vdocipher encryption Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Fri, 19 Jul 2024 09:07:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-VdoCipher-logo2-32x32.png vdocipher encryption Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/drm-technology/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:14:11 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=9327 The rise of digital media and modern technologies has vastly raised the copyright-owning concerns of organizations and individuals. In just a few clicks of a mouse, many copyrighted images, videos and audio files get downloaded or shared without prior permission. In addition, modern techniques and tools have made it easy to convert media (mostly copyrighted) […]

The post What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

The rise of digital media and modern technologies has vastly raised the copyright-owning concerns of organizations and individuals. In just a few clicks of a mouse, many copyrighted images, videos and audio files get downloaded or shared without prior permission. In addition, modern techniques and tools have made it easy to convert media (mostly copyrighted) into various digital forms for easy portability and sharing. This is known as ripping, and the best possible solution to it is using DRM technology. This combines with the internet and hundreds of file-sharing tools (like Torrents) to make unauthorized large-scale distribution of copyright media copies (digital piracy) much easier.

As per a US Chamber of Commerce report, online piracy costs the US economy nearly $30 billion per year. This is where DRM technology comes into play to control and manage access to copyright materials. DRM technology combines a set of applications and technologies to protect digital media against copyright infringements. DRM aims to protect the original copyright holder rights and restrict the unauthorized copying, editing, or redistribution of digital files and proprietary software. Today DRM is playing a leading role in data security.

Importance of DRM Technology?

Stealing and copying someone else’s work and ideas has been long here. However, with technological advancements, digital piracy is sharply rising. Sensitive company documents, video footage, and multimedia content is every second getting remixed, reused, and republished. Anyone having an internet connection can access these files. Consequently, these digital assets need proper protection. With DRM, access to these resources gets restricted, and no one can do whatever they want to the intellectual properties and media files.

In our rapidly evolving digital world, DRM technology’s relevance is ever-growing. Picture this: you’ve borrowed a hardcover book from the library, and you yearn for your own copy. While copyright law may frown upon replicating it, no tangible barrier stops you. However, you’re deterred by the labor, expense, and subpar outcome of duplicating a physical book.

Now, envision possessing that same book, but digitally. Copying is a breeze—practically instantaneous, free of charge, and yielding an impeccable replica. Moreover, digital files make generating several copies and disseminating them a cinch. Although copyright laws shield both physical and digital books, the simplicity of duplicating digital content demands sturdier protection.

Enter DRM technology. Since copyright laws can’t fully thwart unauthorized copying and distribution, a tech-based approach, like DRM, becomes indispensable in safeguarding digital assets. This potent protective measure empowers creators and copyright owners to retain control over their digital creations amidst an evermore interconnected world.

VdoCipher helps ver 3000+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

What is DRM Technology & what does Digital Rights Management protected Video mean?

DRM Protected refers to a file that has applied DRM controls to restrict copying, editing or unauthorized content distribution. This includes encryption to prevent unauthorized access and license control for authorizing permissions and access. Here is an example for better understanding. The Apple iTunes Music Store uses DRM solution to restrict the number of devices on which songs are played. The downloaded music files contain the data about purchase and usage activity. Unauthorized devices cannot play the songs. Before installing Microsoft Windows or office software, users must agree to the user license and input the key. A wide range of businesses and professionals are using DRM technology to protect their documents, files, contracts to even employee data.

What DRM does?

DRM enables content owners and publishers to have control over not only who receives the content but also what they can do with it. Such controls include:

  • Only authorized users can access your content.
  • Authorized users get access to the content without any 3rd party apps or plug-ins.
  • Prevents editing, printing, saving, forwarding, sharing, screen grabbing and more.
  • Secure storage and distribution of content between collaborators during production.
  • Content limited to devices, IP addresses and country locations.
  • Watermarking to establish identity.
  • Access gets activated or revoked anytime

DRM Control Infographic

Meaning of DRM protected Video?

When you upload a video on a website for users, the main concern is whether the content is safe or not. There are probable chances of someone downloading or misusing the content if not secured. DRM technology in respect of video ensures encrypted transmission so that only authorized devices and users can watch it. For better device compatibility Multi DRM is used to encrypt and package the video content. When a user attempts to play a video, the online video player requests a key from the licensed server. Before issuing a decryption key, the DRM license server authorizes the user and the device. The player decrypts and the content is played back for the user after receiving the decryption key.

DRM Software

DRM Systems can get implemented as a hardware solution (hardware DRM) or software. Hardware DRM appliances include video game consoles, tablets, personal computers implementing secure boot. Digital Rights Management (DRM) software is an application tool combined with a set of policies and procedures for copyright protection and unauthorized content access. DRM software encodes the file with access control settings defined by the owner or copyright holder.

Encryption vs DRM Technology

Though encryption is key in shielding digital files, it’s not foolproof. It doesn’t block file copying but rather restricts content access. DRM technology, however, shares encryption’s focus on controlling access and use, not copy prevention. Grasping these nuances helps reveal how encryption fits within DRM systems to protect digital content.

Picture this: selling an encrypted ebook to Jane. If the seller gives Jane the ebook and decryption key, the cat’s out of the bag. Jane can share both with anyone. In this scenario, encryption flops, as the key holder has no incentive to protect the file.

A safer approach: give Jane’s computer the key, not Jane. She downloads the encrypted ebook and a separate, encrypted key file (a “voucher”). Jane’s ebook software decrypts the voucher, and presto, ebook access—Jane never lays eyes on the key. Yet, even this method isn’t foolproof, as Jane could send both files to a friend, who could then access the content.

To amp up security, DRM can tether the key to Jane’s hardware. When Jane buys the ebook, her computer’s unique hardware ID goes to the seller. The voucher has this ID, and the software checks for a match before opening the file. No match, and no access to different machines.

Linking digital files to specific hardware is common in DRM, but it’s not without issues, given the hardware’s brief average lifespan. A cutting-edge solution would connect files to people, not devices, allowing smooth file transfers between machines. Enter “trusted systems,” potentially DRM’s next evolutionary step.

While encryption is a powerful tool for protecting your video content. However, DRM has its limitations. Learn more about why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and what you can do to secure your content effectively.

Key Players in Digital Distribution via DRM

In the realm of Digital Rights Management (DRM), we’re primarily concerned with two essential content aspects. To illustrate:

  • Rights Management: Legal rights holders must identify, gather metadata, assert rights, and develop business models for their content distribution. They should also provide client access via surveys.
  • Rights Enforcement: Enforcing usage rules and rights for content is critical, posing a significant challenge in DRM solutions.

DRM technology systems involve four key players in digital media distribution (multimedia, documents, music, etc.):

  1. Creators: Those who create and legally own the content (documents, videos, music, etc.).
  2. Producers: They transform the content into a digital product, wrap and safeguard it.
  3. Distributors: They promote and sell digital products to consumers.
  4. Consumers: The paying clientele who enjoy digital content.

In certain scenarios, these roles may merge, such as the first two entities often referred to as the content provider. Introducing these entities necessitates a new subsystem in digital content delivery: the licensing subsystem. This subsystem comprises a licensing service (LS), responsible for issuing consumer rights, and client components that enforce those rights.

DRM Licence: The Root, Leaves, and Chains

A license, a crucial data file, holds an asset’s decryption key (either another license or content). Coupled with DRM rights and restrictions, it defines content usage parameters. Licenses come in three distinct flavors:

  • Simple License: A DRM License, sourced from a DRM Server-built application, containing rights, restrictions, and a key for the corresponding content.
  • Root License: Governing one or multiple leaf licenses, it controls playback for various content pieces. For instance, in a subscription model, the root license may expire, while the leaf licenses don’t. When the root license expires, the leaf licenses become unusable until a new root license is obtained.
  • Leaf License: A simple, root license-dependent license.

Imagine a user with a subscription who has downloaded several videos for offline viewing. Each video possesses a leaf license, outlining its permissible usage. Let’s assume the leaf license permits video playback anytime. However, DRM technology mandates a valid root license for playback. If the root license expires (possibly due to an expired subscription), the leaf license disallows playback. In this manner, the root license governs the entire subscription (including all leaf licenses on the user’s device).

DRM Scheme and Transactions Basics

In the DRM scheme, various entities like content providers (CP), distribution services (DS), license servers (LS), certification authorities (CA), and clients (C) work in tandem, adhering to DRM protocols and design patterns detailed earlier. The CP generates content, which is then securely transmitted to DS. This occurs in a protected environment employing SSL, HTTPS, SRTP, FTPS, and the like, so security concerns between CP-to-LS or CP-to-DS are negligible.

DRM transactions can be broken down into distinct phases:

  • Crafting content, rights, metadata, and containers
  • Key generation
  • Content requests
  • Client authorization
  • Distribution of licensing info and rights-objects
  • License acquisition, interpretation, and utilization
  • Content consumption

During the final stage, content consumption, crucial security measures must be in place within the client subsystem as content is decrypted and rendered. In this ecosystem, any security breaches in the client component jeopardize the entire content protection strategy. Bearing these risks in mind, DRM-enabled content delivery systems should incorporate mechanisms to address potential client component corruption.

A PKI-based framework where the public key is shared and used to validate the identity of the person transmitting the data and to decrypt the data itself is suggested. This is for DRM architecture tailored to business-specific environments, offering cryptographic support for entity authentication and usage rights protection via asymmetric encryption of license objects. Shielding these objects, uniquely issued for each user request with a license issuer’s private key, also ensures service non-repudiation.

Users should avoid sharing their private keys and certificates, as unauthorized parties could exploit them to purchase content at the original user’s expense. The DRM component interactions contribute significantly to the overall DRM system, with the “middleware” playing a vital role in guiding interaction policies. This middleware entity is responsible for signaling delivery and licensing services to confirm that only legitimate users access the system.

Positioning the middleware component as a cloud-based service makes it accessible to users across various devices. Additionally, a user’s personal computer can serve as a distribution service provider for their domain of devices, reducing internet connectivity reliance. The protocol outlined earlier in this section ensures heightened security for users and content management by handling each user and content request autonomously.

