP information to a sibling bucket for data mining operations.

Can Amazon S3 handle HTML5 Video Streaming?

AWS S3 easily handles HTML5 video streaming through basic upload and HTML embed code. You can use any HTML5 open-source video player or browser’s default video playback capabilities with videos hosted on S3. Your HTML code looks like this,

<video controls preload=”auto”
<source src=”″ type=’video/mp4′ />

The poster attribute here defines a thumbnail image before the playback.

Customizations during playback or to the player are made via the player frontend, not via AWS. Customizations to the player can be made using a secure video player like that of VdoCipher or java scripts and styling elements for your open-source player.

In the later part, we will also discuss How you can configure an S3 bucket to host your videos. We will do this via uploading video to the bucket, applying global distribution through CloudFront CDN, security, and playback. Using Amazon S3 video hosting with AWS CloudFront to host videos for OTT, on-demand viewing is highly scalable and a faster delivery approach.

Live Video Streaming with AWS S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) offers the necessary scalability, data availability, security, and performance required for live video streaming workflows. This service can act as a low-cost origin for live streams, replacing AWS Elemental MediaStore for basic live video origination. Implementing a redundant architecture with AWS Elemental Live and MediaLive ensures a resilient streaming setup. Using a MediaLive standard channel, HLS outputs are generated and directed to two separate Amazon S3 bucket locations, ensuring redundancy. In case of an encoder failure, this setup allows for seamless failover by managing stale manifests and forcing 404 HTTP error codes to trigger redundancy failover as per HLS specifications.

For optimal performance, use adaptive bitrate (ABR) media streaming, organizing media using slash (/) delimiters for each live channel format. Amazon S3 can handle high request rates, achieving up to 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per partitioned prefix. Strong read-after-write consistency across all AWS regions ensures that subsequent read requests immediately receive the latest version of an object, maintaining smooth live streaming.

Security features include encryption and access management, with compliance to PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and other regulatory standards. Additionally, content security can be enhanced with access tokenization and Secure Media Delivery at the Edge, while full Digital Rights Management (DRM) can be achieved using DRM + AWS Infrastructure providers like VdoCipher.

Planning an AWS-based Video Infrastructure

The basic objective for planning an AWS S3 Video Streaming Infrastructure is to provide scalable, secure, and faster video delivery for authorized playback or download. AWS S3 provides a scalable infrastructure for video object storage, but further additions are required to enhance the delivery. These additional features include global distribution via AWS CloudFront CDN, transcoding, and encryption. To list down, here are the following necessary components needed to be set up.

  • Setting up an S3 bucket
  • Upload a video to the S3 bucket
  • Transcoding to support Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Encrypting the Files before storage
  • Create a CloudFront origin access identity and CloudFront distribution
  • Configure your CloudFront distribution for your custom domain name
  • Dynamic key exchange playback for Encrypted video chunks

All these components are required as basic features to handle different devices and across globe secure delivery. If adaptive bitrate streaming is not set up, it will lead to playback disruption for low-bandwidth network users. Similarly, CDN provides faster delivery across the globe. Finally, setting up a DRM layer of security will protect your videos from illegal downloads and screen capture. Also, setting up all these components requires your familiarity with coding. Using a secure video hosting solution provider with AWS infrastructure is better if that is your weak or capital-intensive area.

S3 bucket creation and upload process for streaming video

Obviously, there are different methods using the web interface through the console and programmatically with the Amazon S3 REST API, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDK. For simplicity, we will be discussing the steps via AWS Management Console.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console & select the Amazon S3 console by searching S3.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Buckets.
  3. Click on Create bucket.
  4. Enter a bucket name in the next create bucket page.
  5. Choose a preferred region. Keep it closest to your application server, but if only for playback, then closest to the majority audience. When having global viewership, implement CDN.
  6. For Unrestricted Public Access, Disable the “Block all public access,” which is by default. The default setting of “Block all public access” is good if you use Cloudfront CDN with S3. This setting doesn’t block viewers from accessing via Cloudfront CDN.
  7. You can keep other settings as default and click on Create bucket. This will create your bucket and will be ready to host your videos.
  8. In the Objects tab of your new bucket, choose Upload.
  9. On the Upload page, choose Add files under Files and folders.
  10. Choose a video file to upload from your local system and then choose Open.

Finally, Choose Upload, and the console will start showing a progress bar to display the uploading.

Note: If you’re uploading large video files to S3, file size restriction can disrupt your upload. For such use cases, use Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration or batch processing. Transfer Acceleration can upload a video over long distances at a faster rate.

Why Avoid Using S3 Buckets alone for Serving Video?

Using Amazon S3 alone for serving video can present several challenges, particularly concerning cost and performance. S3 is designed for storage, not for high-performance media delivery. High traffic can overwhelm S3, as it has a limit of 5000 GET requests per second per partition. This can be problematic for high-demand video services. Additionally, egress data costs from S3 can be high.

For a better experience, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Amazon CloudFront is recommended. CloudFront caches content at edge locations, reducing load times and bandwidth costs. It also supports high request rates better than S3 alone. By integrating CloudFront with S3, you get the benefits of distributed content delivery, optimized performance, and reduced costs. For small videos (like 50MB), this setup can significantly enhance delivery speed and reliability.

To implement this, upload your videos to an S3 bucket and configure CloudFront to use this bucket as the origin. Ensure proper cache control headers for efficient caching. While S3 handles storage, CloudFront manages delivery, providing a seamless and efficient video streaming experience.

Create AWS CloudFront Distribution for CDN support

For optimal video streaming, integrating Amazon S3 with a CDN such as CloudFront is advisable. CloudFront improves performance by caching video content at edge locations closer to users, reducing latency and load times. This setup leverages S3 for storage while utilizing CloudFront’s caching capabilities for delivery, mitigating the limitations of S3 alone. CloudFront also offers cost benefits, with cheaper egress rates compared to direct S3 delivery.

Creating an AWS CloudFront distribution is fairly simple, but it may require additional steps like securing your S3 access by providing access to a special CloudFront user only. We have listed the basic steps of creating a CDN distribution and accessing S3 videos via the distribution URL. Setting up a custom domain for your CloudFront distribution requires further steps and AWS Route 53 service usage.

  1. Sign in to the Console and open the CloudFront console by searching for CloudFront and selecting it.
  2. Choose Distributions in the left navigation pane.
  3. Choose to Create distribution.
  4. In the Origin section, choose the domain name of your S3 origin named after the bucket name you created in S3.
  5. In the Default cache behavior, choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
  6. Keep the default values for other features unless explicitly required and click on Create distribution.

Now, AWS will create a subdomain for your CloudFront distribution, and the S3 video files can be accessed by suffixing the object name at the end of this subdomain. As soon as a request is made via distribution, it will start creating copies of the video file as per the price class of locations chosen.

Batch Transcoding for Adaptive bitrate streaming

Consumers of any small, medium, or large-scale video providers use devices of all sizes and shapes for video playback. Such a large list of screen sizes and network capacity poses a challenge to cater to them more effectively and enhance their user experience. That is why no single object can cater to all of them instead of a range of video objects. These objects are actually copies in different formats, sizes and bitrates. AWS provides a scalable feature to accomplish this task which is called transcoding. There are following major steps included in the process.

  1. Upload input videos
  2. Start processing the video file for different playback options
  3. Storing the transcoded video files within folders under the S3 bucket
  4. Delivering the output video files as per users compatibility

You need to set up S3 Batch Operations, invoke a Lambda function, and call MediaConvert to batch-transcode media objects in an S3 bucket. The outputs are finally moved into the S3 source bucket as separate objects, like,

  • An HLS adaptive bitrate stream for multi-size and bandwidth playback
  • A .mp4 video file
  • Thumbnail images from regular intervals during playback

We will now highlight the categories of steps you need to take to set up batch transcoding for adaptive bitrate streaming. Please refer to the AWS documentation of the steps mentioned below for detailed singular steps.

  1. Create an IAM role for MediaConvert, S3 Batch Operations, and Lambda function
  2. Start a Lambda function for video transcoding
  3. Configure Amazon S3 Inventory as a source bucket
  4. Run an S3 Batch Operations job to process the output media files from and to the S3 bucket

Applying Encryption for security from illegal downloads

AWS itself provides a security mechanism under three server-side encryption mechanisms. They are mutually exclusive options and depend upon how you decide to manage the encryption keys.

  1. Amazon S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3)
  2. KMS keys Stored in AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS)
  3. Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C)

But many tools can break these key management systems and require some strong protection technology like DRM. It becomes secure majorly due to two reasons, control over devices and browsers by license providers and secondly due to dynamic and updated key exchange system. Again, setting up DRM is fairly technical, and thus, we are listing the basic steps required on your side to be processed technically.

  1. You must acquire a DRM license through providers like Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay. They let you use their system to generate and store your DRM content keys and authenticate the media request during storage and playback.
  2. Set up an AWS server to batch-process the media files for encryption and store your encrypted video files in an S3 bucket.
  3. You will also have to create a live application that authenticates and authorizes your playback users using the licensee dynamic key management system.

Finally, you will need an online media player capable of handling DRM-protected video file playback. This mechanism protects your videos from being illegally downloaded using any tools. On Android and Apple devices, it also protects screen capture, but obviously, it can be video recorded, and it is thus advised to enable a dynamic watermark.

How to playback AWS S3-hosted videos

Playback of AWS S3-hosted video files is fairly simple. You need an open-source video player that supports HTML5 playback. You also get additional features if you use any secure AWS hosting provider like VdoCipher with DRM protection. Otherwise, the playback on any HTML page is similar to what was explained for the HTML5 video earlier.

VdoCipher helps 3000+ customers over 180+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The video from AWS S3 will play automatically through the browser player configuration.
The code required is simple and can be integrated manually as an iframe or via plugins, API, etc.

<video controls>
<source src=”″>

Challenges in setting up AWS S3 Video Streaming

Even for a DevOps engineer, all the setup tasks mentioned above are moderately cumbersome. Even if we ignore the bug fixes and exception handling, there is a lot to do from starting the upload to storage and final playback. Also, if you plan to integrate security into your video infrastructure, it requires getting licenses and their integrations. To summarize the challenges, let us list down four major stages required in setting up AWS S3 Video Streaming and their difficulty levels.

  1. S3 bucket creation and upload – Easy
  2. AWS CloudFront set up – Easy
  3. Batch Transcoding for adaptive playback – Moderate
  4. Applying DRM Encryption – Difficult

Small, medium and large-scale video streaming providers mainly use a solution provider with a history of providing the best in class service and features. They can help you evade the challenges in the implementation part and the challenges in creating dashboards, APIs, etc., for easy integration.

Secure Video hosting solution on AWS Infrastructure – VdoCipher

As a secure video hosting solution provider on AWS Infrastructure, the best one based on global reviews is likely VdoCipher. It not only provides AWS S3-hosted videos but provides a ton of other features, like,

Google and Apple FairPlay DRM Encryption – protect videos from unauthorized access and downloads via Widevine and FairPlay DRM.

Dynamic watermarking – to discourage screen capture, details like user ID, email, etc., can be dynamically watermarked over the video.

Secure offline downloads in apps – VdoCipher iOS native SDK securely enables video download on the device.

Google SafetyNet for app-based security – SafetyNet to block playback on duplicate apps.

Plugins – The video plugin by VdoCipher supports WordPress, Moodle, and other CMSs and LMSs.

Geo-Restrictions – For blacklisting or whitelisting specific countries

Smart HTML5 Video Player – dynamic controls with multi-lingual subtitle support, change playback speed, theme options, and API to add overlay buttons for tracking viewer interactions with video.

Adaptive Video Quality with CloudFront CDN – VdoCipher uses Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure. Storage on AWS S3, batch Transcoding via VdoCipher algorithms on AWS EC2, Streaming of content via Cloudfront CDN, and Encryption by integrating Google and Apple DRM. If you want to know more about, what is transcoding, you can visit the blog linked.


Does AWS provide DRM protection for video streaming?

AWS has no DRM protection service of its own, which is why it needed to be integrated with Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM for illegal download protection.

Can we load an AWS S3 hosted into an Iframe?

Yes, it requires just placing your video tags under iframe tags in HTML and has compatibility support in every browser.

Is AWS S3 storage expensive for video streaming?

AWS S3 storage is the most affordable storage if you are looking forward to scaling and adding additional features like adaptive bitrate streaming, CDN, and encryption. Also, due to AWS’s affordable pricing, DRM technology integration still makes it highly affordable.

The post AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Online Video Player with Subtitles & add captions to video Wed, 12 Jun 2024 08:47:02 +0000 Finding a video player with subtitles and closed captions support is easy enough, but the player needs to be fully equipped. It must contain other advanced security features and support for customizations. It must be easy enough to add captions not only through a single supported file format like SRT, STL, SCC, RTF, etc, but […]

The post Online Video Player with Subtitles & add captions to video appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Finding a video player with subtitles and closed captions support is easy enough, but the player needs to be fully equipped. It must contain other advanced security features and support for customizations. It must be easy enough to add captions not only through a single supported file format like SRT, STL, SCC, RTF, etc, but also through multi-lingual caption support should be there. Multiple language subtitles support is important to cater to your global audience. So let us start with clarifying basic definitions of subtitles and captions, which will make it easy to understand the further interchanging references.

Subtitle Definition: According to HTML5 documentation, a subtitle is defined as dialogue transcription or translation. It is recommended when the sound is available with the video track but usually not understood due to language barriers.

Caption Definition: HTML5 documentation defines captions as transcription or translation of every part of the soundtrack. A soundtrack basically includes dialogues, sound, musical effects, and sometimes audio that is not completely decipherable or mute. In all these cases, captions provide all the information, like “birds chirping in the background,” and then some dialogue starts.

History of Subtitles and Captions with their use

Technically, filmmaking started in 1896, and it was only possible in 1906 to release a full-feature film. It was a without sound film titled “The Story of the Kelly Gang”. This period is usually called the silent era. Before 1908 is called the early silent period, and it is when “intertitles” started appearing in films. These intertitles can be defined as a title card or a printed text which is edited into the middle of the photographed section. In the silent era, “intertitles” started getting superimposed with the “subtitles” through the use of devices to project subtitles below the intertitles. In 1909, M. N. Tropp displayed additional text called “subtitles” on the bottom of the screen below the “intertitles.”

