Video Hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog Secure Video Streaming Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:52:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Video Hosting Archives - VdoCipher Blog 32 32 AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:22:38 +0000 Videos significantly increase user engagement, with users spending more time on websites with videos and video content receiving substantially more shares compared to images or text. AWS offers a suite of tools for video hosting, chief among them being Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. Amazon S3 is known for its durability, boasting a 99.999999999% durability […]

The post AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Videos significantly increase user engagement, with users spending more time on websites with videos and video content receiving substantially more shares compared to images or text. AWS offers a suite of tools for video hosting, chief among them being Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. Amazon S3 is known for its durability, boasting a 99.999999999% durability rate and 99.99% availability, ensuring that videos stored are not only safe but virtually imperishable. Amazon S3 has been providing cloud services since 2006 and reports storing more than 100 trillion objects in S3 servers as of March 2021. It became popular as an easy and affordable mode to avail of cloud storage services. But, the ease of integration and scalability keeps the users attached. Even large-scale solution providers like VdoCipher use AWS infrastructure to provide a complete AWS S3 Video Streaming package with integrated security and other features.

As AWS S3 uses object storage instead of block storage, it can transfer bundled data with unique identifiers and customizable metadata tags to form complete objects. Object storage infrastructure also has reduced latency when storage is remote. This leads to faster delivery or performance of the overall application, dependent on storage.

What is Amazon S3 Video Hosting?

Amazon S3 or AWS S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by AWS or Amazon Web Services. It provides object storage through Amazon S3 REST API and web service interface. AWS S3 uses the scalable storage infrastructure used by large networks like Netflix and eCommerce giants like Amazon.

VdoCipher empowers course creators, event organizers and broadcasters with expert live video streaming, ensuring smooth playback globally.

AWS S3 object storage can store any object like file storage for Internet applications, Videos, data backups, recovery, archives, data analytics, and even hybrid cloud storage. However, there are some limits to the uploaded object file size. An AWS S3 object can have a file size between 1 byte and 5TB. If an object exceeds 5TB, it must be divided into maximum chunks of 5TB before uploading. Also, during the upload, a maximum stream of 5GB can be uploaded in a single upload operation. For uploading objects larger than 5GB, a user must use the S3 multipart upload API.

AWS S3 History and Infrastructure Design

Amazon Web Services started offering S3 services to businesses as web services in the United States on March 14, 2006. It further spread to Europe in November 2007 and is now present in 190 countries worldwide. AWS started with 10 billion objects in October 2007 and grew by 10 times to 102 billion objects in March 2010. Amazon reported that it stores more than 100 trillion objects in S3 servers as of March 2021.

It proved to be a success as it provided small, medium, and large-scale businesses an opportunity to replace the upfront capital investment. Earlier, with limited options, they had to bear the large capital cost of setting up servers, and it was still cumbersome to maintain them in multiple locations. Now, users can create hundreds or thousands of S3 servers in minutes and deliver globally via Video CDN distribution.

Infrastructure Design

Objects are the basic storage units of AWS S3, and they are organized into containers called buckets. Each object is identified by a unique user-assigned key in relation to the bucket. Buckets and objects within them can be managed manually using the web interface through the console and programmatically with the Amazon S3 REST API, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDK.

Every request for an object gets authorized using an access control list (ACL) associated with each object or bucket. Object and Bucket ACLs are independent, meaning that an object does not necessarily inherit the permissions from its bucket. Permission to other AWS account users can also be granted for object access. A bucket can also be configured to log HTTP information to a sibling bucket for data mining operations.

Can Amazon S3 handle HTML5 Video Streaming?

AWS S3 easily handles HTML5 video streaming through basic upload and HTML embed code. You can use any HTML5 open-source video player or browser’s default video playback capabilities with videos hosted on S3. Your HTML code looks like this,

<video controls preload=”auto”
<source src=”″ type=’video/mp4′ />

The poster attribute here defines a thumbnail image before the playback.

Customizations during playback or to the player are made via the player frontend, not via AWS. Customizations to the player can be made using a secure video player like that of VdoCipher or java scripts and styling elements for your open-source player.

In the later part, we will also discuss How you can configure an S3 bucket to host your videos. We will do this via uploading video to the bucket, applying global distribution through CloudFront CDN, security, and playback. Using Amazon S3 video hosting with AWS CloudFront to host videos for OTT, on-demand viewing is highly scalable and a faster delivery approach.

Live Video Streaming with AWS S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) offers the necessary scalability, data availability, security, and performance required for live video streaming workflows. This service can act as a low-cost origin for live streams, replacing AWS Elemental MediaStore for basic live video origination. Implementing a redundant architecture with AWS Elemental Live and MediaLive ensures a resilient streaming setup. Using a MediaLive standard channel, HLS outputs are generated and directed to two separate Amazon S3 bucket locations, ensuring redundancy. In case of an encoder failure, this setup allows for seamless failover by managing stale manifests and forcing 404 HTTP error codes to trigger redundancy failover as per HLS specifications.

For optimal performance, use adaptive bitrate (ABR) media streaming, organizing media using slash (/) delimiters for each live channel format. Amazon S3 can handle high request rates, achieving up to 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per partitioned prefix. Strong read-after-write consistency across all AWS regions ensures that subsequent read requests immediately receive the latest version of an object, maintaining smooth live streaming.

Security features include encryption and access management, with compliance to PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and other regulatory standards. Additionally, content security can be enhanced with access tokenization and Secure Media Delivery at the Edge, while full Digital Rights Management (DRM) can be achieved using DRM + AWS Infrastructure providers like VdoCipher.

Planning an AWS-based Video Infrastructure

The basic objective for planning an AWS S3 Video Streaming Infrastructure is to provide scalable, secure, and faster video delivery for authorized playback or download. AWS S3 provides a scalable infrastructure for video object storage, but further additions are required to enhance the delivery. These additional features include global distribution via AWS CloudFront CDN, transcoding, and encryption. To list down, here are the following necessary components needed to be set up.

  • Setting up an S3 bucket
  • Upload a video to the S3 bucket
  • Transcoding to support Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  • Encrypting the Files before storage
  • Create a CloudFront origin access identity and CloudFront distribution
  • Configure your CloudFront distribution for your custom domain name
  • Dynamic key exchange playback for Encrypted video chunks

All these components are required as basic features to handle different devices and across globe secure delivery. If adaptive bitrate streaming is not set up, it will lead to playback disruption for low-bandwidth network users. Similarly, CDN provides faster delivery across the globe. Finally, setting up a DRM layer of security will protect your videos from illegal downloads and screen capture. Also, setting up all these components requires your familiarity with coding. Using a secure video hosting solution provider with AWS infrastructure is better if that is your weak or capital-intensive area.

S3 bucket creation and upload process for streaming video

Obviously, there are different methods using the web interface through the console and programmatically with the Amazon S3 REST API, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDK. For simplicity, we will be discussing the steps via AWS Management Console.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console & select the Amazon S3 console by searching S3.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Buckets.
  3. Click on Create bucket.
  4. Enter a bucket name in the next create bucket page.
  5. Choose a preferred region. Keep it closest to your application server, but if only for playback, then closest to the majority audience. When having global viewership, implement CDN.
  6. For Unrestricted Public Access, Disable the “Block all public access,” which is by default. The default setting of “Block all public access” is good if you use Cloudfront CDN with S3. This setting doesn’t block viewers from accessing via Cloudfront CDN.
  7. You can keep other settings as default and click on Create bucket. This will create your bucket and will be ready to host your videos.
  8. In the Objects tab of your new bucket, choose Upload.
  9. On the Upload page, choose Add files under Files and folders.
  10. Choose a video file to upload from your local system and then choose Open.

Finally, Choose Upload, and the console will start showing a progress bar to display the uploading.

Note: If you’re uploading large video files to S3, file size restriction can disrupt your upload. For such use cases, use Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration or batch processing. Transfer Acceleration can upload a video over long distances at a faster rate.

Why Avoid Using S3 Buckets alone for Serving Video?

Using Amazon S3 alone for serving video can present several challenges, particularly concerning cost and performance. S3 is designed for storage, not for high-performance media delivery. High traffic can overwhelm S3, as it has a limit of 5000 GET requests per second per partition. This can be problematic for high-demand video services. Additionally, egress data costs from S3 can be high.

For a better experience, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Amazon CloudFront is recommended. CloudFront caches content at edge locations, reducing load times and bandwidth costs. It also supports high request rates better than S3 alone. By integrating CloudFront with S3, you get the benefits of distributed content delivery, optimized performance, and reduced costs. For small videos (like 50MB), this setup can significantly enhance delivery speed and reliability.

To implement this, upload your videos to an S3 bucket and configure CloudFront to use this bucket as the origin. Ensure proper cache control headers for efficient caching. While S3 handles storage, CloudFront manages delivery, providing a seamless and efficient video streaming experience.

Create AWS CloudFront Distribution for CDN support

For optimal video streaming, integrating Amazon S3 with a CDN such as CloudFront is advisable. CloudFront improves performance by caching video content at edge locations closer to users, reducing latency and load times. This setup leverages S3 for storage while utilizing CloudFront’s caching capabilities for delivery, mitigating the limitations of S3 alone. CloudFront also offers cost benefits, with cheaper egress rates compared to direct S3 delivery.

Creating an AWS CloudFront distribution is fairly simple, but it may require additional steps like securing your S3 access by providing access to a special CloudFront user only. We have listed the basic steps of creating a CDN distribution and accessing S3 videos via the distribution URL. Setting up a custom domain for your CloudFront distribution requires further steps and AWS Route 53 service usage.

  1. Sign in to the Console and open the CloudFront console by searching for CloudFront and selecting it.
  2. Choose Distributions in the left navigation pane.
  3. Choose to Create distribution.
  4. In the Origin section, choose the domain name of your S3 origin named after the bucket name you created in S3.
  5. In the Default cache behavior, choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
  6. Keep the default values for other features unless explicitly required and click on Create distribution.

Now, AWS will create a subdomain for your CloudFront distribution, and the S3 video files can be accessed by suffixing the object name at the end of this subdomain. As soon as a request is made via distribution, it will start creating copies of the video file as per the price class of locations chosen.

Batch Transcoding for Adaptive bitrate streaming

Consumers of any small, medium, or large-scale video providers use devices of all sizes and shapes for video playback. Such a large list of screen sizes and network capacity poses a challenge to cater to them more effectively and enhance their user experience. That is why no single object can cater to all of them instead of a range of video objects. These objects are actually copies in different formats, sizes and bitrates. AWS provides a scalable feature to accomplish this task which is called transcoding. There are following major steps included in the process.

  1. Upload input videos
  2. Start processing the video file for different playback options
  3. Storing the transcoded video files within folders under the S3 bucket
  4. Delivering the output video files as per users compatibility

You need to set up S3 Batch Operations, invoke a Lambda function, and call MediaConvert to batch-transcode media objects in an S3 bucket. The outputs are finally moved into the S3 source bucket as separate objects, like,

  • An HLS adaptive bitrate stream for multi-size and bandwidth playback
  • A .mp4 video file
  • Thumbnail images from regular intervals during playback

We will now highlight the categories of steps you need to take to set up batch transcoding for adaptive bitrate streaming. Please refer to the AWS documentation of the steps mentioned below for detailed singular steps.

  1. Create an IAM role for MediaConvert, S3 Batch Operations, and Lambda function
  2. Start a Lambda function for video transcoding
  3. Configure Amazon S3 Inventory as a source bucket
  4. Run an S3 Batch Operations job to process the output media files from and to the S3 bucket

Applying Encryption for security from illegal downloads

AWS itself provides a security mechanism under three server-side encryption mechanisms. They are mutually exclusive options and depend upon how you decide to manage the encryption keys.

  1. Amazon S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3)
  2. KMS keys Stored in AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS)
  3. Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C)

But many tools can break these key management systems and require some strong protection technology like DRM. It becomes secure majorly due to two reasons, control over devices and browsers by license providers and secondly due to dynamic and updated key exchange system. Again, setting up DRM is fairly technical, and thus, we are listing the basic steps required on your side to be processed technically.

  1. You must acquire a DRM license through providers like Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay. They let you use their system to generate and store your DRM content keys and authenticate the media request during storage and playback.
  2. Set up an AWS server to batch-process the media files for encryption and store your encrypted video files in an S3 bucket.
  3. You will also have to create a live application that authenticates and authorizes your playback users using the licensee dynamic key management system.

Finally, you will need an online media player capable of handling DRM-protected video file playback. This mechanism protects your videos from being illegally downloaded using any tools. On Android and Apple devices, it also protects screen capture, but obviously, it can be video recorded, and it is thus advised to enable a dynamic watermark.

How to playback AWS S3-hosted videos

Playback of AWS S3-hosted video files is fairly simple. You need an open-source video player that supports HTML5 playback. You also get additional features if you use any secure AWS hosting provider like VdoCipher with DRM protection. Otherwise, the playback on any HTML page is similar to what was explained for the HTML5 video earlier.

VdoCipher helps 3000+ customers over 180+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The video from AWS S3 will play automatically through the browser player configuration.
The code required is simple and can be integrated manually as an iframe or via plugins, API, etc.

<video controls>
<source src=”″>

Challenges in setting up AWS S3 Video Streaming

Even for a DevOps engineer, all the setup tasks mentioned above are moderately cumbersome. Even if we ignore the bug fixes and exception handling, there is a lot to do from starting the upload to storage and final playback. Also, if you plan to integrate security into your video infrastructure, it requires getting licenses and their integrations. To summarize the challenges, let us list down four major stages required in setting up AWS S3 Video Streaming and their difficulty levels.

  1. S3 bucket creation and upload – Easy
  2. AWS CloudFront set up – Easy
  3. Batch Transcoding for adaptive playback – Moderate
  4. Applying DRM Encryption – Difficult

Small, medium and large-scale video streaming providers mainly use a solution provider with a history of providing the best in class service and features. They can help you evade the challenges in the implementation part and the challenges in creating dashboards, APIs, etc., for easy integration.

Secure Video hosting solution on AWS Infrastructure – VdoCipher

As a secure video hosting solution provider on AWS Infrastructure, the best one based on global reviews is likely VdoCipher. It not only provides AWS S3-hosted videos but provides a ton of other features, like,

Google and Apple FairPlay DRM Encryption – protect videos from unauthorized access and downloads via Widevine and FairPlay DRM.

Dynamic watermarking – to discourage screen capture, details like user ID, email, etc., can be dynamically watermarked over the video.

Secure offline downloads in apps – VdoCipher iOS native SDK securely enables video download on the device.

Google SafetyNet for app-based security – SafetyNet to block playback on duplicate apps.

Plugins – The video plugin by VdoCipher supports WordPress, Moodle, and other CMSs and LMSs.

Geo-Restrictions – For blacklisting or whitelisting specific countries

Smart HTML5 Video Player – dynamic controls with multi-lingual subtitle support, change playback speed, theme options, and API to add overlay buttons for tracking viewer interactions with video.

Adaptive Video Quality with CloudFront CDN – VdoCipher uses Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure. Storage on AWS S3, batch Transcoding via VdoCipher algorithms on AWS EC2, Streaming of content via Cloudfront CDN, and Encryption by integrating Google and Apple DRM. If you want to know more about, what is transcoding, you can visit the blog linked.


Does AWS provide DRM protection for video streaming?

AWS has no DRM protection service of its own, which is why it needed to be integrated with Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay DRM for illegal download protection.

Can we load an AWS S3 hosted into an Iframe?

Yes, it requires just placing your video tags under iframe tags in HTML and has compatibility support in every browser.

Is AWS S3 storage expensive for video streaming?

AWS S3 storage is the most affordable storage if you are looking forward to scaling and adding additional features like adaptive bitrate streaming, CDN, and encryption. Also, due to AWS’s affordable pricing, DRM technology integration still makes it highly affordable.

The post AWS S3 Video Streaming & Video Hosting with Amazon CDN and Multi-DRM appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Plataformas de alojamiento de vídeos en línea para cursos en línea Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:30:40 +0000 Las personas consumen millones de horas en videos de Facebook y hasta cinco veces más en YouTube, otra plataforma de redes sociales. En el mundo digital actual, la formación en línea está en auge. Dentro de este mercado, una plataforma de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea es una división clave. Dada esta tendencia, […]

The post Plataformas de alojamiento de vídeos en línea para cursos en línea appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Las personas consumen millones de horas en videos de Facebook y hasta cinco veces más en YouTube, otra plataforma de redes sociales. En el mundo digital actual, la formación en línea está en auge. Dentro de este mercado, una plataforma de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea es una división clave. Dada esta tendencia, ¿has considerado ofrecer cursos de eLearning para videos de bienestar o salud, educación médica, cursos escolares u otros temas? Si has esperado, ahora es el momento ideal para unirte a esta industria.

El mercado de eLearning está listo para crecer hasta los $325.10 mil millones para 2025. Al crear videos pregrabados, elegir una plataforma de alojamiento de videos en línea para tenerlos es una de las decisiones más importantes que tomarás. Hemos creado una tabla de comparación a continuación para ayudarte a elegir una plataforma de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea de manera eficiente.

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VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 3000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

Plataforma de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea

Antes de profundizar en las mejores 7 plataformas de alojamiento de videos, veamos qué características debes buscar:

Características clave de una plataforma de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea

Cada portal de videos en línea ofrece diversas características y capacidades. En resumen, no hay dos VHP (plataformas de alojamiento de videos) iguales. Por lo tanto, el proceso de elegir la correcta para tus necesidades puede ser difícil y lleva tiempo.

Afortunadamente, hemos hecho el trabajo arduo por ti al identificar y compilar una lista de consideraciones que las empresas de eLearning deben tener en cuenta al examinar diferentes plataformas de video. Después de investigar muchas empresas de eLearning a lo largo de los años, tenemos una buena idea de qué elementos son más importantes para garantizar el éxito del video.