DRM Technology vs Copyright Laws

A common question arises: “Do I retain fair use rights?” Absolutely, copyright law still upholds your fair use rights. However, DRM may hinder the exercising of those rights. It’s not a copyright law implementation but a digital work protection system. As the fair use and first sale rights debate for digital materials continue, most DRM system creators steer clear of copyright law references in their products. Instead, DRM enforces licenses via software controls, reflecting grants expressible in a computer environment rather than traditional copyright law rights.

Imagine a license allowing up to five book pages to be copied. If you need six pages and believe fair use permits it, the software still restricts you to five. Unlike copyright law’s flexible nature, DRM systems are quantitative.

A notable contrast between DRM and copyright law, causing concern, is that copyright law outlines a few copying and performance rules, granting exclusive copyrights to rights holders and listing some exceptions. It doesn’t attempt to foresee every copyrighted work usage. DRM, on the other hand, operates oppositely. While copyright law implies “everything not forbidden is permitted,” DRM adopts the “everything not permitted is forbidden” stance. With DRM, actions like printing must be explicitly granted; otherwise, the system disallows it. DRM developers see this as a necessary security measure, but it carries significant implications for future protected work usage.

Picture a decade from now, when computers project displays onto any surface instead of using screens. If the DRM technology system doesn’t recognize this as an allowed action for a specific digital resource, it won’t permit viewing on future computers. Consequently, it might become impossible to view the resource at all, as the DRM controls won’t acknowledge the technological shift. This potential DRM and innovation interaction could suppress both innovation and access to intellectual resources.

DRM Architecture and How Does it Work?

DRM architecture lacks a standard, with multiple frameworks provided by various vendors. However, the DRM framework can be divided into three areas:

  1. IP Asset Creation and Capture: This pertains to content management and creation for streamlined trading. It encompasses asserting rights when content is initially created or reused by content creators/providers. This module offers:
    • Rights Validation: Ensures existing content rights when creating new content.
    • Rights Creation: Assigns rights to new content, including identifying rights owners and usage permissions.
    • Rights Workflow: Processes content through workflow steps for rights and content review or approval.
  2. IP Asset Management: Involves managing and enabling content trade. This includes receiving content from creators and incorporating it into an asset management system, which manages descriptive metadata and rights metadata (parties, usages, payments, etc.). This module includes:
    • Repository Functions: Accesses and retrieves content and metadata from possibly distributed databases.
    • Trading Functions: Issues licenses to parties after rights agreement for content.
  3. IP Asset Usage: Refers to content usage after trading. This encompasses supporting traded content constraints within specific desktop systems or software. The IP Asset Usage module features:
    • Permissions Management: Enforces rights associated with content in the usage environment (e.g., disabling printing if the user can only view the document).
    • Tracking Management: Monitors content usage when tracking is part of the agreed-upon license conditions (e.g., limiting video plays to ten times).

DRM technology functional Architecture

Types of DRM, its free & open-source providers

There are many DRM solutions to protect video content. The most popular DRM solutions/services supporting common web browsers, devices, and set-top boxes are:

Widevine DRM: Google’s Widevine DRM is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, Android, and Chromecast devices. Widevine DRM supports HLS, MPEG-DASH, and MSS streaming with CENC and CMAF. There are two versions of Widevine, Classic, and Modular.

FairPlay DRM: DRM solution from Apple, FairPlay DRM securely delivers streaming media using HLS (HTTP live streaming) protocol. It has native support on iOS, tvOS, iPadOS, watchOS 7, macOS AND Safari browsers.

Open Source: There are GitHub repositories on open-source DRM solution, but most of them don’t get updated frequently. Also, there is a fundamental problem with open-source DRM solutions. Even though all of the algorithms & source code can be publicly available without harming the core security principles, client devices need to be trusted & verified by the rights issuer to do anything forbidden or restricted. This is incompatible with FOSS licensing guidelines, which elaborates that the user of a device should always have complete control over what the device does.

OMA DRM: OMA DRM, a digital rights management (DRM) system, was developed by the Open Mobile Alliance. Its members include mobile phone manufacturers (such as Nokia, LG, and Samsung), system manufacturers (like Ericsson and Siemens), network operators (Vodafone, O2, and Orange), and IT companies (Microsoft, IBM, and Sun). This DRM system allows content creators to enforce limits on usage and duplication by customers. Many modern phones feature OMA DRM, which has two versions: 1.0 and 2.0. To guarantee compatibility among all OMA DRM implementations, the Open Mobile Alliance supplies specifications and testing tools.

How does DRM encryption work?

DRM Content Encryption

In an IP-based DRM system, the content is encrypted using DRM OEM specifications. The license key contains the licensee or owner’s digital rights as rights objects. Most solutions are using technologies designed around 128-bit AES encryption using CTR or CBC modes. Both of these modes are part of Common Encryption (CENC) and encrypt streams to deliver securely. The video player decrypts the encrypted streams using DRM licensing.

The simplest method of packaging content is through the command line interface packager. CLI tools lack complexity, support hooks, error messaging, and more. Next are the server-side tools to provide content encryption. These tools will provide the necessary chinking, and fragmentation to prepare packaging of formats like MP4 into adaptive bitrate streaming files. Server-side encryption offers greater scalability, security, advanced API calls, parallel packaging, and more.

To encrypt content, the packager requests an encryption key from the DRM server. The DRM server provides an encryption key and links that key to the content ID. Using the encryption key, the packager encrypts and re-packages the content.

DRM Playback & two ways of DRM Encryption

There are two ways to encrypt the content using streaming servers. One is Pre-Encryption and the other is Just-in-Time.

Pre-Encryption: In this model, the server encrypts the content at the time when it is ingested or uploaded. The content gets stored and streamed when requested. The server cues and encrypts the content when the server’s systems are optimized i.e; during low-demand periods. Servers implementing pre-encryption can handle more streaming connections and are more secure.

Just-in-time: In this model, the server stores the content raw. When a user makes a request, the server instantly starts to encrypt it and feed out the streaming interface to the CDN and user. Such servers are susceptible to performance issues under significant load. In addition, the server storage is full of encrypted master files and requires a robust security system in place.

Playback: To enable DRM playback on the player side without plugins, decrypted playback uses HTML5 encrypted media extensions (EME). For MPEG-CENC Multi-DRM encrypted content, the player can auto-choose the natively supported DRM.

The need for Multi DRM encryption?

Not all viewers watch content on the same platform and browser. Each platform and browser support a single DRM encryption. To ensure complete coverage across all screens, multiple DRM encryptions are required. MPEG Common Encryption (MPEG-CENC) standard makes DRM implementation effective. MPEG-CENC allows multiple DRM encryptions on a single video. It’s up to the video player to decide which encryption must be activated based on the platform/browser. In fact, Apple browsers and devices are exceptions to the MPEG-CENC standard, which instead require HLS packaging.

How Industries are benefiting from DRM Software?

eLearning Organizations: They have a great need to apply Video DRM solutions as they are the most vulnerable. Making an educational video is itself a tedious task and protecting it from piracy is again a technical mechanism. This technical mechanism is hard to implement and most of the eLearning platforms use services from DRM enabled secure video hosting providers like VdoCipher.

Standard Organizations: National standard organizations or industry associations have the most pertinent information that professionals need. Companies and professionals pay subscriptions or membership fees to access these documents. Such organizations need to have their documents, audio, video files encrypted so that only authorized members access them. A DRM solution can be useful to secure these contents down for a certain audience.

Media & Publishing: For media and publishing houses, content is everything. Protecting the content is their bottom line. Unfortunately, the content gets shared with subscribers, and there arises leaks, piracy, unauthorized access and more. This holds the same for self-book publishers.

Vdocipher helps several VOD Platform to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Financial Services: Financial institutions like insurance companies, equity firms, asset management companies need to protect the data of their clients and shareholders. Solutions like ‘Dropbox’ secure the portals where clients access the files but don’t protect individual files once downloaded. A DRM solution protects the downloaded files, irrespective of where they get saved or stored.

Signs of DRM issues while using Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Mac, etc

  • No sound, but the title plays
  • Background sound but no dialogue
  • Disc stucks on the title page or loading screen
  • The movie stops in the middle of playback, or scenes play out of order
  • The video freezes or skips
  • Pixelated or distorted picture
  • Troubleshooting DRM issues on Hotstar, DR-1100 Playback Error
  • This error generally occurs due to a downgraded Hotstar app or an unsupported device. To watch DRM protected videos, one needs to have a DRM supported device and a valid Disney+ Hotstar subscription.

Fix DR-1100 error on Android Phone & TV

  • Update or download the latest Disney+ Hotstar app
  • Install the DRM Info app from the Google play store and check the security level. DRM content will only play if the security level is L1, not L2 OR L3.
  • Try to replay the video title again in the Hotstar app and if it shows an error, then try using a different browser. Also, verify that the device isn’t rooted.
  • On clearing Data/Cache followed by TV OS update and restart, the error is fixed on Android TV.

Netflix Error N8156 6013

Sometimes while playing videos on Netflix via a web browser, an error is thrown. “Whoops, something went wrong… Digital Rights Management (DRM) Error. We’re sorry, but there is a problem playing protected (DRM) content. The date on your computer is 12/17/2012, which may be incorrect. Please correct the date on your computer and try again.”

This error is related to the Silverlight plugin used by the browser to play Netflix. It requires using a browser supporting HTML5. (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

Fix error on Mac computers

  • Quit all browser instances
  • Go to Library/Application Support/Microsoft/ folder
  • Under it, delete the PlayReady folder
  • Verify that you have the administrative rights on your OSX profile
  • Try to replay the video title again and if it shows an error then try using a different browser.