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

During the late silent era of 1918-1926, language addition was possible with the use of intertitles and subtitles. When films started having audio capabilities, subtitles were widespread and used interchangeably for intertitles. In the modern era, subtitles have evolved into captions to provide more information other than a mere transcription of dialogues. The use of commercial open-captioned broadcasts began on PBS in 1972, and Closed captioning got first demonstrated in Nashville, Tennessee, the US, at the First National Conference in 1971 on Television for the Hearing Impaired. The closed captions display text as an additional layer in the video that can be turned off. This gives closed captions an advantage over open captions, which are embedded in the video itself.

common reasons to use subtitles

Role of Subtitles and Captions in Video Experience

As we have understood through their history, subtitles were early text capabilities getting added to a film. They were majorly used to communicate long and extra text other than intertitles. After the interchangeability of intertitles to subtitles, it was majorly getting used to translating the use of language in the form of text or transcription of foreign language audio. Until the 1970s, audio transcription got commercialized and evolved into captions.

The captions are to provide additional information other than the dialogues. It includes a transcription of dialogues, sound, musical effects, and sometimes audio that is not completely decipherable or mute. This enhances the user experience for all users and not only for people requiring hearing aid.

Also, the ability to switch these text layers and turn them off is a differentiating functionality. Closed Captions and Open Captions serve only on the On and Off functionality. The role of closed captions is just their functionality of turning themselves off and not requiring any kind of text embedding into the video.

The current popularity is mostly towards handling multiple language captions and creating automated captions from videos. The use of powerful language models like GPT-3, etc., also enhances this transcription process. Ultimately, Subtitles and captions can help improve the video experience for viewers by providing them with a way to follow along with the action sounds, music, background voice, and dialogue attached to the video. They can also help viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing to follow along with a video.

Subtitle or Caption – which one is better?

Subtitles and Captions both get used nowadays interchangeably. It is clear that captions contain more information than subtitles, but sometimes it is required enough one. For example, a new Hollywood release having a scene of an undecipherable alien communicating is better to be embedded into a movie video. This is because of the required ubiquity due to being an alien language and also due to the inconvenience of creating a caption or subtitle file to handle a small transcription.

Unlike the cases discussed in the above example, closed captions are more suitable than subtitles. The closed caption file contains more information about the other sounds an audio file contains. It still carries the text formatting of subtitles with a timestamp of each dialogue or sound effect. But with more information, the video experience improves for anyone requiring assistance. Also, those who don’t prefer these text overlays can easily turn off the captions in case of closed captions. We’ve also written a blog on Closed Captions vs Subtitles and covered this topic in much more detail, do check it out if you want to know more about the topic in much more detail.

Percent share of users who prefer subtitling or dubbing in 2021

How to Add Captions to Video?

Before adding subtitles or captions to your videos, it must be understood that it is possible only through attaching SRT, WebVTT, etc. files to your videos. Even the auto-captions services create a file through language models and attach the same with the video. After a closed caption file gets attached, it can be easily turned On and Off using the player functionality. It is also possible to add multiple caption files for multiple languages. All these upload options are provided by the platform on which your videos are uploaded or streamed through. As soon as the file gets attached to the video, it will be automatically fed through the iframe containing the < video > element containing the video.

Alternatively, the process is just like adding HTML attributes if you want to add captions directly to a video source URL via HTML. In this case, you will embed a video using the < video > tag and adding the required subtitles via the < track > tag within the video tag element. A compatible format for such embedding requires the captions file to be uploaded in WebVTT format. An example of the same is shown below.

<video id="video" controls preload="metadata">

<source src="video-file.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

<track label="English"
src="captions-en.vtt" default />

<track label="Deutsch"
src="captions-de.vtt" />


How to Add Different Language Subtitles to a Video?

Some online programs and software allow automatic captions by using speech-to-text language models. As a public video platform, YouTube also provides automatic captions in English, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, and Spanish.

In the previous section, we discussed the addition of subtitles or captions to a video in multiple languages using HTML code. But where to add the multiple language formatted captions file is totally different for every platform, but the process remains nearly the same. For example, the following steps are followed to upload a multi-language custom subtitles or captions file to YouTube.

  • Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  • Select Subtitles from the left menu.
  • Select the video that you’d like to add captions to.
  • Click ADD LANGUAGE and select your desired language.
  • Under subtitles, click ADD.

adding subtitles to vdocipher video

Similarly, if you are using a video hosting service for a private or subscription-based eLearning or OTT platform, only the platform changes, and the approach for attaching remains the same. For example, many eLearning solutions that use secure hosting provider like VdoCipher follows nearly the same steps as,

  • Sign in to VdoCipher Dashboard.
  • Click on the edit button of the video where captions/subtitles are to be added.
  • Now click on the subtitles tab.
  • Select your desired language and upload the respective VTT or SRT file.
  • This will attach the file and can be turned On during playback for that video.

turn on captions in vdocipher player

Best way to add subtitles to video for iPhone, Windows and PC

HTML5 video player is the easiest way to add subtitles and captions support to your videos with compatibility for iOS, mac, Windows, and other browsers and devices. Since HTML5 player has compatibility with most of devices and operating systems, the video can be easily attached with respective subtitle files. It not only supports a single caption file but also multi-language SRT and WebVTT files for different languages.

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

With an HTML5 player, you can also add the feature of illegal download protection by adding a DRM protection layer over it. Such options are also available with easy integration features through providers like VdoCipher. You can reach a global audience on Desktops, Android, IOS, and other devices. Also, through SDK Integration support for Android and IOS Native apps, HTML 5 adaptive player eases the captioning process during the playback. We’ve also written a blog on how to stream videos on iOS using AVPlayer, do check it out to know more about video streaming in iOS.

Best Online Video Player with Subtitles, Closed Captions & DRM

HTML5 players are considered the best players for supporting the latest technical advancements. Custom HTML5 players also support multi-language subtitles and captions support for global audiences. Also, they are the most secure video players when they get coupled with Video DRM Encryption.

VdoCipher HTML5 advanced player has all these features and many more customization features like,

  • Enable Caption Search
  • Multi-Language Subtitles
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Show Progress Bar
  • Show Scrubbing Preview
  • Auto Resume
  • Enable Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Primary Color change via Hex color code
  • Show Time Text
  • Show Quality Control
  • Enable PiP
  • Enable AirPlay
  • Hide Controls on Pause
  • Show Replay At the End
  • Enable Lock Controls
  • Enable Save Offline

With so many feature-adding options, VdoCipher HTML5 advanced player is not only the most secure but also the most customizable as per brand needs.

How to auto-generate and add subtitles to video offline using Python for free

We can use many online tools, but most are either paid, or the trial version allows limited use. That is why we have tried to use some python libraries and Mozilla deep speech open-source engine for speech-to-text conversion. The complete process can be divided into the following code steps.

Install essential libraries and models-

$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ pip install deepspeech==0.8.2
# Downloading Language Model files
$ wget
$ wget

Extract Audio separately-

import subprocess
def extractAudio(input_file, audio_file_name):
command = “ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning -i {} -b:a 192k -ac 1 -ar 16000 -vn {}”.format(input_file, audio_file_name)
ret =, shell=True)
print(“Extracted audio to audio/{}”.format(audio_file_name.split(“/”)[-1]))
except Exception as e:
print(“Error: “, str(e))

Generating segment limits-

def silenceRemoval(input_file, smoothing_window = 1.0, weight = 0.2):
[fs, x] = read_audio_file(input_file)
segmentLimits = silence_removal(x, fs, 0.05, 0.05, smoothing_window, weight)

for i, s in enumerate(segmentLimits):
strOut = “{0:s}_{1:.3f}-{2:.3f}.wav”.format(input_file[0:-4], s[0], s[1])
wavfile.write(strOut, fs, x[int(fs * s[0]):int(fs * s[1])])

Producing a SRT file-

import numpy as np
from deepspeech import Model

def ds_process_audio(audio_file, file_handle):
ds = Model(ds_model)

fin =, ‘rb’)
audio = np.frombuffer(fin.readframes(fin.getnframes()), np.int16)

# Perform inference on audio segment
infered_text = ds.stt(audio)

# File name contains start and end times in seconds. Extract that
limits = audio_file.split(“/”)[-1][:-4].split(“_”)[-1].split(“-“)

if len(infered_text) != 0:
line_count += 1
write_to_file(file_handle, infered_text, line_count, limits)

Note: If you need to convert SRT to WebVTT file, there are multiple free online converters to do so.


What handles subtitles during playback?

The player handling the playback handles the subtitles or closed captions through the supported format file. In the case of embedded subtitles or open captions, it is handled via a video editor placing the text layer during production.

Do subtitles and captions cause any security issues?

No, they do not create any security issues as they are fed as separate files to be attached to the main video file. The video security issues are generally handled via DRM security for video content encryption and dynamic and encrypted playback.

Which is better, WebVTT or SRT file?

A WebVTT file is identical to the SRT subtitle file but contains additional styling, rendering, text formatting, and position options. It needs UTF-8 encoding and is highly compatible with HTML5 video players.

How to handle srt player online playback issues?

A player issue in such cases gets resolved through a reload, but if there is an issue with the SRT or WebVTT file, it needs to be addressed through re-upload or error rectification in the respective file.

The post Online Video Player with Subtitles & add captions to video appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay Sun, 05 May 2024 18:53:37 +0000 A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. […]

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A server comes from the client-server architecture of online connectivity. It is usually hardware or software that provides functionalities to a client through some devices or software. They can not only store data but also provide computational resources to clients. This relationship is established through a request and response model followed through various available ports. This model is also used to set up a DRM server to provide security solutions to clients like OTT and Online course platforms.

The use of DRM servers makes it very easy to protect video and other digital assets due to the dynamic nature of its mechanism. The setup requires you to have your licensed encoding, transcoding, storage, and distribution architecture for complete protection. Also, when setting up a DRM server, it is necessary to enhance the security through multi-DRM layers and other safetynet algorithms. For example, Google Widevine DRM will only protect you on Android, Chrome, other Google devices, and third-party browsers as Firefox DRM but not on Apple. Similarly, Apple Fairplay DRM protects your digital assets on Apple devices and Safari Browser.

DRM server meaning and Working

A DRM server also serves the same purpose as that of a server, but instead of being handled via one server, it is a combination of multiple servers. They work together to establish a secure delivery of videos, audio, and other files. Similar to a server, it consists of handling various requests and responses made simultaneously to capture all levels where a security breach can be made. We have discussed the major levels of security in the section below on the setup of the DRM server.

Protect your videos with the same technology that powers Google devices and browsers. Learn more about VdoCipher’s Multi-DRM solution!

Basically, all the coding modules for encryption and key exchange are loaded on different computational servers. They carry out the complete process of encrypting an upload stream, adaptive bitrates, storage, global distribution, and secured playback. To enhance the protection on all major devices and browsers it is further advised to have a multi-DRM setup. This means setting up more DRM servers with few alterations as per other license authorities like Apple Fairplay, which requires additional license form submission.

Who needs a DRM server solution?

Before understanding the need for a DRM server, let us understand two kinds of creator economies. One is public content that mainly earns via YT, like video monetization, and the other is premium content that monetizes via subscription, pay-per-view, etc. Now, the public content, which is mainly single user-generated content, requires too much audience and virality to earn. That is why video platforms like YouTube and ebooks platforms like Amazon Kindle are a great choices for them. But the ones having some premium content are in dire need of a DRM server.

For example, OTT providers like Netflix cannot risk direct downloads via browsers or App. EdTech platforms cannot risk their videos being illegally downloaded and distributed. This is a direct loss to their monetizable content, and that is why all the likes of Netflix use multi-DRM servers to protect their premium content. Since every video creator cannot set up their DRM servers, solutions like Vdocipher help them set up a full-fledged multi-DRM setup at very affordable prices.

When the content is unique, and premium, normal encryption like AES-128 fails through various loopholes during the delivery process. That is why it is made possible through the DRM server that no one can try to access your digital content.

How to setup a DRM server

Setting up a DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes to handle all levels for security breach possibility. These levels can be broadly divided into two majors as follows:

Content Encryption: First of all, a DRM server starts with an encoding process to encrypt the upload stream. The digital assets file gets encrypted using DRM OEM specifications. The content stream can be packed through a CLI packager. Next implementations require chunking and fragmentation to prepare packaging of formats like MP4 into different bitrate files. This is done to support adaptive bitrate streaming for different bandwidth users, ensuring a smooth experience. Server-side encryption offers greater scalability, security, advanced API calls, parallel packaging, and more.

The packager requests an encryption key from the DRM server to encrypt the content. The server provides an encryption key and links that key to the content ID. Using the encryption key, the packager encrypts and re-packages the content.

Playback via DRM server: During the playback or when the file is requested, the DRM key exchange mechanism will check for the authorized key. The applicable DRM license provider (Apple/Google) will match the authorized keys with the widevine DRM license server or fairplay DRM license server and will revert with denied access or encrypted chunks. These chunks will later get through the device or browser’s DRM module to finally get decrypted for playback.

All these requests and responses are handled via modules of codes in compatible language with the licensing authority. This network of requests and response usually requires handling major processing codes via different servers for scalability.

Challenges in setting up a DRM server

Apart from a License, setting up a DRM server requires a necessary 2-level security infrastructure. First is at the transcoding level, where content gets encrypted with all updated DRM parameters and gets stored. The storage also requires various encrypted bitrate files for adaptive bitrate streaming. The second level is at the playback level, where the encrypted content is decrypted using a dynamic key-exchange mechanism for final playback. These challenges can also be viewed through two perspectives of in-house DRM vs DRM Server Solutions.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

  • In-house DRM Setup – Coding and setting up all these request response modules in different servers with load balancers for scalability is an enterprise infrastructure. That is why very large enterprises like Netflix & Amazon Prime build in-house multi-DRM infrastructure.
  • DRM Server Solutions – Apart from the tech giants, many large to small video businesses rely on DRM server solutions like VdoCipher, which provide multi-DRM Encryption, AWS infra, customizable video player, and many other features.

Benefits of using DRM server solution for Video Protection

As we discussed the challenges of setting up a DRM server for your digital assets, a solution provider is necessary. Some things that must be considered while choosing a DRM solution provider are scalable infrastructure, multi-DRM, features, players, and integrations. This is because once you start growing, your needs will grow, and then you might require advanced features. A good DRM server solution needs to provide at least the following features for complete security.