  1. Reproductor de video personalizable. Una excelente plataforma de alojamiento de videos te permite personalizar el reproductor de video en tu sitio web. Esto dará mayor credibilidad a tus videos y hará que tu sitio de cursos parezca más profesional. Por ejemplo, deberías considerar agregar tu logo al reproductor de video HTML5 en línea. Con una CDN, la entrega de contenido multimedia se vuelve más rápida y confiable para una audiencia global.
  2. API de vídeo. Al hacer la comparación de tu plataforma de video, busca una API robusta que te permita incorporar la plataforma directamente en tus sistemas existentes.
  3.  Análisis de vídeos. Los buenos sitios de alojamiento de videos te proporcionan herramientas para rastrear y analizar diferentes duraciones de video, como el número de vistas, la duración de la reproducción, mapas de calor y fuentes de tráfico. La mayoría de las plataformas de video ofrecen análisis básicos, pero es bueno tener una plataforma que te brinde información más profunda sobre tus videos y tu audiencia.
  4. Red de Distribución de Contenidos (CDN)   CDN es otra parte importante del alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea. En general, una CDN de video se refiere a un conjunto geográficamente distribuido de servidores que colaboran para proporcionar una entrega rápida de contenido web. Idealmente, una Plataforma de Alojamiento de Cursos en Línea o Plataforma de Medios debe tener servidores en todo el mundo. De esta manera, tus videos se transmiten desde el servidor más cercano al dispositivo de cada espectador.
  5. Duración/cantidad de videos: ¿Cuánta duración de video admite? ¿Ofrecen planes que se pueden personalizar para satisfacer tus necesidades específicas?
  6. Seguridad de video.  Cada plataforma proporciona diferentes opciones de seguridad que pueden satisfacer tus necesidades. Por ejemplo, algunas medidas comunes de seguridad incluyen transmisión encriptada, encriptación DRM, seguridad con contraseña, marca de agua de control de dominio y programación de video. La característica más importante y crítica para cualquier plataforma de alojamiento de videos es “La Seguridad“. Necesitas tener una plataforma altamente segura con confidencialidad del contenido para garantizar la protección de tus videos. Un software de alojamiento de videos debe tener las siguientes encriptaciones DRM para proporcionar una protección de video de alto nivel: 
    1. Encriptación DRM Widevine de Google
    2. Encriptación DRM Fairplay de Apple
  7. Soporte.  Elige una plataforma con un buen soporte las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, con un buen servicio de atención al cliente. El soporte al cliente es la columna vertebral de cualquier relación comercial. Después de toda la configuración y el trabajo duro que has realizado, necesitas un buen soporte al final del día. Para una plataforma de alojamiento de videos confiable, el soporte debe ser muy proactivo cada vez que surja algún problema.

Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

 Las 7 mejores plataformas de alojamiento de videos

video hosting platforms, Plataformas de alojamiento de vídeos

1. Vdocipher ofrece una solución de alojamiento de videos para negocios de cursos en línea para ayudarles a transmitir contenido en sus sitios/aplicaciones de la manera más segura y fluida posible. Las características clave son la máxima seguridad contra la piratería de videos a través de tecnologías de encriptación DRM de grado Hollywood y marcas de agua, y la transmisión más fluida en conexiones lentas debido a la codificación optimizada en tamaños más pequeños. Juntas, estas características de protección de video aseguran que tengas la mejor encriptación de video y que las claves de seguridad necesarias para desencriptarla no sean accesibles en absoluto. Esto ayuda a los portales a obtener ingresos máximos de su contenido y garantiza la mejor experiencia del usuario incluso en ciudades de segundo y tercer nivel.

VdoCipher es el ganador de la mejor compañía en la categoría de seguridad de video (DRM) por Streaming Media Global, Europa. Las ofertas incluyen integración multi-CDN, transcodificación, integración de API y complementos, reproductor personalizado, reproducción de aplicaciones sin conexión y analíticas por video. VdoCipher ya sirve a empresas de e-learning y medios de más de 40 países con sus ofertas y ofrece integraciones perfectas con plataformas de cursos en línea.

Los planes comienzan desde $99 e incluyen seguridad DRM de grado Hollywood contra la piratería. Hay disponible una prueba gratuita de 30 días.

Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.


 YouTube también es una plataforma de alojamiento de videos con más de 2 mil millones de usuarios activos. Te brinda la opción de crear listas de reproducción para que puedas aumentar el uso de tu contenido. Tiene un sistema de suscripción y notificación incorporado. Tienes la opción de obtener ingresos de tus videos a través de anuncios. Además, es el segundo motor de búsqueda más grande. Muchos creadores de cursos en línea lo utilizan para publicar contenido de video gratuito en sus canales.

Si tienes un curso en línea gratuito que te gustaría ofrecer, entonces YouTube debería ser tu plataforma de alojamiento de videos preferida, especialmente si quieres que tu audiencia objetivo pueda encontrar tu curso.

3. Panopto

Panopto es una plataforma comercial de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea utilizada por empresas y universidades de todo el mundo. Se promocionan como una solución integral para gestionar, transmitir en vivo, grabar y compartir contenido de video. Cuando las empresas y universidades necesitan una solución fácil y confiable para gestionar, transmitir y grabar videos, recurren a Panopto. Han construido una plataforma de video que cualquier empleado, profesor y estudiante puede usar, independientemente de su experiencia previa.

La tarificación incluye un modelo de licencia basado en el número de usuarios, comenzando en 500 usuarios y aumentando desde allí.


Haz que la formación sea más interactiva, atractiva y accesible. Kaltura ofrece la gama más amplia de herramientas de gestión y producción de video en el mercado, integradas estrechamente con cada LMS (Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje).

Desde aulas invertidas hasta eventos en vivo y transmisiones, Kaltura impulsa las últimas tendencias en educación. El personal y los estudiantes pueden crear, cargar, editar, gestionar, publicar, descubrir y distribuir fácilmente videos de alta calidad en cualquier dispositivo, en vivo o a pedido. Descubre cómo el video puede impulsar la interacción, construir comunidad, fomentar la creatividad, ampliar tu alcance e incluso mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje.


Con Vimeo, obtendrás una interfaz atractiva para publicar tus cursos de video en línea. Aunque esta plataforma de servicios de video tiene limitaciones en cuanto a su capacidad de carga, sus potentes sistemas de análisis, capacidad de personalización y sólida comunidad la convierten en una opción atractiva para creadores de cursos en línea.

6. Wistia

Wistia es una buena solución de plataforma de alojamiento de videos para emprendedores. Ofrece herramientas de análisis impresionantes y te permite supervisar diversas métricas de participación en video.

El marcaje personalizado solo está disponible en cuentas premium. Te brinda la opción de proteger con contraseña tus videos y ofrece opciones incorporadas para agregar llamadas a la acción y recopilar leads. Es gratuito para los tres primeros videos y cobra según la cantidad de videos. Hicimos una comparación completa de YouTube vs Vimeo vs Wistia; descubre cómo se compara Wistia con estas grandes plataformas.

7. Brightcove

Brightcove también es una plataforma de alojamiento de videos que tiene un enfoque entusiasta en cursos en línea. Brightcove ayuda a sus clientes a centrarse en el uso del video para impulsar sus negocios de maneras significativas, ya sea en la transmisión o publicación, marketing o comunicaciones empresariales.

Si buscas mejoras en velocidad y más control sobre la marca de tu curso en línea, entonces Brightcove es la elección correcta para ti. Ofrece una solución completamente personalizable que admite complementos.

Viene con una prueba gratuita de 30 días de la plataforma.

Ahora que has terminado el artículo, echa un vistazo a nuestro artículo sobre software de video para e-learning para conocer todas las herramientas que necesitarías para crear cursos en video.

Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

Alojamiento de video para sitios web y aplicaciones empresariales

Las empresas dependen en gran medida de los servicios de alojamiento de videos, sus requisitos van desde mostrar su producto a la audiencia, capacitar a su personal e incluso crear contenido para el consumo del usuario. Para todos estos casos, necesitan características premium que incluyan seguridad, análisis y APIs, que los servicios de alojamiento gratuito no proporcionan. Usar un sitio de alojamiento como YouTube puede perjudicar realmente su negocio por varias razones, como la filtración de contenido y la distracción del usuario con anuncios y sugerencias.

Las empresas utilizan el alojamiento de videos para tres propósitos principales.

  1. Marketing: A menudo, las empresas utilizan videos para comercializar sus productos o servicios. Un video corto puede funcionar maravillas para transmitir un mensaje al usuario y ayudarlo en su decisión de compra. 
  2. Capacitación o comunicación interna: Las grandes empresas suelen utilizar videos de capacitación para dar la bienvenida a los nuevos empleados, capacitar tanto a los nuevos como a los empleados existentes, o transmitir información crucial. Además, también utilizan aplicaciones de seguimiento de empleados para mantener las cosas bajo control. Hay algunas herramientas excelentes específicamente para la capacitación en incorporación, pero busca soluciones más nuevas y efectivas a Trainual que integren otros procesos de documentación.
  3. Contenido para el cliente: Estos requisitos pueden ir desde videos de incorporación de clientes hasta contenido de e-learning y películas en línea. 

Si los videos se utilizan con fines de marketing, las sugerencias de video sin anuncios y otras pueden distraer a un usuario y ser contraproducentes para el objetivo original. De manera similar, los videos para comunicación interna contienen información destinada solo a sus empleados y preferirías no tenerla disponible públicamente. Cualquier plataforma de alojamiento de videos pública como YouTube o Vimeo no satisfará tus requisitos. Es por eso que las empresas optan por el alojamiento privado de videos, para asegurarse de que el contenido solo sea visto por las personas adecuadas. Estas plataformas de alojamiento de videos vienen con diversas funciones y seguridad, lo que las convierte en una opción aún más viable. 

Alojamiento de video para creadores de contenido

Si eres un creador de contenido en línea, es probable que ya estés en plataformas como YouTube y Vimeo. En caso de que no lo estés, querrás estar en estas plataformas de intercambio de videos

Estas plataformas tienen sentido ya que son gratuitas y más adecuadas para tus necesidades, especialmente cuando deseas construir una audiencia. YouTube es solo el segundo motor de búsqueda más grande después de Google. Puedes imaginar el tráfico y los usuarios que obtienen. Así que la mejor apuesta para cualquier creador de contenido sería aprovechar su base de usuarios. Los creadores de contenido pueden monetizar su contenido y ganar dinero según los anuncios en sus videos. 

En caso de que ya tengas una amplia audiencia y prefieras que los usuarios visiten tu sitio, entonces puedes optar por el alojamiento privado de videos. Mientras tanto, consulta nuestro blog sobre plataformas de vídeos cortos.

¿Cómo funciona una plataforma de alojamiento de videos?

Muchas empresas en línea gastan mucho en estos servicios y requieren características más allá de la seguridad de video. VdoCipher, con su solución de alojamiento de video, cumple con todos los requisitos principales que cubren todas las necesidades comerciales. VdoCipher sigue el siguiente proceso de 6 pasos para la Plataforma de Alojamiento de Videos, Encriptación de Video basada en DRM y Transmisión que nos diferencia de la competencia.

  1. Carga: Los usuarios cargan su contenido de video a través de diversas opciones como escritorio, FTP, DropBox, directamente desde el servidor y directamente desde URL. Admite todos los formatos de video típicos.
  2. Transcodificación para transmisión protegida: Después de la carga, se realiza la encriptación de video a través del protocolo de encriptación DRM y mú  ltiples velocidades de bits. La transcodificación de video se realiza para la optimización en múltiples velocidades de bits, de modo que los espectadores en redes de cualquier calidad puedan transmitir videos de manera conveniente.
  3. Almacenamiento de contenido encriptado: El contenido de video se almacena de manera segura en los servidores AWS S3 de Amazon utilizando nuestra propia tecnología de encriptación de video en el lado del servidor, creando una doble capa de protección que garantiza seguridad completa.
  4. Transferencia de video encriptado por DRM: Una vez que se completa la encriptación, el contenido encriptado debe ser transmitido a la interfaz final del espectador. La encriptación se realiza utilizando una clave no pública cuyo mecanismo de intercambio está oculto. La transferencia de este contenido encriptado se realiza mediante la generación de una URL de un solo uso, después de la cual el contenido se transfiere en fragmentos para optimizar aún más la transmisión de video.
  5. Licencia y autenticación: VdoCipher proporciona URL de video dinámicas generadas una vez, que se acceden solo a través de códigos de inserción de video personalizados, permitiendo la duración de la licencia para cada transmisión de video individual. Esto evita cualquier compartición basada en URL.
  6. Desencriptación y reproducción: Finalmente, el contenido de transmisión encriptado se desencripta dentro del reproductor con una clave dinámica. Nuestro protocolo de transferencia de clave basado en DRM difiere fundamentalmente del protocolo de transferencia de clave pública. Una transferencia de clave privada entre el sitio web y nuestra API hace imposible que los piratas informáticos descifren nuestras transmisiones, lo que hace que nuestra encriptación de video sea a prueba de hacks.

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VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

¿Cómo el uso de una plataforma gratuita como YouTube puede perjudicar tu negocio?

Cuando se trata de consumir contenido de video en línea, YouTube es la elección de casi todos. De hecho, muchos creadores de contenido o YouTubers generan ingresos significativos a partir de él. También es utilizado por diversas empresas para alojar sus videos. Sin embargo, si deseas monetizar tu contenido de video, YouTube podría no ser la opción adecuada para ti debido a las siguientes razones:

Débil seguridad de video 

Los videos alojados en YouTube no son muy seguros y pueden descargarse fácilmente mediante cualquier complemento o herramienta en línea.

Marca de YouTube no removible 

El reproductor de video HTML5 utilizado por YouTube para transmitir videos no es exactamente personalizable. Es posible que debas comprometer parte de tu marca con él. 

Anuncios y sugerencias no deseados 

YouTube muestra muchos tipos de anuncios que a veces pueden ser realmente distractivos para el usuario, especialmente cuando has pagado o suscrito contenido premium. YouTube muestra diferentes sugerencias al final de un video y los usuarios a menudo tienden a hacer clic en ellas. Esto lleva al usuario que estaba viendo tu contenido a otro lugar.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre plataformas de alojamiento de videos – Resumen

¿Cuál es el mejor sitio de alojamiento de videos?

Los 7 mejores sitios de alojamiento de videos, que incluyen servicios gratuitos y de pago, son – YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, VdoCipher, Dailymotion, Brightvideo, Kaltura. Mientras que YouTube y Vimeo son buenos para el alojamiento general de videos, otros servicios ofrecen soluciones más detalladas y personalizadas para necesidades educativas, de medios y de marketing.

¿Dónde puedo alojar mis videos de forma gratuita?

YouTube y Dailymotion son los sitios populares de alojamiento de videos gratuitos. Otras empresas como Vimeo, VdoCipher, Wistia también ofrecen alojamiento de videos gratuito, pero limitado a una cierta cantidad y período.

¿Dónde puedo alojar videos además de YouTube?

Además de YouTube, puedes alojar videos en Vimeo, Wistia, VdoCipher, Dailymotion, Brightvideo, Kaltura. Mientras que YouTube y Vimeo son buenos para el alojamiento general de videos, otros servicios ofrecen soluciones más detalladas y personalizadas para necesidades educativas, de medios y de marketing.

¿Dónde puedo alojar videos de manera segura para que no se puedan descargar?

VdoCipher proporciona encriptación DRM y marca de agua dinámica para evitar la piratería de descargas de videos. VdoCipher también aloja el contenido y proporciona un reproductor para una reproducción segura y encriptada.

¿Cuál es la plataforma de intercambio de videos más popular?

YouTube es la plataforma de intercambio de videos más popular, seguida de plataformas como TikTok, WhatsApp, Dailymotion. Mientras que YouTube actúa como una única plataforma que opera en la web y en la aplicación, TikTok es una plataforma de intercambio de videos solo para aplicaciones.

¿Qué servidores de alojamiento de videos debo usar para transmitir videos?

Los servidores de nivel superior populares para alojar y transmitir contenido incluyen Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Akamai. También puedes optar por utilizar plataformas de alojamiento de videos como Vimeo y VdoCipher, que gestionan internamente el alojamiento mediante servidores de primer nivel.

¿Cuáles son buenas plataformas de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea?

Las principales plataformas de alojamiento de videos para cursos en línea son – VdoCipher, Vimeo, Panopto, Kaltura, Wistia, YouTube y Brightcove. Cada una tiene una ventaja clave diferente, como seguridad de video contra la piratería, análisis detallados, soluciones empresariales personalizadas, etc.

The post Plataformas de alojamiento de vídeos en línea para cursos en línea appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Transmisión de video y alojamiento de video con Amazon S3 y multi-DRM de Amazon CDN en AWS Wed, 08 Nov 2023 09:43:43 +0000 AWS ofrece un conjunto de herramientas para el alojamiento de video, siendo Amazon S3 y Amazon CloudFront las principales entre ellas. Amazon S3 es conocido por su durabilidad, con una tasa de durabilidad del 99.9999% y una disponibilidad del 99.99%, asegurando que los videos almacenados no solo estén seguros, sino prácticamente indestructibles. Amazon S3 ha […]

The post Transmisión de video y alojamiento de video con Amazon S3 y multi-DRM de Amazon CDN en AWS appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

AWS ofrece un conjunto de herramientas para el alojamiento de video, siendo Amazon S3 y Amazon CloudFront las principales entre ellas. Amazon S3 es conocido por su durabilidad, con una tasa de durabilidad del 99.9999% y una disponibilidad del 99.99%, asegurando que los videos almacenados no solo estén seguros, sino prácticamente indestructibles. Amazon S3 ha estado proporcionando servicios en la nube desde 2006 y reporta almacenar más de 100 billones de objetos en servidores S3 hasta marzo de 2021. Se hizo popular como un modo fácil y asequible de acceder a servicios de almacenamiento en la nube. Sin embargo, la facilidad de integración y escalabilidad mantiene a los usuarios vinculados. Incluso proveedores de soluciones a gran escala como VdoCipher utilizan la infraestructura de AWS para ofrecer un paquete completo de Transmisión de Video en Amazon S3 con seguridad integrada y otras funciones.