Fix error on Windows computer

  • Quit all browser instances
  • Search C drive for mspr.hds
  • Under search results, delete all the mspr.hds files
  • Verify that you have the administrative rights on your Windows user account
  • Try to replay the video title again and if it shows an error then try using a different browser.
    Amazon Prime Video Error 7235 on Chrome
  • Make sure the Chrome web browser is up to date. Navigate to Settings > About Chrome for the available browser updates.
  • Type chrome://components in the chrome web browser and hit enter. Under Widevine Content Decryption Module, click ‘Check for Update’. Install any available update.


What is TPM DRM?

Trusted Platform Module TPM (ISO/IEC 11889) is a dedicated microcontroller to provide security capabilities at the hardware level using integrated cryptographic keys. Generally speaking, the term refers to a chip conforming to the standard.DRM tools use TPM functionalities like device authentication. Windows Defender, software license enforcement, Windows Domain Logon and many more use TPM chips.

How to check if a video is DRM Protected in Windows 10?

  • Select the desired multi-media file
  • Right-click on the file and select ‘Properties’
  • Select the ‘Details’ tab and scroll down to the ‘Protected’ selection.
  • The ‘Protected’ field will show ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. ‘Yes’ indicates DRM protected file.

Why CENC standard allows two encryption modes, AES-CTR and AES-CBC?

We use both the standards for encrypting video content and are not compatible with one another. It is due to the encryption cipher supported by each DRM system. However, Apple FPS supports only AES-CBC, while Google Widevine supports both modes. Service providers deliver content to various devices using HLS or MPEG DASH streaming format, which vary in support of DRM systems. To cater to this fragmentation, CENC allows both modes.

DRM Vendors

Basically, DRM vendors are media tech companies like VdoCipher. They offer complete integrations including your video hosting and distribution over CDN with all advanced video security features. The complete package lets you safeguard your video on all devices supported by inbuilt Google Widevine or Apple Fairplay. These packages also include Adaptive bitrate streaming for various bandwidths and multi-device support.

The post What is DRM Protection Technology, its Working & Types for Media appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Videos in WordPress Guide & Best WordPress Video Format https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/guide-to-video-in-wordpress/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:05:16 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=13039 WordPress (WordPress.org) is an open-source content management system (CMS) used at a high scale because of its ease of use, scalability, and flexibility. On WordPress, different types of content are created and managed, including blogs, posts, videos, and more. It is used by individual users of big corporations. According to W3Techs, WordPress is used by […]

The post Videos in WordPress Guide & Best WordPress Video Format appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

WordPress (WordPress.org) is an open-source content management system (CMS) used at a high scale because of its ease of use, scalability, and flexibility. On WordPress, different types of content are created and managed, including blogs, posts, videos, and more. It is used by individual users of big corporations. According to W3Techs, WordPress is used by nearly 43% of websites on the internet and is the most popular CMS for the past 12 years in a row. To embed and display video in WordPress website, there are video plugins available for WordPress with add-on functionalities. One such popular plugin known for its secure DRM Encryption and other security features is the Vdocipher WordPress video plugin, more about which is discussed later in the article.

‘The WordPress plugin directory has nearly 60,000 free plugins’

Different Ways to Add Video in WordPress

Pasting the video URL directly on WordPress Page or website

  • Find a video you want to paste on.
  • Copy the URL to your clipboard
  • Paste the copied URL in the blog post or relevant position as an src attribute of < video > tag where you want the video to show.
  • The video will be automatically embedded in that post.

Find out how over 3000+ customers in over 40+ countries use Vdocipher’s online video player to ensure seamless and secure video streaming!

Block Method

  • To add a new block, Click on the “+” icon. Select the block which is associated with your video hosting service provider which in this case is VdoCipher.

Search block vdocipher

  • Enter the video ID, video title, and update the player width and height settings. Finally, embed.

vdocipher video ID in wordpress

Embedding using Video Block editor

This scenario is applicable in cases when WordPress does not have the block for the hosting provider your videos are hosted on.

  • To add a new block, click the + icon.
  • Select the video block.
  • You can either directly upload the video, select from the media library or via URL.

HTML Block Method

Another method to embed video on WordPress is through embed codes (HTML scripts).

  • Copy the embed code from the video.
  • On the page editor, click on the + icon to add a new block.
  • Select ‘Custom HTML’ block to open the block.
  • Paste the embed code in the block.

Embedding using classic editor

  • Copy the embed code from your video.
  • Go to the classic editor and select the tab ‘Text, near the Visual editing area.
  • Paste the embed code where you want the video to show.
  • To see visual changes, click on the ‘Visual’ tab.

Using Video Player Plugin

Embedding through video player plugins is one of the best ways to embed videos in WordPress. In this blog, we have already covered the secure VdoCipher WordPress plugin to embed videos. Plugins typically display your videos, blogs, website, and other platforms. Embedding via custom video player plugins gives additional functionalities like customization, adding captions, playlists, and more.

WordPress Video Format and Recommended Settings

The recommended settings to ensure the best possible compatibility with WordPress editor blocks (except Video or VideoPress block) are:

  • Resolution – 1920×1080 (1080p)
  • Max Resolution – 3840×2160 (4K)
  • Format – H.264 (if the uploaded plays only in the Video block or shared via VideoPress links, H.265 or VP9 codecs can be uploaded)
  • Bitrate – 8mbps for 1080p30, 12mbps for 1080p60
  • Audio – AAC minimum 160kbps

WordPress Supported Video formats

  • avi
  • .mpg
  • .mp4, .m4v (MPEG-4)
  • .mov (QuickTime)
  • .ogv (Ogg)
  • .vtt (upload by inserting a Video block only)
  • .wmv (Windows Media Video)
  • .3gp (3GPP)
  • .3g2 (3GPP2)

Best Practices for Using Video in WordPress

  • Video file compression – a website’s page load time slows down due to large video files. There are a number of ways to compress video and reduce file size without impacting the video quality.
  • Adding transcripts and captions – Applying captions and transcripts to your videos not only increases the accessibility but also boosts video SEO. The content becomes more searchable and readable in the eyes of Google. In simple words, captions and transcripts increase traffic and user engagement with higher SEO value.
  • Video Metadata – The text data associated with a video is Metadata. Search engines cannot directly crawl videos, but instead rely on the texts like video description, video titles, and tags to make it searchable.
  • Video Schema Markup – Video schema markup is a piece of code that you add to your website and tells search engines how you have structured the video. It helps in making your video appear with rich results in the SERPs. The code includes a thumbnail URL, description, and upload time.
  • CDN-based content delivery – Videos served via CDN suffer minimum latency and buffering. CDN is actually a group of servers that are geographically distributed across the world. The media files are temporarily stored or cached on the servers and whenever a user makes a playback request, the video is delivered from the nearest CDN server. This way the content delivery is fast and interrupted.
  • Video sitemaps – a video’s sitemap includes the additional information of the video hosted on your page. It helps search engines easily find your videos. There are a number of videos in WordPress plugins to automatically create video sitemap.
  • Optimize video thumbnail – a relevant, eye-catchy, and high-resolution thumbnail improves the click-through rate.

VdoCipher WordPress Video Player Plugin

VdoCipher offers highly secure DRM-encrypted video hosting along with a range of features to protect your videos from video piracy and illegal downloads. It includes Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption, secure offline downloads in apps, and dynamic watermarking. The DRM encryption technology we use to protect your premium videos ensures that no downloader or plugin can download your videos. Only authorized users have access to the video content along with a layer of security features.

Along with this, our VdoCipher WordPress Video Hosting Plugin provides the most secure and customizable online video player which comes with DRM content protection, Dynamic watermarking, multi-bitrate adaptive streaming, video player themes, easy integrations, and much more.

Using our plugin, you can easily embed videos in WordPress. The plugin has seamless integration with popular WordPress membership plugins like MemberPress, WP eMember, and, Restrict Content Pro. Coming to Learning Management Systems (LMS), the video player plugin works perfectly with the most popular WordPress LMS plugins such as LearnDash, LifterLMS, WPCourseWare, Sensei, and LearnPress.

How to Integrate Vdocipher WordPress Plugin in Simple Steps

  • Create an account on VdoCipher and log in.
  • In the Security & Config section seen on the left side of the dashboard, navigate to the API Keys section. Add API Key.

API secret key copy

  • The key must be kept confidential and is used to authorize the plugin to play videos from the dashboard.
  • Go to your WordPress dashboard. On the ‘Add Plugins’ page, search for ‘VdoCipher’.

Vdocipher add plugin

  • Click on ‘Install Now’
  • Click on the link “Activate”. On the top of the page, you will see a message.

Add activate vdocipher plugin

  • “Click here to configure VdoCipher”

Configure vdocipher plugin

  • On the next page, enter the API Secret Key. On entering the Secret Key, you would be shown the status ‘Ready’.

Secret key ready status

  • On your VdoCipher dashboard, you can start video upload and import. On successful video upload, the video ID is displayed.

‘Of all the websites using WordPress, nearly 64% use Version 6 – W3Tech’

Default Video Security in WordPress

When it comes to videos, WordPress does not have any default security measures in place. Videos hosted on WordPress are downloadable using software and plugins. Unless you use a video player plugin with strong encryption technology like DRM as offered by VdoCipher, videos of WordPress lack strong security protocols.

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

How VdoCipher Plugin Secures Videos in WordPress

DRM encryption

DRM protects videos from illegal downloads, unauthorized access, and sharing using Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay technology. The video file is converted into an encrypted format and decrypted at the player’s device via a private decryption key. The encryption methods used by other video hosting providers have a partial key exchange mechanism using AES128 and RTMPe. The key can be hacked, making them vulnerable to piracy.

Dynamic Watermarking

In this technique, digital information like user ID, email, and organization name embed into the video stream which cannot be altered or removed. The watermark is dynamic as the information changes with time. The dynamic watermarking feature we offer includes customizable text, color, transparency, and more.

Secure offline download in SDK

VdoCipher Android SDK lets you securely download the videos to your local storage device for offline playback. It also includes APIs to download media files to local storage, monitor download progress, and Fetch available download options for a video in your dashboard.

Screen capture block in Android & iOS Native app

Our native SDK integration blocks screen capture at the hardware level and discourages screen capture. It is a very helpful feature for securing your videos against piracy.