  • Highest Grade Encryption – In today’s world, due to the efficiency of hackers, a single encryption system can protect a digital asset in some devices and browsers. This means better security is always a mix of multiple security systems as a single infrastructure. As per security reports, multi-DRM with updated devices and an extra private security net is a must for copyright protection.
  • Dynamic Watermarking – This is to deter screen capture via displaying dynamic information like the user’s IP on the video. Even if the video gets captured via camera, it will still be easy to prevent propagation.
  • API and Plugin Integration – For easy integrations, this must be a benefit you need to look forward to matching with your present and future goals. Otherwise, this benefit can also become a headache with no or non-working integration code and plugins.
  • CDN Integration – via scalable and best uptime global distribution infrastructure like that of AWS.
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming for various bandwidths and Responsive HTML5 player.
  • Geo, IP, and Time based restrictions for broad access management.

Setup Widevine License Server and Apple Fairplay for Multi-DRM

Setting up a Widevine DRM server is a process of acquiring licenses and writing various modules of codes with Widevine-compatible parameters. Its implementation is necessary to handle all levels of security breach possibility on Google devices and browsers. These levels have been previously discussed as Content Encryption and Playback via DRM server in the previous sections. Similar to setting to a DRM server, these levels require setting up coding modules on various servers.

All these coded requests and responses with compatible language and parameters with the licensing authority need to work bug-free. Only then a Widevine DRM mechanism will fully work to block illegal downloads and screen captures on Google products.

You don’t need to set up Google Widevine DRM in case of using a DRM server solution like VdoCipher. Google Widevine DRM comes as default with DRM server providers like VdoCipher, but it is advisable to get Fairplay and safetynet. Apple has made it one step mandatorily extra to write a separate application for multi-DRM via client. Still, it is just an application and nothing to code and set up.

Role of DRM in evading Video Piracy

Video piracy is a major challenge faced by video creators and publishers. It refers to the unauthorized usage and distribution of video content that is copyright protected. This gives the video owner the right to perform certain actions on their content and limit or authorize access. The unauthorized sharing of content and assets has grown multifold due to access to the internet and smart devices. Video pirates now have a range of ways to retrieve and distribute video content. Common tactics include credential stuffing and bypassing encryption vulnerabilities. In 2019, on average 230k people in the United States lost their jobs due to digital piracy.

Organizations and individual creators are forced to adopt some or the other anti-piracy solution in place, the main being Digital Rights Management (DRM). Netflix, for example, has its internal team to address video piracy issues.

The term DRM is a set of technologies to enforce a license between the content provider and the consumer or viewer. DRM controls how the content is accessed and limits the use and transfer of content. Most streaming services now use DRM encryption technologies to prevent users from downloading and saving video content offline. Instead, they put restrictions on how long the downloaded video lasts or ensure only paid subscribers access the content. The key exchange between the license server and the player in DRM Encryption is private. Hackers and internet plugins cannot easily download video content.

Issues with DRM server security

Like every other technology, DRM is also a set of code, and some updates can make it buggy. Sometimes fixing up requires a different set of updated parameters and many times, the license authority handles updates on their end. Also, there is a small percentage of DRM-incompatible devices and devices that are too old and don’t get a DRM-friendly update. Such device % is estimated to be within the range of <0.3%, and such cases occur mostly in Android devices and not in Apple or Windows devices. Google majorly quotes custom Android OS implementations by some mobile manufacturers.

drm server system by vdocipher

How can a course platform or OTT implement Video DRM server with ease?

Until a few years back, integrating DRM was within reach of big companies and organizations like Netflix that had the technical team and time to handle the complexities of DRM implementation. Small, medium, and large EdTech and OTT platforms look for DRM server providers like VdoCipher. Effortless Multi DRM integration with many other loaded features can be integrated by a single person.

With VdoCipher, you will get Google and Apple Video DRM with advanced safety net protection. The unique proposition of VdoCipher is that the integration effort required by the customers is minimal for integrating DRM-based video playback. You also get the following other features apart from DRM.

  • Dynamic Watermarking to deter screen capture
  • Domain Restriction for access management
  • AWS-powered servers, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents.
  • Smart Video Player
  • Quick integration with popular CMS and LMS like WordPress and Moodle via plugin.
  • Dashboard to manage videos
  • Iframe, Plugin, API, SDK Integrations


Do DRM servers deter screen recording?

Yes, DRM comes with screen capture prevention support, but it is limited to the devices and browsers of the license provider.

In a simple explanation, how does a DRM server work?

When a viewer tries to access DRM-Protected digital content or video, the DRM license server checks the key authorization and returns the encrypted content. These encrypted chunks get finally decrypted using the final device DRM module.

What is the main purpose of DRM integration?

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is mainly used to protect the rights of copyright holders. This is done by protecting against unauthorized access and distribution of digital assets.

The post DRM Server Solutions with Widevine License and Apple FairPlay appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Best WordPress Video Hosting Plugin & issues with Self Hosting Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:32:38 +0000 When we start setting up a WordPress CMS website as an eLearning or media platform, we often encounter video hosting issues. A lot of WordPress self-hosting users can be seen complaining about the lag on the website, their disk space running out, and even high costs. This issue is easily solvable by using a WordPress […]

The post Best WordPress Video Hosting Plugin & issues with Self Hosting appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

When we start setting up a WordPress CMS website as an eLearning or media platform, we often encounter video hosting issues. A lot of WordPress self-hosting users can be seen complaining about the lag on the website, their disk space running out, and even high costs. This issue is easily solvable by using a WordPress video hosting provider with features and costs as per requirements. This helps you scale up your platform with cost-efficient and scalable solutions with more uptime benefits. Not only it is about making the right move against the cost but also about your video’s security as they are your assets. If they get illegally downloaded, it will eventually be a revenue loss. As a solution, it is always good to consider a secure video hosting solution provider like VdoCipher with multi-DRM video encryption and security. It is nowhere a case that good solutions are not affordable as scaling up will get you even more cost benefits.

Importance of Videos in WordPress

Videos are a powerful tool for engaging and informing website visitors about the product and also allow promotion on social media platforms. They can be used to showcase products or services, demonstrate how-to tutorials, and eLearning courses or provide visual explanations of complex concepts. Videos are a highly engaging form of content that can capture visitors’ attention and can make a website more accessible to people with disabilities, for example, by providing closed captions support. When used with WordPress CMS, videos can help to increase conversions by providing a more engaging and effective way to present products and services. You can add videos to WordPress website, including video embeds, and direct video upload, and also by using a plugin specifically designed for managing videos.

VdoCipher empowers 3000+ course creators, event organizers and broadcasters to host their videos securely, ensuring smooth playback in 120+ countries.

On WordPress, you get the option to self-host the videos and display them directly on the content pages of your website. In this case, the video file gets stored on your web hosting server. Additionally, to scale up and have more cost benefits you can use WordPress video hosting services like YouTube, VdoCipher, etc. to host videos and use the embed code, API, plugin, and other integration support to add videos to your website.

Does WordPress support Video Hosting?

Yes, WordPress supports video hosting in multiple ways which depend on the use case a business or video creator has. It does not have a built-in video infrastructure. Instead, it relies on the use of the web server on which it is deployed. There are two ways to host videos for a WordPress website.

  • Self-Hosted – In this case, when you upload a video in the media upload section, this video will go into your web server directory. When you upload a video to your WordPress site, it is typically stored on the same server as your website. However, as videos can be large in size, this can quickly consume a lot of storage space and bandwidth. This also means that your main web server SSD space will get utilized and can cause crashing issues if the memory goes out of space. It is not a recommended method unless the use case is very small.
  • Third-Party Video Hosting Services – uploading videos to a third-party video hosting service and embedding them in posts or pages is a great way to host your videos on wordpress. Popular third-party video hosting services that can be embedded in WordPress include YouTube, AWS, GCS, and for security needs, VdoCipher. Additionally, a good video hosting provider allows you to host and embed videos directly from your website through their plugin and API integrations.

Self-Hosting Videos on WordPress

Before understanding the process of self-hosting on WordPress let us look at the file storage structure present on your server on which WordPress is deployed. WordPress files that take up any disk space include things like:

  • Images, videos, and other media files are uploaded to your media library. These are stored in /wp-content/uploads/ by default.
  • Plugin and theme files like PHP, CSS, JS, etc are stored in /wp-content/themes/ and wp-content/plugins/ by default.
  • Your WordPress core files or installation files are usually present in the root or public_html folder.
  • You could also store other library and font files by uploading via FTP under root or in its sub-directories.

As discussed, video files in a self-hosted default setting environment will use the space in the /wp-content/uploads folder. It is always advisable to regularly check your disc space stats and take corrective action if required. In current versions of WordPress (5.2+), it is very easy to check the same using the Site Health option under the Tools section. Switch to the info tab and click “Directories and Sizes” for a dropdown listing like below example,

WordPress directory location /home/ubuntu/wordpress/blog
WordPress directory size 1.09 GB
Uploads directory location /home/ubuntu/wordpress/blog/wp-content/uploads
Uploads directory size 400 MB
Themes directory location /home/ubuntu/wordpress/blog/wp-content/themes
Themes directory size 15.93 MB
Plugins directory location /home/ubuntu/wordpress/blog/wp-content/plugins
Plugins directory size 11.21 MB
Database size 23.23 MB
Total installation size 1.54 GB

To upload a video file in a WordPress self-hosted environment, you can simply go to the editor of your post or page and click the “Insert Media” or “Add Gallery” option as per theme and editor settings. This will open up your media library where you can click on the Upload files tab and select the media from your local library. Once uploaded, you will be able to add alt text, title, and other details of the video. Finally, add to the gallery and insert the media options will directly insert the media using < video > tag with src attribute as “”. You can save the page or post and anyone with the required access will be able to make the playback easily via the default HTML5 player. Further customizations to the player can be made by using custom javascript and CSS for the player.

Cons of Self-Hosted WordPress Video Hosting

It is technically possible to use the same web hosting server for video hosting, but it may not be the best option in all cases. Using a web hosting server for video hosting can put a significant strain on the server resources, especially if you expect to get a high amount of traffic to your videos. This can lead to slow loading times, buffering, and even server crashes.

Web hosting servers are not typically optimized for WordPress video hosting, which means that videos may not be delivered as quickly or as smoothly as they would be from a dedicated video hosting server. Also, the use of CDN and transcoding to optimize for multiple devices, geo-locations, network speed, and browsers is nowadays a minimum requirement to have. This enhances the overall user experience and a higher likelihood of viewers not leaving your site before the video has finished playing.

Security is also a major drawback when you try to self-host videos on the same web server. The reason is the non-availability of any default video protection infrastructure at the WordPress end. Even if you try using javascript and other basic security plugins, you are always vulnerable due to the private key being revealed through the network and other logs. Any illegal download attack on your main server will also lead to service disruptions.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

However, if you have a non-vulnerable and small use case, you can choose to self-host your videos. Just make sure that your web hosting plan is suitable for hosting large files, has enough storage space and bandwidth, and that you keep an eye on your website’s performance.

Security needs with WordPress Self Video Hosting

As a WordPress user, it’s important to consider the security of your videos, especially if you’re self-hosting them on your website. Here are a few key security needs to keep in mind:

Access control: Make sure that only authorized users can access your videos by implementing user authentication and permissions. This can be achieved through the use of Access Manager plugins, which allow you to restrict access to specific videos based on user roles and capabilities.

Multi-DRM Encryption: Consider encrypting your videos to protect them from being accessed by unauthorized parties. This needs to be done by partnering with Google and Apple to use their DRM protection technology and is the safest method to protect your videos from illegal downloads and screen captures. Although, setting up a multi-DRM infrastructure is difficult and that is why a secure video hosting provider like VdoCipher brings the complete package to all categories of users at a highly affordable cost.

Backup: Regularly back up your videos to protect against data loss due to server failures or hacking attacks. This can be done through the use of backup plugins, which allows you to schedule automatic backups of your videos and restore them in case of an emergency. Keep in mind that using backup will increase your storage use of the main web server and might result in problems.

Analytics and Monitoring: Keep an eye on your website’s performance and security by monitoring it regularly. Use tools like Google Analytics to track the number of views your videos are getting or if you are using a plugin like VdoCipher, you can easily check your complete video analytics through a video dashboard.

By considering these security needs, you can ensure that your videos are protected and there is no respective revenue loss.

Must have Features in Third-Party Video Hosting

  • Secure video playback and streaming – Includes the security measures like multi-DRM encryption to control and protect your videos from unauthorized access and downloads. DRM-encrypted video files need a private decryption key at the player’s end to decrypt and play the video.
  • Various video format compatibility – Different devices and browsers support different file formats and a video hosting platform must accommodate a wide range of file formats to increase content availability. This also allows users to upload files in various formats and the hosting platform can encode and transcode the videos.
  • Video analytics and tracking tools – Key metrics related to your videos are very important to monitor and analyze the performance. The various parameters are view counts, and engagement metrics like how many videos are viewed and which part of the video is played more. Some hosting platforms even provide heatmaps (visual representations of viewer engagement), conversion tracking, and a detailed report of the analysis.
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming – Based on various device types and availability of internet connection, the videos should be played seamlessly without much buffering or latency. Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) technology chunks a video file into variable bitrate segments. This ensures that the video quality is automatically adjusted to the viewer’s available bandwidth.
  • User access and management – If you are already using or looking for a video hosting service, you obviously have a library of videos and need multi-user access. Some team members have just the view access while some have an editor or upload access. A third-party video hosting provider must offer easily accessible multi-user access.
  • Subtitle support – Hosting platforms like VdoCipher offers multilingual subtitle support to encourage more viewership and content availability. You can select the desired subtitle language and upload the SRT or VTT file.
  • Easy embed options – When videos are uploaded on a hosting platform, you will require an embed code to embed the video on your website or blog post.
  • APIs and SDKs – SDKs and APIs make the whole process streamlined and faster. For example, VdoCipher has server API, Player API, and Android SDK.

Hosting Videos on WordPress

We have discussed the necessary features to have in a third-party video hosting platform. Overall, using DRM-encrypted video hosting with WordPress can help you protect your revenue-producing content while giving you more control over distribution and access to your videos. The best hosting will eventually cover all features that will make the overall user experience far better. Let it be multiple file and device format support, adaptive bitrate infrastructure, bug-free plugins, and integration options. You can even find new video hosting companies offering full-scale solutions, but experience tells that it is easy to offer but making it bug-free is difficult. Bugs result in errors and downtime, thus affecting your user experience and also monetary loss.

VdoCipher, a secure video hosting solution provider has a fully featured WordPress video plugin for easy integration, dynamic watermarking, and many other features. VdoCipher video plugin enables you to host premium video content on your WordPress website. It gives you complete control over your video content, so you can start minting money out of your awesome videos.

With VdoCipher’s WordPress video plugin, you get the highest protection from video piracy through multi-DRM encryption. Multi-DRM video encryption technology makes sure that no downloader or plugin can download your videos and in many cases also protects screen capture.