Tabla de contenidos:

Dado que AWS S3 utiliza almacenamiento de objetos en lugar de almacenamiento de bloques, puede transferir datos agrupados con identificadores únicos y etiquetas de metadatos personalizables para formar objetos completos. La infraestructura de almacenamiento de objetos también tiene una latencia reducida cuando el almacenamiento está en ubicaciones remotas. Esto conduce a una entrega más rápida o un rendimiento general mejorado de la aplicación, dependiendo del almacenamiento.


Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.


¿Qué es el alojamiento de video en Amazon S3?

¿Qué es el Alojamiento de Video en Amazon S3?** Amazon S3 o AWS S3 es un servicio ofrecido por AWS o Amazon Web Services que proporciona almacenamiento de objetos a través de la API REST de Amazon S3 y la interfaz de servicios web. AWS S3 utiliza la infraestructura de almacenamiento escalable utilizada por grandes redes como Netflix y gigantes del comercio electrónico como Amazon.

El almacenamiento de objetos de AWS S3 puede almacenar cualquier objeto, como almacenamiento de archivos para aplicaciones de Internet, videos, copias de seguridad de datos, recuperación, archivos, análisis de datos e incluso almacenamiento en la nube híbrida. Sin embargo, hay algunos límites para el tamaño del archivo del objeto cargado. Un objeto AWS S3 puede tener un tamaño de archivo entre 1 byte y 5 TB. Si un objeto supera los 5 TB, debe dividirse en fragmentos de un máximo de 5 TB antes de cargarlo. También, durante la carga, se puede cargar un máximo de 5 GB en una sola operación de carga. Para cargar objetos de más de 5 GB, el usuario debe utilizar la API de carga multipartes de S3.

Historia e infraestructura de AWS S3

Amazon Web Services comenzó a ofrecer servicios S3 a empresas como servicios web en los Estados Unidos el 14 de marzo de 2006. Se extendió a Europa en noviembre de 2007 y ahora está presente en 190 países en todo el mundo. AWS comenzó con 10 mil millones de objetos en octubre de 2007 y creció diez veces a 102 mil millones de objetos en marzo de 2010. Amazon informó que almacenaba más de 100 billones de objetos en servidores S3 hasta marzo de 2021.

Resultó ser un éxito al proporcionar a pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas la oportunidad de reemplazar la inversión de capital inicial. Anteriormente, con opciones limitadas, tenían que asumir el gran costo de inversión inicial para configurar servidores, y aún era engorroso mantenerlos en múltiples ubicaciones. Ahora, los usuarios pueden crear cientos o miles de servidores S3 en minutos y ofrecer servicios a nivel mundial a través de la distribución de CDN.

Diseño de infraestructura

Los objetos son las unidades básicas de almacenamiento de AWS S3 y se organizan en contenedores llamados buckets. Cada objeto se identifica mediante una clave única asignada por el usuario en relación con el bucket. Los buckets y los objetos dentro de ellos se pueden gestionar manualmente mediante la interfaz web a través de la consola y de manera programática con la API REST de Amazon S3, la Interfaz de Línea de Comandos de AWS (CLI) o el SDK de AWS.

Cada solicitud de un objeto se autoriza utilizando una lista de control de acceso (ACL) asociada con cada objeto o bucket. Los ACL de objetos y buckets son independientes, lo que significa que un objeto no hereda necesariamente los permisos de su bucket. También se puede otorgar permiso a otros usuarios de cuentas de AWS para acceder al objeto. Un bucket también se puede configurar para registrar información HTTP en un bucket hermano para operaciones de minería de datos.

¿Puede Amazon S3 manejar la transmisión de video en HTML5?

AWS S3 maneja fácilmente la transmisión de video en HTML5 mediante la carga básica y el código de inserción HTML. Puedes utilizar cualquier reproductor de video de código abierto en HTML5 o las capacidades de reproducción de video por defecto del navegador con videos alojados en S3. Tu código HTML se verá así:

<video controls preload=”auto”
<source src=”″ type=’video/mp4′ />

El atributo `poster` define una imagen en miniatura antes de la reproducción.

Las personalizaciones durante la reproducción o para el reproductor se realizan a través del frontend del reproductor, no a través de AWS. Las personalizaciones del reproductor se pueden hacer utilizando un reproductor de video seguro como el de VdoCipher o mediante scripts de Java y elementos de estilo para tu reproductor de código abierto.

En la siguiente parte, también discutiremos cómo configurar un bucket de S3 para alojar tus videos. Lo haremos mediante la carga de video al bucket, la aplicación de distribución global a través de CloudFront CDN, la seguridad y la reproducción. Utilizar el alojamiento de video en Amazon S3 con AWS CloudFront para alojar videos para OTT, visualización a pedido es altamente escalable y un enfoque de entrega más rápido.

Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 3000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

Planificación de una infraestructura de video basada en AWS

El objetivo básico para planificar una Infraestructura de Transmisión de Video en AWS S3 es proporcionar una entrega de video escalable, segura y más rápida para la reproducción o descarga autorizada. AWS S3 proporciona una infraestructura escalable para el almacenamiento de objetos de video, pero se requieren adiciones adicionales para mejorar la entrega. Estas características adicionales incluyen la distribución global a través de AWS CloudFront CDN, la transcodificación y la encriptación. Para enumerar, aquí están los siguientes componentes necesarios que deben configurarse.

  • Configuración de un bucket de S3
  • Subida de un video al bucket de S3
  • Transcodificación para admitir la transmisión con Bitrate adaptativo
  • Encriptación de los archivos antes del almacenamiento
  • Crear un acceso de origen de CloudFront y una distribución de CloudFront
  • Configurar la distribución de CloudFront para tu nombre de dominio personalizado
  • Intercambio dinámico de claves para la reproducción de fragmentos de video encriptados

Todos estos componentes son necesarios como características básicas para manejar diferentes dispositivos y una entrega segura en todo el mundo. Si no se configura la transmisión con bitrate adaptativo, conducirá a interrupciones en la reproducción para usuarios de redes de baja capacidad. De manera similar, la CDN proporciona una entrega más rápida en todo el mundo. Finalmente, configurar una capa de seguridad DRM protegerá tus videos contra descargas ilegales y capturas de pantalla. Además, configurar todos estos componentes requiere familiaridad con la codificación. Si esa es tu área débil o intensiva en capital, es mejor utilizar un proveedor de soluciones de alojamiento de video seguro con infraestructura de AWS.

Creación de Bucket en S3 y proceso de subida para transmisión de video

Obviamente, existen diferentes métodos utilizando la interfaz web a través de la consola y de forma programática con la API REST de Amazon S3, la Interfaz de Línea de Comandos de AWS (CLI) o el SDK de AWS. Por simplicidad, discutiremos los pasos a través de la Consola de Administración de AWS.

  1. Inicia sesión en la Consola de Administración de AWS y selecciona la consola de Amazon S3 buscando S3.
  2. En el panel de navegación izquierdo, elige Buckets.
  3. Haz clic en “Create bucket” (Crear bucket).
  4. Ingresa un nombre para el bucket en la siguiente página de creación del bucket.
  5. Elige una región preferida. Manténla lo más cercana posible a tu servidor de aplicaciones, pero si es solo para reproducción, selecciona la región más cercana a la mayoría de la audiencia. Cuando tienes una audiencia global, implementa CDN.
  6. Para el Acceso Público Irrestricto, desactiva la opción “Block all public access” (Bloquear todo el acceso público), que está habilitada de forma predeterminada. La configuración predeterminada de “Block all public access” es buena si utilizas CloudFront CDN con S3. Esta configuración no bloquea el acceso a través de CloudFront CDN.
  7. Puedes dejar las demás configuraciones como predeterminadas y hacer clic en “Create bucket” (Crear bucket). Esto creará tu bucket y estará listo para alojar tus videos.
  8. En la pestaña “Objects” de tu nuevo bucket, selecciona “Upload” (Subir).
  9. En la página de carga, elige “Add files” (Agregar archivos) en “Files and folders” (Archivos y carpetas).
  10. Elige un archivo de video para cargar desde tu sistema local y luego haz clic en “Open” (Abrir).

Finalmente, haz clic en “Upload” (Subir), y la consola comenzará a mostrar una barra de progreso para mostrar la carga.

Nota: Si estás cargando archivos de video grandes en S3, las restricciones de tamaño de archivo pueden interrumpir tu carga. Para tales casos, utiliza Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration o procesamiento por lotes.  La Transferencia Acelerada puede cargar un video a largas distancias a una velocidad más rápida. 

Crear Distribución de AWS CloudFront para Soporte de CDN

Crear una distribución de AWS CloudFront es bastante simple, pero puede requerir pasos adicionales, como asegurar el acceso a tu S3 proporcionando acceso solo a un usuario especial de CloudFront. Hemos enumerado los pasos básicos para crear una distribución de CDN y acceder a los videos de S3 a través de la URL de distribución. Configurar un dominio personalizado para tu distribución de CloudFront requiere pasos adicionales y el uso del servicio AWS Route 53.

  1. Inicia sesión en la Consola y abre la consola de CloudFront buscando CloudFront y seleccionándola.
  2. Elige “Distributions” (Distribuciones) en el panel de navegación izquierdo.
  3. Elige “Create distribution” (Crear distribución).
  4. En la sección “Origin” (Origen), elige el nombre de dominio de tu origen S3 llamado según el nombre del bucket que creaste en S3.
  5. En “Default cache behavior” (Comportamiento de caché predeterminado), elige “Redirect HTTP to HTTPS” (Redirigir HTTP a HTTPS).
  6. Deja los valores predeterminados para otras características a menos que se requiera explícitamente y haz clic en “Create distribution” (Crear distribución).

Ahora, AWS creará un subdominio para tu distribución de CloudFront, y los archivos de video de S3 se pueden acceder agregando el nombre del objeto al final de este subdominio. Tan pronto como se haga una solicitud a través de la distribución, comenzará a crear copias del archivo de video según la clase de precios de las ubicaciones elegidas.

Explora más ✅

VdoCipher garantiza el alojamiento de video seguro con cifrado DRM de grado Hollywood

VdoCipher ayuda a más de 2000 clientes en más de 40 países a alojar sus videos de forma segura, ayudándolos a aumentar sus ingresos por videos.

Transcodificación por lotes para transmisión con bitrate adaptativo

Los consumidores de proveedores de video de cualquier tamaño utilizan dispositivos de todas las formas y tamaños para la reproducción de video. Tal lista extensa de tamaños de pantalla y capacidad de red plantea el desafío de atenderlos de manera más efectiva y mejorar su experiencia de usuario. Es por eso que ningún objeto único puede satisfacerlos en lugar de una gama de objetos de video. Estos objetos son, de hecho, copias en diferentes formatos, tamaños y bitrates. AWS proporciona una función escalable para llevar a cabo esta tarea que se llama transcodificación. Hay siguientes pasos principales incluidos en el proceso.

  1. Subir videos de entrada
  2. Iniciar el procesamiento del archivo de video para diferentes opciones de reproducción
  3. Almacenar los archivos de video transcodificados dentro de carpetas en el bucket de S3
  4. Entregar los archivos de video de salida según la compatibilidad de los usuarios

Necesitas configurar Operaciones por Lotes de S3, invocar una función Lambda y llamar a MediaConvert para transcodificar por lotes objetos multimedia en un bucket de S3.  Las salidas se mueven finalmente al bucket fuente de S3 como objetos separados, como,

  • Un flujo de bits de bitrate adaptativo HLS para reproducción de varios tamaños y anchos de banda
  • Un archivo de video .mp4
  • Imágenes en miniatura en intervalos regulares durante la reproducción

Ahora destacaremos las categorías de pasos que debes seguir para configurar la transcodificación por lotes para la transmisión de bitrate adaptativo. Consulta la documentación de AWS de los pasos mencionados a continuación para obtener detalles sobre pasos individuales.

  1. Crea un rol IAM para MediaConvert, Operaciones por Lotes de S3 y la función Lambda.
  2. Inicia una función Lambda para transcodificación de video.
  3. Configura Amazon S3 Inventory como un bucket fuente.
  4. Ejecuta un trabajo de Operaciones por Lotes de S3 para procesar los archivos multimedia de salida desde y hacia el bucket de S3.

Aplicar encriptación para la seguridad contra descargas ilegales

AWS mismo proporciona un mecanismo de seguridad bajo tres mecanismos de encriptación en el servidor. Son opciones mutuamente excluyentes y dependen de cómo decidas gestionar las claves de encriptación.

  1. Llaves gestionadas por Amazon S3 (SSE-S3)
  2. Llaves KMS almacenadas en el Servicio de Gestión de Claves de AWS (SSE-KMS)
  3. Llaves proporcionadas por el cliente (S  SE-C)

Pero muchas herramientas pueden romper estos sistemas de gestión de claves y requieren una tecnología de protección fuerte como DRM. Se vuelve segura principalmente debido a dos razones: control sobre dispositivos y navegadores por parte de los proveedores de licencias y, en segundo lugar, debido a un sistema dinámico y actualizado de intercambio de claves. Nuevamente, configurar DRM es bastante técnico, y por lo tanto, estamos enumerando los pasos básicos requeridos de tu parte para ser procesados técnicamente.

  1. Debes adquirir una licencia DRM a través de proveedores como Google Widevine y Apple Fairplay. Te permiten utilizar su sistema para generar y almacenar tus claves de contenido DRM y autenticar la solicitud multimedia durante el almacenamiento y la reproducción.
  2. Configura un servidor de AWS para procesar por lotes los archivos multimedia para la encriptación y almacena tus archivos de video encriptados en un bucket de S3.
  3. También tendrás que crear una aplicación en vivo que autentique y autorice a tus usuarios de reproducción utilizando el sistema de gestión de claves dinámicas del licenciatario.

Finalmente, necesitarás un reproductor de medios en línea capaz de manejar la reproducción de archivos de video protegidos con DRM. Este mecanismo protege tus videos contra descargas ilegales mediante el uso de herramientas. En dispositivos Android y Apple, también protege la captura de pantalla, pero obviamente, se puede grabar en video, y se recomienda habilitar una marca de agua dinámica.

Cómo reproducir videos alojados en AWS S3

La reproducción de archivos de video alojados en AWS S3 es bastante simple. Necesitas un reproductor de video de código abierto que admita la reproducción HTML5. También obtienes características adicionales si usas un proveedor de alojamiento seguro de AWS como VdoCipher con protección DRM. De lo contrario, la reproducción en cualquier página HTML es similar a lo que se explicó para el video HTML5 anteriormente.

El video de AWS S3 se reproducirá automáticamente a través de la configuración del reproductor del navegador.
El código requerido es simple y se puede integrar manualmente como un iframe o a través de complementos, API, etc.

<video controls>
<source src=”″>

Desafíos en la configuración de la transmisión de video en AWS S3

Incluso para un ingeniero de DevOps, todas las tareas de configuración mencionadas anteriormente son moderadamente engorrosas. Incluso si ignoramos las correcciones de errores y el manejo de excepciones, hay mucho por hacer, desde iniciar la carga hasta el almacenamiento y la reproducción final. Además, si planeas integrar seguridad en tu infraestructura de video, se requiere obtener licencias e integrarlas. Para resumir los desafíos, enumeremos cuatro etapas principales requeridas para configurar la transmisión de video de AWS S3 y sus niveles de dificultad.

  1. Creación y carga de Bucket en S3 – Fácil
  2. Configuración de AWS CloudFront – Fácil
  3. Transcodificación por lotes para reproducción adaptativa – Moderado
  4. Aplicación de encriptación DRM – Difícil

Proveedores de transmisión de video de todos los tamaños principalmente utilizan un proveedor de soluciones con un historial de proporcionar el mejor servicio y características. Pueden ayudarte a evadir los desafíos en la implementación y los desafíos en la creación de paneles de control, APIs, etc., para una integración fácil.

aws s3 video streaming, Alojamiento de vídeo

Solución de alojamiento seguro de videos en la infraestructura de AWS

Como proveedor de soluciones de alojamiento seguro de videos en la infraestructura de AWS, el mejor basado en revisiones globales es probablemente VdoCipher. No solo proporciona videos alojados en AWS S3, sino que también ofrece una tonelada de otras funciones, como,

Encriptación DRM Google y Apple FairPlay: protege videos contra accesos y descargas no autorizados a través de Widevine y FairPlay DRM.

Marca de agua dinámica: para desalentar la captura de pantalla, detalles como el ID de usuario, correo electrónico, etc., se pueden agregar dinámicamente al video.

Descargas seguras sin conexión en aplicaciones: el SDK nativo de VdoCipher para iOS permite la descarga segura de videos en el dispositivo.

Google SafetyNet para seguridad basada en aplicaciones: SafetyNet para bloquear la reproducción en aplicaciones duplicadas.

Complementos: el complemento de video de VdoCipher es compatible con WordPress, Moodle y otros CMS y LMS.

Restricciones geográficas: para poner en lista negra o en lista blanca países específicos.

Reproductor de video HTML5 inteligente: controles dinámicos con soporte de subtítulos multilingües, cambio de velocidad de reproducción, opciones de tema y API para agregar botones superpuestos para el seguimiento de interacciones del espectador con el video.

Calidad de video adaptable con CDN de CloudFront: VdoCipher utiliza la infraestructura global de AWS Cloud. Almacenamiento en AWS S3, transcodificación por lotes a través de algoritmos VdoCipher en AWS EC2, transmisión de contenido a través de Cloudfront CDN y encriptación mediante la integración de DRM de Google y Apple. Si quieres saber más sobre qué es la transcodificación, puedes visitar el blog vinculado.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿AWS proporciona protección DRM para la transmisión de video?

AWS no tiene un servicio propio de protección DRM, por lo que es necesario integrarlo con Google Widevine y Apple Fairplay DRM para la protección contra descargas ilegales.

¿Podemos cargar un video alojado en AWS S3 en un Iframe?

Sí, solo necesitas colocar tus etiquetas de video dentro de las etiquetas de iframe en HTML y tiene compatibilidad en todos los navegadores.

¿Es costoso el almacenamiento de AWS S3 para la transmisión de video?

