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Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.9.
  • Added a new error code 5135 for invalid video parameters.
  • Removed unsupported tracks from Downloads.
  • Handling action bar with VdoPlayerUIFragment.
  • Bugfix -
    • Resolved Exception coming when passing invalid video id for checking download expiry.
    • Resolved NullPointerExceptions.
    • Potential reduction of 6122 errors.
    • Added a fix for 1250 during offline playback

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.6.0.
  • Added support for enterFullscreenV2 and exitFullscreenV2.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.6.
  • Security Updates

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.8.
  • Attempt to reduce core domain issues code -19152, -16833.
  • Added support for Watermark.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.5.
  • Updated the implementation of FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC, requiring permission to be provided on the app side.
  • Bugfixes -
    • Resolved FrameLayout cast exception
    • Fixed a crash occurring when a translucent primaryColor was set for the app theme.
    • Fixed the caption search button visibility issue.

Note: Ensure android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC is declared in the manifest for download to work when target SDK version is set as 34 and higher.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.4.
  • Added option to set resizeMode dynamically.
  • Modified the layout implementation to ensure that the video frame remains centered when the height or width of the parent layout is changed.
  • Bugfixes -
    • Fixed RemoteServiceException coming while downloading videos.
    • Fixed few NullPointer exceptions.
  • Known issue - FrameLayout cast exception occurs when closing and reopening the VdoPlayerView multiple times.

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.7.
  • First frame visiblity issue on quality change fix.
  • Attempt to reduce core domain issues code -19152, -16833.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.3.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.2.
  • Upgraded Play Integrity request from Classic to Standard.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed SecurityException with media downloads when targetSdkVersion is set to 34.

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.6.
  • Auto Rotation crash fix.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.


  • Added support for token(alternative of otp).
  • Added resumeTimeMs field in EmbedInfo to specify the time from where the resume should occur.

Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.1.
  • Bugfixes

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.5.
  • Added loader before playback is initiated.
  • Bugfixes


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.26.0.
  • Updated minSdkVersion to 21
  • Bugfixes -
    • Fixed caption search visible at multiple places issue
    • Fixed a NullPointerException and an ANR related to MediaDRM


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.25.1.
  • Added an API, VdoDownload.isExpired(mediaId), to check if downloaded media has expired (Not supported in iOS)
  • Displaying error code 6187 when attempting to play an expired downloaded file.
  • Bugfixes -
    • Fixed the latest gradle build issue.
    • Fixed a NullPointerException related to onDrmSessionAcquired.
    • Addressed an "Application Not Responding" (ANR) error.
    • Resolved a crash in the Bottom Sheet: occurred when pressing the home button while the Bottom Sheet was open.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.24.1.
  • Removed support for safetynet. Use Play integrity instead.
  • Bugfixes -
    • Failed download due to download being requested in the background.
    • Fixed NullPointerException related to onDrmSessionAcquired.
    • Fixed auto resume not working properly for offline downloads.
    • Fixed waiting text coming on player after video load.
    • Fixed additional status bar space coming in Flutter.

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.4.
  • Server side resume.
  • Conserve speed, captions and quality across sessions.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.23.4.
  • Exception Handling

iOS -

  • Exception Handling


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.23.3.
  • Bugfix - Fixed renderer errors on fullscreen exit.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.23.2.

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.3.
  • Added APIs for manual quality selection.
  • Bug fixes -
    • Fixed onQueued callback not triggered some times for offline downloads.


Android -

  • Bugfix - Fixed the Exoplayer version mismatch error (Error 1203) coming while loading a player in release apk.


Android -

  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.23.0.
  • Bug fixes -
    • Fixed an issue where the download query filter by status was not functioning correctly.
    • Resolved the problem of native controls not being displayed for certain videos.

iOS -

  • Updated VdoCipher iOS SDK dependency to 2.5.1.
  • Added quality selection option for player with inbuilt controls only.
  • Added option to set customPlayerId at the time of video download.
  • Bug fixes -
    • Resolved the problem where downloading a video multiple times with different qualities in same session was downloading same quality video again.
    • Fixed preferredCaptionLanguage option not working for custom player.
    • Fixed buffering icon shown for downloaded videos.


