HLS streaming Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Fri, 19 Jul 2024 06:50:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png HLS streaming Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 HLS DRM, HLS Streaming & HLS Encryption for Content Security https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2017/08/hls-streaming-hls-encryption-secure-hls-drm/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2017/08/hls-streaming-hls-encryption-secure-hls-drm/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:53:47 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=2111 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS streaming), developed by Apple, was designed to replace the Flash player on iPhones. HLS is adaptive to network conditions, making it a favored protocol among streaming services. It automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and the bandwidth available on a user’s network, which enhances viewing experiences across various devices. Supported by […]

The post HLS DRM, HLS Streaming & HLS Encryption for Content Security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS streaming), developed by Apple, was designed to replace the Flash player on iPhones. HLS is adaptive to network conditions, making it a favored protocol among streaming services. It automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and the bandwidth available on a user’s network, which enhances viewing experiences across various devices. Supported by HTML5 video players, HLS enables streaming at the optimal bitrate for a user’s connection without interrupting playback. This feature is crucial for video content, as it allows seamless scaling of video quality.

What is HLS Streaming?

HLS Streaming ( HTTP Live Streaming) is a video streaming protocol used for video content across desktop and mobile devices. HLS is developed by Apple, which forms the biggest use case for the streaming protocol. Beyond Apple, there is wide support for HLS streaming across Android devices and browsers. Indeed, HLS can be used as a streaming protocol for all major browsers, including Chrome and Firefox.

In HLS Encryption the video files are encrypted using a secure AES-128 algorithm. The AES 128 encryption is the only publicly available security algorithm that is used by the NSA for encrypting its top-secret classified information.

HLS streaming and HLS Encryption can be used for both the cases of live streaming and for Video on Demand streaming (VOD). Because video streaming is over HTTPS, there is no need for a streaming server, unlike RTMP, which requires its own streaming server.

HLS Streaming Protocol is not blocked by firewalls, unlike RTMP streaming protocol

How & Why Apple Developed HLS Streaming ?

Until about 2010, Flash was the most popular video streaming application. It was supported by all desktop browsers. Because Flash utilized the same runtime across all browsers, it meant that video streamers did not have to create separate workflows for different devices. DRM and encryption were also supported by Flash.

Flash was however plagued by security issues. Video playback on Flash was processor-intensive, which caused phone overheating & mobile batteries to drain very fast. For these reasons Apple did not support Flash in the iPhone and in iPad, instead including support for native HTML5 video playback.

Apple created its specifications for video streaming, which could by both live streaming platforms and for pre-recorded video streaming platforms. Android OS followed suit by blocking flash playback from browsers on Android. From the introduction of the smartphone to the emergence of MPEG-DASH around 2015, Apple’s HLS streaming has been the most widely used protocol.

Because of Apple’s continued support for the protocol, encoding for HLS player is an integral element of any video streaming provider’s workflow.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, film makers and trainers with multi-DRM protected video streaming, ensuring piracy protection and smooth playback globally.

How does HLS streaming work?

In plain vanilla HTML5 video streaming, only a single video file is available for streaming. The download of the complete video file is initiated every time the stream is played. Even if a viewer watches only 2 minutes of a 30-minute video, the full video would be downloaded, causing data wastage at both the server and the user end.

Streaming protocols remove this inefficiency in video streaming. Streaming protocols such as HLS effectively break down a video file into multiple chunks when streaming, and these video files are downloaded over HTTP in succession. HLS streaming uses the same workflow for both live and for on-demand content. The core idea in multi-bitrate streaming is that multiple renditions of each video, of varying resolution, are encoded. High-resolution videos are delivered to large screen devices having high network bandwidth, whereas lower resolution videos are encoded for mobile phones. Encoding for low resolutions also ensures continuous video streaming when the network connection speed drops.

Progressive streaming using HLS AES-128 Protocol

When the user decides to change video resolution, or when the network bandwidth changes, video streams can be manually (or automatically) switched. HLS video streams are encoded using the H.264 standard, which can be played across all devices. Each of the video copies is broken into multiple chunks having the .ts (transport stream) extension.