El almacenamiento de AWS S3 es el almacenamiento más asequible si deseas escalar y agregar funciones adicionales como la transmisión con bitrate adaptativo, CDN y encriptación. Además, debido a la asequibilidad de los precios de AWS, la integración de la tecnología DRM aún lo hace altamente asequible.


The post Transmisión de video y alojamiento de video con Amazon S3 y multi-DRM de Amazon CDN en AWS appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video for sales tools and techniques to boost your sales drive Fri, 09 Jun 2023 10:56:22 +0000 In this comprehensive guide, we will talk about how sales videos can improve the rate of leads, conversion, customer retention, and also trust in the brand. This happens due to the fact that videos are able to convey more information and give a visual overlay around the related information. Also, videos are easily sharable which […]

The post Video for sales tools and techniques to boost your sales drive appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

In this comprehensive guide, we will talk about how sales videos can improve the rate of leads, conversion, customer retention, and also trust in the brand. This happens due to the fact that videos are able to convey more information and give a visual overlay around the related information. Also, videos are easily sharable which provides the convenience to the final viewer of choosing a comfortable time and repeat if necessary. Using Video for sales to demonstrate a product through a single video with screen share and accompanying text can help in improving the understandability of the product, ultimately saving resources and time.  Additionally, you can choose the right tools for creation, distribution, editing, and recording by understanding your requirements and comparing the available option whose features suits your needs. We have also listed future trends and AI-based tools which help you improve the quality while saving your scripting and editing time.

Importance of Video in Sales

To affirm the importance of video in sales, we went through some recent statistics and studies by Google, Wyzowl, and Lemonlight related to video marketing and found the statistics pretty relatable. According to a 2023 report by Wyzowl, 91% of businesses use video prospecting as a marketing tool, marking an all-time high. This underscores the significance of video in boosting engagement and conversion rates.

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.

To illustrate, 82% of marketers have produced video content in the last three years, with 93% intending to continue using video in their future strategies. A compelling 90% of respondents enjoy watching video content from brands online. Furthermore, 84% of marketers acknowledge that video content has helped generate leads, and 85% agree it’s effective in grabbing attention online.

Video content also significantly enhances brand trust and credibility. For instance, 94% of video marketers affirm that video has improved user understanding of their product or service. Remarkably, viewers retain 95% of a message conveyed via video, contributing substantially to brand recall and trust​.

Moreover, the role of video in improving SEO is significant. 86% of marketers have observed increased traffic to their website owing to video content, and 83% have seen increased dwell time on their site, which can boost search engine rankings​.

The video also bolsters customer retention. More than half of shoppers confirm that online video has guided their brand or product choice, and 93% find it helpful for post-purchase instructions. This indicates that video can not only attract but also retain customers by enhancing their post-purchase experience.

Other Advantages

  • Boosts Mail Conversion. Studies show that adding the word ‘video’ to the email subject line can boost open rates by 19%, increase click-throughs by 65%, and reduce unsubscribes by 26%. To further enhance your email outreach success and improve open rates, consider using an email verification platform like Voila Norbert.
  • Makes Complex Topics easier to understand. Over 90% of people watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • Helps Accelerate Deal Cycles and Saving Time. 62% of viewers watch a business-related video all the way through if it’s less than 60 seconds.

Types of Sales Videos

Sales videos are a powerful tool for engaging prospects and customers, with several types available to suit different goals and stages of the sales cycle. There are multiple ways of categorizing the types of sales video depending on the mode of communication, mode of recording, and utility basis. Let us discuss these three categorizations and what subdivisions that fall under each category.

5 components to make video for sales infographic

Types of Communication

One-way video or Asynchronous video

One-way or asynchronous videos are pre-recorded messages by single or multiple people that can be sent to prospects at any time. They’re great for introductions, building relationships, and video prospecting. For instance, a sales rep might record a webcam video introducing themselves and explaining how they can help the prospect. This type of video gives time to the receiver to choose any time convenient for viewing.

Multi-way or Synchronous Video

Synchronous videos involve real-time interaction or two-way interaction, such as live product demos or video calls. They allow for immediate feedback and questions, making them ideal for in-depth discussions or complex topics where doubt clearance or feedback is important for a complete overview.

Types of Recording

Camera Captured

Camera-captured videos are those recorded using a camera, typically featuring a person(s) speaking directly to the audience. This could be a sales rep introducing themselves, explaining a product, or delivering a sales pitch.

Screen Capture

Screen capture videos, also known as screencasts, are recordings of a computer screen. They are particularly useful for demonstrating software or online services, as they allow the viewer to see exactly what the user sees. For example, a sales rep might use a screen capture video to walk a prospect through a software demo, showing them exactly how to use each feature.

Camera + Screen Capture

Camera + screen capture videos combine the personal touch of camera-captured videos with the practical demonstration capabilities of screen capture videos. In these videos, the viewer can see both the speaker and their screen. For instance, a sales rep might use a camera + screen capture video to walk a prospect through a complex software setup process, explaining each step as they go.

Types of Utility

Product Demos

Product demo videos showcase a product’s features and benefits. They can be used to walk prospects through a particular feature, convince unsure prospects to commit to a longer call or eliminate the need for multiple live demos to speed up the deal.


Testimonial videos feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with a product or service. They build trust and credibility, making them a powerful tool in the sales process.

Sales Pitches

Sales pitch videos are direct appeals to prospects, explaining why they should choose a product or service.

Training Videos

Training videos are used post-sale to assist customers in using a product or service. They can help reduce churn and upsell accounts by enhancing the customer experience.

Personalized Videos

Personalized videos are tailored to individual prospects and enterprise clients. They can be used at any stage of the sales cycle to build relationships and demonstrate an understanding of the prospect’s needs.

Webcam Video (a.k.a. Selfie Video)

Webcam videos are a simple and personal way to connect with prospects. They’re great for introductions, building relationships, and video prospecting. A sales rep might record a quick webcam video message as a pre-meeting reminder, for instance.

Screen Share Video

Screen share videos allow sales reps to show and tell, making them ideal for explanations or product walkthroughs. They can be used to highlight areas where the seller can help, or demonstrate a product.

Video Playlist

A video playlist is a collection of videos, such as explainer videos, micro demos, or other product-based videos.

FAQ Videos

FAQ videos, or “80% videos,” aim to answer the top four to six questions a sales rep gets asked 80% of the time. They can be sent pre-discovery to get ahead of common questions, saving time and pre-qualifying leads.

Using Video for Sales Prospecting

Video for sales prospecting is a modern approach to reaching potential clients. It involves creating personalized video content to capture the attention of prospects, explanation of products, build relationships and ultimately converting them into customers. This approach saves time and streamlines the sales process for saving deal time. Such videos can be used to approach, connect and deliver personalized pitches to the prospecting client.


It can be done via email, LinkedIn, and sales engagement platforms. You can start by identifying your target audience and their needs. For emails and similar modes of communication, include the word “video” in the subject line, so that the end user can know about the inner content.


The video should be short, clear, concise, and visually synchronous with the prospect’s needs. For the same, create a script that addresses these needs and highlights the benefits of your product or service. During Voiceover, use a professional and friendly tone, showing real people in the video, and use visual aids, such as graphics or animations, to explain complex concepts or UI-based demonstration.


Browse LinkedIn and related social media of prospects and their company to gather information such as their name, role, technical know-how, and pain point of the industry. Use this information to create a personalized video that addresses their specific needs, problems, and interests.

Sales Video Tools

Current video trends suggest that video creation and management require several enhancements. These enhancements can be easily found as features of various video tools available in the market. For sales videos, four kinds of tools are mainly required, recording, editing, hosting, and interactive elements. They are used to create videos, record or screen capture, handle cloud storage and delivery, and also to add interactive support alongside the video.

Video Editing Software

Video editing software is a tool used to manipulate and arrange video shots, audio, essential graphics, and transitions. Many platforms like Canva and InVideo also provide video templates that can be used for creating professional-looking videos as per the sales message. Though such templates miss the granularity and features of major video editing tools but can provide inspiration on current UI/UX trends and also about the flow a video could have. These tools contain advance features like color correction, transition, encoding, frame adjustment, sound editing, frame cropping, trimming, re-sequencing, cross dissolving, cut-aways, and special effects that can enhance the quality of your sales videos. Examples include Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, Adobe After Effects, Lightworks, Freemake, and many more.

Screen Recording Tools

Screen recording tools are used to capture the display content of a browser tab, application, and also the complete computer or mobile device. These are useful while creating product demos, tutorials, and walkthroughs by making the viewer learn by examples. Some popular screen recording tools include Dubb, Debut by NCH Software, and Loom. These tools often come with features that allow you to annotate your recordings, add voiceover through speaker and mic, and other integration and sharing options.

Video Hosting Platforms

Video hosting platforms are services that store and distribute video content. They provide a platform for businesses and creators to upload and share their sales videos with their target audience. They also provide features like CDN, adaptive bitrate streaming, CMAF streaming, DRM, secure player, and other easy integration support. Some popular video hosting platforms include YouTube, VdoCipher (Secure Video Hosting), and AWS.

Interactive Video Platforms

Interactive video platforms provide tools for creating videos that can engage viewers by allowing them to interact with the content. This could involve providing CTAs to learn more, live quizzes, chat boxes, or navigating options to browse through different sections of the video. Some well-known examples of such platforms are Wirewax, Wevideo, Rapt Media, and HapYak.

How to Choose the Right Sales Video Tools

Choosing the right sales video tools is a crucial step in enhancing your sales strategy. The right tools can streamline your process, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more sales. Here’s how to make the right choice:

Understanding Your Requirements

Before you start exploring different tools, it’s essential to understand your specific needs. To illustrate, look at the following questions you need to ask.

  • Are you looking to create simple explainer videos, or do you need advanced editing capabilities?
  • Do you need to record your screen for product demos?
  • Do you need a platform to host your videos, or will you be using a third-party site like YouTube or AWS?
  • If security is essential to protect your videos from Piracy, then you need to have a secure video hosting solution like VdoCipher.

Once you’ve defined your requirements, you can start looking for tools that meet those needs.

Comparing Features and Pricing of Sales Video Tools

Once you’ve identified your needs, start comparing different tools based on their features and pricing. Some tools may offer advanced features that you don’t need, so don’t be swayed by flashy extras. Instead, focus on the features that will directly benefit your sales process. Below is an example of picking up the tools required with their necessary features. Similarly, you can make use of Google Sheets to prepare a comparison table for the internal review process.

Tool Features Pricing
Adobe Premiere Pro Professional video editing, color correction, and graphics tools $20.99/month
Camtasia Screen recording, video editing, annotations $249 one-time fee
VdoCipher Multi-DRM protected video hosting, dynamic watermarking, custom player, etc $99/Year
YouTube Non-secure public video hosting Free

Finally, consider how well each tool will integrate with your existing systems. If you’re already using certain software for sales or marketing, it’s beneficial to choose video tools that can integrate with these systems. This will allow for a smoother workflow and better data tracking.

  • Check compatibility and integration with the CMS you are using.
  • For OS based tools, check the installation package and guide for the OS
  • If multi-device compatibility is required, check for the same
  • If automation is required, check the necessary API and SDK support you need.
  • Many solutions also provide plugins for easier integration with other platforms.

Creating Sales Videos

Creating compelling sales videos is a powerful way to engage potential customers and drive sales. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create effective sales videos.

Choosing a Template or Building Your Own

Start by deciding whether to use a pre-made template or create your own. Templates can save time and ensure a professional look, but creating your own allows for more customization. Many tools like Canva, Premier Pro, InVideo, and others have libraries of video templates that can either be free or paid.

VdoCipher can help you stream your videos. You can host your videos securely, and you get various features such as Video API, CDN, Analytics and Dashboard to manage your videos easily.


A well-written script is crucial. It should be concise, engaging, and focused on the customer’s needs. Use a problem-solution approach, where you identify a problem your target audience faces and present your product as the solution. Start by outlining the main points you want to cover, then flesh out each point with more detail. Remember to include a clear call to action at the end. AI-based solutions like ChatGPT, Grammarly, etc can also be helpful while writing a script.

Customizing Text Overlays

Text overlays can reinforce your message and make your video accessible to those who watch without sound. Keep the text concise, easy to read, and ensure it complements the video content.

Adding Effects and Animations

Effects and animations can make your video more engaging. Use them to highlight important points, but avoid overuse as it can distract from the message.

Adding Captions with Multiple Languages

Adding captions in multiple languages can expand your global or local reach. It also improves accessibility for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing. If your target audience includes speakers of different languages, consider adding captions in those languages.


Good lighting is essential for a professional-looking video. Natural light is ideal, but if it’s not available, use a softbox, ring light or diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows.

Adding Audio

Choose audio that matches the tone of your video. It could be a voiceover, background music, sound effects, or consider incorporating AI voice for a sophisticated and engaging auditory experience. Ensure the audio quality is high, and the volume is balanced.

Choosing Location

The location should align with your brand and the video’s purpose. It could be a quiet office, a bustling factory floor, or a serene outdoor setting.

Preparing Video Thumbnail

The thumbnail is the first thing viewers see, so it should be compelling. It could be a key moment from the video, a text overlay, or an image that represents the content. Ensure it’s high resolution and consider using faces, bold colors, and concise text.

Tracking your Sales Video for Optimization

Tracking your sales videos involves monitoring various metrics to understand the effectiveness of your video content and making necessary adjustments to improve performance. Research shows that videos are watched by 78% of people every week, and some case studies have shown an 80% uplift in landing page conversions when the video is used. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Email Response Rates

Getting an email response is the biggest barrier in sales prospecting, with an average cold email campaign seeing less than a 1% response rate. However, using video can significantly improve these numbers. According to a study by Vidyard, personalized video messages can improve click-through rates by 8 times and reply rates by 4 times. Additionally, adding the word ‘video’ to the email subject line can boost open rates by 19%, increase click-throughs by 65%, and reduce unsubscribes by 26%.

Tracking Clicks of Videos with CTA

Clicks on your video’s call-to-action (CTA) can provide valuable insights into your audience’s engagement levels. UTM parameters and other link-tracking mechanisms can be used to exactly determine the clicks. A high click-through rate suggests that your video content is compelling and your CTA is persuasive. It is to be noted that placing CTAs over the video is a feature that is available only through specific video players solutions like VdoCipher, plugins, and CMS.

Meetings Booked Rates

The meeting’s booked rate is another crucial metric to track. It measures the number of meetings or sales appointments booked as a result of watching your sales videos. For Ads and Email campaigns, exact booking rates for particular campaigns can be measured by using link tracking of booking urls. For websites, landing pages, and blogs, the overall impact can be measured and compared with previous periods.

Video Views and Watch Time

Video view engagement measures how viewers interact with your video content. Key metrics include view count and watch time. For instance, YouTube counts a view when a viewer watches your video for 30 seconds but usually analytics count a view irrespective of timing. On the other hand, Watch time is the total amount of time people have watched your video, which can help you understand if your content resonates with your audience.

Best Practices for Video Sales Calls

Here are some best practices to ensure your video sales calls are effective and engaging.

Preparing for the Call

Preparation is key for a successful video sales call. Start by researching your prospect to understand their needs and challenges. Use tools like LinkedIn or company websites to gather information. Prepare a clear agenda and share it with your prospect ahead of time. Test your technology, including your camera, microphone, and internet connection, to ensure a smooth call. If two way communication is required, familiarize yourself with the features of your video conferencing tool, such as screen sharing or virtual whiteboarding, which can enhance your presentation.

Maintaining Professionalism on Video

Professionalism is just as important in a video call as it is in person. Dress appropriately, maintain eye contact by looking at the camera, and ensure your background is neat and distraction-free. Be mindful of your body language and facial expressions, as these are amplified on video. Also, remember to mute yourself when not speaking to minimize background noise.

Use of Engaging Visuals

Visual aids can make your presentation more engaging and help to explain complex concepts. Use slides, graphics, or live product demos to support your points. Tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams allow you to share your screen or use a virtual whiteboard. Remember to keep your visuals simple and clear, and always explain what’s on the screen for those who might have a slow internet connection or visual impairments.

Following Up Post-Call

After the call, send a follow-up email summarizing the key points discussed and next steps. This not only shows your professionalism but also helps to keep the prospect engaged. Consider using a CRM tool to track your follow-ups and ensure no prospect falls through the cracks. If possible, share a recording of the call for those who couldn’t attend or want to revisit the discussion.

Future Trends in Video for Sales

The future of video for sales is promising and dynamic, with several trends poised to redefine the landscape. These include live video selling, the use of AI and machine learning, and interactive and immersive video experiences.

Live Video Selling

Live video selling is becoming increasingly popular, particularly in the e-commerce space. It provides a platform for real-time interaction between sellers and buyers, allowing for instant feedback and engagement. This trend is expected to grow as more businesses recognize the value of personal interaction in the digital sales process.

Use of AI and Machine Learning in Video Sales

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing video sales by providing personalized content, predictive analytics, and automated processes. For instance, Gong, an AI-based sales platform, uses machine learning to analyze sales calls and meetings, providing insights to improve sales performance. AI is also being used to automate video editing and production, making it easier for businesses to create high-quality sales videos. AI Tools like Synthesia can even create your personalized sales avatar that can deliver the complete pitch with human-like touch.

Interactive and Immersive Video Experiences

Interactive and immersive video experiences are becoming increasingly popular in the sales industry. These experiences, often powered by technologies like virtual and augmented reality, allow customers to engage with products in a more meaningful way. For example, businesses are using interactive videos to allow customers to explore products from different angles, customize product features, or virtually try on clothes or accessories. According to Deloitte, younger generations are weaving TV, gaming, and user-generated content into a tapestry of entertainment, community, and meaning, indicating a shift towards more immersive digital experiences. With the launch of devices like Apple Vision Pro, the trend seems to grow.


Who Should be Trained on Using Video for Sales?

