wordpress secure streaming Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:47:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png wordpress secure streaming Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 How To Embed Videos in WordPress – A Comprehensive Guide https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/embed-videos-in-wordpress/ Wed, 08 May 2024 10:32:04 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=16769 Embedding videos in WordPress can be a game-changer for any website, enriching content and increasing user engagement. However, many creators and site owners often encounter challenges when trying to incorporate videos effectively. From finding compatible plugins to navigating embed codes, video quality, and platform restrictions, the process can seem overwhelming. In this blog, we tackle […]

The post How To Embed Videos in WordPress – A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Embedding videos in WordPress can be a game-changer for any website, enriching content and increasing user engagement. However, many creators and site owners often encounter challenges when trying to incorporate videos effectively. From finding compatible plugins to navigating embed codes, video quality, and platform restrictions, the process can seem overwhelming.

In this blog, we tackle these common hurdles head-on, providing practical solutions and best practices to help you seamlessly embed videos into your WordPress site. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned blogger, this guide will empower you to enhance your site’s multimedia experience effortlessly.

Today, everybody wants an easier and faster way to educate and entertain themselves. That’s why platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, and TikTok are growing like crazy. And if you have an online presence, then you cannot ignore incorporating videos into your page.

That’s why we are breaking down everything around embedding videos in WordPress, including

What are the Benefits of Adding Videos to Your WordPress Site?

Today, with ever-growing competition and information overload, videos are not a luxury to have on your website; they have become a necessity. 

To give it more clarity, here are three specific statistics,

  • More than 80% of all worldwide internet traffic is constituted by video content.
  • Consumers retain 95% of a message when viewed on video, compared to 10% when read in text.
  • Almost half of all internet users search for video content about a product or service before visiting a store.

Now, when you know that your audience is looking for video content, and they consume this video content way better and faster than any other medium. 

Why take the risk of not having a video on your website?

Still not convinced?

Here are some specific benefits of adding a video to WordPress website:

Higher Engagement and Enhanced User Experience – Videos are easier and faster to digest. They are far more engaging than plain text and images. They keep your viewers stay longer on the page. 

Improved SEO – Search engines love websites with diverse and engaging content, and videos are a surefire way to boost your SEO. Not only do videos increase dwell time, but also provide opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords, making your site more discoverable in search results.

Stronger Brand Image – Videos allow you to express your values and emotions in a way that can never be done with plain images or text. They help you express the overall brand personality and get closer to your audience.

Higher Shareability – In today’s social media-driven world, shareable content is driving the whole game. And videos are inherently more likely to be shared than text or images. That gives your brand the potential to reach a much wider audience organically. 

Higher Conversion – Videos highly help in conversions and reaching your marketing goals.

You can effectively communicate your product- highlighting its features, how to use it, competitive advantage, and customer testimonials to increase trust, reduce friction, and generate higher conversion.

Videos are super beneficial to add to your WordPress website. They can enhance your credibility and authority among your audience. So, it becomes important that you know how to add videos to WordPress with all the clarity and confidence.

Explore More ✅

Ensure Smooth & Secure Streaming of Your Videos With VdoCipher’s WordPress Plugin

VdoCipher helps 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

How to Embed Videos on a WordPress Page or Post

You can add video to WordPress in several ways. Choose the one that suits your requirements well. 

Here are the three specific methods to seamlessly embed videos in your WordPress posts and pages:

1. oEmbeds or Auto-embeds – For a Simpler Way

This is one of the simplest ways to add a video to WordPress. As its name suggests, it allows your website to automatically generate the embed code for popular video hosting platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. All you need to do is copy and paste the video URL directly into your WordPress editor.

For instance, if you want to embed a video from YouTube, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to YouTube.com
  2. Search the video you want to embed in WordPress.
  3. Copy the URL from there.

How to embed video in wordpress-youtube embed

  1. Now paste it into your WordPress blog post or page where you want the video to appear. 

WordPress will then recognize the link and seamlessly embed the video for you.