Multi-level user access

Often multiple users need access to the same video content but with different access rights. Some people have editor-level access while some are restricted as viewers. VdoCipher multi-users have four different roles, editor, uploader, OTP creator, and viewer.


Often you wish to restrict or limit access to your content for some regions or countries. It can be due to different pricing models, audience and market size, legal restrictions, availability of regional content, and much more. You may even need to blacklist or whitelist specific countries. Through our API guide, you can easily configure the IP and country restrictions.

OTP-based authentication

To play videos, VdoCipher uses a unique embed code based on a short-lived access token, OTP. In every session, it ensures video authentication so that only logged-in paid users can access the premium content.

Multiple file format support

Based on the browser or device type, the file format varies. On one device, a video may be low quality while comparatively better on another device. The video file into converted into various formats so that the best video resolution is served on every device.

App-based security by Google SafetyNet

With Google’s SafetyNet integration, playback on emulators is by default blocked, protecting against replay attacks and application tampering. Also, SafetyNet blocks duplicate apps by allowing playback on only the apps published by you and not modified APKs.

Creating Video Sitemap in WordPress

Firstly, a sitemap is a file with a structured listing of all the web pages of your website. Sitemaps help search engines crawl your site more efficiently and accurately. Search engines can understand your site content, changes you made to existing pages, or added new pages through sitemap, making indexing faster.

The video sitemap lists all the video content available on your website. Video sitemaps contain information like video publish date, duration, thumbnail image, video embed code, and description. This provides accurate information to the search engines and improves the video search results ranking.

A point worth noting here is that search engines like Google still index your video content and rank it but video sitemaps make the process of discovering your video much faster than waiting for the search engine to find it naturally.

Important Tags for a Video Sitemap

<loc> – URL of the webpage having the video
<video:video> – Parent tag or video container with the following sub-tags
<video:title> – video title
<video:description> – video content description
<video:thumbnail_loc> – URL pointing to the video thumbnail image file
<video:content_loc> – URL of the video file
<video:duration> – Video duration in seconds
<video:player_loc> – URL of the video’s player page
<video:publication_date> – Video publish date
<video:tag> – Specifies several tags under one category. Max permitted tag count is 32.

Sample Video Sitemap

Video sitemap sample

Video sitemap are manually added or using sitemap generator tool. When using WordPress, there are several plugins that help in creating video sitemaps for your website. Popular video sitemap plugins for WordPress are All in One SEO (AIOSEO) and Yoast Video SEO.


How to customize the video player in WordPress?

Many plugins for hosting videos on wordpress have customizable options. One such plugin is from VdoCipher which allows theme change, custom controls, subtitles, and customizable colors to match your website’s tone.

Can I improve the performance of my videos hosted on WordPress?

Compressing the video file size without affecting the video quality, CDN content delivery, and choosing a professional video hosting platform like VdoCipher that has an uptime of 99.99%.

What video formats does WordPress support?

WordPress supports a variety of video formats, including but not limited to MP4, WebM, and Ogg. The most straightforward method to add videos is by uploading the video file directly to your website using the Video block. This allows for direct playback on the site. WordPress can also embed videos from popular services like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more, where videos from these services will embed automatically by simply placing a link to the video in your post or page.

Are there any specific settings recommended for uploading videos to WordPress?

When uploading videos to WordPress, it’s recommended to use a resolution of 1920×1080 (1080p) for optimal viewing on most devices, with a maximum resolution of 3840×2160 (4k) supported by the player. The video should be encoded in the H.264 format for wide compatibility. It’s advisable to have a bit rate of 8mbps for 1080p30 and 12mbps for 1080p60, with audio in AAC at a minimum of 160kbps. Ensure the video is optimized for fast start/web optimized playback and consider using video compression tools for adjusting the video before uploading if it doesn’t meet these specifications.

The post Videos in WordPress Guide & Best WordPress Video Format appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/cenc-common-encryption-methods-algorithms/ Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:29:14 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=13793 A fundamental concept of modern security, encryption, serves as the cornerstone to safeguard data storage, digital communications, streaming, online transactions and much more. Derived from the roots of cryptography, encryption transforms a plain, readable information into an unreadable or unintelligible form using mathematical algorithms and secret keys. The same data is decrypted using a decryption […]

The post CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

A fundamental concept of modern security, encryption, serves as the cornerstone to safeguard data storage, digital communications, streaming, online transactions and much more. Derived from the roots of cryptography, encryption transforms a plain, readable information into an unreadable or unintelligible form using mathematical algorithms and secret keys. The same data is decrypted using a decryption key at the client/user’s end. The overall purpose of encryption is to make sensitive data confidential and secure, restricting unauthorized access, sharing or copying. To simplify the content protection process for video creators and distributors, CENC, or Common Encryption Scheme ensures interoperability between various DRM systems. CENC common encryption methods and algorithms also plays an important role in secure and seamless digital media delivery to a range of devices and systems.

Furthermore, encryption safeguards sensitive information stored on servers, smartphones, browsers, and personal computers from hacking and piracy. As the presence of the online world is rapidly progressing, the importance of encryption in our professional and personal lives has grown more critical, playing a key role in fighting piracy and securing our digital ecosystem.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting for OTT Platforms

VdoCipher helps over 3000+ customers from over 120+ countries to host their OTT videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

How Does Encryption Work?

Here’s the basic outline of the encryption technology in simple words:

Key Generation – Before encryption or decryption happens, a secret key is generated. The key can be single for symmetric encryption or a pair of two keys for asymmetric encryption. The encryption strength depends on the algorithm used and key size.

Encryption Algorithm – Using an encryption algorithm, the plaintext data is processed and converted into ciphertext. It applies a combination of mathematical operations and transformations. There are several encryption algorithms including DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

Data Encryption – The sender inputs the secret key and plaintext data into the encryption algorithm which further transforms the plaintext into ciphertext. It is then ready to be transmitted without any unauthorized user having access to it.

Data Transmission – Once the encrypted data is transmitted, it remains unreadable to anyone without the decryption key.

Decryption – Upon receiving, the authorized user uses a decryption key to decrypt the ciphertext into the plaintext using an encryption algorithm.

Data Integrity Verification – During storage or transmission, to ensure the data is not hampered, additional mechanisms are often employed. For example, message authentication codes, hashing, or digital signatures.

Types of Encryption

Symmetrical Encryption

In symmetrical encryption, a single shared key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the content files. Both the sender and receiver must have the same key to securely exchange the information. It is commonly used for bulk data encryption and secure communications in a closed ecosystem.

Asymmetrical Encryption

Asymmetrical encryption is also known as public key cryptography. It uses a pair of related keys, one for encryption (public key) and the other for decryption (private key). To encrypt data with that public key, the only way to decrypt is via the corresponding private key you have access to.

Furthermore, you can also reverse the key flow. One can encrypt the information through a private key, and only people with the public key can decrypt it. This is the mechanism that we use for doing a digital signature, for example.

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption | Tabular Comparison

Attribute Symmetric Encryption Asymmetric Encryption
Key type Single shared secret key Two related keys: public key and private key
Key usage Same key for encryption and decryption Public key for encryption, private key for decryption
Speed Faster, as it uses simpler operations Slower, due to more complex calculations
Key distribution More challenging, as the secret key must be shared securely Easier, as only the public key needs to be shared and can be done so freely
Use case Bulk data encryption, secure communication within closed systems Secure communication over open networks, digital signatures, key exchange
Examples of algorithms AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), Blowfish RSA, ElGamal, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
Key management complexity Higher, as the number of keys increases exponentially with the number of users Lower, as each user only needs one public-private key pair
Security Depends on the key size and the algorithm used Generally considered more secure due to separate keys for encryption and decryption

Importance of Encryption for the Video Industry

For the video industry, video encryption is very important. Here are some reasons why:

  • To protect Intellectual Property – video content such as movies, and shows take a lot of time and effort. Encryption provides means to protect their intellectual property from unauthorized access, copying, and sharing.
  • To secure content distribution – to enforce licensing agreements and restrict access to their premium content, content creators and distributors use encryption. Platforms like Netflix use DRM (Digital Rights Management) to encrypt their video content.
  • Maintain user privacy – Today video platforms store a lot of information and data such as preferences, payment options, and viewing habits. To maintain trust and user privacy, the data is secured via encryption.
  • To meet compliance requirements – Many regions and industries require the mandatory protection of sensitive data. In the field of videos, encryption technologies like video DRM help in complying with these regulations.

What is CENC Common Encryption Methods & Algorithms?

The most popular and used video streaming protocols are MPEG-DASH and HLS. On one side, HLS uses (ts) container format for its videos while MPEG-DASH uses mp5 format. The first problem is, if a content provider uses both these protocols, then they need to store video files in both formats. Secondly, it’s a total waste of storage space.

To address the first issue, CMAF (Common Media Application Format) specification was developed. Here, the videos are stored in fragmented mp4 container format (fmp4). Now, instead of two separate video formats, you have to store the video in fmp4 format, using common file sets for both protocols.

What if different DRM technologies use different encryption standards?

MPEG developed the Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) that standardized the method of media content specified by ISO/IEC 23001-7.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

Vdocipher helps several VOD Platform to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

CENC defines a common set of encryption and key mapping methods that are compatible with different DRM systems. CENC is based on the MPEG Common Encryption (MPEG-CENC) standard which is supported by various platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and smart TVs. Also, CENC is used in various multimedia content distribution platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and YouTube.

This allows content providers to encrypt their media once and use multiple DRM systems for content protection simultaneously. This is particularly useful for adaptive streaming formats like MPEG-DASH and HLS, where the media is delivered in smaller segments to ensure smooth playback across various devices and network conditions.