Everyone involved in the sales process should be trained on using video for sales. This includes:

  • Sales Representatives: They are the primary users of video in sales as they interact directly with potential customers. They need to understand how to use video effectively to communicate the value of the product or service they are selling.
  • Sales Managers need to understand how to use video in sales to train their teams, provide feedback, and monitor performance.
  • Marketing Team: They often collaborate with the sales team to create video content that can be used in sales. They need to understand what kind of video content works best in sales scenarios.
  • Customer Service Representatives: They can use video to provide post-sales support and maintain relationships with customers.

Who Needs to Be Involved in Video Platform Selection?

The selection of a video platform should involve several key stakeholders:

  • Sales Team: They will be the primary users of the platform, so their input on usability and features is crucial.
  • IT Department: They will need to ensure that the platform is secure, integrates well with other systems in use, and can be supported effectively.
  • Marketing Team: They may use the platform for creating video content and should have input on its features and capabilities.
  • Senior Management: They will need to approve the budget and should understand the strategic benefits of the chosen platform.

Where Do You Start with the Video?

Starting with a video involves a few key steps:

  • Define Your Goals: Understand what you want to achieve with your videos. This could be increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or providing customer support.
  • Know Your Audience: Understand who your target audience is and what type of content they would find valuable.
  • Choose the Right Platform: Based on your goals and audience, choose the right platform to host and share your videos.
  • Create Quality Content: Invest in creating high-quality videos that effectively communicate your message.
  • Measure and Optimize: Track the performance of your videos and use the insights to optimize future content.

How Many Sales Videos Should You Send Per Week?

The number of sales videos you should send per week depends on your sales strategy and the preferences of your prospects. However, a good practice is to aim for setting up around five strong sales meetings per week, which could involve sending out personalized sales videos to these prospects. Remember, the focus should be on quality over quantity. It’s better to send a few well-crafted, personalized videos that resonate with your prospects than to bombard them with a high volume of generic videos.

The post Video for sales tools and techniques to boost your sales drive appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Best Hosting for Video Websites for eLearning & OTT with DRM security Thu, 03 Nov 2022 19:34:19 +0000 In 1988, the International Telecom Union created the first video digital compression standard – H.261. According to Wikipedia, it is believed that in 1997 became the first video-hosting website. In 2004, South Korea’s Pandora TV became the first video-sharing website to provide storage space to users for video upload and also attach advertisements. Today, […]

The post Best Hosting for Video Websites for eLearning & OTT with DRM security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

In 1988, the International Telecom Union created the first video digital compression standard – H.261. According to Wikipedia, it is believed that in 1997 became the first video-hosting website. In 2004, South Korea’s Pandora TV became the first video-sharing website to provide storage space to users for video upload and also attach advertisements. Today, the rise of video consumption shows no sign of slowing down and thus is the demand of Hosting for Video Websites.

Online videos are increasingly integrating into our daily lives and have also overlapped with other modes of entertainment and learning. Finally, such a growing demand for videos requires a dedicated place to upload, store and serve the videos with all additional features, known as a Video Hosting Website.

What is Hosting for Video Websites?

Hosting for Video Websites enables you to upload, store as well as distribute video content for playback to relevant audiences on the internet using them as a medium. Undoubtedly, with the popularity of video content over the years, the demand for video hosting websites has drastically increased. This is so because video files require large storage space and bandwidth utilization, unlike text or image content.

Explore More ✅

VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps 2500+ customers over 120+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

YouTube, a free video hosting platform, is one such example. The videos on these websites are uploaded via their website, desktop or mobile application, or API.  Videos are hosted on their servers with the functionality of embed codes to add videos on their own blog page or any third-party website.

The videos can be either hosted by self or using video hosting websites. In self-hosting, videos are hosted on your website’s server just like other media files, unlike a video-hosting website. Although you have complete control over the content, many technical implementations must be done from your end. Similarly, Hosting videos can be expensive owing to the bandwidth and storage costs. Also, there are security risks associated with self-hosting, as the videos are not properly encrypted.

Video Hosting Website Benefits

Paid vs Free Video Hosting for Video Websites

A free video hosting website has bandwidth, features, and access limitations. These websites mostly restrict the number of video uploads and have limited bandwidth availability. Platforms like YouTube offer free hosting, but there are limitations too.

As these websites do not charge for video hosting, advertising is their major earning source. The algorithms are so designed as to have more clicks on videos so that users do not leave the website.  Moreover, free hosting is a good choice if you do not have a bunch of videos to upload or are looking to share some promotional videos.

The videos hosted on free video hosting websites are not secure and easily downloaded and distributed. In conclusion, these free video hosting websites benefit those looking to host videos for free and for anyone to download or share.

Compared to free hosting, paid or professional video hosting websites, on the other hand, are more reliable and come with many features and benefits. They have different plans based on your storage and bandwidth usage and are always scalable as per business requirements. Generally, with free video hosting, you cannot expect advanced security features.

If your videos are confidential or you are looking for monetization options, it may be in your best interest to look for a business video hosting website or platform like Vdocipher.  Most importantly, if you run a business where your videos are sensitive and need support, security, analytics, and branding, including eLearning or media platforms, a free service is not at all adequate. For this, VdoCipher is a perfect choice for businesses, enterprises, individual creators, and educators. Moreover, VdoCipher is more than a secure video hosting website; from DRM encryption to secure offline downloads in apps, they have got them all.


Paid Video Hosting Website Free Video Hosting Website
Reliability Uptime of nearly 99.9%

Usually not that high

Bandwidth & Storage

Scalable with flexible pricing Limited
Security Video security is a major focus

Usually lacking or basic login protection 

Customer Support

24×7 major priority Tends to be slower
Video Customization

Plenty of options to customize

Basic customization


Ad-free or as per customer preference

Chances of lot of advertisements

Must-Have Features of a Hosting for Video Websites

Video API

Video APIs provide ease and automate the integration and other video functionalities without hassle. According to Forbes, more than 71% of developers plan to use more APIs in the coming year. Server and Player APIs can automate video upload, inject custom HTML in the video player or customize player design.

CDN Delivery

CDN is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers to make multimedia content delivery faster and streamlined. A copy is created and stored in the proxy servers whenever a user makes a playback request. Next time whenever the same request is made, the proxy server nearest to the user serves the content. Further, this minimizes latency and buffering, resulting in uninterrupted video playback.

Video Analytics

Generally, all video hosting websites give basic video analytics to monitor your content. A good hosting website’s video analytics parameters including no. of visitors, conversion rates, traffic source, bounce rate, average view time, and other engagement metrics. This information helps you better understand the video performance and tailor the content based on demographics.

Multi-level User Access

The feature of adding multiple users to your dashboard is of importance for organizations looking for access level controls for the team. For instance, some may have full access, while some have restricted access, such as just viewing. The different permission levels can be viewed, edited, or uploaded.


There are times when you need support as well as guidance from your video hosting website. They must have robust customer support in place to address the problems faced by the user at any time.  Additionally, the various contact modes can be email, call or complaint form. Usually, the support levels vary depending on your opted plan.


Regarding hosting videos, especially premium videos, security is the main concern to address. Not only are your videos protected from unauthorized access and illegal downloads, but they must also be well-encrypted. In summary, no hacker or tools must be able to bypass the security. You should host your videos on DRM Protected video hosting providers like VdoCipher that use Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption to secure videos.

Easy Embed Options

A video hosting website must have an easy option to generate embed code. Some provide APIs to automate the embedding process on your website or any 3rd party site. An embedded video is hosted on another site but viewers can watch it on your webpage. Moreover, they can watch the video without leaving your webpage. Finally it reduces your bandwidth and storage costs.


An always-available video hosting website is a mandatory requirement these days. If the website is slow or unavailable for some duration, there may be many problems. Uptime refers to the time for which a website is available to its users. Theoretically, the uptime must be 100% but in the real scenario due to various factors, such a high availability is difficult to achieve. Secure video hosting providers like VdoCipher give 99.99% uptime availability.


Your video hosting requirements vary with time and growth. At some time, you may upload more videos and require higher bandwidth utilization. The hosting website must provide flexibility in upgrading the service with no hassle. The video hosting website must be capable of handling high volume of video uploads and streaming in an interrupted and streamlined way.

Adaptive Video Quality

Adaptive streaming is one of the most required features in a video hosting website. Their player must be able to offer multiple video quality options on the player so as to switch video quality as per internet connectivity. Viewers having poor internet connectivity can still watch the videos with minimum latency with the device automatically selecting the optimum streaming bitrate.

DRM Secure Video Hosting Website – VdoCipher

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology to access and control the use, modification, and distribution of copyrighted work, such as multimedia content and software. Additionally, Video DRM techniques employ licensing agreements and encryption to secure digital content from piracy and unauthorized usage. Moreover, there are a number of DRM technologies to give creators various amounts of control over how their content is used and shared.

In regards to videos, DRM technology secures the videos from illegal downloads and access, minimizing video piracy and revenue loss using DRM encryption. The video is converted into an encrypted format and decrypted at the player’s end using a private decryption key. After that, the online viewer does not get the raw video for downloading and hacking.

Standard video encryption technologies like AES128 and RTMPe have a partial key exchange mechanism, making them vulnerable to hackers and piracy with software or plugins. On the other hand, DRM encryption not online encrypts the video but involves private video encryption key exchange.

VdoCipher uses Google Widevine DRM and Apple FairPlay DRM to ensure the highest level of security against piracy and cover all key devices and browsers (laptop/desktop, android, IOS).

Serving over 2500 customers in more than 120 countries, VdoCipher offers secure video hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption to secure your premium videos and boost revenue generation. Video streamed via VdoCipher cannot be illegally downloaded using any internet plugin or hack. Apart from secure hosting, the other features are dynamic watermarking, secure offline downloads in apps, plugins for WordPress and Moodle, video API and analytics, smart HTML5 video player and SafetyNet for added security.


Google and Apple FairPlay DRM Encryption

Protects videos from unauthorized access and downloads with the highest encryption security via Widevine and FairPlay DRM

Dynamic Watermarking

To discourage screen capture and establish branding, details like user ID, email as well as other identification details can be dynamically watermarked over the video. It can be customized for color, transparency and size.

Secure Offline Downloads in Apps

VdoCipher iOS native SDK enables video download on the device in a secure manner. There is even an option to limit the time duration for which an offline video will be available for download. You can also download inside your Android app with time validity for the downloaded video.

Screen Capture block in Android and iOS Native app

Our native SDK integration blocks screen capture at the hardware level and discourages screen capture. This is a very useful feature for securing your videos against piracy.

Google SafetyNet for App-Based Security

Google’s Safetynet provides additional video security against application tampering and replay attacks. VdoCipher’s Android SDK easily integrates SafetyNet to block playback on duplicate apps.


VdoCipher WordPress video plugin seamlessly supports all popular WP membership plugins, including Members, Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, and WP eMember. The video plugin also supports LMS such as WP CourseWare, LifterLMS, Sensei, and LearnDash.


Blacklisting or whitelisting specific countries is possible with geo-blocking. You can block a range of IPs, such as a company or college. Add time-based restrictions and set the expiry of URLs.  However, there might be many reasons to opt for geoblocking, including privacy laws, copyright, target market & audience, or internal content usage.

Smart HTML5 Video Player

Our smart HTML5 video player comes with dynamic controls with multi-lingual subtitle support. There are dynamic controls to change playback speed, choose theme options and Javascript API to add overlay buttons and track viewer interactions with video.

Adaptive Video Quality

Sometimes, the video quality deteriorates or stops playing due to low internet connectivity. We offer multiple bitrate streaming, which means the video quality auto switches as per the viewer’s internet connectivity.

AWS CDN and Server

VdoCipher uses Global AWS Cloud Infrastructure (Storage on AWS S3, Transcoding via VdoCipher algorithms on EC2, Streaming of content via Cloudfront CDN). Content delivery via geographically distributed CDN servers ensures minimized latency and uninterrupted delivery of videos.

Best Video Hosting Website to Choose

It depends. Especially if you are looking to host videos for the public for free and have no concern in video download or sharing by anyone, a free hosting website can be a choice. Still many creators use platforms like YouTube to upload videos for entertainment and monetization purposes without confidentiality concerns. The videos are not secure and easily downloaded and screen captured.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

For example, businesses such as Media and eLearning platforms having videos as their source of revenue opt for professional video hosting websites with secure video protection. Each year, the economy loses billions of dollars due to piracy, with videos contributing majorly in the statistics. Creating videos is a task, and especially with premium videos, you cannot risk videos leaking or public access. In addition, paid video hosting websites like VdoCipher to give a single dashboard to manage all your videos, monitor performance, customized features, and, most importantly, very few technical implementations.


Is Unlimited bandwidth video hosting real?

You may have seen dozens of video hosting providers claiming to offer unlimited bandwidth video hosting. However, there is no such thing as unlimited bandwidth, and there are always limitations. In general terms, unlimited means without limits but in terms of hosting, it means unlimited as long as a certain threshold is reached.

Can I embed videos on WordPress?

Yes. Videos can be embedded on any WordPress website using the VdoCipher WordPress plugin.  Also the plugin is easy to use, and integration is quite simple.

What are the commonly used file formats for video streaming?

MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, AVCHD, FLV, and SWF are the popular video file formats.

The post Best Hosting for Video Websites for eLearning & OTT with DRM security appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video Management details on VdoCipher Dashboard Sun, 02 Oct 2022 12:39:34 +0000 At VdoCipher we are committed to building the best platform for hosting premium content. While our security features ensure that our secure video hosting beats all competition, we have also made our platform intuitive and easy to use. Here you can find our tutorial videos on upload/import and various other features in detail. Detailed tutorial […]

The post Video Management details on VdoCipher Dashboard appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

At VdoCipher we are committed to building the best platform for hosting premium content. While our security features ensure that our secure video hosting beats all competition, we have also made our platform intuitive and easy to use.

Here you can find our tutorial videos on upload/import and various other features in detail.

Detailed tutorial videos are included below –

Dashboard features & video setting details

We have developed several features as part of our dashboard and as part of our API so that users can manage their videos. This blog covers all stages of a video-based workflow, from uploading video to using advanced analytics to assess video performance.


VdoCipher dashboard for Video Upload, video import and checking usage and analytics

It is vital for our users the the time between video upload and when video being ready is minimized. Optimizing the time to encode and encrypt videos is an engineering challenge that remains top priority for our developer team.

The green Upload button can be used to directly upload videos from your device. You may alternatively import videos from URLs of MP4 or FLV files, from either HTTP or FTP.You can also import video files frmo Cloud Service Providers such as Dropbox and Google Drive, and from video service providers Wistia and Vimeo. If you require to bulk import videos from other sources please communicate to us at

Directly importing videos from URLs saves your device’s bandwidth usage and allows video file transfers to happen completely behind the scenes. There is a progress bar that shows the relative completeness of upload process. Once the video is uploaded, it shows in dashboard with any of the following status, which reflects the status of the video upload process:

Video Status Meaning
Queued Video uploaded successfully, soon to start encoding
Processing Video being converted to encrypted formats for dekstop & mobile
Ready Video is ready to be embedded onto site

You can check the video status by making an API call as well. If the video you uploaded is in Queued status for a long time, drop us a message at site chat or, Generally a 15 min video should be encoded in 20 minutes time and be ready for release. However if you have uploaded multiple videos at once – say 50 or more then video upload may take more time.

Many of our enterprise customers have their customers or partners actually providing videos to them. In such cases, it becomes quite useful if the video transferred by them to your website or app directly reaches your account on Vdocipher. VdoCipher enables this functionality through upload APIs. To automate your upload process you can visit the following blog on Video Upload Using API.

We have optimized our encoding configurations to generate best quality videos at lowest bitrates. If you have any particular request with regard to resolution/ bitrates please let us know at

Integration into site or app

There are mainly three means of integrating VdoCipher to your website:

To see the embed options videos please click on the Embed button for the respective video in the Dashboard.

Plugins – WordPress, Joomla!, Moodle, Drupal

The simplest way to embed secure videos through your CMS-based website is by using our plugin. The plugins for WordPress, Joomla!, Moodle and Drupal generate dynamic OTPs in the backend and send them to the front-end. The OTP generation and authentication happens completely under the hood of the plugin, and to embed the video you only require to add a shortcode, having the following format:

[vdo id= '1234567890']

Please visit Protect Videos on WordPress for more details on using our WordPress plugin. While WordPress remains the most popular Content Management System, our plugins for Joomla!, Moodle and Drupal continue to be very popular with content creators looking to protect their premium videos. Plugins for Joomla!, Moodle and Drupal have the same means of embedding video through the shortcode.

The following blogs give details on using VdoCipher plugin for the respective CMS:

Player Embed Code with OTP Generation at Backend

VdoCipher’s secure video streaming requires backend authentication via unique tokens. For this your site backend has to make an HTTP request to VdoCipher API, which returns an OTP to authenticate playback session. This OTP is to be then appended to the player embed code on the site front-end.

The embed code would require the API Secret Key (also called API Key), which you can get from the Config section of the Dashboard.

Please note that the OTP call should always be made from the site backend (controller in MVC architecture). The received OTP (and playbackInfo) are then appended to the player embed code in the frontend (view in MVC architecture). This division across site backend and frontend is critical for ensuring maximum security. We have deliberately blocked OTP requests from site front-end, as this would expose your API Secret key to site visitors.

You can consult the following resources for website integration in different web scripting langugages

Quick Embed via iFrame

The Quick Embed option via iFrame is the fastest way to embed videos to your site. This is the best option when you are using ready-made website builder platforms such as Wix, Weebly or Squarespace. The following blog provides details on VdoCipher integration with ready-to-build site platforms

The quick embed code can be customized, with three features:

  • You can set the embed code to expire for a period of time. By default the embed code expiry is set to 30 years.
  • IP and Geo – You can limit access to certain IP addresses and to certain geographical locations only.
  • URL Whitelisting – Video will play only if the video player is embedded to the main website. This ensures that piracy through URL sharing is avoided

Note that public embed code & URL whitelisting are less secure than integration through APIs or plugins. Also watermarking is not possible in that case. However even then the stream is fully encrypted and therefore piracy is still prevented from downloaders. Overall our security offerings are much more complete than our competition.