VdoCipher uses AWS-powered server, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents. Its smart HTML5 player includes options like speed change, forward/rewind, multi-quality adaptive & responsive playback, add multi-language subtitles, chapters, and many other features. If you are looking to automate or integrate the upload, etc processes, you will also need the required VdoCipher APIs and SDKs.

VdoCipher also has well-written documentation and videos to make you understand the basic uploading, embedding, and customization options available with WordPress integration.

Top WordPress Video Hosting Plugins


VdoCipher is a game-changer for folks who are serious about video security. VdoCipher brings Hollywood-grade video protection to your WordPress site. With VdoCipher’s DRM (Digital Rights Management) your videos can’t be downloaded or shared without permission. It is perfect for educational content, paid courses, or any premium video content. You can use VdoCipher’s plugin to embed videos on wordpress.

VdoCipher offers smooth video playback, without any buffering, and high-quality video streaming across all devices. You also get detailed analytics to see how your content is performing, which can be incredibly valuable for understanding your audience.

With VdoCipher’s dynamic watermarking, you can add customizable watermarks to your videos, a powerful deterrent against piracy. It adds an extra layer of security by making it easy to trace any unauthorized sharing. You also get other security features like User-based Security Analytics to prevent password sharing and track any malicious activity. App protection against emulator, cloning, and rooted devices via DRM & Play Integrity


  • Hollywood-grade DRM protection to prevent unauthorized downloads and sharing.
  • Customizable watermarking for an added layer of security.
  • Detailed analytics to track viewer engagement, video performance, also any malicious activity can be tracked
  • Smooth, high-quality video playback across devices.


  • The high level of security and advanced features might come at a higher cost compared to less secure video hosting solutions.

2. The Ultimate Video Player For WordPress – by Presto Player

Presto Player is a game-changer for anyone serious about adding video content to their site. It’s like having a personal cinema on your website. You get tons of customization options, allowing you to match the video player to your site’s design perfectly. It supports multiple video sources, including self-hosted videos and external platforms like YouTube. One of its standout features is the ability to add calls to action directly in your videos, turning viewers into leads. The only con might be that it has so many features, that it can feel overwhelming at first.

3. SmartVideo – Video Player and CDN

SmartVideo takes the heavy lifting out of video hosting. It utilizes a global content delivery network (CDN) to ensure your videos load quickly, no matter where your audience is. This plugin optimizes videos in real-time, so they’re always delivered in the best quality possible without buffering. It’s like having a team of tech wizards optimizing your videos around the clock. The downside? Relying on a third-party CDN means you have less control over the technical aspects of your video hosting.

4. FV Flowplayer Video Player

FV Flowplayer is all about giving you control. It supports both self-hosted videos and those from external sources. What sets it apart is its attention to detail. You can customize everything from the player logo to the speed control options. It also offers video protection features to prevent unauthorized downloads. The interface is straightforward, but the level of customization requires a learning curve for beginners.

5. Easy Video Player

As the name suggests, Easy Video Player focuses on simplicity. It’s perfect for beginners or anyone who wants to get videos up and running with minimal fuss. It supports responsive video playback and has basic customization options. While it doesn’t offer as many features as some other plugins on this list, its ease of use is a significant advantage for many users.

6. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is primarily a photo gallery plugin but don’t let that fool you. It’s incredibly versatile and supports video galleries as well. With Envira you can create beautiful and responsive video galleries.Video hosted via Enviraintegrate seamlessly with your site. It’s great for showcasing a portfolio or a series of instructional videos. The downside is that if you’re looking for advanced video-specific features, this might not be the best fit.

7. All‑in‑One Video Gallery

This plugin lives up to its name. It’s a comprehensive solution that lets you manage, display, and categorize your videos efficiently. It supports video SEO, which is a huge plus for getting your content seen by more people. The interface is user-friendly, making it easy to get your video gallery up and running. However, the vast array of features might be more than you need if you’re just looking to host a few simple videos.

8. HTML5 Video Player

HTML5 Video Player is all about compatibility. It ensures your videos play smoothly across all devices and browsers. It’s straightforward, with a focus on delivering a seamless viewing experience. You can customize the player to match your site, and it supports both video and audio files. It’s a solid choice if you’re looking for reliability and simplicity.

9. Vimeo

Vimeo’s WordPress plugin allows you to easily embed your Vimeo videos on your site, taking advantage of Vimeo’s high-quality video playback. Vimeo ensures that you don’t have to worry about large videos slowing down your site. The downside is that you’re reliant on Vimeo. If you need features like video protection or detailed analytics, you might need to look at their premium plans.

10. Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth

Jetpack is the jack-of-all-trades in the WordPress world. While it’s known for security, backups, and performance, it also offers robust video hosting capabilities. The premium plans include video hosting features that are super easy to use, and they integrate seamlessly with your site. This means faster loading times and a better experience for your viewers. Plus, Jetpack videos are ad-free. The downside? It’s not the cheapest option if you’re only looking for video hosting.


How to upload videos to WordPress without YouTube?

You can either choose to self-host on the web server where the website is deployed or you can pick a video hosting provider as per needs. If you are concerned about video security, VdoCipher provides the best multi-DRM AWS-hosted and transcoded infrastructure for the utmost protection against piracy.

How to upload a large video to WordPress?

By default WordPress installation is set to contain the php.ini file with upload_max_size value as 64MB or 80MB. You can add code strings to your functions.php and add the @ini_set function with parameters such as upload_max_size and post_max_size. Also, there is a cap on max file size even after that and it is from the hosting provider side. It is usually 5TB and if an object exceeds 5TB, it must be divided into maximum chunks of 5TB before uploading.

Can I add a dynamic watermark on videos hosted on WordPress?

Yes, but the only way to do so is by adding the VdoCipher video plugin. Just add dynamic watermark annotation in the plugin field and some PHP line of code in functions.php calling the dynamic fields data.

The post Best WordPress Video Hosting Plugin & issues with Self Hosting appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. Mon, 08 Jan 2024 01:00:29 +0000 Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For […]

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Dynamic watermarking means showing user-identifiable data over a video in a moving and non-intrusive manner to ensure the highest protection from screen capture and optimize the viewing experience. Videos hosted through VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded through any tools/extensions/downloaders. Screen capture block with 100% surety is possible only in mobile apps and Safari browsers. For Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers, there does however remain the risk of piracy from screen capture. User-based information shown as moving dynamic watermark effectively discourages users from pirating video content using screen capture and goes a long way towards helping users protect their premium content.

The sample video below contains a dynamic watermark displaying the User name, User IP, and User email. The below video is displayed using our WordPress plugin and the same can be configured using APIs or Moodle plugin as well.

The dynamic watermark can be customized for movement, color, size, transparency and frequency. You can try the watermark feature on your website by signing up for a Free 30 Day Trial on our home page.

Dynamic Watermark Demo

Features of Dynamic Watermark by VdoCipher

  1. Add user details like user id, email id, phone number, ip address as an overlay over your videos
  2. Add time stamp, and fixed text (e.g company name)
  3. Customise size, color, transparency, and frequency of moving watermark. You can make it very light and also change frequency so that it is not always visible, to ensure optimum viewing experience. You can optimize frequency in such a manner, that it is difficult to remove the watermark maintaining user experience.  To show a watermark at a particular position for 5 seconds and then not show it for 20 seconds, you can use the parameters of ‘interval’:5000 and ‘skip ‘: 20000. (1 second = 1000 microsecond).  Other parameters are explained in below tutorial steps below.
  4. If you are using a static/fixed text watermark, then it has to be compulsorily set at the top left of the player, it can not reside on other parts.
  5. Image watermark is currently not possible with VdoCipher, but you can use your company/brand name as a watermark.
  6. Quick 5-minute integration using wordpress plugin or moodle plugin or API. Iframe integration can show ip address and fixed text as watermark but it can not show user id, email id etc. as watermark since it is not a backend integration.

How to Add Dynamic Watermark to your VdoCipher Videos

To generate a watermark or to add text to videos you essentially need a JSON string describing how and what you will overlay on your protected videos. In this blog, we will be detailing how to integrate dynamic or static watermarks to add text to videos.

Step 1 is to create the watermark code. Once you have created the watermark code,
Step 2 you add the watermark to the video. This is done by adding watermark code to the WordPress plugin settings (for WordPress users), or by adding it as part of OTP API call for VdoCipher API users or by adding it to Moodle plugin settings.

Step 1: Create a Watermark Code

We are assuming that you have uploaded your video to your VdoCipher account. You would need to pass a JSON string as annotation code. The JSON string would contain all the information about the watermark. A JSON string is a universal form of representing structured data in a way that machines can understand.

Here is a sample JSON string that adds a moving (dynamic) watermark and a static watermark.


{'type':'rtext', 'text':'moving text', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'15','interval':'5000','skip':20000},
{'type':'text', 'text':'static text', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'10', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15'}

Technically, this is an array of JSON objects, where each object describes a single annotation item.

Each of these items will be described by its parameters. Every item requires a type parameter that defines the type of watermark. The type of watermark can be either a moving text or a static text. The rest of the parameters depend on the type.

Following is a short description of how each parameter affects the display of text.

Moving text

The following code will display a dynamic watermark code, displaying name, IP and email address in a single line. The text color will be red (#ff0000), opacity is 0.8, and font size is 15. The watermark is configured to keep one position for 5 seconds (5000ms) and then hide watermark for 20 seconds (20000 ms) , and then show again at a new position for 5 seconds.

'text':'{name}, {ip}, {email}',
Type of text – Moving watermark

Set type parameter as rtext for Dynamic watermark

Set the text to be shown
'text" : 'Enter whatever text you like to be displayed',

You can add user identifiable information, such as user name, user email and user IP.

  • ‘text’: ‘{name}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{email}’,
  • ‘text’: ‘{ip}’,
'text':'Name: {name}, email: {email}, IP: {ip}

To display the name, email and IP separately, and not in a single line, you can simply create 3 watermark objects, as follows:

[{'type':'rtext','text':'{name}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{ip}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext','text':'{email}','alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'15', 'interval':'5000', 'skip':'2000'}
Specify text opacity

This is the opacity of the text. For full opacity keep alpha value 1.

Specify text color

This is the hex value of the watermark text color. You can pick your choice of color and its corresponding hex value from the following page on W3schools.

Specify the font size

This is the font size

Specify the interval over which watermark changes position

The value is the interval in milliseconds when the text changes position

Skip feature for watermark

It is possible to have watermark skip for some time between two overlays. Here is a sample code for it –

Time stamp for watermark. (Only for WordPress)
[[{'type':'text', 'text':'Time: {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.30' , 'x':'12', 'y':'130', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'13'}]]
Add Custom Variables as Watermark

The following blog details how you can add text to videos or custom variables as watermark to your videos: Custom Variables as Watermark

Some important things to keep in mind about Watermark
  • Note that both the name and the value of these parameters should be in quotes. This rule applies to both text as well as numbers.
  • Each parameter is to be separated by a comma. There should not be a comma after the last parameter for the dynamic watermark video settings.

Static text

'type' : 'text',   //This defines the type of annotation item to static watermark
'text' : 'the text you like to be displayed',
'x' : '10',  //the distance from the left border of video.
'y': '50',  //the distance from the top border of video.
'alpha': '0.8', //the opacity of the rendered text, 0 is invisible, 1 is full opaque
'color':'0xFF0000',    //the color of the text specified as hexadecimal or uint
'size':'15' //Height of the text, in pixels.

Step 2: Add Watermark Code to Video Request using API or plugin

If you are using our WordPress or Moodle plugin you can simply add the watermark JSON in the plugin settings page. If you are integrating VdoCipher to your custom-built site, you would need to pass the JSON object as part of the OTP request.

The HTTP POST data containing watermark JSON object has to be sent as Content-Type: application/json. The JSON Object is to be sent as value to the key annotate. The header for the OTP request should include the Authorization using API Secret Key. A sample OTP request including watermark information is as follows.

curl -X POST \ \
 -H 'Accept: application/json' \
 -H 'Authorization: Apisecret a1b2c3d4e5' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{
 "annotate":"[{'\''type'\'':'\''rtext'\'', '\''text'\'':'\'' {name}'\'', '\''alpha'\'':'\''0.60'\'', '\''color'\'':'\''0xFF0000'\'','\''size'\'':'\''15'\'','\''interval'\'':'\''5000'\''}]"

The sample videoID is 1234567890 and the API Secret Key is a1b2c3d4e5. This sample code only passes the annotation code as parameter.

This blog: Protect Videos on WordPress provides more details on securing videos using WordPress.

Still having problems to add text to videos or with the dynamic watermark on video code? Send us the code you are using and the output you wish to be shown to

add text to videos

The post Dynamic Watermark Demo: Add User Identifier Text to Videos- User ID, Email ID, Phone No. appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Safeguarding Your Content in 2023: Best Ways to Share Videos Privately Tue, 28 Nov 2023 07:40:59 +0000 According to stats, just in 2023, an average person has consumed 17 hours of video online per week. That’s huge, right? Video content and sharing are more popular than ever across the world. However, not all videos are meant for sharing publicly. While there are public video platforms like YouTube where most of the content […]

The post Safeguarding Your Content in 2023: Best Ways to Share Videos Privately appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

According to stats, just in 2023, an average person has consumed 17 hours of video online per week. That’s huge, right? Video content and sharing are more popular than ever across the world. However, not all videos are meant for sharing publicly. While there are public video platforms like YouTube where most of the content is meant for sharing, the need for private video hosting solutions has also increased to prevent unauthorized access. A perfect example would be a tutor who wants to host his lecture videos for only authorized users (in this case students).

Businesses often suffer a heavy loss in revenue when video piracy happens. The only solution to stop this is to get help from secure hosting platforms. These platforms generally have a password-protected or DRM-based encryption solution to curb the issue of online theft.

In this article, we will cover everything there is to know about safe and private video sharing, from platforms to encryption tech behind safe video hosting. Also, effective strategies to share videos securely.

Why Share Videos Securely? Understanding the Importance of Safe Video Sharing

Before we start, it’s important to know why there is a need for a safe video sharing solution. 

When a video is shared online without consent, there are many risks associated with it, which fall under several categories like loss of revenue, video misuse, privacy breach, negative impact on the company’s brand value, and more.

To combat all of these risks there is a need for a safe video sharing solution. A solution where unauthorized users won’t be able to access, download, copy, or share the video outside the platform. Fortunately, there are modern tools available, which help in securing video content online.