Streaming Format Container Format Compatibility with CENC
HLS fMP4 Yes

CENC Encryption Algorithms

CENC common encryption methods and algorithms does not have a specific encryption algorithm, instead supports multiple encryption algorithms. Some of the common encryption algorithms CENC supports are:

AES-CTR (Advanced Encryption Standard – Counter Mode)
AES-CBC (Advanced Encryption Standard – Cipher Block Chaining)

These two modes do the encryption handling differently and are not compatible with one another.
Primarily, there are two DRM technologies, Google Widevine, and Apple FairPlay. Different technologies have varying levels of support for each encryption standard. The points of difference between the two are how they handle the plaintext blocks and initialization vector, IV (first ciphertext block)

CENC streaming format compatibility table

CTR (Counter Mode)

CTR encryption mode

source: wikipedia

  • CTR converts a block cipher into a stream cipher using encrypting successive values of a counter.
  • It generates a unique input which is a combination of a nonce and a counter for each data block.
  • The counter is incremented for each subsequent data block to ensure uniqueness.
  • For each subsequent data block, the counter increments.
  • The block cipher then encrypts the counter value via the secret key to produce a keystream block.
  • The keystream block is XORed with the plaintext block to generate the ciphertext block.
  • CTR enables parallel encryption and decryption so that each block can be processed independently of others.
  • It doesn’t require padding for the plaintext data, making it more efficient for media content.
  • For random IV/nonce – combining with a counter through any invertible operation like XOR, concatenation to produce a unique encryption counter block.
  • For non-random nonce (example packet counter) – nonce and counter are concatenated.
  • Just adding or XORing the nonce and counter into a single value may break the security under plaintext attacks. The attacker may be capable of altering the entire IV-counter pair.
  • Once accessed, the XOR of the plaintext with the ciphertext will have a value that when XORed with the ciphertext of another block having the same IV-counter pair, would decrypt the block.
                                    CTR (Counter)
Encryption parallelizable Yes
Decryption parallelizable Yes
Random read access Yes

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)

CNC encryption mode

source: wikipedia

  • CBC encrypts plaintext in fixed-size blocks (e.g., 128 bits for AES).
  • An initialization vector (IV) ensures an unique ciphertext for the same plaintext with the same key.
  • Before encryption, the IV is XORed with the first plaintext block with the block cipher and the secret key, producing the first ciphertext block.
  • The previous ciphertext block is XORed with the current plaintext block before encryption for each subsequent block, creating a dependencies chain.
  • Decryption requires processing the ciphertext blocks in reverse order due to the chaining mechanism.
  • CBC lacks parallelism, as each block’s encryption or decryption depends on the previous block’s ciphertext.
    It requires padding for the plaintext data, which can lead to inefficiencies.
                         CBC (Cipher block Chaining)
Encryption parallelizable No
Decryption parallelizable Yes
Random read access Yes
  • One major disadvantage of CBC is that it requires sequential encryption, meaning you cannot encrypt multiple blocks simultaneously (no parallelization). This can make the process slower compared to other encryption modes.
  • Another drawback is that the message must have a length that is a multiple of the block cipher’s size. This often requires adding padding (extra bits) to the message to meet the required size.
  • “Ciphertext stealing” is a technique used to address the padding issue mentioned above, allowing encryption without padding. In CBC, if there is a one-bit change in the plaintext or the initialization vector (IV), all the following ciphertext blocks are affected. This property can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, as it increases security but also makes error propagation more likely.

CENC Common Encryption Methods & Algorithms Support

Some major browsers, devices, and platforms supporting CENC are:

Streaming Protocols:
MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)
HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)

DRM Systems:
Google Widevine
Apple FairPlay Streaming
Microsoft PlayReady

Devices and Platforms:
Many smart TVs
iOS and Android devices
Web browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari

CENC Implementation

Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) is pretty straightforward for developers having knowledge of media streaming, encryption process, and most importantly DRM systems. Based on the project’s complexity and the developer’s expertise, the CENC implementation varies.

Some factors to consider while implementing CENC include

DRM Systems – CENC works with multiple DRM systems, such as Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay Streaming. The developer must understand the intricacies of each DRM system being used and ensure proper integration with CENC.

Streaming Protocols – Implementing CENC requires knowledge of the streaming protocols being used, such as MPEG-DASH or HLS streaming. The developer must understand how CENC is integrated with these protocols to provide secure content delivery.

Encryption Algorithms – CENC supports multiple encryption algorithms, like AES-CTR and AES-CBC. The developer needs to be familiar with these encryption algorithms and their proper implementation within the CENC framework.

Key Management – Proper key management is essential for secure content protection. The developer must ensure that encryption keys are securely generated, stored, and distributed and that the right keys are used for the appropriate DRM systems.

Compatibility – Ensuring compatibility across various devices and platforms can be a challenge, as each may have unique requirements and limitations. Developers must thoroughly test their CENC implementation to ensure seamless content delivery and playback.

VdoCipher Secure Multi-DRM Solution

VdoCipher, a secure video hosting platform offers the highest available video security to protect your premium content from piracy and unauthorized access or sharing. Being a direct partner with Google for Widevine DRM, VdoCipher offers Multi-DRM solutions with Apple FairPlay and Google Widevine DRM support. Videos streamed via VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded or hacked using any internet plugin or software.

VdoCipher secure custom video player features

More than 3000 customers across 120+ countries rely on VdoCipher to securely host and stream their premium content. The various features offered by VdoCipher are:

  • Multi-DRM Encryption
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Custom Video Player for Android, Desktop, and iOS
  • Secure offline downloads in Android
  • Screen Capture Prevention
  • Ready to use Plugins for WordPress & Moodle
  • Easy Embed Options
  • Domain/IP Restrictions
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Video Analytics


What are the advantages of CENC?

Interoperability between DRM systems, easier content distribution, reduced costs in managing multiple DRMs, and simplified workflow.

Is CENC common encryption methods and algorithms secure for my videos?

CENC security depends on the DRM systems it supports and the underlying encryption algorithms. When implemented properly, CENC can highly secure digital content.

Name some most common encryption methods

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), RC4, Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), and RSA.

The post CENC Common Encryption Methods and Algorithms Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

RTMP Streaming: How does Real Time Messaging Protocol Streaming work? https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2020/10/rtmp-encrypted-rtmpe-streaming-technology/ https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2020/10/rtmp-encrypted-rtmpe-streaming-technology/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:39:04 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=864 The word protocol may sound familiar if you frequently use the internet and the latest apps. What precisely is a Protocol, then? So, a consistent collection of rules and principles for formatting and processing data is known as a protocol. Now that you understand a protocol, it is time to learn more about the Real-Time […]

The post RTMP Streaming: How does Real Time Messaging Protocol Streaming work? appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

The word protocol may sound familiar if you frequently use the internet and the latest apps. What precisely is a Protocol, then? So, a consistent collection of rules and principles for formatting and processing data is known as a protocol. Now that you understand a protocol, it is time to learn more about the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and examine its characteristics, advantages, applications, and a few alternatives on the way.

With the help of low latency connections, you can broadcast music and video using the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) from Adobe. Large amounts of audio, video, and data can be efficiently transmitted from a server to the Internet using this TCP-based network protocol. RTMP’s primary function in current live streaming setups is to transfer material from an encoder to an online video server.

In the context of its new position in live streaming, RTMP is significant, but its reach is considerably narrower than it formerly was. It is capable of low-latency streaming, a considerable advantage for broadcasters transmitting actual events in real time. Additionally, it gives minor buffering, which significantly improves the user experience. RTMP streaming is one of the finest techniques to offer streaming material with a small buffer.

RTMP technology is also used by adaptive-bitrate streaming and some web conferencing applications. Let’s explore RTMP in detail:

rtmp Stream or rtmpe streaming

What is RTMP Stream?

Real Time Messaging Protocol or RTMP is used to stream multimedia data – audio and video  – between Flash Media Server and Flash Player. The chief utility of RTMP stream is in the optimization of the audio and video data transfer between the server and player. Its major use comes in Dynamic live streaming, and because of the encryption service RTMPE (which, despite of its security flaws, has a wide use). In this blog post, I expand upon –

  • Use as a Streaming protocol – How RTMP evolved as a widely used real time video streaming protocol
  • Differences from other streaming protocols, strengths – In what aspects it differs from newer streaming protocols such as  HLS & HDS.
  • Use Cases – We also discuss certain RTMP use cases.
  • RTMPE – Utility of Encrypted RTMP and the flaws in its security services.
  • Flaws in Security & Streaming reliability

RTMP stream: transfer across media server, CDN and flash player

RTMP at a glance

Even though RTMP is officially deprecated, you can use it with certain transcoders in various broadcasting processes and circumstances. Up until the early 2010s, Flash Player and RTMP dominated the live streaming distribution landscape. RTMP is resource-intensive since it necessitates a separate streaming server. When Adobe announced that Flash would be discontinued in December 2020, it was clear that this was the end of the road. Anyone may create products and technologies to provide video, audio, and data thanks to Adobe’s release of RTMP as an open specification. With the protocol available, various novel solutions might be created without the need for Flash by using RTMP for all or a portion of the transmission process.

Key benefits of RTMP:

  • You can securely transmit or display audio and video in various formats, including endless others.
  • Real-time message posting or very low transmission delay
  • Gives you an advantage over HTTP-enabled video streams in terms of clever search functionality. A flash player is required to enjoy this feature.
  • For the delivery of packets, RTMP provides several virtual channels that operate independently of one another.

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) may appear a relic of a bygone age, yet many platforms continue to support it for RTMP intake even if it hasn’t been used for delivery since Flash’s demise. RTMP is still essential now despite how live streaming has evolved.

Video formats supported include- H.264 (the preferred option) and VP8, as well as alternative codecs, including Screen Video v2 and AMF, SWF, FLV, and F4V.

Supported audio formats-  mp3, AAC-LC, HE-AAC, and AAC (recommended).

Is RTMP Stream Optimal for Low Latency Transmission?

RTMP stream does not use either of the 80/443 ports(HTTP/HTTPS) ports but instead uses the 1935 port. An exclusive port for video packet transmission signifies that the RTMP stream protocol is suitable for transmission of low latency content – essentially live streaming of video content, and streaming of media without buffering. However, by using this port RTMP stream becomes vulnerable to being blocked by certain corporate firewalls.