Please make sure that you only embed videos after you have edited all the required settings. We highly recommend that you opt for security through plugin or API, but if not possible we have simplified the process of Public embed code and URL whitelisting option.

Video detail management

You can manage video details, including title, description, tags, poster image and subtitles by clicking the Edit button for each video.

Add video title, tags, poster image and subtitles in the dashboard

Add Tags

We have enabled a tag-based video management system, which makes it easier for users to categorize and manage their videos. You can easily add/ remove tags from the Edit menu.

Alternatively you may use the tagging API to update tags in your videos.


By default, a random frame in the video is set as thumbnail. You can customize the poster image to capture your viewer’s attention and enhance click-through rates for your video. To set any other image, you can upload the image in the Edit section.

You may alternatively use the Poster image API to upload the new poster image.

Add captions to Videos

You can upload subtitles for any language that is part of the ISO 639-1 system, as a VTT file. Subtitles are really useful to reach out to newer audiences, as well as to help native speakers follow the video content better.

Specific videos can be searched using ID, Title or associated tags using the Filter and Search option available in the dashboard. The complete details (id, title, status) of all videos can be downloaded at one go by selecting the Download CSV option.

You can alternatively use the Search API to search for videos based on tags, video ID or title.

Analytics – Usage details

You can see your account bandwidth and storage usage on a daily basis in the Analytics section of the Dashboard.

This data is received from CDN endpoints that accurately reflect the daily bandwidth usage. You can export this bandwidth data as a .csv file for any date range.

We also provide advanced video analytics about how viewers watch your videos. These analytics collect anonymized information about the most popular videos on your platform. These analytics are designed to provide you information about the relative performance of your videos, so you can see how best to improve your library of video content.

Please note that the measurement of video analytics is different from measurement of bandwidth usage, and may not track 100% of user sessions.

Testing for Secure Streaming

Once your video is ready you test secure video playback on any device. You can log into the Dashboard and simply click the play button to start video playback. You are welcome to test out downloader plugins or any hack your best developer can think of to try and download our videos.

Normally our video encoding settings have been optimized to stream highest quality videos at lowest possible bitrates. Indeed we often delight our users by streaming HD videos at 400kbps bitrates.

However if you find any issues with video streaming, it may be for either of the following reasons:

  • For the first time of playback, the video is not cached in nearest CDN servers, and the streaming is therefore a little slow. Once video is cached to the server, after second playback video quality and streaming improves quite a lot.
  • It is possible that the available video bitrates are high when compared to your network connections. While adaptive streaming ensures that the best resolution is displayed for user’s network conditions, in such a case you may require custom encoding settings. Please communicate your issue to us at, and we’ll ensure that optimized encoding settings are applied for your videos.

We have implemented many optimizations in our encoding settings to ensure the best user experience. These optimizations have enabled our customers to reach users across the world, including in corners of India and the African continent where internet connectivity is comparatively poor.

– Blogs & Site chat – There is lot of documentation on how to use, and what are the benefits and standards for various technologies at our blog. (, Search the blog for your required keyword to see related articles.

We ensure availability of our support team at the live site chat (bottom right of the vdocipher site). Please feel free to ping us to have a detailed conversation. Our support team would help you through most of your queries and problems.

For a full version 5 GB free trial of vdocipher secure video hosting & streaming , register at

The post Video Management details on VdoCipher Dashboard appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

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Best Video Delivery Platforms with CDN & Content Encryption Support Wed, 21 Sep 2022 04:39:43 +0000 As we move towards a more digital world, many technologies emerge every day. Some emerge as single solutions providers, and others provide a combination of more than one technology. Though Video Hosting used to be a simple technology for upload and download, it has become advanced and emerged as the video delivery platform. These platforms […]

The post Best Video Delivery Platforms with CDN & Content Encryption Support appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

As we move towards a more digital world, many technologies emerge every day. Some emerge as single solutions providers, and others provide a combination of more than one technology. Though Video Hosting used to be a simple technology for upload and download, it has become advanced and emerged as the video delivery platform. These platforms provide multiple technologies for faster and more secure delivery of your videos.

However, you must be very careful when choosing the video delivery platform. Always remember that the video delivery platform and content are two different things. Even if you create a high-quality video, it will not gain popularity if it is posted on a low-quality delivery platform unless it gets suggested by AI-powered recommender systems. For those recommender system models to operate properly, there has to be a proper data labeling process in place so that the model learns effectively and delivers desired outcomes.

A video delivery platform should include encoding and transcoding videos, managing and delivering video content, access management, dynamic watermarking, and providing video analytics. There is a need for video delivery platforms because there is a growing demand for online video content. Video delivery platforms make it easy to upload, share, and distribute videos online. They take care of all the highly technical and licensed integrations like DRM and make it easy to embed videos on websites and social media platforms.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

A video delivery platform is mostly required by educators, VOD platforms, and OTT providers. They use it to secure their content and also want advanced features like Video CDN, APIs, Scalable Infrastructure, and much more. For new creators, public video delivery platforms like YouTube and Twitch have served the market over the years. The users of these public video delivery platforms can rise to fame if they can post good quality content on these platforms. If you can post some interesting and entertaining videos on these platforms, you will have a good fan following within a short time.

Features to look for in a Video Delivery Platform

The provider should offer various technical integrations and analytics tools to help you determine how your videos deliver and how they are performing.

  • Multi-DRM enabled Secure video hosting to prevent illegal downloads and screen capture.
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming to deliver different sizes of content, such as for different bandwidth, SD, and HD content.
  • Offer analytics reports so that you can measure your video’s impact
  • Ability to personalize video delivery for each viewer through access management
  • Video player customization
  • The service should provide information about the number of views, the delivery method, and the date and time of the viewing.
  • Provide various player types, such as flash or HTML5, depending on your content.
  • Ability to embed videos on websites and social media platforms.
  • Support all the devices your audience is using, including mobile phones.
  • Way to make your videos available in multiple languages with subtitle support
  • APIs and SDKs for advanced usage
  • Plugins for CMS like WordPress and LMS like Moodle

Technology behind a Video Delivery Platform

As discussed earlier, a video delivery platform provides a set of combined technology as features. These features are apart from basic video hosting technology having only the feature to download and upload a video file. The major technologies whose combination is required for making up a video delivery platform are as follows.

  • Multi-DRM – Include video security via DRM encrypted video streaming technology, ensuring that no downloader or plugin can grab your content illegally. DRM is the highest security from video piracy, and with the use of multi-DRM, it becomes foolproof. Also, the use of viewer-specific moving/static watermark with email, user id, IP, and time stamp prevents camera recordings.
  • Large Cloud Infrastructure – AWS/Google powered server for transcoding, encoding, distribution via CDN, and storage are the minimum required infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents. This also includes feasibility to upload from desktop, dropbox, drive, FTP, and other URL-based grabbing.
  • Analytics and Dashboard – This is majorly a backend and frontend reflecting key insights about your video with integration support and other manuals. Collecting the key insights in the form of a log and reflecting the same to present valuable results are required to analyze. You can use the analysis to figure out and fill gaps in your video content.
    Support and Integrations – Any corporate or premium customer expects good support from a delivery platform. Support is majorly a human-driven aspect coupled with advanced communication channels. On the other hand, Integrations are totally technology made for easy compatibility with your CMS or LMS or Website. They include plugins, APIs, SDKs, embed codes, etc.

Benefits of Video Delivery platforms

Well, there are many benefits of using a Video Delivery Platform but mostly they are case-specific. One of the main benefits is that it can help to improve the quality and consistency of your video content. It can also help to improve the viewer experience, as well as make it easier to manage and distribute your videos. Additionally, a video delivery platform can help to optimize your videos for playback on different devices and platforms. We have listed the following important benefits that you must look for.


A secure video delivery platform that ensures your video content is delivered with integrity and security. It means that your video content will not be corrupt during transfer and streamed to authorized viewers only. A secure video delivery platform like VdoCipher helps to protect your brand and your viewers’ privacy. By ensuring that your video content is delivered securely, you can ensure that your viewers’ information is protected. Additionally, you can protect your brand by ensuring that your videos are not shared or copied without permission.


A globally distributed Content Delivery Network for Videos. When it comes to video, a CDN can help improve the quality and the delivery of your content. A CDN can help deliver videos closer to the viewer, improving the overall quality of the viewing experience. Additionally, a global CDN can help to speed up video playback, ensuring that your viewers can watch your videos as quickly as possible. Also, choosing a reliable Video Delivery Platform like VdoCipher with AWS CDN having maximum uptime is a must.

Dynamic Watermarking

There are times when an authorized user tries to capture a video by recording it through a camera. In such cases, the only safeguard you have is a watermark containing dynamic information related to the user, like IP address. This acts as deterrence and prevents further distribution of video files because of the fear of getting caught.

Easy Integration

Integrations are necessary, and the easier they are, the more suitable it is. Keep in mind all the integrations you will have to make. They might be for a WordPress plugin, advanced automation or workflow management through API, and even SDKs for different languages. For a scalable infrastructure, easy integrations are a must and should be included in the package.

Best Video Delivery Platforms

As so many video delivery platforms are available online, you need to choose the right platform for your videos. Many video delivery platforms are free to use, but it is very important to choose the best one for yourself.


YouTube is an online video-sharing website with over 300 hours of video uploads every minute. It is one of the most popular websites globally, especially amongst the younger generations. YouTube caters for all viewers, from the most popular channels to those who only have a few subscribers to those who upload videos to show their friends and family. You can watch videos on YouTube about any subject, so if you’re interested in any topic, chances are there will be a video about it.

YouTube is a Video Delivery Platform that allows content providers to distribute video content to YouTube viewers. It enables content providers to send videos to YouTube quickly and easily and track their performance. An aggregate of several different mechanisms, including Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), Dynamic Bitrate (DBR), and video transcoding, YouTube delivers the best experience for your viewers, based on their network conditions and device capabilities.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

  • YouTube is a free platform. You do not have to pay to host your videos on the site.
  • Easily embed videos on your website
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every month. YouTube is growing in leaps and bounds.
  • Evergreen video insights
  • Trending hashtags
  • AdSense blocking controls
  • Bulk editing of video chapters
  • Appeal yellow monetization icons in Studio Mobile
  • Create, share, and collaborate on video playlists
  • Create your own custom YouTube URL
  • Play videos in the background on mobile devices
  • Featured Video or Playlist Autoplay
  • Video Monetization

VdoCipher – Secure Video Delivery Platform

Built for e-Learning and Media Websites & Apps, VdoCipher offers DRM Encrypted Secure Video Hosting across 40+ countries. No one can access encrypted videos without the encryption key. Videos streamed via VdoCipher have Hollywood grade DRM protection which means any downloader or internet plugin cannot grab the content. This prevents illegal or unauthorized video sharing. With Widevine DRM encryption and Apple Fairplay DRM encryption, VdoCipher uses a modified version of the existing streaming protocols to combat video piracy and minimize bandwidth usage.

VdoCipher’s Smart HTML5 Video Player supports Adaptive Multi-bitrate Playback. When you upload your videos on the VdoCipher platform, different bitrate qualities of your videos are created through video transcoding. This allows a video to stream at different resolutions and download speeds, depending on the Internet connection. It ensures that the video will always play at the highest possible resolution smoothly and uninterrupted.

  • Secure DRM Encrypted Video Streaming to prevent illegal downloads
  • Dynamic Watermarking to prevent video piracy using screen capture
  • Customizable watermarking for movement, colour, size and transparency
  • More Secure Than RTMP streaming
  • Secure Key Exchange than HLSe
  • DRM for effective Password-Protection so restrict downloads or video-sharing outside authorized app or website
  • IP and Geo Restriction
  • Domain Whitelisting to prevent video embed to unauthorized websites
  • Secure Offline Downloads in Android
  • Customizable smart HTML5 player
  • Adaptive Multi-bitrate Playback
  • Multi-Language Subtitles
  • Video Analytics
  • Easy dashboard to upload/import videos, configure security settings, customise thumbnail, subtitle & more
  • Plugins For WordPress & Moodle
  • Easy APIs & SDKs integration to automate your workflow

IBM Cloud Video (UStream)

IBM Cloud Video is a fast, easy, and secure way to deliver and play videos — with the quality, reliability and control you expect from IBM. The service is ideal for video content providers, video service providers, digital publishers, and enterprise customers with existing video content that want low-cost, high-performance, and flexible video streaming solutions.

IBM Cloud Video delivery platform allows users to upload, share, and view videos. It offers features such as video editing, hosting, and streaming, as well as live video streaming. The platform allows live or on-demand streaming of video content over the internet. IBM Cloud delivers video content to viewers on any device or platform, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs.

  • HD live broadcast with no caps on bitrate or resolution
  • Recording of broadcasts as a private video
  • Mobile compatible player with videos virtually accessible across all devices with any screen size or bandwidth.
  • Access to multiple CDNs (content delivery networks)
  • Live chat and Q&A
  • Live playlists with looping
  • Customizable channel page


Dailymotion is a video-sharing social networking website. The website enables users to upload, share, view videos on the internet. It has a large collection of videos, including various formats and genres, like comedy, entertainment news, music videos, music, sports, technology, documentaries and more. It is available in 183 languages and 43 localised versions featuring local home pages and local content.

  • The massive global reach of 250 million unique viewers in 35 localized versions of the platform.
  • Personalized recommendations and content discovery
  • Premium video content
  • integrated ad platform with premium publishers and brands
  • Offline viewing
  • Picture-in-Picture Technology
  • Autoplay on scroll, autonext
  • Social sharing


Vidyard is a video hosting and marketing platform that helps businesses create, manage, measure, and optimize video content. Vidyard’s platform allows users to upload, share, and track their videos and measure their return on investment (ROI) for their video marketing campaigns.

Vidyard also offers a suite of tools and integrations that allow businesses to add a video to their website, landing pages, and marketing emails. With Vidyard, you can record and send videos in just a few clicks – perfect for busy sales reps trying to break into inboxes or marketers trying to make a splash.

  • Video creation up to an hour-long
  • Screen recording
  • Video playlists
  • Auto-generated 3-second GIF preview
  • video editing
  • Ad-free video hosting
  • Fast video uploads
  • Uploader widget
  • Password and SSO protection
  • Custom video calls-to-action and landing pages
  • Detailed video analytics and CRM integrations

Vimeo Livestream

Vimeo Livestream is an online service that lets anyone start their own live show and instantly share it with the world. You could be a professional broadcaster on your way to a big event, an amateur videographer capturing your weekend adventure, or a tech expert showing off your newest creation. Vimeo Livestream opens the door to all possibilities, no matter how big or small. It offers a variety of features and tools that make it easy to create and stream live videos.

  • Easily stream from any device across social media platforms or your own website
  • Privacy & Security to privatize event access
  • Monetization model with subscriptions, apps and PPV
  • White label your live player or launch branded apps.
  • All-inclusive dedicated phone support for your events
  • Live Streaming for OTT
  • Adaptive streaming
  • Video management
  • Viewer engagement with moderated chat, Q&A, and live polls


What are the different types of video delivery platforms?

There are several types of video delivery platforms:

Web-based platforms: These platforms allow you to stream video content to websites.

Mobile platforms: These platforms allow you to stream video content to mobile devices.

Connected TV platforms: These platforms allow you to stream video content to connected TVs.

What is a content delivery network (CDN)?

A content delivery network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that deliver web content to users, such as HTML pages, images, and videos. When a user requests content from a website, the CDN retrieves the content from a server near the user, providing a faster and more reliable experience.

Why Do You Need a Video Delivery Platform?

By using the Video Delivery Platform, you will be able to optimize your videos, upload them on multiple platforms, and utilize advanced online marketing techniques.

The post Best Video Delivery Platforms with CDN & Content Encryption Support appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Corporate Video Hosting Services with Support & HD Video Streaming Wed, 07 Sep 2022 11:07:13 +0000 Video is an effective marketing tool that can help businesses promote their products and services, reach new customers, and drive sales. Corporate Video hosting services provide companies with a platform to host and share their videos, reach a wider audience and increase their visibility and brand presence online. Video hosting services also offer businesses tools […]

The post Corporate Video Hosting Services with Support & HD Video Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video is an effective marketing tool that can help businesses promote their products and services, reach new customers, and drive sales. Corporate Video hosting services provide companies with a platform to host and share their videos, reach a wider audience and increase their visibility and brand presence online. Video hosting services also offer businesses tools to track views and engagement, helping them to measure the success of their video marketing campaigns. Video hosting service providers deliver a high-quality video experience for your viewers. In addition, it typically offers a variety of features and tools that can help you manage your video content better and drive engagement with your audience. Additionally, a corporate or enterprise-level video hosting platform often offers robust analytics that helps understand how your video content is performing and identify areas for improvement.


Corporate Video Hosting Services

Undoubtedly, video is an essential part of any marketing strategy. After all, it’s one of the most engaging and visually stimulating mediums available. But what about corporate video? Is it worth the investment?

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

The answer is a resounding yes! Corporate videos can help your business in several ways, from boosting brand awareness to increasing leads and sales. Here are just a few advantages of corporate video services:

Increase Brand Awareness

One of the main goals of any marketing campaign is to increase brand awareness. Video is the best way to achieve it. When done right, corporate videos can introduce your brand to a whole new audience and help you stand out from the competition.

Boost Engagement

People love watching videos. Video content is more engaging than any other type of content out there. So, if you want to boost engagement with your target audience, corporate video is the way to go.

Increase Leads and Sales

The aim or goal of any business is to increase leads and sales. Luckily, a corporate video can help you do just that. Thanks to its ability to increase brand awareness and engagement, a corporate video can ultimately lead to more conversions and sales.

Improve SEO

Another significant benefit of corporate video is that it can help improve your SEO. Thanks to the power of video SEO, your corporate videos can rank high in search engine results, making it easily possible for potential customers to find your business online. Getting advice from a reputable digital marketing company like Dagmar Marketing in Jacksonville also plays a huge part in improving your site’s overall SEO.

Enhance Your Website

Your website is often probably the first impression potential customers have of your business. So, it’s important to ensure it’s as strong as possible. Luckily, adding corporate videos to your website can help do just that. Not only will videos make your site more visually appealing, but they’ll also help improve user experience.