Video piracy has real-life consequences that affect businesses and stakeholders. Consequences like,

Financial loss

Unauthorized video sharing results in a significant loss in revenue for content creators and distributors. When people illegally download someone’s work without paying for it and further distribute it to the masses, original makers are not able to get a return on their investment.

Diminished Value of Content

There is a reason premium content has a paywall. Value has some price. When pirates download and distribute the same valuable content, it loses that premium vibe and also ruins the brand image.

Negative Impact on Jobs and Industry

The e-learning and the entertainment industry is a major contributor to the world economy. Video piracy results in job losses as businesses are unable to meet their revenue targets.

Compromised Quality

Often the quality of content is also diminished due to video piracy. Pirates don’t care about maintaining the quality, so pirated content generally has lesser resolution, and distorted audio which results in poor viewer experience.

Security Threat 

Piracy is often done by accessing unauthorized or shady channels, and with everything shady comes security risks. Cybercrime, malicious viruses, or software are some of the security threats associated with pirated content which compromise users’ personal information. To mitigate security risks associated with piracy, prioritize external attack surface management this way, safeguarding users’ personal information against cyber threats and malicious activities.

Legal Consequences

Downloading and distributing copyrighted material is a violation of federal copyright laws which can result in heavy fines or imprisonment.

How to Share Videos Securely Online: Choosing the Right Platform

We just discussed why there is a need for secure video sharing platforms. Choosing a secure, safe sharing platform is the need of the hour, especially when you are a content creator, e-learning business, or media platform that wants to share content with specific users.

So comes the next question, how do we choose secure video sharing platforms? What specific things one needs to look into when selecting one? Don’t worry! We have got you covered. 

Here are some key features you can look into,


Make sure the video hosting platform uses encryption to secure the content. You can look into the platforms that use HTTPS to encrypt the data with an additional feature like encrypting the store content.

DRM (Digital Rights Management)

There are many types of DRM like digital encryption, watermarking, access control, and DRM software. DRM techniques help prevent unauthorized access, copying, or distribution. One can also opt for a multi-DRM solution, which uses a combination of Google Widevine, and Apple Fairplay DRM tech to block illegal access across Chrome and Apple devices.

Access Controls

Features that allow you to manage and restrict who can view or share your content are a plus. This typically includes permissions, authentication, and the ability to set up password-protected access.

Data Privacy Compliance

Make sure the platform complies with data privacy regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and other data protection laws.

Service and Legal Compliance

You can review the platform’s terms of service to get an understanding of how they handle legal aspects like copyright infringement, user agreements, or any other security-related breaches.

Customer Support

Ensure they have proactive customer support services that you can depend on when dealing with security concerns and resolving issues.


Choose reliable and high-performance hosting for delivering a seamless viewing experience.

Security Tools Integrations

Check if the platform integrates with security tools and services like anti-piracy services, user security analytics, or CDNs (content delivery networks) with security features.

Practical Tips for Secure Video Creation 

Securing video content and protecting against video piracy involves a mix of tech measures, legal considerations, and practices. 

Here are some tips for secure video creation to help minimize digital piracy,


Adding a visible dynamic watermark effectively prevents users from downloading or screen-capturing the content. Also, it helps trace back to the origin creator if required.

Blocking Credentials Sharing

Credential sharing is one of the actions that often leads to video getting pirated. When users share the credentials with others, the same premium content is consumed by many without paying for it.

Restricting Watch Time

You can restrict the playback time for your videos content depending on your user’s behavior. For example, for lecture-type content, a student will watch it 1-2 times at max. Restricting watch time beyond that will make sure your video is not being watched by several users.

Domain Restrictions

Another way to prevent your videos from getting downloaded is to use domain restrictions. This will make sure that your video embed code only plays and loads in your domain. Hence preventing the copying of video embed code and then reused by hackers.

Secure Video Sharing And Hosting Platform

Don’t use a regular video hosting service, instead invest in a secure video hosting platform like VdoCipher. A good secure video hosting platform typically has,

  • DRM-based encryption – to prevent download
  • Video API – to manage videos, enable automatic video upload, and get OTP for playback
  • CDN – for faster content delivery regardless of geographical location
  • User Security Video Analytics – to monitor users’ behavior and block suspicious activities

With VdoCipher, integrating top-tier DRM protection into your website/app is straightforward. Click to explore the easy integration and keep your videos safe from piracy.

Monitoring and Analytics

Use video player analytics tools to monitor user engagement and performance. Watch out for suspicious activities like unusual watch time or patterns and block those users to prevent illegal distribution.

Practical Tips for Secure Video Creation

How to Overcome Challenges Around Secure Video Sharing

Secure video sharing involves implementing safety measures to protect the confidentiality and availability of the video content. Whether you share the media for private or professional use, security is important. Let’s talk about some challenges we face when sharing video online and how to overcome them,

Dealing with file size limitations

When sharing a larger file online, it’s always wise to compress the video file beforehand. Video compression is the key strategy for overcoming file size limitations without compromising the quality. You can adjust the bitrate and resolution using software like Adobe Premiere or Handbrake while maintaining the accepted quality.

Managing slow internet connections

Encourage users to use low resolution when they have a slow internet connection. It will reduce the amount of data needed for streaming the content. Progressive loading is also a great technique that allows users to start watching the video before it’s fully downloaded (how YouTube works).

Addressing compatibility issues with different devices

Opt for video formats that are universally accepted and are widely compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems like MP4 or MKV. Recommend using video players that work seamlessly across all devices, and players that support multiple formats and codecs ensuring smooth playback.

What Are Safe Video Sharing Etiquettes

Now let’s talk about what to do and what not to do when sharing a private or professional video online, we call it safe video sharing etiquette.

Setting appropriate sharing permissions

When it comes to sharing videos online, it is important to set the right permissions to maintain control over who can view/share your content. Understand and make use of platform-specific permissions like private, public, or restricted sharing settings. Reserve private settings for sensitive content while public settings are more suitable for non-sensitive or promotional content.

Educating recipients about privacy settings

Clearly communicate and explain the settings with the recipients as well. If applicable, give them instructions on how they can adjust their settings from private to public or vice versa. If you have password-protected settings, inform them beforehand about the password and ask them to keep it confidential. 

Encouraging responsible sharing habits

Promoting responsible sharing habits creates a positive and secure online video sharing environment. Ask for consent and permission from people featured in the video before sharing. Practice discretion when sharing videos. If the video contains copyrighted material, compliance with the copyright laws. Always obtain proper permissions or use licensed content for sharing.

Case Studies: Real-Life Secure Video Sharing Experiences

All businesses that involve video hosting often face many challenges when it comes to secure video hosting and sharing. Challenges that we discussed above. A lot of things can go wrong and will go wrong if you are not careful enough. 

Let’s hear some real-life issues businesses face and how VdoCipher helped them overcome those.

Rajeev Vasani from Vasani Academy quoted – “Things like multiple CDN optimization, two pass encoding, DRM implementations were difficult to handle on their own. Along with the best security I can get, VdoCipher helped with the smooth delivery of course videos to our students across tier 2-3 cities of our country.”

Abhijeet Jagirdar from Time Pvt. Ltd. India says – ”Key feature requirements are scalable robust infrastructure with security from piracy. VdoCipher CDN + player was apt to meet our security and stability needs. We have seen appreciative growth in our online users regularly; their technology and support have helped us to execute our online strategy to perfection.”

Daniel from JustVision says – “We were looking for an affordable video hosting program with solid DRM and the option to geo-restrict content and were happy to find VdoCipher.”

Diane White from Toolbox For Writers shares – “It has been a great treasure in that I feel more protected knowing people cannot download streaming videos, and that if they do, their IP address, name, and email address will all be on the video. The support is fantastic, and the site is easy to navigate and use. Hooray for VdoCipher.”

These are some of the living proof that the need for secure and safe video hosting and sharing is the need of the hour. And many e-learning and media businesses are facing challenges securing their media. A lesson that we can learn from here is to protect your valuable content from piracy or unauthorized access if you don’t want to lose your revenue to online theft.

The Future of Secure Video Sharing

As technology evolves, so does the scene of secure video sharing. We talked about various DRM techniques like watermarking, encryption, and more. However, more emerging technologies that are making their way for securing and video authentication like Blockchain. Blockchain is known for its secure and transparent nature and could help verify the authenticity of videos in the future, preventing tampering or deepfakes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also increasingly being deployed for dynamic encryption and decryption of video content. AI can help with a higher level of security, as it can adapt encryption levels based on contextual information.

The key takeaway is we need to stay informed about emerging technologies and their useful impact on online piracy. Implement all the already out solutions like DRM tech to prevent unauthorized sharing and actively participate in the security ecosystem, thus contributing to a safer and more secure online video sharing environment.

A Quick Recap and Popular FAQs Around Secure Video Sharing

Why is secure video sharing important?

Secure video sharing is important to protect content creators and distributors from financial loss, compromised quality, and legal consequences associated with unauthorized access, download, and distribution of videos. It ensures privacy, prevents piracy, and maintains the value of premium content.

What are the risks of sharing videos online without consent?

Risks include loss of revenue, video misuse, privacy breaches, negative impacts on brand value, and legal consequences. Unauthorized sharing can lead to revenue loss, compromised content quality, and security threats such as cybercrime and malicious viruses.

How can businesses prevent video piracy and unauthorized access?

Businesses can prevent video piracy by using secure video hosting platforms with features like encryption, DRM (Digital Rights Management), access controls, data privacy compliance, legal compliance, and reliable customer support. Implementing secure video creation practices, such as watermarking and restricting watch time, also helps.

What features should one look for in a secure online video sharing platform?

Key features to consider include encryption, DRM solutions, access controls, data privacy compliance, service and legal compliance, reliable customer support, high-performance hosting, and integration with security tools like anti-piracy services and CDNs.

The post Safeguarding Your Content in 2023: Best Ways to Share Videos Privately appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Secure Video Management System (VMS) for Video Hosting & Streaming Thu, 02 Nov 2023 07:26:25 +0000 Secure Video Management System (VMS) is not just secure features, it’s essential for any individual or business that values the integrity, privacy, and protection of their video content. With the increasing emphasis on digital media, it’s more crucial than ever to ensure that videos are hosted, streamed, and shared with utmost security in mind. Table […]

The post Secure Video Management System (VMS) for Video Hosting & Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Secure Video Management System (VMS) is not just secure features, it’s essential for any individual or business that values the integrity, privacy, and protection of their video content. With the increasing emphasis on digital media, it’s more crucial than ever to ensure that videos are hosted, streamed, and shared with utmost security in mind.

What is a video management system (VMS)?

A Video Management System (VMS) is, at its core, a software or platform designed to organize, store, and facilitate the efficient retrieval and playback of video files. But it’s much more than just a digital video library.

  • Centralized Repository – A VMS provides a unified platform where videos are stored, making it easier for users to find and access content without sifting through disjointed folders or drives.
  • Functional Flexibility – Modern VMS solutions offer features beyond storage, like video editing, transcoding (converting video to various formats or resolutions), and video analytics to understand viewer behavior.
  • Secure Access and Sharing – VMS ensures that videos are stored securely, with strict access controls, while also providing features for seamless sharing, often with customizable viewing permissions.

The growing importance of video management in today’s digital age

As the consumption for video content grows exponentially, so does the importance of managing it effectively. Here’s why VMS is increasingly vital.

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to stop losing their video revenues.

Overwhelming Video Volume – With businesses, educators, and content creators producing videos at an unprecedented rate, managing these assets without a dedicated system can be a logistical nightmare.

Safety and Security – The digital age brings with it concerns about video piracy. A VMS provides layers of security to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential loss of valuable video assets.

Efficiency and Productivity – Time is a premium commodity. A VMS cuts down the time spent on searching, editing, and distributing videos, thereby streamlining operations and boosting productivity.

Monetization and Commercialization – For businesses, videos are not just about communication—they’re assets. VMS solutions often integrate with advertising systems, subscription platforms, and pay-per-view setups, facilitating revenue generation.

The need for secure video hosting to store footages and pre-recorded videos

Sensitive Content Protection

Videos often contain proprietary information, sensitive data, or exclusive content. Whether it’s a corporate training video, a product demo, or a paid online course, it’s essential to ensure that only authorized individuals have access.

Digitalization and Growing Consumption

In today’s digital age, video content has taken a front seat in business strategies, education, entertainment, and more. As the consumption of video continues to surge, the importance of securely hosting these videos also rises.

Intellectual Property

Many videos contain proprietary information or intellectual property. Secure hosting ensures that this information is protected from unauthorized access or theft.

Privacy Concerns

Personal videos, or videos with sensitive information, need robust protection. Individuals and companies alike have a duty to protect the privacy of subjects and stakeholders involved.

Regulatory Compliance

Several industries, like healthcare or finance, have specific regulations about data (including video) protection. Secure hosting ensures compliance with these norms.

Secure video management infographic

Risks associated with unsecured video hosting

  1. Unauthorized Access – Without proper security measures, anyone might access and view your videos, leading to potential loss of exclusivity or competitive advantage.
  2. Data Tampering – Unsecured videos are vulnerable to tampering, where malicious actors can alter the content, insert harmful messages, or corrupt the file.
  3. Revenue Loss – For businesses that rely on video sales or subscriptions, pirated content can result in significant revenue losses.
  4. Reputational Damage – A breach or unauthorized sharing can harm a company’s reputation, especially if the video contains sensitive or confidential information.
  5. Legal Liabilities: Leaking of personal or copyrighted content can expose the host or the content creator to legal penalties.

Features of a robust secure VMS

User Authentication and Authorization

  • Ensures that only authorized individuals can access the video content.
    Uses techniques like multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and biometric verification.
    Helps in distinguishing between different user roles and permissions.

End-to-End Encryption

  • Encrypts data at the source and only decrypts it at the destination.
  • Videos should be encrypted from the moment they’re uploaded until they’re played.
  • Ensures that unauthorized entities can’t decipher the video content during transit
  • This protects the content during transit and ensures only intended recipients view it.

Watermarking and Digital Rights Management (DRM)

  • Watermarking embeds a unique, often invisible, mark on the video, helping trace illicit distributions.
    DRM controls the ways users can consume content, like preventing screen capture or recording.

Backup and Recovery Solutions

  • Essential for disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Ensures data is stored in multiple locations, so if one source is compromised, another can restore it.

Regular Security Audits and Testing

  • Regularly scrutinizing the system for vulnerabilities.
  • Uses simulated attacks to test the system’s defense mechanisms.