RTMP stream is theoretically optimal for low latency streaming as the RTMP pointer is always in sync with the media server at the exact point of the stream. This means that if there is a signal interruption for say 5 seconds, the flash player will not display the signal for 5 seconds, but would resume in real-time when the signal over the network resumes. The stream should therefore never lag in spite of poor network, although the quality of the video may suffer.

RTMP Stream: VOD across media server, CDN, Flash Player

Adaptive Streaming through RTMP

RTMPE is suitable for live streaming as it does not download any video packets except at the time of streaming – there is no buffering of content as would occur with a progressive media player. The bitrate can be dynamically decided to optimize user experience over the available network. Dynamic streams consist of multiple single streams of the same content, all of the different quality. RTMP stream relies on dynamically adaptive content transfer to maintain video playback at periods of uneven network quality

RTMP stream is distinct from Progressive Streaming Players

Progressive media players, a category that includes popular video players Youtube, Vimeo & VdoCipher, allow video portion of the future video part to be downloaded as well. Essentially it allows for a future buffer in the player. Progressive Streaming is now a common feature across all popular video hosting services across the internet. The shifting of video metadata from the end of the media file to the front allows this possibility. Thus, before the download of the complete media file, the media player has all the information that it requires to start playback.

In progressive streaming, the media is stored in the temporary directory of the associated web browser. This is the concept on which most downloaders or download software/plugins work. They are able to fetch this data that is coming into the browser.

With RTMP there is no storage in a temporary directory, and instead of continued direct streaming between the two servers. It is conceptually live and does not have any future buffer even for recorded videos.

Encrypted RTMPE & Security

Encrypted RTMP (RTMPE) wraps the RTMP stream session in a lightweight encryption layer. Through Encrypted RTMPE, the streaming protocol provides low-level stream encryptions for high-traffic sites. RTMPE uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchange method. In this algorithm two parties – the media server and the flash player – establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel. However, the initial point of secret key sharing is unsecure. The media server cannot verify the identity of the media player. This leaves the player vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks at session initializations.

RTMPS is an RTMPE over a secure TLS/SSL connection. The underlying algorithm of RTMPE remains the same, but a secure SSL connection precludes a man-in-the-middle attack from unknown third parties. However there is still the case in which the client can grants access to a third party.  Through this user can download the stream content.  In that case the video download is easy, leaving the content provider vulnerable to the potential piracy from end-users for illegal distribution.


RTMP Stream Encryption

As explained, RTMP stream never has a block of data, only a pointer to the current live data. Owing to this no local storage of data RTMPE occurs. RTMPE can therefore, with an additional layer of security, be a means for video transmission locally. As discussed, RTMPE was quite different from other streaming players in concept of its streaming protocol. Thus, not many downloaders or plugins are built to grab it. Thus, it has a certain level of protection sometimes pitched with it.

RTMPDump to Download RTMP Videos

RTMP dump is an RTMP toolkit to connect to Flash Media servers just like normal flash players. It stores the data from the RTMP connection, sometimes used to capture the stream from the server. This allows local saving of the video file. This opens a means by which TV shows and videos on demand being streamed via this can be downloaded to cause piracy.

RTMP Stream and Content Delivery Networks(CDN)

RTMP also requires direct constant connection with a Flash Media Server throughout the period of playback, as there is no local storage. Every flash client has to maintain state with the media server all the time.  This results in higher CDN cost.

Currently, CDNs have started to phase out RTMP. Although CDNs Akamai and Amazon Cloudfront have committed to supporting its streaming, they accept that usage traffic has declined considerably over the previous years. Limelight supports RTMP for video ingestion from content provider to CDN server, which routs to the video user through HTTP.

How does RTMP work?

RTMP relies on three essential components to function:

  1. Handshake
  1. Connection
  1. Stream

Adobe no longer supports the RTMP protocol complicates a relatively straightforward task.

RTMP is mainly used in professional broadcast contexts nowadays.

Here is a concise explanation of the RTMP process.

Step 1: The Handshake

The client and server engage in brief interactions during the handshake phase. Initially, the client transmits what is typically known as a header. Essentially, this is a cryptographic signature. Immediately after the transmission of the title, the client transmits 1536 bytes of random data.

Step 2: The Connection

As soon as the handshake is complete, the connection phase begins. The connection step includes an AMF (Action Message Format)-encoded data exchange. This defines a standard for communication between the client and server, including broad criteria for video playback, frame size, and bandwidth.

Step 3: The Stream

After establishing the connection and communication protocols, the stream is begun. This phase permits the execution of critical user instructions such as play and pause.

RTMP protocol variations

There are several variants of RTMP, the most common of which is RTMP itself, as well as RTMPS, RTMPE, RTMPT, and RTMFP. Within live streaming, each video protocol is used for somewhat distinct goals, which contrast with one another.

Let’s look at the streaming protocol’s specific benefits of each of these different variants.

  1. RTMP

RTMP proper is the version of the RTMP protocol that has been around the longest. This is the streaming format created by Macromedia, which Adobe eventually acquired. It served as the basis for the other standards included on this list.

  1. RTMPS

SSL certification is used to produce a more secure stream when RTMPS streaming is being used. 

  1. RTMPE

Macromedia was the company that first invented RTMPE, which was a different, more secure way of streaming video. In 2022, it will have just a marginal user base. Still, it does not take advantage of SSL security certification (which remains one of the predominant standards for securing data and content over the internet).

  1. RTMPT

Video is being tunneled using RTMPT’s streaming service. Tunneling is a method for transmitting confidential information via public networks. Even though this may be helpful in some circumstances, it is well recognized to add additional delay to the process or workflow.

  1. RTMFP

Real-Time Media Flow Protocol, often known as RTMFP, is an RTMP variant constructed using UDP rather than TCP. This technology is the foundation for a wide variety of video conferencing solutions and social networking applications that include video live stream chat capabilities.

RTMP encoding

As previously mentioned, RTMP technology is often utilized to send video material from a live stream encoder to a streaming platform. To stream in this protocol using an RTMP-based configuration, an RTMP encoder is necessary.

Which Encoders Support RTMP?

Broadcasters have alternatives to software and hardware encoders for RTMP encoding. 

Let’s explore some of the most popular RTMP encoder options:

  • OBS Studio:

OBS Studio is a free, open-source encoding software application for novice broadcasters. If you want know more about how to use obs studio, you can check the blog linked.

  • Wirecast:

Telestream’s Wirecast is a popular software encoder. This software’s starting price of $599 makes it more suitable for advanced broadcasters.

  • VidBlaster:

VidBlaster is a live streaming software application with editing, mixing, and encoding options. It is an excellent alternative for broadcasters seeking to add a professional touch to their programs. The software costs $9 per year, to begin with.

  • vMix:

VMix is another live streaming software package with encoding features and pricing levels to accommodate any budget. Currently, plans vary from zero dollars to $1,200 for a lifetime license.

  • TriCaster:

NewTek’s TriCaster is a set of encoding devices. This series contains both portable and fixed choices.

  • Teradek:

Teradek is a hardware manufacturer that provides a variety of encoding devices.

RTMP Apps for iPhone

In addition to the tools mentioned above, iOS applications enable RTMP streaming from an iPhone. These applications are developed for mobile live streaming.

Here are some of the top iOS and RTMP-compatible live streaming applications:

  • Larix Broadcaster
  • Twitch. tv
  • nano stream
  • Wirecast Go
  • Airmix Solo
  • Broadcast Me
  • LinkedIn Live

Although it is feasible to stream from an iPhone, professional-grade equipment is preferred for streaming. Nonetheless, an iPhone or iPad would do if you are streaming on-site and do not have mobile live streaming equipment.

HLS and DASH as an alternative for RTMP

We have sufficient knowledge of the RTMP streaming protocol. Examine protocols that may serve as alternatives to RTMP.


HLS is one of the most used protocols for streaming media. Like HTTP, it can send on-demand video data, but it also excels at live streaming. HLS was created by Apple and was first exclusive to iOS, but now it is compatible with the time of end devices and browsers. The primary benefit of HLS is the clear separation of video data. HLS employs a protocol already supported by most end devices and is thus compatible with many devices. 

Due to the transfer of individual data packets, users may modify the stream quality without interrupting or refreshing the stream. HLS makes it feasible to load the following data segment at a lower bit rate if a user has a momentary Internet connection time. Hence, you can avoid buffering of a stream by momentarily delivering a stream with lesser quality. This method is known as Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.


DASH is a streaming protocol that segments data similarly to HLS. It has the benefit of dividing video files into significantly smaller chunks than HLS does. This enables the broadcast stream to respond to changes on the client side and transition between various speeds more rapidly. While HLS segments are around 10 seconds long, DASH segments are just 2 to 4 seconds long, providing significantly more flexibility. 

DASH, unlike HLS, is a standard protocol; however, not all end devices support it. iOS-based devices are incompatible with DASH streaming. DASH may be incompatible with other devices since it is not inherently compatible with HTML5. Despite this, DASH is a popular and commonly used streaming protocol, particularly for live broadcasts owing to its efficient and adaptable functioning.

The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is essential in various live streaming activities. It is necessary to remember that RTMP is not extinct; instead, it only serves in more supporting capacities than it did in the past. This is something to keep in mind.

Alternative to RTMP – High Secure & Smoother Streaming

As seen above, it has primary two problems –
1. Poor streaming due to no future buffer and constant server to player connections.
2. Downloadable through RTMPdump compromises security from piracy.

VdoCipher encryption through backend OTP

VdoCipher offers Google Widevine DRM encryption + Apple Fairplay DRM encryption, viewer specific watermarking, and backend authentication. This ensures the highest security from any downloader or plugin looking to hack content. The OTP given to the specific viewer is authenticated at the backend, precluding access from anyone except the intended video user.

VdoCipher has a progressive buffer-conserving player. On seeking the video to past or future timeline, the buffer remains conserved, thereby demanding lower bandwidth. Our html5 video player is optimized for serving at both low and high bandwidth – VdoCipher serves viewers in tier II and tier III cities in India, we also have major clients across Africa. Our streaming has been highly effective even at lower connection speeds.