There is a main index file, called the manifest file (.m3u8 file format), associated with the video stream. The main manifest file contains links to the specific manifest files associated with each unique video stream. Each of these specific manifest files in its place directs the video stream to the correct URL for video playback when streams are switched. This ensures that stream switching is seamless. This process of a manifest file referring to the video stream is the same for both live video streaming and for on-demand video streaming. The only difference for live video is simply that the video files are being encoded in real-time.

Streaming over HTTP has many advantages over using a separate server. For example, firewalls that may be used to block ports used for RTMP are unlikely to affect video streaming over HTTP. No additional cost are required for streaming over an HTTP server.

Mobile Video Streaming Using HLS Protocol

When users upload a video to a server, it undergoes several phases of processing. Initially, the video is encoded in various resolutions and then segmented into containers, where each segment is indexed in the M3U8 format. This index file is crucial as it is hosted on a server and accessed by mobile applications to retrieve video chunks.

Server Components
Key elements of the server include the encoder and segmenter. The encoder receives the input stream during video upload and encodes it into different formats such as H.264 + MP3 and MPEG-2, creating multiple output streams. These streams are then passed to the segmenter, which divides them into video chunks and generates corresponding index files. Each stream has its distinct index file.

M3U8 File Format
The M3U8 file format is essential for indexing multimedia files. It contains pointers to the locations of video files saved with a .ts extension. These index files are generated by the segmenter and also specify the duration of video chunks, typically set to 10 seconds. They enable dynamic switching between video streams depending on the user’s network bandwidth. The client software autonomously decides the optimal times to switch streams based on network conditions.

Video Streaming through HLS protocol

Mobile Application Interaction
Mobile applications retrieve the M3U8 index file from the server, which directs them to the required video streams. The application downloads these streams in a sequential manner, and playback begins once enough segments are buffered. As one index file is exhausted, the application proceeds to scan the next until the ‘endlist’ tag is reached.

System Implementation
The development of the mobile application is geared towards enabling users to share videos seamlessly. Users upload videos, which are then encoded and segmented by the HLS server into streamable video slices saved in .ts format. Index files in M3U8 format are generated and uploaded to a storage database. When a user wishes to watch a video, the application sends a request to the server to retrieve the video through the storage, ensuring that the video plays smoothly on the device’s native media player API.

In conclusion, HLS protocol facilitates the streaming of high-quality videos that adapt to varying network conditions. By managing video segments through a manifest file, the mobile application ensures that users can access the best possible video quality based on their current network environment, providing a robust and uninterrupted streaming experience.

What is HLS Encryption? Is HLS Encryption effectively secure against piracy?

HLS AES-128 encryption refers to video streams using HLS streaming protocol wherein the video files are encrypted using the AES-128 algorithms. The key exchange happens through the secure HTTPS protocol. If done in a rudimentary way the key for decryption can be seen from the network console by accessing the manifest file. A poor implementation of HLS encryption would result in plugins automatically finding the key and decrypting the HLS encrypted stream, rendering video security ineffective.

Basic HLS Encryption where the key is in the manifest file

There are however methods to strengthen the HLS Encrypted stream. The challenge is to make sure that the key is not exposed directly. These are the options for additional security in HLS Encryption:

  • Not including URL to decryption key in Manifest File

Implementations for this vary widely, and are quite difficult by themselves. This method for protecting HLS content may also cause compatibility issues on devices. If done properly however it is definitely a major improvement in video security.

  • Using authenticated cookies for HLS Encryption streaming

In this method, the browser of authorized users stores authentication cookies. These cookies are stored with a digital signature, to ensure that they are not tampered with. This ensures that only the authorised user (and not some external plugin) is seeking to fetch content. The following workflow is used for configuring authentication cookies for HLS encryption:

  1. Trusted signers are configured, who have permission to create authentication cookies. This configuration is done at the edge location (content delivery network)
  2. Application is developed to send set-cookie headers to authorized viewers
  3. Authorized users store name-value pairs in the cookie
  4. When user requests protected content, the browser adds the name-value pair in the cookie header to the request
  5. The video CDN uses the public key to verify the digital signature in the name-value pair
  6. If the authentication cookie is verified, the CDN looks at the authentication cookie’s policy statement. The policy statement determines if the access request is valid. For example, the policy statement could include the beginning and end time for cookie validity.