Note: WordPress can only do auto-embeds for white-listed video services. And here is the list of White-listed video services:

  • Amazon
  • Animoto
  • Cloudup
  • CollegeHumor
  • Crowdsignal
  • Dailymotion
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Hulu
  • Kickstarter
  • Meetup.com
  • Mixcloud
  • FlowPlayer
  • Screencast
  • Scribd
  • Slideshare
  • SmugMug
  • Youtube
  • SoundCloud
  • Speaker Deck
  • Spotify
  • TED
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • VideoPress
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress.tv

2. Video Block –  For Added Flexibility

This WordPress functionality offers more granular control over your video placement and customization.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. In your WordPress post or page editor, click the “+” icon to add a new block.
  2. Search for “video” in the block search bar.
  3. You’ll see options for different video sources like YouTube, Vimeo, or even self-hosted videos. Choose the one that you would like to embed.
  4. Paste the video URL into the designated field and click “Embed.”

This method provides more flexibility. You can adjust the video alignment within your content and explore additional settings, like setting a poster image or enabling autoplay.

3. Plugins and Shortcodes/Iframes – For Advanced Users 

While the above methods cover most embedding needs, WordPress plugins offer even more advanced functionalities. Here’s what you can explore:

Plugins: Plugins provide a wider range of features, allowing you to create responsive video layouts, curate video playlists, customize playback controls, and more.

Shortcodes/Iframes (for developers): For those comfortable with code, shortcodes and iframes offer more control over video embedding. However, this method requires some technical knowledge and is generally recommended for advanced users.

WordPress Plugins: For those seeking even more advanced video embedding features, WordPress plugins are the way. These plugins can offer functionalities like:

  • Responsive video layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Playlist creation for a curated video experience.
  • Customization options for playback controls, thumbnails, and more.

4. Embedding Videos using Shortcodes/Iframes 

If you’re comfortable with code, you can embed videos using shortcodes or iframes. The specific steps will vary depending on the video hosting platform you’re using. 

Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Obtain the Embed Code:  Look for the “embed code” or “iframe code” option on the video hosting platform. This code snippet will contain the necessary information to display the video on your website.
  2. Shortcode Method:  If a shortcode is available, copy the code provided by the platform and paste it into your WordPress content at the desired location.
  3. Iframe Method: If using an iframe, copy the iframe code snippet and navigate to your WordPress editor. Switch to the “text” editor mode (usually a button labeled “Text” or “HTML”). 

Paste the iframe code where you want the video to appear. 

For those specifically looking to stream live videos on WordPress, our guide on WordPress live streaming provides in-depth instructions to help you set up and manage live streams directly on your website.

Shortcodes vs. Iframes: Understanding the Difference

While both shortcodes and iframes can be used to embed videos, they differ in their approach:

  • Shortcodes:  These are WordPress-specific snippets of code that function like macros. When you insert a shortcode into your content, WordPress recognizes it and replaces it with the desired functionality, such as embedding a video. 

Video hosting platforms might provide shortcodes for easy integration into your WordPress site.

  • Iframes:  These are HTML elements that allow you to display content from another website within your current page. In essence, you create a window within your webpage that loads the video content from an external source.  

If the video hosting platform doesn’t offer a shortcode, you can potentially use the iframe code provided by the platform.

Caution: Always obtain iframe code from reputable sources to avoid security vulnerabilities on your website.

Video Embed Plugins for WordPress: Free vs. Premium Solutions

When it comes to embedding videos in WordPress, choosing the right plugin is crucial for a seamless user experience and maximizing audience engagement. There are both free and premium plugin options available, each offering distinct advantages and features.

Free Video Plugins:

Free video embed plugins are popular for those looking to add basic video embedding functionality to their website without incurring extra costs. They are ideal for bloggers or small businesses who need to showcase videos quickly and simply. Key features often include:

  • Basic Embed Functionality: Easily embed videos from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and others using a simple shortcode or URL.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that videos adapt well to various screen sizes, including mobile devices.
  • Limited Customization: Basic options for adjusting video player settings, such as autoplay, loop, and mute.