VdoCipher secure video hosting & streaming

Secure streaming is about balance. On one hand, viewers want a seamless experience; on the other, providers must ensure content security.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

  • It adjusts video quality based on the user’s connection.
  • This means fewer interruptions and a better user experience.

Protection Against Stream Piracy

  • Measures like DRM Encryption as offered by VdoCipher can be adopted.
  • Limiting stream access by device or IP address curtails unauthorized sharing.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

  • These distribute video content across many servers globally.
  • CDNs make streaming faster, and they provide an added layer of security.

Permission-Based Sharing

  • The content owner decides who can do what with the video.
  • It’s a way of controlling video access and distribution.

Secure Embedding

  • Videos can be embedded on websites without fear of them being stolen.
  • Secure URLs or iframes ensure playback only from trusted sources.

Time-Limited Access

  • Some videos are sensitive or exclusive.
  • Providing links that expire ensures they’re viewed within a controlled window.

User-Friendly Experience in Secure VMS

Ease of Navigation – A secure VMS should not only focus on safety but also on user experience. An intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface ensures that users can quickly find and interact with the content they need.

Customizable Dashboards – Allowing users to tailor their dashboards according to their preferences can make video management even more efficient. This personalized approach aids in quicker decision-making and enhances user satisfaction.

Mobile Accessibility – In today’s fast-paced world, having access to your video content on-the-go is crucial. A user-friendly VMS ensures compatibility with various devices, including smartphones and tablets, and provides a seamless experience across all platforms.

Advanced Search and Filtering – Implementing powerful search functionalities and filtering options in a VMS makes locating specific videos or categories of content quicker and easier, thereby enhancing user productivity and satisfaction.

Interactive User Interface – A visually appealing and interactive user interface can make the experience more engaging. Features such as drag-and-drop functionality, tooltips, and video previews can enhance usability.

Language and Accessibility Options – A user-friendly VMS should cater to a global audience by offering multiple language options and ensuring that the system is accessible to people with disabilities, adhering to standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Considerations When Choosing a Secure VMS

Scalability – When selecting a VMS, it’s crucial to consider its ability to grow alongside your business. A scalable system will be able to handle an increasing volume of videos without compromising on performance or security.

Cost-Effectiveness – While security is paramount, it’s also important to consider your budget. Opt for a VMS that provides robust security features without breaking the bank. Look for solutions that offer flexible pricing models to accommodate your needs.

Customer Support and Training – A VMS provider should offer adequate training and support to ensure that users can make the most of the system. Quick and efficient customer service is crucial in case of any issues or queries.

Integration Capabilities – Choose a VMS that can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and tools, such as Content Management Systems (CMS), Learning Management Systems (LMS), or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms. This ensures a smooth workflow and saves time in transferring data between different platforms.

Reliability and Uptime – A good VMS should guarantee high availability and minimal downtime to ensure that your video content is accessible whenever needed. Opt for providers that can commit to service level agreements (SLAs) guaranteeing uptime.

Customization and Branding – Being able to customize the interface to align with your brand’s visual identity can provide a more cohesive and professional appearance. Choose a VMS that allows for branding customization.

User Feedback and Reviews – Before making a decision, consider seeking feedback from current users of the VMS. Online reviews and case studies can provide insights into the practicality and efficiency of the system.

Regular Security Updates and Patches – Check how frequently the VMS provider releases security updates and patches. Regular updates are crucial to protect against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

By paying attention to these considerations and ensuring a focus on user-friendly experiences, selecting a Secure Video Management System can lead to an efficient and secure way of managing video content.


What is a VMS designed for video hosting?

A VMS designed for video hosting is a software solution that allows organizations to store, manage, stream, and securely share video content with authorized users.

How does a VMS ensure the security of hosted videos?

A secure VMS provides features such as DRM encryption, user authentication, access control, and watermarking to protect hosted videos from unauthorized access and distribution.

Can I restrict who views my hosted videos?

Most VMS hosting solutions offer role-based access control, allowing administrators to define and restrict who can view, upload, or edit videos.

What kind of formats and resolutions does a VMS support?

A VMS typically supports a wide range of video formats (e.g., MP4, AVI, MOV) and resolutions, from SD to HD and 4K, ensuring compatibility with various devices and streaming needs.

Can I embed hosted videos on my website or app?

Yes, many VMS solutions provide embed codes or APIs that allow you to easily integrate hosted videos into your website, app, or other platforms.

Can I customize the video player?

Many VMS hosting solutions like VdoCipher allow you to customize the appearance and functionality of the video player to match your brand’s look and feel.

What are the costs associated with using a VMS for video hosting?

Costs can include monthly or annual plans, which may be based on features, storage capacity, bandwidth usage, number of users, and any additional support or services needed.

The post Secure Video Management System (VMS) for Video Hosting & Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API Mon, 13 Mar 2023 10:44:28 +0000 As a professional video producer, you know that your videos are valuable for your business. They are an important tool for marketing your brand and promoting your products or services. But what happens when you want to share your videos with the world? If you’re running a business, video hosting is essential. It would be […]

The post Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

As a professional video producer, you know that your videos are valuable for your business. They are an important tool for marketing your brand and promoting your products or services. But what happens when you want to share your videos with the world? If you’re running a business, video hosting is essential. It would be best if you had professional video hosting. Videos are a great way to connect with customers and promote your products or services. With video hosting, you can ensure that your videos are accessible to your audience and that they’re delivered in a high-quality format.

Professional video hosting also allows you to track views and engagement to gauge the success of your video content. The early 2000s saw the launch of several other video hosting sites, including Google Video and Yahoo! Video. In 2005, YouTube was launched and quickly became the most popular video hosting site on the web. YouTube allowed users to upload, view, and share videos and embed them on their websites. Today, there are a number of different video-hosting sites available, each with its own features and benefits.

Introduction to Video Hosting

Video hosting is a process where video files are stored on a server. Also, video hosting is a service that allows users to upload, view, and share videos. They store and distribute videos to users. Videos can be public or private and are often uploaded to sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo. A good video hosting provider manages video data, storage servers and processing servers. This helps ensure that the videos are played smoothly and without any buffering issues. Videos can be played from the server using various protocols such as HTTP and RTSP. Businesses and organizations often use video hosting to store and share videos with their employees or customers. Individuals can also use it to store and share personal videos.

Many video hosting platforms are available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Some video hosting platforms are free to use, while others require a subscription. Many business video hosting platforms offer both free and paid plans.

Each video hosting platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one for your needs is important. For example, YouTube is the largest video hosting platform globally and offers a wide variety of features, but it doesn’t provide the same level of privacy, branding and security as other platforms.

Vdocipher, a secure video hosting provider, is an excellent option for businesses and individuals that need to host and share premium video content. VdoCipher offers Hollywood-grade DRM encryption to secure your videos from piracy and illegal downloads. When choosing a simple video hosting platform, it’s important to consider your needs and budget. If you’re just starting out, you may want to choose a free platform like YouTube. If you’re looking for more features and secure hosting, you may want to consider a paid platform like VdoCipher.

Is Video Hosting Pro Service better than hosting on Website server?

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to host your videos or use a video hosting site. The most important factor is the amount of traffic your website receives. If you have a high-traffic website, it is essential to use a easy video hosting site to handle the traffic. Otherwise, your website may crash, or your videos may take a long to load.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Another factor to consider is the cost of hosting your videos. If you have a limited budget, using a video hosting site may be more cost-effective. However, if you have the budget to host your videos, it can be more convenient, quick, simple and offer more control over your videos via features and API support.

Finally, consider the level of customization and branding you want for your videos. If you want complete control over the look and feel of your videos, you may want to host them yourself. However, if you are more concerned with convenience and cost, a video hosting site may be better.

Why use Professional Video Hosting

Professional video hosting is a service that provides businesses and organizations with a secure and reliable platform for hosting and streaming their video content. Professional video hosting services offer a variety of features and tools to help businesses deliver their video content to their audience most efficiently and effectively as possible.

There are a number of reasons to host the video on a dedicated professional video hosting platform rather than uploading the video on a website or blog.

First and foremost, video hosting platforms are designed specifically for hosting and streaming video content. This means they can offer several features and options that are not available when hosting videos on a website or blog. For example, most video hosting platforms provide HD streaming, the ability to customize the player and tools for managing and promoting videos.

Another advantage of professional video hosting platforms is that they can take care of all the behind-the-scenes work involved in streaming video content. This includes encoding the video for different devices and browsers and delivering the video content to viewers. It frees up website and blog owners to focus on creating and promoting their content rather than worrying about the technical details of video streaming.

Finally, video hosting platforms often offer attractive pricing plans for businesses and individuals. This can be a great way to save money, especially if you plan to host a large number of videos.

Benefits of Professional Video Hosting

There are many benefits to professional video hosting, including the ability to stream videos at a higher quality, the ability to offer videos in multiple formats, and the ability to offer videos in multiple languages. Additionally, professional video hosting providers typically offer more storage space and bandwidth than a free video-hosting provider.

  • Improved search engine optimization – Videos hosted on professional platforms are more likely to be discovered by search engines, resulting in increased traffic to your website.
  • Increased engagement – Pro platforms offer features that encourage viewers to interact with your videos, such as comments, ratings, and social sharing.
  • Improved branding – A professional video hosting platform gives your videos a polished, professional look that helps build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • More control – With professional video hosting, you have more control over your videos, including privacy settings, player customization, and ad placements.
  • Increased ROI – Professional and simple hosting platforms offer easy analytics and other tools to help you track your video views and measure your return on investment.

Must-have features in Professional Video Hosting

There are a lot of video-hosting providers out there, so how do you choose the right one? Here are some must-have features to look for:

1. High-quality video streaming – your videos need to look great when they are streamed online. Look for a video hosting provider that offers high-quality video streaming.

2. Expandable storage space – as your video library grows, you will need more storage space.

3. Easy video sharing – you should be able to share your videos easily with others.

4. Affordable pricing – You don’t want to break the budget to host your videos. Look for a video hosting provider that offers affordable pricing.

5. Excellent customer support – If you have any questions or problems, you should be able to get help from a customer support team.

Other features include:

  • ability to customize and brand the player
  • Availability of the video content in multiple formats.
  • robust security features
  • analytics tools to track viewer engagement
  • support for live streaming

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


Free Hosting vs Professional Video Hosting

There are a few popular video hosting websites that will allow you to host your videos for free. The most popular ones are YouTube and Vimeo. There are a few different types of free video hosting.

One type is where the video hosting company provides the user with a certain amount of storage space for their videos. The user can then access their videos from any computer with an internet connection.

Another type of free video hosting is where the user is allowed to host their videos on the video hosting company’s servers, but they are not given any storage space. The user must then provide a link to their video or embed it on their own website or blog in order to allow others to view it.

There are a few key differences between free and professional video hosting services. The most important difference is the quality of service you can expect to receive. With a free video hosting service, you are generally limited in terms of customer support and service reliability. Paid video hosting services, on the other hand, offer a higher level of customer support and reliable servers.

Another key difference is the amount of storage space and bandwidth you can expect to receive. Free video hosting services often have very limited storage space and bandwidth, which can be a problem if you want to host high-quality video files. Paid video hosting services usually offer much more generous storage quotas and bandwidth allowances.

Finally, free video hosting services typically have very limited features compared to paid services. For example, you might not be able to customize the player or use certain advanced features. Paid video hosting services usually offer a much more comprehensive set of features, making them a better choice for serious video bloggers.

Best Quick and Professional Video Hosting Providers

VdoCipher – Secure, Easy Embed with API

Each professional video hosting platform has its own set of features and options. They provide a quick video hosting solution with integrated CDN for faster delivery and all embed/API options for you. If you are hosting premium or confidential video content, make sure the platform you choose offers the level of security you need.

DRM, or digital rights management, is a secure system that controls access to digital content. Content providers often use it, such as video streaming website, to control how users can access and use their content. DRM can help content providers protect their content from unauthorized copying and distribution. It can also help content providers control how their content is used, such as preventing users from viewing content on unauthorized devices or making unauthorized copies of the content.

VdoCipher, a secure video streaming platform, offers Hollywood Grade DRM protection to secure videos with Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption. Videos streamed via VdoCipher cannot be downloaded by any internet plugin or software. VdoCipher APIs and WordPress video hosting plugin are easy to integrate and use. To play videos, VdoCipher uses a unique embed code per session. The embed code uses a short-lived access token, OTP. The OTP-based Playback in every session ensures that only logged-in paying users get to watch your premium video content.

Other Features:

  • DRM Based Video Encryption
  • Ready-to-Use Plugins for popular Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • AWS CDN infrastructure for quick global delivery
  • VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin
  • Customizable smart HTML5 video player
  • Dynamic watermarking
  • Domain Whitelisting
  • IP and Geo Restriction
  • Secure Offline Downloads on Android
  • Secure decryption process in addition to AES-128 encryption
  • Free 30-day trial

Amazon Web Services – S3

There are many benefits to hosting videos on Amazon Web Services (AWS). First, AWS provides a highly scalable and reliable platform for video hosting. Second, AWS offers a wide variety of storage and streaming options for videos, making it easy to find the right solution for your needs. And third, AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing model means you only pay for the resources you use, making it cost-effective for video hosting. There are a number of ways to host a video on AWS, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and workloads.

The AWS Elemental Media Services suite provides a number of services for processing, storing, and delivering video content. AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video transcoding service that can be used to convert video files into various formats for delivery to different devices. Finally, AWS Elemental MediaStore is a storage service optimized for video content that can be used to store and serve video files.

Other Features:

  • Comprehensive video standards support
  • Broadcast capabilities for live video streams
  • Automated resource provisioning
  • Flexible video content protection

Google Cloud Platform – Storage

Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of video-hosting options to its users. Whether you’re looking to host a small, personal video or a large, commercial production, Google Cloud Platform has a solution to fit your needs. For small videos, Google Cloud Platform offers a simple, easy-to-use video hosting solution that is perfect for sharing with family and friends. For larger videos, Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of options for hosting, including a managed streaming service and a self-service option.

The platform provides a number of features and tools to help users manage their video content, including the ability to create and manage playlists, share videos with others, and embed videos on websites and blogs. Google Cloud Platform also offers a number of security and privacy features, such as the ability to password-protect videos and set expiration dates. No matter what your video hosting needs are, Google Cloud Platform has a solution to fit your needs.