Corporate Personal VdoCipher
Scalability Required Depends ✅
multi-DRM Required Depends ✅
HD playback Required Depends ✅
Watermark Required Depends ✅
APIs & SDKs Required Depends ✅
Plugins Required Depends ✅
Device Compatibility Required Depends ✅
Dashboard Required Depends ✅
Support Required Depends ✅

Corporate video services can include a wide range of video production and delivery services businesses may need to promote their products or services or communicate with their employees. Video services can also include corporate event videography, product demonstration videos, corporate training videos, human resources videos, etc. There’s no doubt that corporate video services can benefit your business. So, if you’re looking to take your marketing to the next level, it’s time to invest in corporate video.

HD Video Hosting Services Benefits

HD videos are becoming increasingly popular as people realize the importance of having high-quality videos. These high-quality and high-bitrate videos offer a higher level of detail and clarity than standard definition videos, making them ideal for viewing on high-definition televisions and monitors. High Definition videos are less likely to suffer from compression artifacts than SD videos, making them suitable for viewing on computers and mobile devices.

HD video hosting services are online platforms that allow users to upload and share high-definition videos. Usually, these services come with a range of features, such as streaming videos in HD quality, Adaptive bitrate streaming, CDN, creating and sharing video playlists, and embedding videos on websites and blogs. Many HD video hosting services also offer paid plans that include additional features, such as increased storage space and the ability to remove advertisements.

There are many benefits to using an HD video hosting service. One of the significant benefits is that you can provide high-quality video content to your viewers. It can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, HD video can help to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Finally, HD video can help increase the conversion rates of your website or blog.

Corporate HD Video Hosting Service Must-have Features

  • HD Video Distribution through Internet
  • Efficient Management of Large HD Video Files
  • Multimedia Content Management
  • Seamless Integration with Enterprise Systems
  • High-speed Downloading
  • Compression for HD Video as per your requirement
  • Multiple video formats support
  • Multiple streaming options with secure streaming
  • Transcoding to any video format
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Video synchronization
  • Analytics or Video statistics
  • Customer Support 24/7

Need for Encrypted Video Services

The need for encrypted video services has become apparent to many companies in response to the rise in cybercrime and the increasingly sophisticated attacks on systems and data. Video encryption encodes a video signal using a secret key known only to authorized parties. Encrypted video can be decrypted only by authorized parties with a private key. By encrypting video data, companies can ensure that their confidential information remains safe and secure, even if the video files are intercepted by an unauthorized third party.

There are many benefits to using encrypted video services, including the following:

  • Enhanced security – Encryption helps to protect against data breaches, video piracy, and cyber-attacks by making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access confidential information. The best encryption technology available to prevent illegal downloads of a Video is DRM or Digital Rights Management.
  • Improved compliance – Many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding protecting confidential information. Encryption can help companies to meet these requirements and avoid hefty fines.
  • Improved customer satisfaction – In today’s digital world, customers are increasingly concerned about the security of their personal information. Companies can provide their customers with peace of mind and improve customer satisfaction levels by using encrypted video services.
  • Increased efficiency – Encrypted video services can help companies save time and increase efficiency by reducing the need to monitor and protect confidential information constantly.
  • Improved competitiveness – Companies that provide their customers with enhanced security and privacy protection often have a competitive advantage.

How to Select an Encrypted Video Service Provider

Many companies offer encrypted video services, and the features and benefits can vary significantly. Companies need to consider their specific needs before selecting a provider carefully.

When selecting an encrypted video service provider, several factors should be considered, including:

  • Licensing Partnership – Advanced Encryption technologies like DRM require you to be a license partner with Google and Apple for protection across devices and browsers.
  • The provider’s reputation – It is important to select a provider that has a good reputation in the industry and a proven track record of providing high-quality services.
  • The provider’s experience – It is also important to select a provider that has extensive experience in providing encrypted video services. This will help to ensure that the provider is able to meet the specific needs of the company.
  • Customer service – The provider’s customer service should be excellent, and the provider should be able to provide prompt and efficient responses to any queries or concerns.
  • Pricing – The provider’s pricing should be competitive, and the company should be able to get value for money.
  • Security measures – The provider should have robust security measures in place to protect the company’s information from unauthorized access.

Best HD Video Service providers for Corporate

VdoCipher – Secure Video Services

In the corporate world, online video security is absolutely essential. With the vast majority of businesses now relying on the internet for communication, collaboration, and marketing, the potential for data piracy is vast. A single data breach may cost a company millions of dollars and damage its reputation beyond repair. That’s why online video security is so important.

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

By encrypting corporate video communications, businesses can protect themselves from the threat of data breaches and cyber-attacks. Video encryption ensures that only authorized users can view corporate videos and that all data is safe and secure.

VdoCipher, a secure video hosting provider, has been helping e-learning, media websites, and apps protect their premium videos using Hollywood Grade DRM protection, Dynamic watermarking, video chapters and more. Serving over 2000 businesses across 40+ Countries, the videos streamed via VdoCipher cannot be downloaded using any downloader, plugin, or hack. This way, businesses boost their revenue and protect their video content from unauthorized access and video piracy. Additionally, VdoCipher video security includes the below features:

  • Illegal video download prevention via Drm Encryption
  • Dynamic Watermarking
  • Amazon AWS Server + CDN
  • Secure offline downloads on Android
  • Geo and IP-based restrictions
  • Screen Capture Blocking
  • Smart HTML5 Video Player
  • APIs, SDKs, and plugins for WordPress, Moodle, and more

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage is a cloud-based video service that helps businesses manage and store their video content. Companies can upload, store, and share their video content securely and efficiently with Google Cloud Storage. It offers a variety of features and tools that businesses can use to manage their video content, including:

Accessible storage: Google Cloud Storage offers businesses a reliable place to store their video content. With Google Cloud Storage, businesses can easily upload and store their video content and access it from anywhere.

Flexible access: Google Cloud Storage allows businesses to access their video content from any device, anywhere in the world. Businesses can also share their video content with others and collaborate on projects using the Google Cloud Storage platform.

Scalability: Google Cloud Storage offers businesses the ability to scale their video content storage needs as their business grows. Companies can add and remove video content as needed with Google Cloud Storage without worrying about capacity or scalability issues.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides various services to help businesses stream video to their audiences. AWS offers multiple video streaming services, including Amazon Kinesis Video Streams, Amazon Elastic Transcoder, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Each Amazon service has its own set of features and pricing.

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams is a managed service that makes it easy to stream video to AWS for storage and processing. AWS Elastic Transcoder is a media transcoding service that helps businesses convert video into different formats for different devices. AWS CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) assisting businesses in delivering video content to viewers with low latency. Amazon S3 is an object storage service to help enterprises store and retrieve video files.

Note: VdoCipher uses AWS infrastructure coupled with DRM licensing from Google and Apple to provide the most secure video streaming across devices.

IBM Cloud Video

IBM Cloud Video provides a cloud-based platform for businesses and organizations to stream live and on-demand video. The platform is designed to be scalable and customizable and offers a variety of features, including content management, security, and analytics. The service provides many features, including video transcoding, live streaming, content management, and player customization. IBM Cloud Video also provides APIs that allow developers to integrate the service with third-party applications and platforms.

  • HD live broadcasting
  • Multi-CDNs
  • Video Distribution and Workflow
  • Mobile compatible player

Vimeo Livestream

Vimeo Livestream is a live video streaming platform enabling users to stream live video content to their audiences. It provides users with various features and tools to help them create and manage their live streams, including the ability to create and schedule live events, embed live streams on their website or blog, and monitor live stream analytics.

There are many ways that corporates can use Vimeo Livestream. One way is to use it as a live event platform to showcase product launches, conferences, or other corporate events. Additionally, Vimeo Livestream can be used as a training and development tool for employees. It can also be used as a marketing tool to reach new and existing customers.


How to provide Video Hosting Services?

You need to set up file storage with playback and place a layer before and after storage for security and privacy adherence. These mainly include encoding, transcoding, encryption, key management, and multi-bitrate support with CDN.

What Corporate Video Hosting Service is the best?

If you are looking for a complete hosting solution that also integrates global distribution via CDN, DRM, and other advanced necessities, then do a search for secure video hosting and pick the best provider, like VdoCipher.

Can Corporate Video Hosting Services protect against illegal downloads?

The most advanced way to protect your videos against piracy is to use a multi-DRM encryption system during upload and playback of your videos. This also protects screen capture on many devices and browsers. Google Widevine and Apple Fairplay are the most necessary license providers for multi-DRM support.

The post Corporate Video Hosting Services with Support & HD Video Streaming appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Best Video Service for Hosting Streaming and Security of Video Assets Tue, 06 Sep 2022 12:44:01 +0000 Video service is a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to host and stream video content easily. Businesses can use video services to create and manage their video content libraries and deliver video content to their customers and employees. Video service provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for businesses that need to host and stream video […]

The post Best Video Service for Hosting Streaming and Security of Video Assets appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video service is a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to host and stream video content easily. Businesses can use video services to create and manage their video content libraries and deliver video content to their customers and employees. Video service provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for businesses that need to host and stream video content. Video service is a type of communication service that offers the ability to send and receive video transmissions. This can include video hosting, conferencing, video calling, and video streaming services. In the blog, we will discuss video hosting and video streaming services and the ways of securing your digital video assets.

Even when we talk about video production, let us look at some stats about production being in-house or outsourced. Nearly 76% of video production companies started investing in video production in the past few years. Out Of that 76%, nearly 45% handle production internally, whereas 28% hire a video production company, and 23% hire freelance for the same. This means that more than the majority depends on the external production of videos. This is when video production is not considered a technical or coding task.  When we talk about video delivery, i.e., about hosting and playback, it gets more skewed. Most of the creators looking to scale up need to go through various video service providers’ feature lists. This is because of the difficulty and bandwidth consumption during future migration. As a rule of thumb, go with the advanced security and integration-providing options.

Need for Video Service Providers

Video service providers are important because they offer a platform for hosting and streaming videos. This can be a great way to promote your business or brand, and it can also be a great way to connect with potential customers or clients. They also provide you with a way to reach a larger audience with your video content.

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Protect Your VOD & OTT Platform With VdoCipher Multi-DRM Support

VdoCipher helps several VOD and OTT Platforms to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Video service providers are increasingly important for hosting and streaming video content. As the demand for video content continues to grow, so does the need for efficient and reliable video hosting and streaming services. Video service providers offer a variety of benefits that make them an essential part of the video content ecosystem.

Video service providers can offer scalable and reliable hosting solutions to accommodate the ever-growing demand for video content. They can also provide efficient streaming solutions that can help deliver video content to viewers without interruptions or delays. They can offer various benefits that can help improve the quality of video content and make it more accessible to viewers.

There are a lot of video service providers out there, and it can be hard to know which one to choose. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a hosting and streaming provider for your videos:

  • Ensure the provider has a good reputation and is known for providing high-quality service.
  • Find out what kind of support the provider offers if you have any video problems.
  • Ensure the provider offers the features you need, such as video transcoding, hosting, encryption, watermarking, and streaming.
  • Make sure the provider offers a competitive price.

Global streaming market size projection from 2018 to 2026
Global streaming market size year-wise projection – Source (Statista)

Types of Video Services

Hosting Video Service

There are a lot of different options for hosting video services. One can use a traditional web hosting service, a cloud-based service, or even a dedicated server. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you’ll need to decide which one is right for you.

Traditional web hosting services and Cloud-based services are typically the most affordable option with scalable storage, bandwidth and more cloud features like transcoding and encryption. Dedicated servers are the most expensive option, but they offer the best performance and support.

Streaming Video Service

Video streaming services are becoming more and more popular as Internet speeds and data caps continue to increase. This is especially true for live video streaming, which allows users to watch events as they happen in real-time. There are a number of different video streaming services available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Netflix is one of the most popular video streaming services. It offers a huge selection of movies and TV shows, including many exclusive original titles. Netflix is available on a wide variety of devices, including TVs, game consoles, and mobile devices. Hulu is another popular video streaming service. It offers a smaller selection of movies and TV shows than Netflix, but it does have some exclusive original content.

Secure Video Service

There are a number of reasons to consider using a secure video service. In today’s world, data security is more important than ever. With the increase in cyberattacks, it’s crucial to make sure that your video content is protected. A secure video service will encrypt your video content, making it much more difficult for hackers to access. Additionally, secure video services will often offer additional features such as password protection and watermarking. This can further protect your video content and ensure that only authorized users can view it.

Best Video Service Providers


VdoCipher, a secure video hosting platform, offers Hollywood grade DRM protection to protect your premium video content from online video piracy. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that helps content creators and distributors protect their copyrighted works from unauthorized use. When applied to video streaming, DRM can help prevent piracy and ensure that only authorized users can view the content. DRM can also help content providers control who can view their content and when. For example, a content provider could allow only users in a specific geographic region to view a particular video.

Using Google Widevine and Apple FairPlay DRM encryption, VdoCipher secures your videos from unauthorized access, illegal downloads or sharing. Internet plugins or software cannot bypass the security layer to download the videos streamed through VdoCipher.

  • DRM Encrypted video streaming
  • Dynamic watermarking with logo/image/viewer details
  • Offline secure playback for app
  • AWS powered server and CDN infrastructure
  • Smart HTML5 video player (adaptive bitrate playback and multi-language subtitles support)
  • OTP-based playback
  • Easy to integrate APIs and SDKs
  • VdoCipher WordPress plugin


There are many video sharing websites on the Internet, but YouTube is the most popular. People watch billions of videos on YouTube every day and upload hundreds of thousands of new videos. YouTube is a great way to watch videos on any topic you can imagine. Whether you’re interested in music, news, sports, or gaming, you’ll find videos to watch on YouTube. You can also find helpful how-to videos, product reviews, etc.

YouTube is more than just a video sharing website – it’s a community. You can interact with other users by liking, commenting, and subscribing to their channels. You can also start your own channel and build up a following. Whether you’re just looking to watch a few videos or you want to become a YouTube star, YouTube is the place to be.

There are a few different ways that YouTube monetizes its content. The first is through advertising. YouTube sells advertising space on its platform to companies who want to reach the site’s vast audience. These ads can appear in several different forms, including pre-roll ads that play before a video, mid-roll ads that appear in the middle of a video, or overlay ads that appear on the bottom of the screen.

YouTube also allows content creators to join its Partner Program, which gives them a share of the revenue generated from ads that run on their videos. To be eligible for the Partner Program, creators must have a certain number of subscribers and watch hours.

Finally, YouTube allows content creators to sell merchandise through its Merchandise shelf feature. This will enable creators to promote and sell products directly to their fans through their YouTube channels.


If you’re interested in video blogging or “vlogging,” you should check out Dailymotion. It’s one of the most popular video sharing websites globally and offers an excellent platform to share video content. Primarily owned by Vivendi, Dailymotion is a video-sharing technology platform.

Dailymotion is available in 18 languages and 35 localized versions featuring local home pages and local content. It offers several tools to help you promote your videos and grow your audience. For example, you can use the “Featured Videos” section to showcase your best content and the “Suggested Videos” section to promote your videos to a broader audience.

On Dailymotion, most videos are served with in-stream advertisements – ads that appear before, during, or after videos. Enabling video monetization allows you to share in the revenue these advertisements generate when served on your videos. The more views your videos get, the more income you earn.

Wix Video

Wix video is a cloud-based video platform that enables users to create and share videos. It offers a variety of features, including the ability to create and share videos, embed videos on websites, and share videos on social media. Wix Video lets you upload or stream videos of the highest quality from YouTube, Facebook, DailyMotion, etc. You can create your video channels like films, courses, portfolios and more and display them in a beautiful video gallery. Individual videos are available for purchase or rent, and whole channels can be made accessible to subscribers only.


SproutVideo is a hosting and video sharing platform that makes it easy to upload, embed, and manage your videos. You can use SproutVideo to create and share video blogs or vlogs with your audience. SproutVideo is a powerful yet easy to use online video platform that helps businesses and individuals alike to showcase their videos in the best light.

First, sign up for a free account. Then, upload your video files to your account. Once the videos are uploaded, you can share them on your blog or website by embedding them in your posts.SproutVideo provides a simple, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your videos.

You can track your video views, share videos with social media, etc. Plus, SproutVideo offers valuable features like video analytics and password protection to help you get the most out of your video. You can customize your video player, embed your videos on your website or blog, and even use SproutVideo to create and manage your own video channel.

Ways to secure digital video assets

As video becomes increasingly digitized, it becomes more vulnerable to security threats. Digital video assets can be subject to unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. Thus, it is important to implement security measures to protect digital video assets. Security measures can include encryption, access control, and dynamic watermarking.

There are many ways to secure online video assets:

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VdoCipher ensures Secure Video Hosting with Hollywood Grade DRM Encryption

VdoCipher helps ver 2000+ customers over 40+ countries to host their videos securely, helping them to boost their video revenues.

Use a secure hosting platform

Many secure hosting platforms are available that can help you protect your video assets. When choosing a secure hosting platform, there are several factors, such as the type of data being stored, the level of security required, and the budget. However, the most important thing to remember is that no matter what security measures are in place, there is always a risk that video data can be breached. The best way to protect against this is to back up premium data regularly and keep confidential information safe. Be sure to choose a platform that offers robust security features and can meet your specific needs.

Encrypt your videos

Video encryption is a process of encoding a video signal so that it cannot be decoded without a key. This key is typically only known to the sender and receiver of the encrypted video. Video encryption can be used to protect both streaming and downloaded video content. Digital Rights Management (DRM) encryption is a security measure that is often used to protect video content. When a video is encrypted with DRM, it can only be played back on authorized devices with the necessary decryption key. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing and copying the video content. Encrypting your videos is a great way to protect them from being accessed by unauthorized individuals.

Use a watermark

Watermarking your videos is a great way to deter unauthorized individuals from using or sharing your videos. Video watermarking is the process of adding a watermark to a video to protect it from unauthorized use. The watermark can be a logo, a company name, or any other image or text. The watermark is usually added to the video during the encoding process, and it is typically embedded in the video in such a way that it is difficult to remove.