Examples of Free Video Plugins:

  1. YouTube Embed Plus:
    • Specializes in embedding YouTube videos.
    • Offers features like lazy loading, playlists, and GDPR compliance.
  2. WP Video Lightbox:
    • Creates a lightbox overlay to display embedded videos.
    • Supports both YouTube and Vimeo with basic customization.
  3. Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator:
    • Automatically generates video thumbnails and provides responsive embeds.
    • Integrates with YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos.

Premium Video Plugins:

Premium plugins, though requiring an upfront cost, provide comprehensive features that can enhance the appearance, functionality, and performance of your videos:

  • Advanced Customization: Greater control over video player design, layout, and interaction features like calls-to-action or clickable overlays.
  • Analytics Integration: Built-in tools or integration with external services to track video performance metrics such as watch time, views, and engagement.
  • Marketing Tools: Support for features like email capture, video-based lead generation, and integration with CRM systems.
  • Customer Support: Access to dedicated technical support and frequent updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions.

Premium Video Plugins Examples:

  1. Presto Player:
    • Advanced features like email collection, chapter markers, and video hosting integration.
    • Supports platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, and local hosting.
  2. FV Player Pro:
    • Offers branding-free players, video analytics, and support for playlists.
    • Supports Vimeo Pro, Amazon S3, and self-hosted videos.
  3. VdoCipher WordPress Plugin:
    • Provides secure video streaming with DRM encryption and dynamic watermarking.
    • Integrates seamlessly with the VdoCipher video hosting platform.
    • Features a customizable player and built-in analytics for viewer engagement tracking.

Why You Should Not Self-Host Your Videos? 

How to embed video in wordpress-no self host

Videos are a powerful tool for engaging your audience, but managing them yourself can be a hassle. 

Uploading, storing, and streaming videos all require technical know-how and resources. Let’s explore more specific reasons why you should not self-host your videos:

Bandwidth Issues – Videos are large files, and streaming them requires a lot of bandwidth. And self-hosting means your website’s bandwidth allocation is going to struggle, especially with high traffic. 

That can lead to slow loading times and buffering issues, ultimately frustrating your viewers and impacting your website’s performance.

Storage challenges – As your video library grows, storing them all on your own server can take up valuable space. And upgrading your server plan to accommodate this can be expensive.

Security Concerns – Self-hosted videos can be vulnerable to security breaches. Without the high-security measures employed by video hosting platforms, your videos could be compromised, or even malware could be distributed through them.

Conversion Chaos – For optimal playback across different devices and browsers, your videos need to be converted into various formats and sizes. And this conversion process can be time-consuming requiring technical expertise.

Limited Features – Video hosting platforms not only provide storage and streaming; they offer a lot of other features as well. These features can include analytics, playlist creation, marketing tools, and even content protection. For self-hosting, it becomes an extra headache to access these valuable functionalities.

How To Embed Your Videos Using VdoCipher

Embedding videos using VdoCipher is exciting. Vdocipher provides you with various options to choose from. You can go with quick embed or use the VdoCipher plugin to explore its advanced features like adding watermark to your WordPress videos.

Here is the step-by-step process:

1. Once you are logged in to the VdoCipher’s dashboard, click on the videos option from the dashboardHow to embed video in wordpress-vdocipher


2. Select the video that you want to embed, and click on the ‘Embed’ button.

How to embed video in wordpress-vdocipher

3. You can see all the embedding options right here, including the WordPress plugin and Quick Embed.

How to embed video in wordpress-vdocipher

4. All you need to do is just select the method you would prefer for your video embedding and follow the steps provided.

How to embed video in wordpress-vdocipher

5. Now just go to your website and paste that embed code or shortcode, wherever you want the video to appear.

At any point in time, if you find any confusion, you can refer to the easy and detailed tutorial associated with each method like this one.