Advanced HLS Encryption, using authentication cookies/ signed URLs
For further information on authentication cookies for content protection, you can have a look at Amazon Cloudfront’s documentation.

  • Signed URLs can be generated for authorized users

The following workflow is used for configuring signed URLs for HLS encryption:

In the CDN trusted signers are created, who have permission to create signed URLs

  1. Develop an application to create signed URLs for protected content
  2. When user requests protected content by signed URLs, the application verifies if they have the authorization to access it
  3. If verified, the application creates a signed URL and sends it to the requesting user
  4. On accessing content through a signed URL, the CDN verifies that the URL has not been tampered with. This is done by using the Public Key to verify the digital signature of the URL
  5. If the signed URL is valid,
  6. The CDN uses the public key to verify the digital signature in the name-value pair
  7. If the signed URL is verified, the CDN looks at the signed URL’s policy statement. The policy statement determines if the access request is valid. For example, the policy statement could include the beginning and end times for the signed URL. For protecting content, this period of validity of URLs should be short – as little as a few minutes is optimal. For this you can create dynamic URLs, that change every few minutes.

For further information on signed URLs for content protection, you can have a look at Amazon Cloudfront’s documentation.

All these 3 steps make the video stream considerably immune to direct download through plugins. However, these methods are still breakable by already available codes and tech hacks.

Technical overview of HLS Streaming

HLS streaming or HTTP live streaming is a video streaming protocol to stream audio and video across all major browsers and devices. Here’s a brief overview of how HLS Streaming works.

Source and Encoding: Video content can be either live or recorded and is first encoded into all the relevant formats and quality. The video is also compressed to ensure it can be streamed easily, as raw files are usually pretty big. 

Segmentation and Multiple Formats: After the encoding is done the video is further split into segments of about 10 seconds each. Segmentation makes it easier to switch between video quality, this is done dynamically based on the user’s internet speed. 

Creation of M3U8 Playlist: An M3U8 playlist file is created, which contains information about the video segments of all the different qualities. It guides the player to pick the right segment based on internet speed.

Delivery and Adaptation: All the video chunks and the m3u8 playlist are saved on an HTTP server. When someone streams the video, the m3u8 playlist is downloaded and the video chunks are downloaded. As the internet speed changes, the player chooses the higher or lower-quality video chunks based on it. It ensures a smooth viewing experience with minimal buffering. 

Key Benefits of HLS Streaming

Here are the key benefits of HLS (HTTP Live Streaming):

Compatibility: HLS is compatible with almost all browsers and devices. Initially HLS was limited to Apple devices now it has a much broader range browser it supports.

hls streaming compatibility

Adaptive Streaming: HLS ensures a smooth viewing experience by scaling the video quality. It does this based on the user’s internet speed, the quality scales up or down based on the internet speed. This ensures that there is no buffering at lower speeds.

Live and On-Demand: HLS works for both live and recorded streaming. This makes it pretty versatile for streaming different types of content. 

Security: HLS uses AES-128 encryption to encrypt the video chunk, to protect videos from unauthorized access. 

Scalability: HLS offers good scalability to deliver live and record content across global CDN. These CDNs distribute the streaming load among various servers. This distribution strategy efficiently handles sudden increases in viewers, such as unexpected large live audiences, ensuring a stable streaming experience.

Compare HLS with other streaming protocols

Comparing HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) to other video streaming protocols:


MPEG-DASH is similar to HLS in providing adaptive streaming. But MPEG-DASH is more flexible with different codecs and containers. HLS is more widely supported, especially on Apple devices. MPEG-DASH is gaining popularity due to its open standard nature.

RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol): 

RTMP is older and great for low-latency streaming, like live broadcasts. However, it doesn’t support adaptive streaming and is less compatible with modern devices. HLS, while having slightly higher latency, offers better device compatibility and adaptive streaming.

Microsoft Smooth Streaming: 

This is Microsoft’s version of adaptive streaming. It works well with Microsoft devices and software. However, HLS has wider support across various platforms and devices compared to Microsoft Smooth Streaming.

HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming): 

HDS is Adobe’s streaming protocol. It’s similar to HLS in adaptive streaming but is less common. HLS has broader support and is more widely used than HDS.