Other Features:

  • Highly scalable
  • Variety of video codecs and formats to optimize your video content for different devices and networks
  • Cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service from Microsoft, and it offers a number of features that make it ideal for video hosting. First, OneDrive supports video streaming, so your viewers can watch your videos without downloading them first. And Second, OneDrive is integrated with Microsoft’s other services, so you can easily share your videos with your friends and colleagues. The service is accessible via the web, mobile apps, and desktop apps. OneDrive offers 5 GB of storage for free. Paid plans start at $1.99/month for 100 GB of storage. OneDrive videos can be shared with others via email, social media, or embedding. The service also offers video playback and editing capabilities.

Other Features:

  • Upload videos of any file type and size
  • Embed videos directly into your website or blog
  • Stream videos in HD quality
  • Share videos with anyone, even if they don’t have a OneDrive account
  • Protect videos with privacy settings
  • View videos on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and computers


Dropbox is a great option for hosting videos because it is so easy to use. It offers a free video hosting service that allows you to upload and share your videos with others. You can simply upload your video file to your Dropbox account and share the link with others. You can also embed your videos on your website or blog, making it easy for others to view and share your content. There are no complicated settings to worry about and no need to install any special software. Plus, Dropbox is a very reliable service with a good reputation for uptime.

Other Features:

  • Embed videos on your website or blog
  • Access videos from anywhere
  • Share videos with people who don’t have a Dropbox account
  • Send Long Videos Without a Video Compressor
  • Watch videos instantly without downloading them


What are the benefits of video hosting?

Video hosting can be used to share videos with a wide audience or to provide video content for educational or business purposes. Hosted videos are typically available in high-quality formats and can be played on a variety of devices.

Can I host Videos on Google Drive for my Website?

You will not be able to embed the video for quick playback on your website. However, you can publicly share the link of the Video on Google Drive for further download or stream.

How does video hosting work?

Video hosting services store videos on their servers and provide users with access to the videos through a web-based interface. Users can upload videos to the hosting service, or embed videos from the service onto their own website or blog.

Why would I need professional video hosting?

If you run a business that relies heavily on online video hosting, then you’ll need a hosting service that can handle a large amount of traffic and offer reliable uptime. You’ll also need a service that can provide you with features like DRM encryption, video analytics and password protection.

The post Quick and Professional Video Hosting with Easy Embed and Simple API appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Vimeo Pricing has changed | Top Vimeo Alternatives Comparison Wed, 18 Jan 2023 01:15:28 +0000 If you are looking for an alternative site similar to Vimeo for a secure video hosting platform you can consider an alternative site that suits your requirement. Although Vimeo is a popular video platform there are a few drawbacks that made users look for Vimeo alternatives. As we have observed there’s a rapid growth in […]

The post Vimeo Pricing has changed | Top Vimeo Alternatives Comparison appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

If you are looking for an alternative site similar to Vimeo for a secure video hosting platform you can consider an alternative site that suits your requirement. Although Vimeo is a popular video platform there are a few drawbacks that made users look for Vimeo alternatives.

As we have observed there’s a rapid growth in video consumption and a lot of businesses using video for their marketing strategy. Video can be an effective mode of communication to convey your message.

In this article, we are going to explain the features and benefits of a secure video streaming platform similar to Vimeo which can be a good alternate option to consider.

About Vimeo

Vimeo Video Player Features

  • Video player customization – Vimeo offers Vimeo Advanced and higher memberships customers have more customization options Users can add a logo, change the play bar color, optimize the video with interaction tools, etc
  • Video embedding – Videos can be embedded on your blog and landing page with simple steps
  • Adaptive streaming to ensure videos are played for any connection speed
  • Provides the option to get leads right from the player with customizable forms

Security Features of Vimeo

  • Video can be accessed through an SSL-encrypted URL with a self-expiring token/signature
  • Provides the option for Private link sharing
  • Domain-level piracy for paid users where you can specify what website to allow your video to be embedded on

Other Features

  • Video monetization – Content creators can earn a source of revenue through both on-demand video and live stream monetization.
  • Ad-free streaming – Users can watch videos hassle-free without ads interrupting
  • Live streaming – Vimeo’s Premium and Enterprise plans allow you to stream videos in 1080p HD
  • Team collaboration with up to 10 members – You can seamlessly connect with peers, and clients to private projects with permission levels for each person

Although Vimeo has a wide range of features, there are a few reasons to consider a site alternative to Vimeo.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


  • Lack of Customer support
  • Absence of Security Features and Customization in Free plan
  • Unlimited Streaming is not available as mentioned in the pricing plan. Users need to upgrade to a customized plan after reaching a certain amount of usage
  • Streaming can be slow and unreliable at times

What has changed in Vimeo Pricing Plans?

Recently Vimeo made a significant change in the pricing model and introduced new subscription plans, Free, Starter, Standard, and Advanced. The free Vimeo plan includes a limit of two video uploads per month. Here are some specifics:

Note: All pricing by mid-2023.

  • Starter Plan: Priced at $9 per seat per month (or save 50% with yearly billing), this plan includes features like 60 videos, screen recording, sharing & embedding, review & collaboration tools, and password protection​.
  • Standard Plan: Priced at $25 per seat per month with a limit of 120 videos comes with additional features than the starter.
  • Pro Plus Plan: The Pro or Plus plan is an Advanced plan with a pricing of $65 per seat per month. You get virtual events, marketing integration, a customizable embedded player, a customizable portfolio, and showcase sites for video creation

vimeo pricing plans

The Vimeo plans Legacy Plus, Pro, Business, or Premium are no longer available for new customers. Vimeo OTT pricing includes a $1 per subscriber per month charge or a 10% charge for one-time purchases or rental products. Additionally, there are enterprise solutions for scaling your OTT business.

Shift from storage caps to the number of videos per user

  • Earlier the pricing segregation was based on the storage space available with each plan irrespective of video length, format, or resolution. Now, each subscription plan provides a specific number of videos.
  • The bandwidth limit for all plans except Enterprise remains at 2TB bandwidth/month.
  • The maximum file size is 250 GB, and the maximum duration is 24 hours.
  • This is proving to be comparatively expensive for many users, especially those in the e-learning segment. 

Flexibility to add paid seats to a single account

  • By default, each plan includes only one seat which is the Owner who has the highest level of permission.
  • An Owner can add additional seats for Admin and Contributor user types. Both types of users can create and upload videos. Viewers can be added for free but they can only view and comment on videos.

vimeo features

Is there Vimeo DRM 0r are you missing piracy protection?

To give a simple brief about DRM protection for video, it is a technology to protect and manage the digital rights of the content. In reference to Video, it enables the protocols built by Google & Apple to secure content in their ecosystem of devices & browsers. This includes encrypting your videos and managing a secure playback through a dynamic key exchange mechanism. The key is protected by Google and Apple through the Content Decryption Module or CDM present as a black box in the browsers and devices. This allows protection against illegal downloads and also against screen capture in many cases.

Vimeo does not provide DRM protection with their hosting plans and only allows enabling DRM to enterprise Vimeo OTT sellers. Some users have also raised support tickets to confirm the same and here is a copy of the reply Vimeo support provided.

“Unfortunately, online video distribution is inherently insecure in this way and no form of protection or security has 100% fared against the might of online piracy. We are always working to improve the security of our player, but as technology grows and users become savvier, the inevitable reality is that online videos are becoming less secure.

Some solutions for preventing unauthorized downloads include DRM or file encryption, which are features we do not currently offer for Vimeo members. Advanced techniques like DRM would substantially increase the cost of hosting your videos, and we want Vimeo to be as affordable as possible to as many people as possible.” ~ Vimeo Support

The reason mainly looks like it is due to the increase in the cost of video hosting and thus their pricing plans are assumed to be cheaper. But is it really the case?

DRM protection is a necessity nowadays due to increasing cases of illegal downloads and distribution of media and eLearning content. It obviously has a cost of setup, licensing, and usage but when you acquire the technical acumen of setting up a large-scale, error-free, and efficient architecture, it obviously turns out to be highly affordable. For example, in our comparison section below, we have listed VdoCipher’s multi-DRM video hosting on AWS infrastructure pricing and you can easily figure out at what cost you are missing DRM.

How to get more features in similar pricing

The first thing is that you have to get out of the notion that Vimeo has affordable pricing. For not secure video hosting, you can even use large cloud storage services like AWS and Google Cloud and still it will cost less. There are a few approaches you can take to get more features while maintaining the same pricing as that of Vimeo:

  • Look for secure video hosting platforms. There are secure video hosting platforms like VdoCipher that offer a range of additional features.
  • Use a service that has infrastructure facilities like that of AWS for scalability and uptime.
  • Look for a smart HTML5 video player with better customization options.
  • Check for the availability of integration options like APIs, SDKs, and plugins for major third-party CMS, LMS, and even open-source platforms.
  • You can also use custom-built solutions. If you have specific needs or requirements that cannot be met by existing video hosting platforms, you may want to consider building a custom solution or working with a developer to create a bespoke video hosting platform.

Important features to have in Vimeo Alternatives

  • Multi-DRM encryption and playback
  • Dynamic watermarking to deter screen capture
  • Secure Offline Downloads in Apps
  • Google Play Integrity for App-Based Security
  • Smart and customizable HTML5 Video Player
  • APIs, SDKs, and Plugins for easy and automated integrations
  • CDN Delivery
  • Video Analytics
  • Easy embed options
  • Adaptive video quality

vdocipher secure video hosting infographic

This makes it very clear that there are many features you are missing in Vimeo and that is why it becomes more necessary to compare the best alternative with better pricing as discussed below. The least pricing plan a user can have from Vimeo is $108/year and that from VdoCipher is just $99/year. This $99 spend is far better than Vimeo’s $108 spend as the affordable one comes with far more advanced features like DRM, dynamic watermarking, etc. Check out our play integrity api documentation to know more about blocking playback on rooted devices, cloned apps and more.

VdoCipher – Comparing Top Alternative with better pricing

Although Vimeo is a popular video platform, it lacks certain features and technological advancements. With the recent increase in its pricing and the change of the pricing model, which is now limited to the number of videos a user uploads, viewers are exploring Vimeo alternatives.

One such alternative that offers complete video hosting and streaming infrastructure with Google Widevine + Apple FairPlay DRM Encryption at affordable pricing is VdoCipher. Trusted by over 3000 customers spread across 120+ countries, VdoCipher offers secure and streamlined video hosting services to major elearning and media businesses.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology is what makes VdoCipher stand out from other popular video hosting platforms. Being a direct partner with Google, VdoCipher uses Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM technologies to help secure your videos.

Features VdoCipher Vimeo
Security (Encryption) Hollywood Grade DRM-Encrypted Secure Video Streaming Only basic security measures like password protection. DRM available on request for only the Enterprise plan
Dynamic Watermarking Viewer-specific dynamic watermarking. Customizable for size, transparency, color, speed, and more. Discourages screen capture Not available
Pricing Based on the bandwidth and storage utilized.

Starting $99/year (70GB Storage & 500 GB Bandwidth).

Based on the number of videos.

Starting at $9 per seat/month (billed annually) or $108/year. Limited to just 60 videos per year.

User access Multi-user access for all plans except Starter Except for Enterprise, each plan is restricted to only one seat (owner). The owner needs to buy additional seats.

DRM is the highest level of video security and prevents illegal downloads and video piracy. Video streamed on VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded via any plugin or software or shared with unauthorized users. In DRM encryption, the video stream is converted into an encrypted format and at the player’s end, decrypted using a private encryption key.

VdoCipher Pricing plans in 2023

Other hosting providers in the name of security using standard encryption technologies like RTMPe and AES 128 which have partial key exchange mechanisms. The key in such cases can be retrieved using any plugin or software.

Security Features of Vdocipher

  • Supports Google Widevine DRM Encryption, a highly reliable security technology for both Desktop and Android devices. This minimizes the chance of unauthorized downloads.
  • Apple Fairplay DRM Encryption is available for IOS devices.
  • Dynamic URL generation for each playback session to ensure a robust level of security
  • Vdocipher offers a watermark feature to discourage screen capture and you can easily customize the color, speed of movement, and size of the watermark.
  • Users can easily block the screen capture block in Android and Apple Native apps.
  • Geo-Blocking feature to restrict specific countries from unauthorized access

Video Player Features

  • VdoCipher offers adaptive video quality to ensure video quality can be adjusted based on the internet connection of the user.
  • The dashboard is designed to ensure easy video management.
  • Forward/Rewind option to users while watching the videos.
  • Easy interface and guides are available to upload videos and generate embed code.
  • Multilingual subtitles options are present in WebVTT format.
  • Ready to use codes to embed buttons/forms over the video.
  • Video Analytics is provided to understand users’ interaction with the content.

APIs, SDKs, and Dashboard Features

  • Our range of APIs & upload options ensure that you can launch your videos with minimal time and effort
  • Developers can utilize APIs and SDKs to integrate and automate workflow
  • Our custom player is designed to suit your site theme and target audience
  • Users can easily import videos from Google Drive, Vimeo Pro, Dropbox, AWS S3/Server
  • Supports multiple users to your dashboard with different permission levels.

AWS Global CDN Hosting features for video

  • AWS CDN and server – Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure is available that comprises 3 primary components of Storage on AWS S3, Transcoding via VdoCipher algorithms on EC2, and Streaming of content via Cloudfront CDN. Read more here
  • AWS-backed Transcoding – Once a video is uploaded – it will be transcoded to multiple sizes and we encrypt it with our DRM licenses for the highest security.


  • Doesn’t support Live Streaming

Reasons to choose VdoCipher Instead of Vimeo

  • Delivers robust security with encrypted video streaming ensures the highest level of security protection from piracy compared to sites like Vimeo
  • Provides Excellent customer service than platforms like Vimeo

Demos – Encryption, Viewer Specific Watermark

Find out how to add text to videos with Watermark. You can also create the watermark script directly from the Dashboard.

Register and start a free full-version trial at VdoCipher

How to import videos from Vimeo?

  1. Login to the VdoCipher dashboard
  2. Click on “Import” and select “Import from Vimeo” in the drop-down

importing videos from vimeo in vdocipher dashboard

Note: You cannot import videos from Vimeo if you are a trial user of Vimeo as it will result in the error, “Vimeo Error: Only PRO Allow Export”

Users’ feedback on Vimeo Pricing

  • Pricing models are a bit complicated to understand and not very transparent. –
  • 2tb Cap for streaming monthly, next package up is a significant boost in pricing –
  • One of the reasons I had to opt-out of vimeo were the pricing plans –
  • I’ve only utilized the free trial because pricing is a bit steep –
  • Perhaps the free plan is its weak point, it is too limited –
  • The livestream options make it too cost-ineffective compared to other platforms –
  • Costs more than some and I wanted to see more out of it  –
  • It is kind of expensive to use if you have higher volume content  –
  • Vimeo can be costly depending on the package you need  –


How to prevent or disable Vimeo-hosted videos from downloads?