There are many reasons why a company might want to watermark its videos. Watermarks can deter copyright infringement since they show that the video is copyrighted material. They can also help to track down unauthorized copies of the video since the watermark can be used to identify the source. Watermarks can also be used to prevent tampering or modification of the video since any changes to the watermark will be immediately apparent.

Several different methods can be used to watermark a video. The most common way is to embed the watermark in the video itself. This can be done by adding the watermark to the video’s metadata or adding it to the video’s pixels. Another method is to add the watermark to the video’s audio track. This is usually done by adding a short, silent audio section to the beginning or end of the video, which contains the watermark.

Use access controls

Setting up access controls is a great way to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your videos. There are many different ways to set up access controls, so be sure to choose the method that best meets your needs. For example, access can be limited to certain people at certain times, or access can be denied altogether to certain areas. Additionally, video footage can be password protected so that only authorized personnel can view it.

Keep your videos private

One of the best ways to protect your videos is to keep them private. If you do not want your videos to be seen by the general public, set them to private when uploading them to your secure hosting platform.


Why is a Secure Video Streaming Platform Important?

A secure video streaming platform is important for many reasons. It helps protect user data from being accessed by unauthorized parties, ensures that only authorized users can access the video content, and helps prevent video content from being tampered with or altered. A secure video streaming platform also helps to ensure that video content is delivered in a timely and reliable manner.

What are the benefits of DRM in Video Streaming?

DRM can provide many benefits to content creators and distributors. It can help prevent piracy, ensure that only authorized users can view the content, and track how it is used. These benefits can help content providers improve the customer experience and better understand the content they provide.

What are the benefits of video streaming?

Video streaming has many benefits, including watching videos without having to download them first, watching videos on a variety of devices, and watching videos in real-time.

The post Best Video Service for Hosting Streaming and Security of Video Assets appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

How To Host A Video Online? – Complete Guide Thu, 14 Jul 2022 05:55:00 +0000 Video has been at the forefront for any business in recent years. Whether it is for explaining your product, creating advertisements, corporate training, entertainment, or even learning, video is at the heart of all these activities. They play a major role in driving consumer action, developing new skills, and education. According to an eLearning study […]

The post How To Host A Video Online? – Complete Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.

Video has been at the forefront for any business in recent years. Whether it is for explaining your product, creating advertisements, corporate training, entertainment, or even learning, video is at the heart of all these activities. They play a major role in driving consumer action, developing new skills, and education.

According to an eLearning study conducted by VdoCipher, about 80% of online learning content is videos. Also, there has been about on average 53% increase in revenue as learning platforms moved to online learning

As per the Hubspot report, Almost 86% of businesses use video in their marketing strategy, and 84% of those that do report that video has helped them generate leads. In response to customer complaints, 43% of marketers report that video reduces the number of help requests they receive.

Online training videos have a consistently positive impact on learners’ ability to learn from all age groups. In fact, 91% of educational institutions agree that video increases student satisfaction. [Source]

Several businesses opt for Video hosting sites to get their video online. You will learn why video hosting services can be beneficial for your business and website in this guide. In this article, we’ll be explaining the best platforms for hosting video online.

Why Should You Host Video Online?

Faster load times:

Hosting video online using a video hosting service can be great for your website, as it would be much faster in comparison to self-hosted videos. This is due to the fact that, when you host videos on static pages, videos also load every single time. Thus increasing your overall page load times.

Video Protection :

Video hosting services provide video protection from unauthorized video downloads and piracy. In order to deliver content for various network speeds, devices, and browsers, you need to encode your videos to different video quality and formats. VIdeo

Video encoding for multiple devices & bitrates:

In order to play your videos in multiple browsers and devices, you’d have to perform video encoding. You’d have to make sure that videos are transcoded to all these different formats. This is due to the fact that the video codecs segment is very fragmented. Web browsers like Safari and Internet Explorer only support H.264 encoding. Firefox doesn’t support H.264 codec, while chrome supports all the major video codecs.

With VdoCipher, integrating top-tier DRM protection into your WordPress site is straightforward. Click to explore the easy integration and keep your videos safe from piracy.

You would have to transcode your videos, in each of these codecs. A different video file would be required to watch videos on android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and other devices. On top of you’ll have to encode them to different video bitrate so that users can watch videos irrespective of their network speed.

Video Player – Controls, Adaptive, Customization:

Video.js is a popular javascript and CSS library which is used as an HTML5 video player. This library requires a good level of coding effort.

Unless you have ample technical resources and people, it is always better to go for a video hosting service. As with a video hosting service, you get a customizable HTML5 video player, with features such as speed change, subtitles, video analytics, muti device support, and more.

Costs of Large development team & Time to launch Video business:

Setting up your own video infrastructure can be challenging, as it takes a lot of time for development and the costs can be high. You’ll have to realize how much human resources you are putting into the development. Also, all the salary and other miscellaneous costs are associated with it.

Furthermore, after you’ve finalized the team, the whole development process, might take up to months. Even after the development process is completed, you’ll need a dedicated team to troubleshoot these problems.

This is why you can always opt to host video online with video hosting services like VdoCipher. You can get started hosting your videos online in about 10 minutes. All you have to do is upload the videos on your VdoCipher account and embed it in your website.

How To Host A Video Online?

The most simple way to host video online is by opting for a video hosting service. All you would need to do is upload the video on their platform and use the video embed code they provide to stream the video on your website.

You can also use Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure Cloud, or Akamai Services to host videos for on-demand viewing in a secure and scalable way. In this case, you have to build your own video infrastructure.

Another way is to self-host your videos, the same as your website server. This method is not advisable as it can put more load on the website and slows it down a lot. Also, you’d have to build your own video infrastructure, which can take a lot of time and prove to be costlier in longer-term

There are two basic ways of delivering videos online. Embedding allows you to add a video player to your own website, and self-hosting means that the videos are hosted on your own server.

Web embedding is when videos are stored on an external site and the code for inserting the video into the web page is stored on your site. It’s an efficient way to deliver videos.
When you self-host videos, they live on your server and you’ll write the code directly into your website.

Self Video Hosting Vs Video Hosting Service

Self-hosting is an option that is considered by startups and small businesses due to numerous reasons. Self video hosting allows you to run your own video hosting service, without depending on a third party to host the video for you. With self-video hosting, you gain more flexibility over features and data. Self-hosting is a great choice if you have an excellent technical team to handle video infrastructure and video content security.

Drawbacks of Self Hosting Video Online

  1. Slower website load time while loading the page every time video loads as well. If you embed your video content on your website pages, each individual page with a video will take longer to load. The videos that you deliver from your self-hosted video server can send more data and pages load slowly if there’s a slow internet connection. when web pages load too slowly, so this impacts the user experience and bounce rate causing the traffic and sales
  2. No protection from video download and piracy.
  3. Have to manually encode videos to all the different bitrates and different formats to ensure that video can be streamed on all the major browsers and devices.
  4. Higher cost and time to build your own video infrastructure. The development process might take up to a few months. You’ll have to get a dedicated team to develop and then later maintain it. To build an efficient video infrastructure in-house you should be aware of the bottom line of costs and time of development which takes months to launch. Besides the one-time setup costs, you would need a dedicated team to troubleshoot any problems, such as server crashes or network connectivity issues. Building your own video player takes considerable coding efforts.

Video hosting services these days go beyond the old standard of a video-sharing platform and include a wide variety of features to help users manage their videos. In the frontend, they allow users to upload videos to each other, and in the backend, they can do some complex tasks such as compression, encoding, encryption, and more.

There are different types of hosting services, and each type of service offers its own unique set of features.

There are various benefits of hosting online videos with service providers.

  1. They offer scalability, video hosting services support you as your video consumption grows
  2. Video Hosting service offers video protection with DRM technology, to ensure that your content is protected from video piracy.
  3. Video hosting platform ensure that your videos are encoded and encrypted to all the different video formats and quality

Why Not Host Video Online With Youtube?

Whether you’re new to video content creation or you’ve been a video producer for a long time, at some point you’ll wonder whether you should host your videos on a site like YouTube or your own website.

YouTube is incredible for anyone who wants to create content or grow their channel. For a business that wants to make a conversion or is looking to promote its products, YouTube may not be the best platform for business video content. The best location for hosting video online is their own website. Businesses can completely rely on professional cloud video/video streaming platforms for maintaining video infrastructure and data security.

Data Security:

If you’re running a site with premium video content (like selling online courses), you’ll need to ensure that the video files cannot be downloaded by shady individuals, redistributed, and then re-hosted on file sharing sites. Online video hosting platform like Vdocipher advanced video security technologies like DRM technology which prevent the unauthorized download of your video content and also provide the option to password-protect videos, and restrict videos from specific domains or geographic locations. YouTube does not offer advanced security and privacy options. This is the major reason why businesses are opting for professional video platforms.

Technical Support:

Video Hosting platforms like Vdocipher offer several levels of technical support for businesses that could be a game-changer for those with little video expertise. Whereas YouTube provides plenty of free help documentation and access to a support community.

Customization Options:

Hosting online videos with hosting providers lets you avail customization options that YouTube cannot match, the ability to include a custom player logo (on Business Videos), and the option to add a personalized watermark gives more control over the video content.

Video & Audio Quality:

When it comes to video and audio quality professional video hosting platforms like Vimeo provide better video quality when compared with Youtube.

Best Options to Host Video Online

1. Vdocipher

Vdocipher Video CMS

Vdocipher offers a platform to host video online specifically for businesses like e-Learning and Media Websites & Apps that are concerned about video content security. The platform is very easy to use and its user-friendly interface makes it easier to encrypt and decrypt data

Vdocipher protects your video files from being downloaded illegally, prevents them from being shared illegally, and ensures they’re never stored or uploaded online for illegal distribution. You can sign up for a free trial of 30 days.


  1. This is an excellent video security solution – Google Widevine & Apple Fairplay are present to ensure content is not downloaded outside of the authorized environment.
  2. The Smart HTML5 player supports all popular formats and includes the following features: forwarding/rewind, multi-quality adaptive, and multilingual subtitles.
  3. You can use analytics tools to see users’ interaction with the video which helps to optimize the video in a better way.
  4. Technical support will be provided by the Vdocipher team Incase of any issues.
  5. Dynamic watermarking function to prevent video download and screen capture.
  6. You can avail a free one month trial to test out the functionality and the process

Vdocipher Pricing Plan

VdoCipher has 7 different pricing plans for users:

  • Starter: $129/year; 300 GB of bandwidth and 50 GB of storage
  • Value: $429/year; 1.5 TB of bandwidth and 200 GB of storage
  • Express: $699/year; 3 TB of bandwidth and 400 GB of storage
  • Pro: $1549/year; 8 TB of bandwidth and 800 GB of storage
  • Plus: $2999/year; 25 TB of bandwidth and 1 TB of storage
  • Premium: $5499/year; 50 TB of bandwidth and 2 TB of storage
  • Enterprise: Enterprise plans are custom-priced and custom-built. Please contact VdoCipher for a quote.

2. YouTube

youtube video portal

With YouTube, you can host videos online for free, and there is a huge selection of videos to choose from. YouTube is mostly known for user-generated content, but it also has a growing selection of original content. Youtube premium allows you to watch videos without ads, play videos in the background, and play videos offline.


  1. YouTube is an easy-to-use, user-friendly website that makes searching for content and channels simple and straightforward.
  2. YouTube has a built-in function that allows you to stream videos in high definition.
  3. YouTube is free to use and offers a wide variety of content

YouTube Pricing Plan

Youtube offers prepaid plans and subscription plans


3. Vimeo

vimeo video portal website

Vimeo is a great option for businesses and individuals who want to host videos or post content to a larger audience. It offers both a free version as well as paid options.

It allows you to embed videos into your websites in three different formats. It also comes with many other features including analytics. Vimeo Business enables you to set up lead generation campaigns such as email capture and custom call to action. Vimeo offers good pricing plans, which are mainly designed for creative professionals and small businesses.


  1. Great features like password protection, dynamic watermarking, and quality levels.
  2. Ad-free video platform
  3. The best features of Vimeo are password protection, dynamic watermarking, quality levels, and business plans with increased video resolution and storage.
  4. A better set of customization options for their users. Ability to add a logo, change the play bar color, optimize videos with interactive tools, and much more.

Vimeo Pricing Plan


4. Wistia


Wistia is a business video hosting and marketing platform that helps businesses to host video online. Wistia provides the option to add lead capture forms and integrate videos with email marketing. If you consider security as one of your top features, you can prefer platforms like Vdocipher that provide robust security. Wistia is a good option if you want to improve your conversion rates and increase user engagement across your websites.


  1. Video chapters are available to enhance the video viewing experience.
  2. They also offer analytics that shows how many views a video has, where your viewers are dropping off, and how much of the video was watched. This information can be used to improve future videos.
  3. You can customize many aspects of the player, including colors, adding buttons, and much more.

Wistia Pricing Plan

Wistia paid plan (Pro) starts at $99 per month, including 10 free videos or podcast episodes further each additional video costs 25 cents. Wistia Advanced Plan costs $399 a month.

5. Dailymotion

dailymotion video streaming portal

DailyMotion is the world’s leading video-sharing website after YouTube. Dailymotion is a video streaming website that makes it easier for content creators to upload their video content. Video content providers can upload their content to this site, making it easier for viewers to find the video. Users can upload 60-minute videos of 2 GB limit and the quality of upload is limited to 1280 720p.

You can choose between public, private, and password-protected videos. If you want to share your videos, go with the public. If you’re sharing with friends and family, set them up to be password-protected videos. The best thing about this platform is that it provides a geo-blocking option to block users from accessing your video in different countries.


  1. It has a large and growing community of users. A lot of new content is added every week
  2. It offers a great streaming experience (adaptive HLS streaming)

6. VideosHub

VideosHub previously known as Metacafe is a short video hosting site. A simple platform facilitating both the browsing and uploading of content, this platform is a great option for anyone interested in short-form content. You don’t have to pay a penny to use Metacafe. It’s a small-scale YouTube alternative in which the length of the videos is 90 to 180 seconds.

If you ask me, “What is the difference between Metacafe and Instagram?

The difference between the regular version and the upgraded version is that the regular version expires after 24 hours, but the upgraded version stays up for 48 hours. The target audience for this video-sharing website is people looking for quick product reviews, short product videos, and funny product videos.


A strength of VideosHub is its simplicity. It’s fairly straightforward to browse through the video catalog, with a menu bar that links to Most Viewed videos.

7. Vidyard

vidyard commercial video hosting

Vidyard is a powerful video marketing and sales platform. It helps businesses of all sizes to host videos online, create, share and track videos. It lets you fully customize the look and feel of the video player. With A/B testing you can also test different design elements


  1. It is an ideal platform for professional broadcasting
  2. Supports Integrations with tools like Salesforce, HubSpot
  3. Great analytics tool

Vidyard Pricing

8. Facebook

Facebook has a massive user base with more than 2.9 billion monthly active users, perfect for anyone looking for an audience. Facebook is becoming a huge video distributor, primarily because it’s promoting video content through Facebook Watch, and is transforming itself into one of the internet’s leading video distributors. The platform is ideal for brands that have an ad budget who want to grow their audience.


  1. The biggest advantage Facebook has over its competitors is the length of video it can upload – a whopping 240 minutes.
  2. This is free and unlimited video hosting online. No file storage limit

How to host videos online with Vdocipher?

If you’re looking to host a video online with Vdociopher here are the steps to execute

1. Visit and create/login your account


2. Once you enter the dashboard upload videos or import options will be provided.


3. On the Embed button click, a popup window will appear where you will be able to choose between web or mobile apps. If you choose to embed this video using iFrame, we recommend you use the “Quick Embed” option. There are other options for embedding products. You could use a WordPress plugin or an API integration. You could even use an SDK to integrate with a mobile application.

quick embed

4. After selecting the quick embed code option for the site you’ll go through the options to generate the embed code. You can choose settings like embed expiration, watermarking, etc to generate the embed code.
The video embed code has three unique features:

  • You can set the embed code to expire for a period of time. By default, the embed code expires after 30 years.
  • IP and Geo – You can restrict access to specific IP addresses or to specific geographical regions only.
  • URL Whitelisting – Video will play only if the video player is embedded to the main website.


5. When you have added all the custom parameters and generated the embed code, you’ll see the “Copy to clipboard. You can either copy the entire code or paste it into your HTML document. Code is available in 2 formats. i.e. via iframe & script. you can select any embed option as per your need.


Embedding Videos on the website offer numerous benefits

  • A video embedded on your site could encourage visitors to stay on your site longer
  • When you embed a video into your article, readers will also see your video thumbnails. This can help improve your brand recognition and indirectly promote your channel
  • Embed codes optimize the video for streaming online on your landing page.

You can refer detailed Video guide here


The biggest advantage to using video hosting is being able to see, share, and control your videos from a single dashboard. Hosting videos on your own is not a good idea because a large file size could negatively impact your website’s performance. If you only need to host your videos somewhere online, grow your social media audience, and don’t need many other features in terms of privacy and customization, you can host videos online on free video platforms like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo. But businesses that prioritize Content protection and security can opt for video platforms like Vdocipher. A smart approach would be to identify your priorities and platform features and then opt for a free trial to test out the functionality of the platform.


What is the best way to host a video on website?

The best way typically involves using a third-party video hosting service that optimizes the video for different devices and internet speeds, provides robust analytics, and reduces the load on your website’s server.

How do I ensure my videos load quickly and play smoothly?

Choose a reputable hosting service that offers content delivery network (CDN) capabilities, ensuring your videos are distributed across multiple servers worldwide for faster loading times and reduced buffering.

Should I host videos directly on my server or use a third-party service?

While you can host videos directly on your server, using a third-party video hosting service like YouTube or VdoCipher is often recommended. These platforms handle the bandwidth and provide a more streamlined viewing experience, including adaptive streaming for different internet speeds.

The post How To Host A Video Online? – Complete Guide appeared first on VdoCipher Blog.