For a full version 5 GB free trial , please visit VdoCipher.

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The post RTMP Streaming: How does Real Time Messaging Protocol Streaming work? appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/2022/02/drm-product/ Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:54:20 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?p=10140 Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a concept initially developed in the 1980s. The goal of DRM is to protect the rights of copyright holders and ensure that they get paid for their work. In 1984, the first DRM product as a system was developed, and the first commercial DRM system in 1995. The first DRM […]

The post Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a concept initially developed in the 1980s. The goal of DRM is to protect the rights of copyright holders and ensure that they get paid for their work. In 1984, the first DRM product as a system was developed, and the first commercial DRM system in 1995. The first DRM system used in a commercially distributed media product was Sega’s Dreamcast, released in 1998.

DRM restricts unauthorized access, copying, or use of proprietary or copyrighted information. For years, DRM has protected content in various industries, including the music and film industries. Some DRM systems are used within computer networks to prevent unauthorized access or copying of proprietary or copyrighted information. The simplest way to describe the DRM technology is to control how users can access and use the content.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Just like a product solving a purpose or need, DRM products fulfill the need of video producers to securely distribute their content to authorized audiences. DRM products are basically those that prevent unauthorized access to media files that are not under the user’s control. DRM systems usually serve the following needs:

  • prevent copying
  • control use (time, place, number of copies made, and so on)
  • prevent unauthorized distribution and content usage
  • prevent unauthorized access

What are DRM products?

A product gets defined differently from different perspectives. From the perspective of marketing, it is an object, service, or system that is made available to the end-user on the basis of demand generated for it. From the perspective of retail, a product is just merchandise with value. For manufacturing, products are just raw materials and finished ones. Overall, a product is anything, even an object or service, that can be offered to the market to satisfy the needs and wants of customers.

Similarly, when security is a need, products like DRM are there to safeguard the purpose. As to explain the term DRM; it is a type of technology that controls the use, modification, and distribution of digital content. It uses encryption and other security mechanisms to prevent the illegal use of digital content and devices. A DRM product is designed to protect the copyright of digital content. DRM products work by encrypting the content and then controlling its use. This can include features such as preventing it from being copied or shared or limiting how many times it gets played or downloaded.

DRM products can also be classified just like products as per their use and association. For example, DRM can be used to protect illegal downloads while streaming and also while storing encrypted files. These products can be associated as software services and can also be directly associated with hardware integrations. Again, the purpose of a product needs to be fulfilled, and here it is protection.

Overview of a DRM Product as a System

Generally, a DRM system involves two parts:

  • a method of preventing the copying of a file
  • a way to prevent the use of an unauthorized file

This file-based protection implementation involves using a proprietary method to transform the file into a format that is not directly usable by a computer but only restored by the same program that created the file or a program with the same license/key.

This is done by encrypting the file so that it is not possible to restore the original information using a copy of the original file. To reverse the transformation, one needs the decryption key, which is the license you must buy to play the file.

What are the different types of DRM products?

There are many other ways to classify DRM products, including the type of content they can protect, the type of hardware they get installed on, the kind of protection they can use, and many other ways.

A DRM product includes several features. This is why there are various types of DRM products available in the market. Following are the different types of DRM products available in the market.

Video Only DRM: Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology to protect copyrighted video content. Video-Only DRM restricts how video can be accessed and used, making it difficult to copy or share the video without permission. Video streaming services use DRM to protect their content from online piracy.

Software Only: This is the simplest and most versatile DRM product available in the market. This product protects your documents without the help of any hardware device. The data stored in the documents are encrypted using public and private keys. The public keys protect the data from unauthorized access. This type of product is inexpensive and protects documents from copying, printing, editing, and distributing.

Web-Based: This is one of the latest technology available in the market. This technology uses a web service to protect documents. Web-based DRM gets implemented through a web browser. It allows protected content to be securely streamed or downloaded to a user’s computer. It usually requires the user to log in to a subscription service.

Hardware Only: This is another type of DRM product. Hardware DRM product uses a hardware device to protect digital content from printing, editing, unauthorized access, or sharing.

On a broad classification, DRM products include digital rights management software/digital rights management services and digital rights management hardware.

Major DRM products available in the market

Video DRM Product Overview by VdoCipher

VdoCipher, a secure video-hosting service provider, protects premium video content from unauthorized access, sharing, or downloads using Hollywood Grade DRM-Protected Video Streaming. VdoCipher uses Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption to secure the videos. Any internet plugin or software cannot bypass the security layer to download the videos streamed through VdoCipher. They help in serving video content security to over 2000 business customers in more than 40 countries. Their main features include:

  • Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay protected DRM encrypted streaming
  • Dynamic watermarking and screen capture block
  • Adaptive and Responsive HTML5 player
  • API and Plugin Integration
  • Multi CDN Integration
  • APIs and SDKs
  • Geo, IP and Time based restrictions


Digify is a cloud-based data room software and document security solution. It offers an all-in-one integrated solution to secure confidential documents, combining access control, advanced encryption, file tracking, print and download permissions and customizable watermarks.

  • Access control
  • Recipient identity verification
  • Easy cloud import
  • Copy protection, print & download permissions
  • Dynamic watermarking
  • Screen shield
  • Document expiry & Self-destruct


EditionGuard is a secure ebook DRM service that helps publishers and content creators protect their digital content from unauthorized copying, printing, and distribution. EditionGuard offers a variety of features to help publishers control how their content is used. EditionGuard automates the eBook fulfillment after an online purchase is made and controls how the ebook is distributed and accessed.

  • Adobe DRM, Readium LCP and a number of social DRM solutions
  • Storefront with secure payments and eBook delivery
  • Dashboard to monitor daily downloads
  • EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files support
  • IP address restrictions
  • API access


Bynder offers a centralized solution to manage and distribute digital assets. It helps businesses manage their brand assets, such as images, videos, logos, and documents. With Bynder, businesses can streamline their brand assets in one place, making it easy for employees to find and use the files they need.

  • Control access and usage rights
  • Set file expiration date
  • Track file sharing history
  • Automatic asset resizing using Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT)


RedPoint DRM software automatically detects and removes entertainment logins or software that are resold online. Marketplaces and other online platforms are scanned using bot-powered search to find online infringements. Alleged infringements are validated through a validation process to prove infringement. Finally, the system removes and blocks the activation keys that are infringing your digital rights.

  • Bot-powered search
  • Self-improving detection
  • Visual cards to review potential infringements
  • Automatic takedown trigger
  • Dashboard to track important data and metrics

DRM Product as Software and Services

Digital rights management (DRM) is a technology used to control access to digital content and devices. DRM software protects digital files from being copied or shared without permission. DRM software is programs or applications to protect the copyrights of digital content and controls how users can access and use digital content.

A DRM software secures digital content such as music, movies, audio and video files, eBooks, and software. It can also restrict access to devices, such as smartphones or tablets to view or listen to digital content.

In other words, Digital rights management (DRM) services are software applications used by copyright holders to protect their intellectual property from unauthorized use. DRM services restrict access to digital content, track and monitor how that content is used, or both.

Features of DRM Software

The most common DRM Software features include content protection, copy protection, and access control.

Content Protection

DRM Content Protection protects digital content from being copied and distributed illegally. It controls how users can access and use digital content and prevent unauthorized copying and sharing.

Content Protection is an umbrella term for several Digital Rights Management technologies that restrict access to certain kinds of content. It is generally used to limit access to media files but can be used for other types of content.

Copy Protection

Copy protection is a mechanism used in DRM to prevent unauthorized copying of digital media. It’s implemented in digital rights management software, restricting how users can copy or share digital files.

The primary mechanism of copy protection in DRM is to encrypt the digital content only to access and use by authorized users.

Access Control

Access control in DRM is the combination of security and access control mechanisms that determine who has access to digital content and grant or prevent access to this content. It is a DRM feature that allows you to control who can access your content. You can specify a list of authorized users who can view or listen to your content.

Access control in DRM is a mechanism to grant or deny access to digital content and the security mechanisms and identity management components.

Digital Rights Management product as Hardware

Digital rights management hardware is used to protect digital content and used for various purposes. For example, the manufacturers of television sets are using the hardware to prevent users from accessing other channels’ content.

Digital rights management hardware is a physical device used to manage digital rights. This can include USB tokens, smart cards, or dongles. The hardware protects and controls access to digital content such as music, movies, and software. Typically, the hardware will contain a cryptographic key to unlock the content.

Web-Based DRM Product

Web-based DRM is a technology that allows digital content security from unauthorized access and use. The content is stored on a remote server and accessed by authorized users through a web browser. Web-based DRM technology uses various methods to protect the content, including password protection, user authentication, and encryption.

Explore More ✅

Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.


Benefits of using DRM products to protect video content?

Following are the benefits of using a DRM product to protect your digital content.

Protection of Intellectual Property: The most important benefit of using DRM products is that it helps you protect your intellectual property. For example, you can use DRM technology to protect your content from being available for free download.

Control over the content: Using the DRM technology, you can control how the users can access the videos. For example, you can manage the number of times and devices a video is accessed.

Sharing: When you use the DRM products, you can share the content with the DRM technology people. For example, you can share videos with the people who have view rights for your media file.

Security: This technology helps you secure your digital content like music files, videos, ebooks from unauthorized access and use. For example, you can secure your videos from unauthorized manipulation, copying, and distribution.

You can use the DRM technology only if you have the right software and integration. DRM covers audio and video, software, ebooks, computer games, etc. In the case of videos, content providers want to ensure that their videos are not copied and shared without permission and can monetize their videos. Service providers want to protect their networks from the high bandwidth demands of video traffic. Device manufacturers want to ensure that their devices can playback authorized videos and not be used to distribute unauthorized videos.


What is Identity Management in DRM?

Identity management in DRM is the management of identity attributes to enable access to digital content.

What are the most common types of DRM?