To disable downloads of your Vimeo videos, go to Settings>Video>Upload Defaults tab. Under the, What can people do with your videos? section, uncheck the box next to Download them. Now, check the box next to, Also apply to existing videos, and hit the Save button.

To prevent a Vimeo video from being illegally downloaded, you will have to start using a multi-DRM security provider like VdoCipher.

Does Vimeo have a watermark feature?

No, Vimeo does not have a dynamic watermarking feature to deter screen capture. Dynamic watermark usually contains information about the authorized user IP and email address for tracing.

Differences and alternatives of Vimeo and YouTube?

YouTube allows free video hosting and playback through its own branded player. On the other hand, Vimeo is a paid video hosting platform with playback through its javascript video player and branding customization. They do not provide secure video hosting and for that purpose alternatives to Vimeo and YouTube include multi-DRM security providers like VdoCipher.

How to use the File Transfer Links option on Vimeo?

Starter and higher plan customers can share their video’s unique link from where the video can be downloaded. The videos cannot be played from the link. To do so, there is a Send file icon on the Vimeo’s homepage, library, and advanced settings on that particular video.

VdoCipher is a secure video platform similar to sites like Vimeo which provides streaming solutions catering to e-learning and media businesses across 6 continents. We offer a full-stack solution for businesses to host and stream video content in the most secure, smooth & affordable manner. Our DRM solution ensures that your video remains protected.

VdoCipher offers 100% protection against video piracy matched by no other competitors in the world with its DRM-based Video Encryption.

Why is Vimeo so expensive?

Vimeo is actually not expensive and is trying to play by the market demand and supply rules only. In the starting days, Vimeo tried to offer cheap pricing to bring in more solution seekers to its platform. As it had huge capital investment, it was able to pull it together even without profitability. When the business increased it found out that the revenue leakage due to cheap pricing was getting very high and that is why it changed its plans.

The post Vimeo Pricing has changed | Top Vimeo Alternatives Comparison appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Sharing Private Video Securely with Encrypted Upload and Streaming Wed, 28 Dec 2022 05:50:14 +0000 Earlier, the file object used to be shared on removable hardware devices like pen drives, HDD, or SSD. In 2006, Cloud file sharing infrastructure like AWS got developed to offer S3 services to businesses as web services. Before that, computers were able to access remote files using file system mounting, bulletin board systems, Usenet, and […]

The post Sharing Private Video Securely with Encrypted Upload and Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Earlier, the file object used to be shared on removable hardware devices like pen drives, HDD, or SSD. In 2006, Cloud file sharing infrastructure like AWS got developed to offer S3 services to businesses as web services. Before that, computers were able to access remote files using file system mounting, bulletin board systems, Usenet, and FTP servers. Sharing Private Video Securely was still very prone to leakage during the cloud storage and streaming process.

As a new way to share multimedia files, Napster, in 1999, released a peer-to-peer file-sharing system to share music files among community peers. This allowed users to share their owned music files with their friends and peers over the internet with no license cost. In December 1999, Napster got sued by several music recording companies and lost the case due to DMCA compliance ruling. This mode of file sharing didn’t stop even after many such rulings against P2P file-sharing networks like The Pirate Bay and Kickass Torrents. Also, this mode of file sharing poses too many challenges for original content creators due to the scope of piracy. By 2020, messenger apps like Telegram have also become a huge network for sharing pirated content due to their sleazy compliance policies.

Explore More ✅

VdoCipher ensures Private Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 3000+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

To control the revenue loss to video, music, and other digital content creators, DMCA, ​​or Digital Millennium Copyright Act, was enacted in 1998. This act criminalizes the production and dissemination of software, devices, technology, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works. This law also criminalizes the act of circumventing access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself. Also, with the enactment of DMCA, piracy protection technologies like DRM, which include licensing agreements and encryption of copyrighted content, came for the safeguard before a leak.

Types of Video Sharing

Cloud-based Video Sync and Sharing Services

Since the start of cloud-based file storing infrastructure, sync and share features were introduced for better communication between clients across the globe using the Internet as a medium to connect. These cloud-based services implement file transfers by updating files from a dedicated sharing directory over the cloud on each requesting user’s networked devices. The current sharing mechanism also uses Content Distribution Networks like CloudFront to store copies of original content in various locations across the globe. This is done to improve the transfer speed and efficiency of the final distribution network. This way, the end user gets the copy from the nearest location server reducing the load over the main servers and also acts as a cached backup.

P2P Video Sharing Services

As already mentioned through the example of Napster, this kind of sharing is based on the peer-to-peer (P2P) application architecture. The shared files on the client computers are indexed on directory servers and get distributed using the uplink and downlink network of peers. These directory servers can often be found filled with an index of thousands of pirated videos from various media and eLearning providers. The most popular and current protocol for P2P sharing is BitTorrent.

What is Private Video Sharing?

As discussed with the need, any video content that the creator is likely to protect can be categorized as private video content, and the method to share the same securely is called private video sharing. Such a secure sharing mechanism is developed by implementing different layers of access control, encryption, and secure decryption during the playback. Uploading a multimedia file over an unsecured network or sharing the same with a known user cannot be considered private video sharing. Using an unsecured network automatically provides unauthorized access to the network provider for making an illegal copy of the same. Also, using basic encryption techniques fail due to the nature of their private key revealing hacks. Once the key is revealed through the network or system stats, making a copy of the stream is fairly easy.

For these vulnerabilities, the private video-sharing implementation allows a specific group of people or individuals to share videos in a private manner securely and make part(s) publicly available. It serves the security aspect and allows collaboration with a team on a project or sharing content with a select group of friends or family members. In order to share a video privately, the user must have the necessary permissions and must invite the specific individuals or groups they want to share the video with. Private video sharing is typically done through a platform or service that completely implements encryption, key management, and access control.

Need of Sharing Private Video

Since the inception of cloud-based and P2P file sharing, creators and distributors have always tried their best to secure private video content from any trespassers. Moreover, it is not always a case that people want to secure a video; it might be created to become just viral content getting freely distributed over social media. Not only video content (UGC) that mostly flourishes on social media, many businesses have a serious need for public distribution. There are many examples from the Edtech industry, like that of Unacademy, who started their educational video-providing services from social media platforms like YouTube. This move is generally utilized to get a wider reach among the target audience, and once a need is established, the set of users is forced to buy a subscription from their own platforms. Not only as a starting move but such tactics also get used as a parallel freemium. The likes of Netflix regularly release cut outs and other freemium content on YouTube, keeping the main purpose of acquiring wider reach among the target audience.

Keeping the above examples and marketing tactics in mind, the content that any creator is likely to protect can be categorized as Private Video Content. The reasons to protect can be argued but mostly falls under two heads of having monetary value or secrecy. In case of having monetary value, the leakage will eventually be a revenue loss, and in the case of secrecy, it could be a pretty complex one. It can be private moments of a family, a geometry learning technique, an online video course, a secret podcast, or any video content that needs authorization before access.

Why do eLearning and Media Platforms use Private Video Sharing?

In general, there are several reasons, like those listed below ones, why eLearning and media platforms may use private video sharing.

  • To protect the revenue or business – Most eLearning and Media Platforms produce premium content for their audience as a product having monetary value. This product has various modes of purchase, be it a subscription or pay-per-view basis, and the ultimate goal is the sale. A leaked video, in usual cases, eventually affects sales.
  • Protecting sensitive or proprietary information – eLearning platforms and media companies often have content that is sensitive or proprietary, and they may want to restrict access to this content to a specific group of people or individuals. Private video sharing allows them to do this in a secure and controlled way.
  • To ensure compliance with regulations – Some industries have strict regulations like SOC 2 Compliance regarding the sharing of certain types of information. Private video sharing can help eLearning and media platforms comply with these regulations by ensuring that only the appropriate people have access to the content.
  • Provide a more personalized learning experience – Private video sharing can allow eLearning platforms to tailor their content to specific groups of learners, such as students in a particular course or employees in a particular department. This can help to create a more personalized and effective learning experience.
  • To facilitate collaboration – Media companies and eLearning platforms may use private video sharing to facilitate collaboration between team members or partners in a secure and controlled environment.

Features required for Private Video Sharing

Private video sharing does not only means assigning roles to different users for accessing your video content, there are several other features that make up for private video sharing as,

  • Access control – Any platform having private sharing requirements should have controls in place to ensure that only the intended recipients have access to the video. This may include features such as user authentication, password protection, and role-based access controls. This comes basically integrated with the platform on which the video is getting served. IP and other access controls can also be placed to broaden the scope.
  • Security against Piracy – This may include features such as DRM licensing, encryption, secure data storage, dynamic key exchange management, hardware-level protection during playback, and compliance with data protection policies.
  • Dynamic Watermarking – There are many end users who try to violate their authority of playback by screen recording. To deter these attempts, a customizable watermark containing the dynamic information of request users like IP and email becomes a very useful feature.
  • Video management – Any hosting or private video sharing platform should have a dashboard and other UI components to upload, organize, and manage their private videos. This may include features such as video tagging, playlist creation, chapters and video editing tools.
  • Video playback – The platform should offer high-quality video playback, with options for adjusting the playback speed, adaptive bitrate streaming, adding multi language captions, and enabling/disabling other player controls and features.
  • Analytics and reporting – Private video sharing platforms should offer analytics and reporting tools to help video creators understand how their videos are getting played back. This can be helpful for tracking the effectiveness of training programs or marketing campaigns.
  • APIs, SDKs and Plugins – Integration is a major component due to different types of backend and front end structure. This requires easy availability of APIs, SDKs and Plugins for all major CMS, LMS and languages with proper documentation.

How to Upload a Private Video Securely

Earlier options to upload a private video for sharing purposes were made possible through the use of a secure file transfer protocol. You can use a secure file transfer protocol like SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or FTP over SSL (FTPS) to upload your video. These protocols encrypt the data being transferred, making it difficult for anyone to intercept the data. Coupling the secure protocol with the use of the virtual private network (VPN) for sharing creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the internet, which can help protect your data from being intercepted while it is being transferred. This is especially useful if you upload the video from a public WiFi network.

It is very important to start the protection mechanism with the storage of the media file itself. Be it local or cloud storage, a basic layer of security in the form of encryption must be applied. For non-commercial use, services like Google Drive and Dropbox offer end-to-end encryption, which means that your file is encrypted while it is being transferred and while it is stored on the server. This makes it difficult for anyone to access the contents of your file without the proper decryption key.

For commercial purposes, it is important to remember that using basic security protocols and encryption techniques fails due to the nature of their private key-revealing hacks. Once the key is revealed through the network or system stats, making a copy of the stream is fairly easy. This is why it is advised to use a secure file hosting service provider with multi-DRM licensing, encrypted storage, and hardware-supported secure key exchange for your video files. Also, it is fairly easy to avail the upload, embed, and secure playback features through,

  • Dashboard – using the web client
  • API – for automated or tech-savvy purposes
  • Plugin – for CMS and LMS
  • SDK – for easy integration

Setting up a video management system of your own with DRM licensing and encryption requires setting up transcoding, CDN, and various other technical processes. These processes are so complicated that it has been observed that only large companies like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and similar are able to implement an in-house DRM setup for private video sharing on their platform.

Secure Video Streaming for end-to-end Privacy

As discussed earlier, it is not only the upload part that is important for maintaining the security of your private videos but also the playback or streaming part. If the private key of encrypted video gets leaked through the network or other vulnerabilities, it can be easily decrypted and made copies of. Secure video streaming is important for ensuring the privacy and security of video content. When the video is transmitted over the internet, it can potentially be intercepted by unauthorized parties. This can lead to unauthorized access and distribution of the video, which can have serious consequences depending on the nature of the content. For example, if the video contains sensitive information or is of monetizable value, such as personal, learning, or media data, its unauthorized release could result in identity theft or financial loss.

Secure video streaming helps to prevent these types of incidents by encrypting the video as it is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. This ensures that only the intended recipient can access and view the video, as the encryption makes it difficult for anyone else to intercept and decode the video. There are several technologies and protocols that can be used to secure video streaming, including DRM, Play Integrity, Dynamic watermarking, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and Transport Layer Security (TLS). These technologies and protocols provide a secure connection between the sender and recipient and can be used to protect the video as it is transmitted over the internet. Check out our play integrity api documentation to know more.

In addition to encryption, secure video streaming also includes other security measures, such as authentication, IP restrictions, and access control via video distribution platforms. This can help to prevent unauthorized access to the video, even if someone is able to intercept the transmission.

VdoCipher – Private Video Sharing Platform with Security

VdoCipher is a secure video hosting and streaming platform that provides a range of features and technologies to help with private video sharing. Some of the ways in which VdoCipher can help with private video sharing include:

  • Multi-DRM Encryption: VdoCipher uses advanced encryption technologies to secure video content as it is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay are used as DRM license providers to provide hardware-level security. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and distribution of the video.
  • Dynamic Watermarking: VdoCipher offers the option to add a watermark to the video, which can help to deter unauthorized copying and distribution of the video as dynamic details like IP and email of the end user will get exposed.
  • Illegal App protection: As an added layer of protection, VdoCipher also protects unauthorized playback on rooted and illegal apps discarded via Play Store.
  • Stream protection: VdoCipher uses AWS CloudFront and other distribution infrastructure to protect against streaming attacks, such as DDoS attacks, which can help ensure the video’s continued availability and security.
  • APIs, SDKs, and Plugins: You can integrate and automate your workflow for upload and embed via our APIs and SDKs. The video plugin by VdoCipher supports WordPress, Moodle, and other CMSs and LMSs.
  • Geo-Restrictions: For blacklisting or whitelisting specific countries
  • Smart HTML5 Video Player: dynamic controls with multi-lingual subtitle support, change playback speed, theme options, and many other customization options


How can someone privately share a premium video?

It is always better to use a secure video hosting platform like VdoCipher, which has a multi-DRM licensing and encryption system integrated with a scalable video infrastructure.

Is private video hosting available on YouTube?

No, YouTube does not provide any private video hosting services. For basic video hosting without security, you can use Google Cloud Storage, and for personal purposes, Google Drive is available.

How do I share a large video file privately?

It is important to note that even large cloud infrastructure like AWS and Google has a limit of 5TB for single object storage. For larger files than this limit, a file needs to be broken into chunks before uploading. For private video sharing, using a secure video hosting service like VdoCipher with DRM and AWS infrastructure scalability is recommended.

The post Sharing Private Video Securely with Encrypted Upload and Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
