
Interface VdoPlayer.PlaybackEventListener

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState) Called when the value returned from either getPlayWhenReady or getPlaybackState changes.
      abstract void onSeekTo(long millis) Called when seeking completes.
      abstract void onProgress(long millis) Video playback progress callback
      abstract void onBufferUpdate(long bufferTime) Video buffer update callback
      abstract void onPlaybackSpeedChanged(float speed) Called when the current playback speed changes.
      abstract void onLoading(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams) Called when the player starts loading a media.
      abstract void onLoaded(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams) Called when a requested media is currently loaded by the player
      abstract void onLoadError(VdoInitParams vdoParams, ErrorDescription errorDescription) Called when a media could not be loaded.
      abstract void onMediaEnded(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams) Called when the player has completed playing a media.
      abstract void onError(VdoInitParams vdoParams, ErrorDescription errorDescription) Called when an error is encountered during playback and playback cannot proceed
      abstract void onTracksChanged(Array<Track> availableTracks, Array<Track> selectedTracks) Called when the available or selected tracks change
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • onPlayerStateChanged

         abstract void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState)

        Called when the value returned from either getPlayWhenReady or getPlaybackState changes.

        playWhenReady - whether playback will proceed when ready
        playbackState - current state of player (one of the STATE constants defined in VdoPlayer
      • onSeekTo

         abstract void onSeekTo(long millis)

        Called when seeking completes.

        millis - current time in milliseconds after seeking has completed
      • onProgress

         abstract void onProgress(long millis)

        Video playback progress callback

        millis - current time in milliseconds
      • onBufferUpdate

         abstract void onBufferUpdate(long bufferTime)

        Video buffer update callback

        bufferTime - time in milliseconds till which the video is buffered
      • onPlaybackSpeedChanged

         abstract void onPlaybackSpeedChanged(float speed)

        Called when the current playback speed changes.

        speed - the currently active playback speed
      • onLoading

         abstract void onLoading(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams)

        Called when the player starts loading a media.

        vdoInitParams - VdoInitParams which the player is currently loading
      • onLoaded

         abstract void onLoaded(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams)

        Called when a requested media is currently loaded by the player

        vdoInitParams - params which the player has loaded
      • onMediaEnded

         abstract void onMediaEnded(VdoInitParams vdoInitParams)

        Called when the player has completed playing a media.

        vdoInitParams - the VdoInitParams for which playback has completed
      • onError

         abstract void onError(VdoInitParams vdoParams, ErrorDescription errorDescription)

        Called when an error is encountered during playback and playback cannot proceed

        vdoParams - the VdoInitParams passed to load for which error occurred
        errorDescription - ErrorDescription object describing the error
      • onTracksChanged

         abstract void onTracksChanged(Array<Track> availableTracks, Array<Track> selectedTracks)

        Called when the available or selected tracks change

        availableTracks - array containing the currently available tracks
        selectedTracks - array containing the currently selected tracks