The most common type of DRM is the software-based DRM which is used to protect the digital content.

What is the main advantage of using DRM?

The advantages of using DRM are that it helps in protecting the digital content from being copied, edited or distributed freely.

The post Top DRM Products Overview as Software Service and Hardware appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Best DRM Tools to protect your Videos & other Digital Assets https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/drm-tools/ Mon, 10 Jan 2022 05:17:09 +0000 https://www.vdocipher.com/blog/?page_id=9537 Digital Rights Management (DRM) allows authorized users to access and use digital content with the use of a license. This is done through DRM systems that are very popular in today’s online activities. The use of DRM tools can help content owners control the use of the content they have produced. DRM Tools are DRM […]

The post Best DRM Tools to protect your Videos & other Digital Assets appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) allows authorized users to access and use digital content with the use of a license. This is done through DRM systems that are very popular in today’s online activities. The use of DRM tools can help content owners control the use of the content they have produced. DRM Tools are DRM technology systems that are designed to control the use of copyrighted digital media. Their main function is to prevent the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works. This means that content owners have the power to control the use of their content and the number of times that it can be accessed or viewed.

What is DRM?

Digital rights management or DRM is a combination of technologies that manage legal access to copyrighted digital content like video, audio, PDF, etc. It uses DRM encryption, access control methodologies, a proprietary hardware-controlled environment, a software-enabled black box, and a dynamic key exchange management system. The complete infrastructure regulates the use, modification, and distribution of copyrighted digital works.

VdoCipher empowers 3000+ course creators, event organizers, and broadcasters with DRM-protected video streaming, ensuring smooth playback in 120+ countries.

Steps required to set up DRM

  • Acquiring DRM license permissions
  • Setting up storage infrastructure
  • Encoding
  • Transcoding
  • Using the license encryption keys to encrypt the digital content
  • Storing the encrypted file
  • Authorized access management
  • Request processing via license server
  • Decrypt the requested resources via the license server
  • Allow playback or opening a file through a DRM player or viewer

Who provides a DRM license?

Since the whole digital ecosystem is dependent on Google and Apple either for devices (hardware) or OS, and browsers (software), they are the major DRM license providers. Google provides a license of Google Widevine DRM and Apple provides it for Apple FairPlay DRM. Obtaining a license from them means that you get protection across,

  • Desktop/Laptop – Windows, Mac, Linux.
  • Browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Android Chrome, Edge, Mac Safari, iOS Safari.
  • OS – Android, iOS, Android TV, Android TV, Chromecast, IOS App

What level of protection does DRM provide?

DRM (Digital Rights Management) provides various levels of protection, often categorized into levels like L1, L2, and L3, particularly in the context of Google’s Widevine DRM. These levels indicate the robustness of security, especially in terms of where the decryption of content occurs—either in hardware or software.

Widevine DRM Levels

  • L1: The highest level of protection, L1, requires that all content processing and cryptography operations are performed within a trusted execution environment on the device’s processor. This level ensures that the content is decrypted and rendered in a secure, tamper-resistant environment, offering the highest level of protection against piracy, including preventing screen recording and capture.
  • L2: This level offers a moderate security level where only cryptography operations are handled within the trusted environment. While it’s more secure than L3, it doesn’t provide as much protection as L1 because the content might be processed outside the trusted environment after decryption.
  • L3: The lowest level of DRM protection, L3, means that content decryption occurs within the device’s main processor but outside of the trusted execution environment. This level is more susceptible to piracy, as it relies on software-based protection that can be more easily bypassed compared to hardware-based solutions.

Apple FairPlay DRM Levels

Apple FairPlay DRM does not use the L1, L2, and L3 classification. Instead, it provides a robust, hardware-based protection mechanism for content streamed on Apple devices. FairPlay DRM integrates tightly with iOS, macOS, and tvOS hardware to offer a high level of security, including preventing screen capture and unauthorized content access.

While DRM is essential for protecting your video content on online platforms. However, it’s not the complete solution. Discover why is DRM not enough to protect video piracy and what additional measures you can take.

Hardware-based DRM vs. Software-based DRM

Hardware-Based DRM (like Widevine L1 and FairPlay): Offers a higher level of security as the decryption of content and the cryptographic operations are performed in a dedicated, secure part of the device’s processor. This approach makes it more difficult for attackers to access or tamper with the content as they do not have any methodology to crack into the device’s hardware.

Software-Based DRM (like Widevine L3): Relies on the device’s main operating system and license providing software sandbox environment to decrypt content. Google Widevine DRM uses CDM or content decryption module which is a software sandbox environment to carry key exchange for decryption. This is mainly used by browsers like Firefox, Edge, etc to enable DRM content access. While still providing a level of security, it is generally considered less secure than hardware-based DRM because it is more susceptible to attacks and piracy methods, such as screen recording and ripping.

Why do DRM Tools come into play?

As we mentioned before, setting up DRM to protect your content requires steps ranging from, DRM license acquisition, storage infrastructure, encoding, transcoding, encryption,  decryption via license server, etc. Not to scare but these are minimum requirements of what it takes to set up DRM. This makes it very unfeasible for any individual or organization except giants like Netflix and Amazon to set up a DRM infrastructure of their own.

This is where DRM tools come into play which are actually medium-sized technology companies like VdoCipher that have completed all the steps from DRM licensing to storage to delivery. They provide a complete DRM encryption solution to individuals, and small, medium, and large businesses to protect their copyrighted content during storage, transmission, and playback.

Uses & Benefits of DRM Tools

To prevent unauthorized copying of digital files that your company creates or sells, you can use DRM software. DRM tools are commonly used in the audio and video industries and e-books. You can customize and protect the digital files by adding your own copyright information and encrypting them using digital rights management tools and software. This way, a user cannot copy or share the file in any way.

Digital rights management tools help protect your business as well as your clients. For example, if you own a video production company, you can use digital rights management tools to protect your video and audio files. Clients can then only use the digital video files if they have authorized access from your company.

Additionally, digital rights management tools are handy for protecting your business from the risk of copying. If your company produces copyrighted material, someone will likely copy it for their use. This can happen even if you do not sell the files to private individuals because people can easily share the files with friends and family. You can prevent unauthorized copying and sharing by protecting the files with digital rights management tools.

As stated above, the primary benefit of using a digital rights management system is to protect your copyrighted files from being copied or shared. Another advantage of using a digital rights management system is to protect your company from legal liability. Implementing such a system can be particularly crucial for a limited liability company, as it helps mitigate potential legal risks associated with unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted content.

Using digital rights management tools, you can ensure that your files are being used according to the terms of your contract. If you need to copy and share a digital file, you will need to use digital rights management software on your computer. Several digital rights management systems are available, including Adobe’s Digital Editions, Apple’s iTunes, and Microsoft’s Windows Media Player.

Best DRM Tools to protect your Videos & other Digital Assets

VdoCipher for Videos & Audios

Vdocipher offers Hollywood Grade DRM Protected Video Streaming to protect videos from unauthorized access and piracy. They provide secure video hosting solutions to LMS platforms, media, e-learning platforms, and individual video creators by helping them boost revenue. Videos streamed through VdoCipher cannot be downloaded via any software or internet plugins. With more than 2000 business customers spread across 40+ countries, VdoCipher secures videos from piracy using Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM.


Red Points for Brand Protection

Red Points is a Business Intelligence platform offering solutions to protect brands online. The platform assists businesses by fighting against online piracy, impersonation, counterfeits, credential selling, distribution abuse, and more. Re Points Artificial Intelligence (AI) automatically detects and removes IP infringements 24×7. In addition, their Digital Rights Management (DRM) software automatically detects and removes software or other entertainment logins that are resold online.


  • Detect infringers reselling credentials
  • Bot-powered search to scan online marketplace 24×7
  • Photo analysis and self-improving detection
  • Run Test purchases to verify how your products get resold
  • Visual cards to review potential infringements
  • Immediate takedown and block activation keys violating your rights
  • Dashboard and data extraction support

Kitaboo for eBooks Distribution

Kitaboo is a cloud-based secure eBook distribution platform for digital publishers. All the digital content is encrypted, watermarked, DRM protected, and provided with unique codes to access them. Digital books can be securely distributed online on various platforms and devices (smartphones, PCs or tablets). You can create, publish, and distribute digital content without any illegal access to the resources.


  • Direct integration with your website means for every purchase; the reader is provided with a unique ID and password to access the content
  • Restricts online eBook piracy
  • Complete control over the Intellectual Property Rights
  • Limited access to the digital book
  • Set expirable download links
  • eBook compliant with international regulatory guidelines
  • Unrestricted access to data analytics and usage metrics
  • Can create a web store and license eBooks

EditionGuard for eBooks and PDFs

EditionGuard offers a DRM solution for eBooks and PDFs. After an online purchase, EdtionGuard automates eBook fulfilment and controls how the content gets shared. Readers can upload an ebook with support for EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files. Choose a DRM and set limiting limits on a single device or restrict copying or printing text. EditionGuard provides various social DRM solutions like Adobe DRM and Readium LCP.


  • Securely fulfil online eBook orders
  • Choose eBook DRM
  • Sell eBook via StoreFront with secure payment, URL customization and more
  • DRM plugins
  • Download monitor
  • Set display expiration dates
  • Restrict copy and printing rights


What makes a DRM platform stand out in the market?

A standout DRM platform offers comprehensive protection across all devices and browsers, ease of integration with existing systems, scalability to handle different content volumes and user loads, and ongoing updates to stay ahead of piracy threats.

What are DRM tools and how do they work?

DRM tools are software solutions designed to protect and manage the rights of digital content. They work by encrypting the content and controlling access through a licensing system, ensuring that only authorized users can view, use, or distribute the content.

Why should I use DRM software for video protection?

DRM software for video helps prevent unauthorized sharing, copying, and piracy of video content. It ensures that your videos are viewed only by those who have the legitimate rights, protecting your revenue and intellectual property.

The post Best DRM Tools to protect your Videos & other Digital Assets appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