Here are a few of the additional VdoCipher features that take your video content strategy to the next level.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming – VdoCipher delivers video quality that adjusts in real time based on your viewer’s internet connection. Whether they’re on high-speed Wi-Fi or a slower mobile network, VdoCipher ensures a smooth viewing experience.

Top-class Security – VdoCipher uses features like  DRM encryption, Dynamic watermarking, and Piracy tracker to keep your content safe from unauthorized access and tampering. That ensures only authorized viewers can access your videos.

Scalability – VdoCipher adapts to your needs. Its cloud-based infrastructure guarantees high availability and consistent performance, which means your videos are always accessible and play flawlessly, no matter how much traffic you experience.

Custom Player- Make your player yours by customizing the player controls and colors according to your brand and customize it according to your user’s behavior.

What are Some Common Issues with Embedding Your Videos?

Videos are a fantastic way to grab attention and add dynamism to your website’s content. But sometimes, those embedded videos don’t display well.

Let’s explore some common problems you might encounter when embedding videos and how to troubleshoot them:

1. The Video Isn’t Showing Up

       This can happen because of various reasons, like:

  • Incorrect URL: Double-check that you’ve copied and pasted the video URL accurately.
  • Compatibility Issues: Ensure the video format is compatible with your website and visitors’ browsers.
  • Privacy Settings:  Make sure the video you’re embedding is set to public viewing on the hosting platform

2. The Video Won’t Play

  • Browser Issues: Outdated browsers or disabled plugins like Flash Player can prevent videos from playing. Encourage viewers to update their browsers.
  • Slow Connection:  Large video files and sluggish internet connections can lead to buffering issues. Optimize your video size or consider a video hosting platform with a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster streaming.

3. The Video Looks Broken or Pixelated

  • Video Quality:  Using a low-resolution video can result in pixelation on larger screens. Upload higher-quality videos or optimize them for web viewing.
  • Display Issues:  Incompatible embed code or conflicts with your website’s theme can cause display problems. Try regenerating the embed code or checking with your theme’s documentation.

WordPress Video Plugins You Can Use to Embed Videos on Your Website?

  1. VdoCipher’s WordPress Video Plugins: VdoCipher provides video hosting, video playback, and piracy protection solutions for WordPress websites in the e-Learning & media field to help them serve content in the most secure and smooth manner . With VdoCipher you also get security features such as DRM encryption, dynamic watermarking, Geo, IP restrictions, piracy tracker and more
  2. Advanced Responsive Video Embedder: This plugin lives up to its name by providing extensive control over video responsiveness and display. You can create custom video layouts, configure spacing and margins, and ensure your videos look perfect on any device.
  3. WP Video Playlist: As the name suggests, this plugin is ideal for creating curated video playlists. You can easily arrange multiple videos in a sequence, add titles and descriptions, and customize the playlist player’s appearance to match your website’s theme.
  4. YotuTube Embed Plugin: This plugin is specifically designed for YouTube users who want to embed their entire channel or specific playlists directly into their WordPress website. It provides a user-friendly interface to manage your embedded YouTube content and showcase your channel seamlessly.
  5. Video Embed Forms by Everest Forms: This plugin goes beyond just embedding videos. It allows you to create interactive forms where users can submit information before or after watching your video. This can be a powerful tool for lead generation, gated content access, or audience engagement.

Choosing the Right WordPress Video Plugin

With so many options available, selecting the right plugin depends on your specific needs. Consider these factors when making your choice:

  • Features: Identify the functionalities most important to you, whether it’s responsive layouts, playlist creation, or advanced customization options.
  • Ease of Use:  Choose a plugin with a user-friendly interface that integrates smoothly with your WordPress environment.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the plugin is compatible with your current WordPress version and other plugins you might be using.

Note: While plugins offer great features, it’s important to choose wisely and only install plugins from reputable developers. Avoid overloading your website with too many plugins, as this can impact performance. 

See, the power of video content is undeniable. By strategically embedding videos on your WordPress website page or posts, you can inform, engage, and inspire your audience in a way that text and images simply cannot.  