How is DRM level security for HLS Encryption possible?

DRM requires that the key exchange and licensing mechanism is highly secure and is always out of reach of external tools and hackers. A DRM technology also has additional elements. It delivers a license file, which also specifies the usage rights of the viewer. Usage rights specify the conditions in which the video playback is allowed.
Implementation of these usage rights ensures that the signed key used for decryption can only be used for playback on the viewer’s device. The key would simply fail to decrypt the video stream if the video file is copied to any other device.

DRM adds complex layers of workflow for license management. This workflow includes:

Specifying highly detailed usage rights such as

  • Limiting video playback on a device to only a fixed number of times
  • Video access can expire after a period of days if the subscription is not renewed
  • Limiting the device or screen on which the video can be played. For example usage rights can be used to restrict users to cast their video playback on an external device such as a Smart TV.

The license database is also bound to the user’s device, which means that if shared the license and decryption key becomes redundant.

Licenses are also signed with the digital signature, which means that they cannot tamper with either during transit over HTTP or when stored locally on the device.

Implementing DRM along with HLS streaming entails considerable modification of the HLS Encryption infrastructure.  At VdoCipher, we have been able to do that and provide a full-fledged proprietary + HLS DRM. We cannot technically say that we are streaming an HLS encrypted stream as it is highly modified. We use a combination of other technologies based on different platforms and are able to roll out a cross-device, cross-browser compatible DRM.

VdoCipher HLS DRM Infrastructure Details

  1. Upload of Videos (All common formats are supported )
    The content can be uploaded through Dashboard or APIs. Upload from desktop, FTP, DropBox, Box, URL, Server all is supported.
  2. Encryption & Transcoding for DRM streaming
    Videos are converted into encrypted files, and multiple qualities & versions for ensuring delivery of quality content at all devices, browsers, and all connection speeds. The encrypted content is stored at our AWS S3 servers and raw videos are never exposed. We have set up our custom EC2 instances for the encoding pipeline, and the resultant files are hosted securely on AWS S3 servers.
  3. Encrypted Video Streaming (Modified HLS Encryption & Streaming)
    As discussed above the high-security key and license exchange mechanism supports the transfer of encrypted video data, ensuring HLS DRM level security. Dynamic URLs ensure that each playback is authenticated and the URL cannot be extracted outside the website or app for pirated playback. We use multiple top tier CDNs – Cloudfront, Akamai, Google CDN, Verizon to ensure smooth delivery of content all across the globe
  4. Decryption in Video Player & Watermarking
    There is a private communication between our API & the client website. This ensures that its not possible for hackers to decrypt our streams. The One Time encryption that we use is theoretically and practically hack-proof. The website embedding the video content requests a One-time password from the VdoCipher web server using the API. This OTP request is made only after the user is authenticated. The VdoCipher API returns the OTP, which is used to render the embed code. This embed code is valid for a single playback session only. Along with the key a usage policy is specified, ensuring that only a logged-in and authenticated user is allowed to playback the encrypted video. The video would simply fail to play if an external plugin or downloader is used to try to access the video file.We have timely modifications to our licensing and authentication mechanism to keep security updated.
  5. Watermarking
    Video licensing and playback are combined to generate customisable viewer specific watermarks. The watermark can be IP address, Email ID  and User ID shown in customisable colour & transparency to identify a playback session by the viewer.
  6. Result – Progressive High Secure Streaming
    Through this 6-step Video Hosting, Encryption and Streaming process, VdoCipher, as a video hosting software, is able to provide a progressive high security video streaming with future buffer possible. This is also different from RTMP which does not maintain any buffer and can be quite erratic as a result.

You can find out more about DRM Solution here.

Demo Free Trial for HLS DRM Streaming

You can signup for a free full version trial at VdoCipher.

Online businesses also often require features over and beyond video security. VdoCipher fulfills all major requirements for enterprise video hosting. The complete set of features that VdoCipher offers for enterprise video hosting may be found here.

Also, do read our blog on react native video playback.


Is HLS DRM protected?

HLS is not protected with DRM by default. Traditionally, HLS streams could only be protected using Apple FairPlay DRM but with new updates, HLS can be protected by Google Widevine DRM in addition to Apple FairPlay DRM.