  • Added support for offline downloads in iOS


  • Added support for iOS with native iOS sdk version as 2.4.3
  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.22.1.
  • Added option to pause and resume downloads.
  • Bug fixes:
    • minHeight getting overridden by sdk.
    • NullPointerException when downloading using invalid params.
    • IllegalStateException when opening new screen from player screen and coming back.
    • NullPointerException on some devices when going fullscreen in player with native UI.
    • ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException coming in Android 12 and above.


  • Updated VdoCipher Android SDK dependency to 1.21.0.
  • Added support for windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode with inbuilt player UI.
  • Improved feedback of double tap to skip forward and backward.
  • Fullscreen Changes for Player UI:
    • Fixed auto rotate lock while going into fullscreen mode.
    • Implemented fullscreen behavior based on aspect ratio:
      • Vertical videos will go fullscreen in portrait mode.
      • Horizontal videos will go fullscreen in landscape mode.
    • Deprecated enterFullscreen and exitFullscreen APIs.
    • Added enterFullscreenV2 and exitFullscreenV2 APIs with aspect ratio-based fullscreen rotation.
  • Fullscreen Changes for Player with Custom Controls:
    • Deprecated enterFullscreen and exitFullscreen APIs.
    • Removed the option to go back to portrait mode when the back button is pressed while in fullscreen mode.
    • Fullscreen-related changes need to be performed manually.
  • Bug fixes


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.19.6
  • Added PlayerUI for fullscreen player
  • Added PIP support for fullscreen player
  • Added range for react-native peer dependency


  • Added getPlaybackPropertiesV2 method to get totalPlayed and totalCovered properties. The already existing method getPlaybackProperties and onPlaybackProperties will continue to work and will not be removed without major version upgrade.
  • Added track selection APIs for Player UI


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.19.4
  • Bug fix


  • Added resizeMode attribute in style prop


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.19.3
  • Added support for setting aspect ratio and resize mode


  • Adding support for typescript


  • Bug fix - no view found


  • Adding support of pip in separate activity


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.19.1
  • Added track selection APIs


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.19.0


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.18.2
  • Updated compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.18.1
  • Updated player with built-in controls to use Player-UI provided by native sdk
    • All the controls present in Player-UI like caption search, quality, speed etc will be available in this player
    • Player-UI is supported on tv only when using react-native-tvos library
  • Added support for picture-in-picture (PiP)
  • Added support for setting preferred captions language
  • Added support for safetynet
  • Updated implementation of the download feature provided by exoplayer
  • Bug fixes


  • Migrating from jcenter to mavenCentral


  • Bug Fixes


  • Updated VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.12.0
  • Added support for auto resume
  • Bug fixes


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.10.1


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.10.0
  • Fixed release build errors
  • Bug fixes


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.8.1
  • Added adb debugging restrictions opt-in


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.7.3
  • Fixed error message for OTP related errors which cannot be retried with same embedInfo
  • Bug fixes


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.7.1
  • Bug fixes


  • Add api to obtain additional playback properties
  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.5.1


  • Add support to force lowest or highest supported bitrate, cap video bitrate, set buffering goal
  • Add playback speed api
  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.4.0


  • Fix startVideoScreen implementation to support embedInfo for offline playback


  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.3.3
  • Bug fixes


  • Add downloads api
  • Update native controls to show quality toggle button
  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.3.2


  • Add JS fullscreen api
  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.3.1


  • Enable fullscreen controls in native embedded controls


  • Fix android manifest merger bug
  • Update VdoCipher android sdk dependency to 1.2.1


  • Fix video launch in standalone android activity
  • Keep screen on when video is active
  • Upgrade react-native to 0.61.4