Remember, the possibilities are endless! Leverage the flexibility of WordPress and the powerful features of video hosting platforms like VdoCipher to embed videos in WordPress and create a truly dynamic and immersive online experience. 

You can even use WordPress LMS plugins alongside VdoCipher to stream your video courses


  1. What are the easiest ways to embed videos in WordPress?
    WordPress offers built-in support for video embeds through oEmbed, or you can use plugins like Embed Plus or WP Video Lightbox for additional customization options.
  2. Can I embed videos from any platform in WordPress?
    While WordPress supports most popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion, certain platforms may require a plugin or manual embed code insertion.
  3. How can I improve the loading speed of embedded videos?
    Use lazy loading to delay video loading until it’s needed or host videos on external platforms like YouTube to minimize server load.
  4. Why isn’t my video embed displaying correctly?
    Common issues include conflicts with your theme, plugin incompatibilities, or incorrect URL/embed code formatting.
  5. Are there any SEO benefits to embedding videos in WordPress?
    Yes! Videos increase user engagement, which can indirectly boost SEO. Include video transcripts and captions to improve accessibility and SEO further.

The post How To Embed Videos in WordPress – A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-variables-watermark-on-wordpress-videos/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-variables-watermark-on-wordpress-videos/#respond Fri, 06 Jan 2023 01:48:27 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=361 Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding a watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of the watermark. Currently, name, IP, and […]

The post Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding a watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of the watermark. Currently, name, IP, and email can be shown as part of the watermark.

Watermark on videos adds extra security for the video from screen capture by adding variables such as email, IP or date information to the videos. Custom variables are now supported in plugin 1.6

Default WordPress fields that can be added

Our plugin has been configured to replace the following strings in the annotation code by default:

  • {name} – Current User display name
  • {email} – Current User email
  • {username} – Current User Login
  • {id} – Current User ID

Till version 1.5 of our WordPress video hosting plugin, watermark on videos could only have a limited number of dynamic variables. With version 1.6, we have now added filter hooks on the annotation code to enable other plugins or themes to change the annotation code.

Custom filter addition to the WordPress hook

You can now add a custom filter to the hook `vdocipher_annotate_preprocess` . Example code for adding custom filter is:

function customfunc($vdo_annotate_code){
 $customVariable = "Hello world";
 $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{var1}', $customVariable, $vdo_annotate_code);
 return $vdo_annotate_code;

add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customfunc');

Display WordPress Default field like User Fullname

An example code to display the full name is as follows:

function customvdofunc($vdo_annotate_code){
    $fullname = "";
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $firstname = $current_user->user_firstname;
        $lastname = $current_user->user_lastname;
        $fullname = $firstname . " " . $lastname;
     $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{fullname}', $fullname, $vdo_annotate_code);
     return $vdo_annotate_code;
add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customvdofunc');

This would replace the string ‘{fullname}’ in the watermark code to the fullname of the logged in user.

JSON Code addition to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin

The above code enables you to replace the token {var1} with the value of $customVariable. You can then use an annotation code like:

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'{var1}', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

This code on going through the above filter will become

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'Hello world', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

This function can be placed in the functions.php file in your theme. It is recommended to create a child theme before making such edits.

Example Steps to configure custom field “Phone number” as a watermark

You can configure user-specific details like “phone numbers” as a watermark using the VdoCipher WordPress video plugin annotation field and add_filter function in the functions file. shortcode embedded in WordPress.

Note: This phone number is a Custom Field created for illustration using a  plugin named “Advanced Custom Fields” and the name for this custom field is phone_number. You might not need to configure such custom fields, your membership plugin that you might be using would already have such custom field addition functionality. The phone number addition of a user on their profile needs to be managed and taken care of from your WordPress setup side. Your WordPress developers can check and implement it. For this example, the sample WordPress viewer playing the video has the phone number  887788778877 on his profile.

custom variables like phone number addition in wordpress user profile

custom field phone number addition via plugin

Below is a code demonstrating the usage of a sample function for displaying the saved phone number as a watermark and plugin setup.