Is HLS unicast or multicast?

Traditionally, HLS was designed by Apple for Quicktime, Safari, and iOS devices. It did not used to support multicast but with new updates HLS, has emerged as the de facto multicast format for live streaming and video on demand (VOD).

Is HLS better than RTMP?

Moreover, it depends on the use case but HLS has notable advantages which include embedded closed captions, good advertising standards support, synchronized playback of multiple streams, and DRM support. RTMP has advantages of low latency, flexibility, efficient bandwidth usage, and dynamic content delivery.

The post HLS DRM, HLS Streaming & HLS Encryption for Content Security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2017/08/hls-streaming-hls-encryption-secure-hls-drm/feed/ 0
Live Streaming Server Technology in 2024 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/live-streaming-server/ Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:40:38 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=15666 A live streaming server is a specialized type of server that is designed to broadcast real-time video and audio content over the internet. It plays a crucial role in enabling live streaming technology, which has become popular for events like sports, concerts, conferences, and personal broadcasting on platforms like Twitch or YouTube Live. Table of […]

The post Live Streaming Server Technology in 2024 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A live streaming server is a specialized type of server that is designed to broadcast real-time video and audio content over the internet. It plays a crucial role in enabling live streaming technology, which has become popular for events like sports, concerts, conferences, and personal broadcasting on platforms like Twitch or YouTube Live.

What is a video streaming server?

A streaming server is a specialized server that handles the delivery of video and audio content to viewers over the internet. To offer quality streaming, streaming servers process multimedia data under time constraints. This prevents any jerkiness or hindrance in the video delivery and playback.

A streaming server typically has 3 subsystems:

Communicator – It involves application layer and transport protocols which are implemented on the server. In other words, it manages the network communication between streaming servers and clients. It handles how the data flows over the network, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted streaming. It manages streaming protocols like HTTP, RTSP and aspects like buffering and bandwidth optimization.

Operating system – The OS provides the necessary environment for all the processes and applications to run within the server. It manages the server’s hardware resources such as memory, CPU. It includes optimizations to handle high volume of data throughput and connections which are common while streaming.

Storage System – Here the actual streamable content is stored. It needs to ensure fast and reliable access to the media files. It has an effective caching mechanism and redundancy to ensure high performance and availability.

Video streaming architecture

Video streaming architecture image

Video Compression

Video compression is crucial in streaming technology. It reduces the size of the video files, making them easier to transmit over the internet. Compression is achieved using codecs (encoder/decoder). Common codecs include H.264, H.265, and VP9. The process involves two key steps:

  • Encoding – It compresses the video file, reducing its size without significantly compromising quality. This is done through techniques like inter-frame compression, which only stores changes from one frame to the next rather than entire frames.
  • Decoding – On the user’s end, the compressed video is decompressed by the decoder to be viewed. Efficient compression balances file size reduction and video quality.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers, and broadcasters with expert live video streaming, ensuring smooth playback globally.

Application-Layer QoS Control

Quality of Service (QoS) at the application layer ensures a smooth streaming experience. It involves:

  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming – Dynamically adjusting video quality based on the user’s internet speed to prevent buffering.
  • Network Monitoring – Continuously monitoring network conditions to adapt the stream accordingly.
  • Resource Allocation – Prioritizing network resources for critical components of the stream to maintain quality.

Continuous Media Distribution Services

This section refers to the services that enable continuous, uninterrupted delivery of streaming content. Key elements include:

  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) – Distributed network of servers that deliver content efficiently by caching it closer to the end-user.
  • Load Balancing – Distributing network traffic across multiple servers to ensure stability and reduce latency.
    Redundancy – Implementing backup systems to avoid service interruptions.

Streaming Servers

Streaming servers are specialized servers designed to efficiently deliver streaming content. They handle:

  • Client Requests – Managing simultaneous requests from a vast number of users.
  • Data Transmission – Utilizing protocols like RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) or HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) for efficient data transmission.
  • Storage and Retrieval – Storing large volumes of media and retrieving them quickly upon request.