Additions in functions.php WordPress file

  1. Login to your WordPress account having theme editor access.
  2. Open functions.php through Appearance>Theme File Editor or Tools>Theme File Editor
  3. Add given below custom PHP function in the functions.php file and save the file.
function customvdofunc($vdo_annotate_code){
   $Phonenumber = "";
   if (is_user_logged_in()) {
       $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
       $PNO = $current_user->phone_number;
    $vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{Phonenumber}', $PNO, $vdo_annotate_code);
    return $vdo_annotate_code;
add_filter('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', 'customvdofunc');

Additions in functions php WordPress file

Adding JSON to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin field

You need to add the following JSON code in the plugin settings to call the custom function and display the viewer’s phone number as a watermark.

[{"type":"rtext", "text":"{Phonenumber}", "alpha":"0.90","color":"#FFFF00","size":"12","interval":"5000","skip":5000}]

Adding JSON to the VdoCipher WordPress Plugin field

On playback of the videos, the watermark will show the phone number of the viewer playing the video. Similarly, you can call other custom or WordPress data fields via functions.php and display the same by adding more lines of JSON code in the VdoCipher plugin field.

watermark showing the phone number of the viewer playing the video

The post Custom variables as watermark on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/custom-variables-watermark-on-wordpress-videos/feed/ 0
WordPress video hosting plugin : Add Secure Videos to your WP site https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/11/protect-videos-on-wordpress/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/11/protect-videos-on-wordpress/#respond Fri, 04 Nov 2022 06:39:48 +0000 http://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=212 Detailed WordPress Tutorial Video Explaining configuration, watermark, player customization. More details and text explanation after the video.  WordPress is one of the fastest ways to build a working website. WordPress and its themes and plugins are used by developers to create truly awesome websites with minimal effort. Many users combine our secure video streaming service […]

The post WordPress video hosting plugin : Add Secure Videos to your WP site appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Detailed WordPress Tutorial Video Explaining configuration, watermark, player customization. More details and text explanation after the video.

WordPress is one of the fastest ways to build a working website. WordPress and its themes and plugins are used by developers to create truly awesome websites with minimal effort.

Many users combine our secure video streaming service with their video membership sites built on WordPress. Here we explain how to add the VdoCipher video player to your site using the VdoCipher WordPress plugin. With the VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin, you can stream videos on your WordPress site with the best content protection possible.

Our streaming service uses encryption of videos during streaming and OTP-based decryption to provide the highest protection from video piracy. We also provide a highly customizable video player, with a large variety of player themes to choose from. We are improving our plugin gradually and would love to receive inputs from users about any new features they would like us to add.

Integrating VdoCipher’s WordPress Video Hosting Plugin

Installing the VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps that you would need to follow.

    1. Create account on VdoCipher. Upon sign up, you will find the Client Secret Key in the Config section in the Dashboard. This key is meant to be as confidential as a password, so it is essential that you keep it safe. You will need this key to authorize the plugin to play videos from your VdoCipher account.
    2. On your WordPress dashboard, search for “VdoCipher” on Add plugins page.

VdoCipher WordPress video plugin

  1. Click “Install now”. This will install the VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin.
  2. Click on the link “Activate”. On the top of this page, you will see a message. “Click here to configure VdoCipher”.
  3. In the next page, enter the Client secret key from Step 1. On entering the Client Secret Key, you would be shown a status: ready message.
  4. You can now upload or import videos to your VdoCipher dashboard. Once the video is added successfully, you would find the video ID as part of the video information.

Find video id in the VdoCipher dashboard to add videos for WordPress video hosting

The following video has been added using the VdoCipher video plugin. The video uses multiple watermarks, details of which we provide below.

Using the VdoCipher WordPress Video Hosting Plugin

Once you have configured the VdoCipher plugin with the Client Secret key, you are ready to start streaming your premium videos through your WordPress website. You can embed your video inside of posts and pages. Depending on the WordPress version that you are using, there are two different kind of editors:

WordPress Classic Editor

The TinyMCE-based WordPress text editor is used by default in WordPress versions less than 5.0. To add videos to your posts and page you can use the following shortcode. You would need to replace the 12345678 with the video id. The plugin parses the shortcode behind the scenes to display the video every time the page is loaded.

[vdo id='12345678']

WordPress Visual (Blocks) Editor

WordPress 5.0 has introduced a paradigm shift to the experience of adding new content to your web pages. A visual editor, comprised of blocks representing different content types, has now become default.

You can now add videos to your site using the VdoCipher block. The VdoCipher block only requires the video ID, so you no longer need to remember the shortcode syntax.

Note that the shortcode is completely supported. To embed using the shortcode you can either use the shortcode block or else use the shortcode inside a paragraph block.

Click on Add block to add VdoCipher videos to your WordPress website for wordpress video hosting
Editor interface where you can add videos for wordpress video hosting

Configuring VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin

You can go to the settings menu of the VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin to configure video settings.

Settings page for VdoCipher WordPress video hosting plugin for secure streaming

Watermark your video with text

You can use our watermark feature inside the plugin to add text on your videos.  Adding moving text with viewer information is an extra deterrent to people sharing recorded videos.  You can configure the plugin to add annotation over your videos.

You need to set up “annotation code” in the Settings > VdoCipher page.  Go to plugins > VdoCipher> settings > annotation statement, and put the watermark code there. This code tells us how and what to embed over your videos. A sample watermark code for dynamic text watermark is given here below.

{'type':'rtext', 'text':' {ip}', 'alpha':'0.20', 'color':'0x000000','size':'12','interval':'2000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':' {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.30' , 'x':'60', 'y':'200', 'color':'0x000000', 'size':'11','interval':'3000'},
{'type':'rtext', 'text':' {email}', 'alpha':'0.20', 'color':'0x000000','size':'12','interval':'2000'},
{'type':'rtext', 'text':' {username}', 'alpha':'0.20', 'color':'0x000000','size':'12','interval':'2000'}]
It is possible to have watermark skip for some time between two overlays. Here is a sample code for it , the ‘skip’ parameter does that-
[ {'type':'rtext', 'text':' [ip]', 'alpha':'0.30', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'13','interval':'2000','skip':'2000'} ]

For further details on creating your annotation code, read on here: Add watermark over videos

Once set, the annotation code is applied over all VdoCipher videos in WordPress. If you want a particular video not to show the annotation, you need to pass another attribute to the short-code.

[vdo id='12345678' no_annotate=true]


Player Themes

You can choose from a variety of custom player themes to customize your video player. You can go to the player themes page from the options page to select the player theme that you like best.

Select the best themes from the video player themes available for wordpress video hosting

You can find all currently live player themes at Video Player Themes. If you have any specific requirements you can let us know via mail at support@vdocipher.com.

When the player theme is set from the settings page it applies to all videos. You can also give different themes for different videos. This can be done via the shortcode, by adding the vdo_theme attribute, like so:

[vdo id='123456789' vdo_theme='e2dbde7971d145cd9a3bc0271b75b0a5']

Setting Height and Width

You can set the default height and width in the settings page. You can set any width (in case specified width exceeds the width of the user’s screen or the width of the parent HTML element, the video player will fit into the limiting width). By setting default height to auto you can preserve the aspect ratio of the video. You can also set the height and width using attributes inside the shortcode, as well as inside the video block for WP Visual Editor, like so:

[vdo id='123456789' width='1280' height='auto']

Video Players – Flash and HTML5

While VdoCipher started out with streaming protected content using Flash, our HTML5 player now also provides Hollywood-grade security. The major advantage of HTML5 over Flash is that it delivers a superior streaming experience, and has the highest compatibility across browser. While we continue support Flash for legacy users, we highly recommend that users opt for HTML5 player for their videos.