Media Synchronization Mechanisms

Synchronization ensures the audio and video tracks play in harmony. This includes:

  • Lip Sync – Matching audio with the corresponding video (especially speech).
  • Frame Synchronization – Ensuring frames are displayed at the correct rate.
  • Buffer Management – Balancing buffers to avoid delays between audio and video.

Types of streaming servers

Streaming servers are categorized based on the content they deliver, functionality, and technology they use.

Live streaming servers – These servers broadcast live events in real-time. The process includes live audio and video feeds, encoding and then transmitting over the internet.

On-demand streaming servers – These servers store pre-recorded videos and media files and deliver upon request from the user. The services include movie streaming, playing recorded sessions, podcasts and more.

Audio streaming servers – These servers are designed for audio content (streaming music, podcasts, radio broadcasts)

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Streaming Servers – Unlike traditional client-server approach, in P2P streaming, a peer simultaneously acts as a client and a server. A video can be downloaded from a set of peers and simultaneously uploaded to another peer set. This significantly reduces the bandwidth requirement.

Private Streaming Servers – Private servers have restricted access and more security. They are primarily used within organizations for training, webinars, and internal communications.

Functionality of a live streaming server

Capture and Encode – The server receives live video and audio feeds, typically from a camera or a computer. These feeds are then encoded, meaning they are compressed into a digital format suitable for transmission over the internet. Common encoding formats include H.264 for video and AAC for audio.

Transcoding – Some servers also transcode the stream, which means converting the original encoded content into multiple formats or qualities. This is crucial for adaptive streaming, where the quality of the stream adjusts based on the viewer’s bandwidth.

Delivery – After encoding, the server distributes the stream to viewers. This can be done directly (in smaller setups) or via a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for larger audiences to reduce latency and buffering.

Live streaming server protocols and technologies

Streaming protocol is a set of rules governing how data travels from one device to another. For online video delivery, both streaming protocols and HTTP-based protocols are used. For example, RTMP offers fast video delivery while HTTP protocols optimize viewing experience.


Adobe defines RTMP as “Adobe’s Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) provides a bidirectional message multiplex service over a reliable stream transport, such as TCP [RFC0793], intended to carry parallel streams of video, audio, and data messages, with associated timing information, between a pair of communicating peers.”

Flash player and RTMP were the main players for live streaming for many years. Even with the decline of Flash, still, RTMP encoders are the most used streaming protocol for ingest. Mostly, live video streams are initially encoded and later transcoded using a streaming server for content delivery to various devices and players. The most common live streaming workflows include RTMP and HLS.


Developed by Apple, HLS streaming is a widely used streaming protocol. It was originally used both for live streaming and on-demand video content over HTTP to iOS devices. Now, it is platform agnostic.

HLS is also an adaptive bitrate streaming protocol, meaning the video quality is adjusted in real-time as per the viewer’s internet speed. Initially, compared to RTMP, HLS had higher latency but later Apple introduced low-latency HLS that reduced latency to 2 seconds or less.

Supported Codecs and Formats:

  • Video Codecs – H.264, H.265/HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding).
  • Audio Codecs – AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), MP3.
  • Transport/Package Format – MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream)


Developed by Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), MPEG-DASH is an alternative to HLS. Being open-source, it is highly customizable for audio and video codecs. It supports adaptive bitrate (ABR) protocol, delivering best quality video as per the viewer’s network connectivity.

MPEG-DASH allows use of any encoding standard unlike HLS that requires H.264 or H.265. Also, iOS devices cannot play video that is delivered over MPEG-DASH.

Similar to other streaming protocols, MPEG-DASH breaks video into small chunks that are transmitted over HTTP.

  • Chunked Transfer Encoding – In this method, as soon as the segment of a video chunk is ready, it is sent to the client. In other protocols, there is a wait time for the entire segment to be encoded and packaged before sending. This approach significantly reduces latency and makes MPEG-DASH an ideal streaming protocol for live streaming.
  • No minimum queue required – DASH doesn’t require a minimum number of segments to be queued before playback can start. This lowers latency because the video can begin playing as soon as enough data has been received, rather than waiting for a larger buffer to fill up.
  • Codec Agnostics – MPEG-DASH is not tied to any specific video codec. A codec is a method for encoding and decoding video and audio data.
Video Codec Advantages Drawbacks
H.264/AVC Extensive compatibility across devices.
Not the forefront of compression technologies.
H.265/HEVC Capable of 8K video resolution support.
Encoding process can be up to four times slower than H.264.
AV1 Cutting-edge and open-source codec.
Wide-scale support still pending.
VP9 Predecessor to AV1 without licensing fees. Superseded by AV1.
H.266/VVC Designed as an improvement over H.265.
Inherits the royalty challenges of H.265.