Player Version

As of our WordPress video plugin version, 1.25 the latest video player version is 1.6.10. The VdoCipher video player is regularly improved to deliver the best user experience and to get the best data for advanced analytics. We request users to regularly update the player version to the latest player when they update the plugin.

Sell videos online

For selling videos online, VdoCipher is an extremely good option to protect your content from being freely distributed. You can set up an e-commerce video platform with WordPress itself.

One option would be to set up a membership site with multiple subscription options. This way your customers can pay a subscription fees and get access to content according to the level of subscription they buy. Such a system can be set up using membership plugin.

Use WooCommerce Pay Per View With WordPress video hosting plugin for secure video hosting
WooCommerce Pay Per View With VdoCipher plugin for secure video hosting

Similarly, you can have a pay-per-view option for your platform where your visitors have to pay a one-time charge for watching a video. You can restrict the number of times and for how much duration you want to give access to the content. Such a system can be set up with WooCommerce plugin. You might have to use another plugin Woocommerce pay per post to achieve this. You can further customize the plugin for the restrictions and user flow that you might like to achieve.

Supercharge your WordPress website – blogs to help you build an awesome website

Learning Management Systems and Membership plugins

WP eMember for managing WordPress Memberships
Sensei LMS features
Tutorial to get started with Sensei LMS

Watermark details

Add Text to Videos with Watermark
Custom Variables as Watermark in WordPress

Custom player themes

Video Player Themes – Add Custom Skins and Change Player Controls
Change video player color using custom CSS

If you are looking to create video e-commerce platform online or just want to  protect your online videos on WordPress, go ahead and use our wordpress video hosting pluginIn case you have any feedback, suggestions or bugs, we would be happy to hear from you at support@vdocipher.com

So, try out our WordPress video hosting plugin to embed videos on wordpress. Try the free full version 5 GB trial at www.vdocipher.com for protecting WordPress videos from download. Secure, Smooth and Affordable video streaming solution.

The post WordPress video hosting plugin : Add Secure Videos to your WP site appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/11/protect-videos-on-wordpress/feed/ 0
Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/08/variables-on-wordpress-videos/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/08/variables-on-wordpress-videos/#respond Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:09:33 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=269 Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of watermark. Currently name, IP and email can […]

The post Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Please visit Add Text to Videos with Watermark for a detailed introduction to adding watermark to your videos. This particular blog explains what is going on under the hood of the WP plugin, and is useful only if you are adding your own custom-built variables as part of watermark. Currently name, IP and email can be shown as part of watermark.

You can download the WordPress plugin from the WP Plugin Directory

While adding videos watermark or annotation code on vdocipher videos using the WordPress plugin, you can configure the text to fetch dynamic user variables. These variables can be user name, email or date in custom format. Here is the complete list of variables which can be used in the annotation code.

{name} : This shows the display name of the user who is viewing the video. This calls the function: wp_get_current_user()->display_name

{email} : wp_get_current_user()->user_email

{username} : wp_get_current_user()->user_login

{id} : wp_get_current_user()->ID


{date} : This function allows you to configure the video to show date in custom format. You can use the predefined PHP date constants to display date. The format is {date.pattern}, where pattern will be the input of PHP’s date function.

preg_replace_callback('/\{date\.([^\}]+)\}/', function($matches)
   return date($matches[1]);
} , $vdo_annotate_code);


An example code using the above variable tokens:

{'type':'rtext', 'text':'Your IP : {ip}', 'alpha':'0.8', 'color':'0xFF0000','size':'12','interval':'5000'},
{'type':'text', 'text':'Time: {date.h:i:s A}', 'alpha':'0.5' , 'x':'150', 'y':'100', 'color':'0xFF0000', 'size':'12'}

Check example video for the above code here: https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2014/12/add-text-to-videos-with-watermark/

Currently, the WordPress plugin supports a single annotation parameter across the website. If you must have a video without the annotation, you need to add a no_annotate parameter [vdo id='12345678' no_annotate=true]

The post Watermark user/time specific dynamic variables on WordPress videos appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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