Setting up a live streaming server

Hardware requirements

Processing power – live streaming is a highly resource intensive process. To As the number of concurrent streams and resolution increases, the CPU consumption for video encoding in real-time increases. We then need powerful CPU.
Storage – To ensure smooth operation, adequate storage and RAM is required. SSDs are preferred for faster data access.
Network interface – The server should be highly reliable and have robust internet connectivity for faster data transmission.

Software and Platform selection

Operating System – Choose between Windows Server, Linux, or other server operating systems based on compatibility with your streaming software and your own expertise.
Streaming Software – Open-source software like OBS Studio (for encoding) and NGINX with RTMP module (for server-side streaming). If you want know more about how to use obs studio, you can check the blog linked.
Codec Selection – Choose the right codec (e.g., H.264, H.265) based on a balance between quality and required bandwidth.

Server configuration and optimization

Network Configuration – Ensure that your network settings, including firewalls and port forwarding, are configured to allow uninterrupted streaming.
Software Configuration – Set up your streaming software. This involves configuring input sources (e.g., cameras, microphones). Setting up encoding options, including resolution, bitrate, and frame rate.
Configuring the streaming protocol (e.g., RTMP, HLS) and stream destinations (e.g., YouTube, Twitch, or a CDN).
Security – Implement security measures like encryption, access controls, and, if necessary, a VPN.
Testing: Before going live, conduct thorough testing to ensure everything works seamlessly. Check for stream quality, latency, and stability.
Optimization – Based on the testing, optimize settings like bitrate and encoding options for the best performance. Monitor CPU and memory usage to ensure the server is not overburdened.
Scaling – Plan for scalability, especially if you expect a large number of viewers. This might involve setting up load balancing or using a CDN.

Network considerations for live streaming

Bandwidth consumption

Live video streaming consumes significantly higher bandwidth. The requirement depends on the stream’s resolution, compression and frame rate. For example, streaming at 1080p might require 4-5Mbps, while a 4k stream might need upwards of 20Mbps. Make sure the network handles maximum bandwidth requirement without hindering simultaneous internet usage.

Upload speed

The upload speed determines how much data you can send to the internet per second. Higher upload speeds allow for higher quality video and audio streams.
With a faster upload speed, you can stream at higher resolutions (like 1080p or 4K) and higher bitrates, which translates to clearer, more detailed images and better sound quality.


Low latency is essential for real-time interaction between the streamer and the audience. In interactive streams, like Q&A sessions, gaming, auctions, or live events, high latency can disrupt the flow of conversation and engagement. The closer the stream is to real-time, the more engaged the audience can be, as they can react to and interact with the content as it happens.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

For reaching a wider audience, especially geographically dispersed, a CDN can distribute the load, reduce latency, and improve the overall viewing experience. CDNs work by caching the stream on multiple servers located closer to different viewers. During high-traffic events, a CDN can distribute the load among multiple servers, preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed. This ensures consistent streaming quality even when viewer numbers are high.


Which server is best for live streaming?

The best server for your live streaming website depends on your specific needs, such as the number of viewers, stream quality, and budget. Cloud-based solutions like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are also highly regarded for their scalability and reliability.

What is a streaming server?

A streaming server is a specialized server that distributes audio and video content to viewers over the internet. Unlike traditional download servers, streaming servers allow users to view content in real-time without downloading the entire file first. They are optimized to manage large, continuous data flows essential for streaming media.

What is streaming server price?

The cost of a streaming server can vary widely. A basic setup using open-source software like OBS Studio can be relatively inexpensive, mainly requiring a capable computer and internet connection. Professional-grade servers can cost from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the features and scale. Cloud-based solutions often operate on a pay-as-you-go model, where costs depend on usage and bandwidth.

The post Live Streaming Server Technology in 2024 appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
